Cert Link:Spook Kindex Link:Spook Description of Error: I just realised all of my Corn pets aren't credited to her and I'd really, really like them to be if possible. Screenshots of Corn taking the bribe request and completed. The original official link.
Cert Link:Splash Kindex Link:Splash Description of Error: I just realised all of my Corn pets aren't credited to her and I'd really, really like them to be if possible. From Corn's $35 USD sale for a semi custom + pet duo back in 2018. Screenshot of my form emailed to Corn, email address details ommited because included both my and Corn's real names. The original official link: https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... heetah.png (deleted after certing)
Link to cert:Watches Over cert Sun Bright cert Link to uncert:Watches Over uncert Sun Bright uncert Description of error: So i accidentally certed the same lioness to two different kin (Honeyglow as Sun Bright and Fertility And Death as Watches Over). I would like to keep her cert with Fertility and Death as Watches Over
Colorist's Username: araucana Method of obtainment: Patreon raffle Kin's Name: Land of Little Sticks Owner Username: wander Link to uncert:(Minecraft noises)
Colorist's Username: beejoux Method of obtainment: Monthly CCs Kin's Name: Cosmic Mewls Owner Username: wander Link to uncert:she dreams of the milky way Zikwa Gender: female