[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Her first night at the den, Steals Kisses joined Sun-Cursed in familiarizing herself with the surroundings. The tri-colored acha happily trailed along, gossiping about the many other kin she'd met in her nomadic lifestyle, prying about Sun-Cursed's relationship with Ember, and testing how aware the orange doe was about the things that lurked nearby.

Steals Kisses couldn't believe how oblivious her best friend was about so many things. Obviously this meant she would have to step up and be the teacher. Or she could arrange for the actual best teacher take over.

"Sunny-Bunny, I'm feeling a little more tired than I thought. We're not too far away from the den, I can find my way back. But you should keep to your plans for the night," she insisted, glancing around reassuringly while also also trying to catch sight of the thing that had started following them a distance away.


It took some reassurance and a lot of playful nuzzling and nudging on Kisses' end before Sun-Cursed continued with learning about the nuances of Smoldering Ember's territory. Though she wondered if she should have brought one of the familiars she usually hunted with for this as she picked up where she left off.


Back at the den, Steals Kisses silently sauntered in, perhaps hoping to catch Smoldering Ember by surprise.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember was more than relieved when Steals Kisses joined Sun-Cursed to walk around the area. This would give him time to compose himself after getting riled up by Steals Kisses' subtle provocations. Although he had already taken his evening bath in the nearby tributary, he opted to head there once again for a quick dip in the cold evening water to help him get out of his own head.

Shortly after his dip, he returned to the den and tried to visualize how the three of them would share the space when the time came for their sleep to overlap. He knew that, because of her condition, Sun-Cursed was more active after sundown, but would return to sleep shortly before dawn. He did not usually wake up until the middle of the morning, so there was a bit of an overlap where they both slept in the den at the same time. Between the two of them, he was fine with just sleeping on the one side where he pushed all of his belongings and gave Sun-Cursed the other side for her and her familiars to stay in comfortably.

Now that Steals Kisses was here, he would have to scoot a little closer to the wall so that all three of them had enough room to lie and stretch. So he pushes his pile of dried leaves closer to his wall and makes a new pile of dried leaves near the middle of the den intended for Steals Kisses' bedding. It's not a lot of work and it doesn't take him long before he is stretching down on his own bedding for a night of sleep. Thankfully, the two does are still out. Hopefully he'll just see them safe and sound on their beddings in the morning.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses sauntered in to find the kimeti buck already settling in for the night. She spotted the bedding seperated from Ember's and smiled to herself, So shy and considerate.

Contrary to her arrival, the acha doe laid down rather noisily, stretching out to take up as much space (maybe even more) than she was alloted. But while Sun-Cursed was out, it wasn't too obvious.

She let out a yawn before shivering dramatically but made no motion closer towards Ember. Any familiar that moved towards her was shooed away with a glare.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

When he heard Steals Kisses settling in, he opened an eye just to check and sure enough he saw that Sun-Cursed wasn't with her. Slowly moving his head up from his lying position, he asked, ""Did Sun-Cursed not come back with you? Is everything alright?"


Finally they were alone again. With light footsteps, he followed her from the tops of the interlaced mangrove branches, her light guiding him in the darkness of the night. This Smoldering Ember had made his life more complicated by taking her away from her usual shelters. Now he had to climb into the hollowed out trunks of old mangrove trees just to get a glimpse of her, to make sure this Kimeti was not doing unspeakable things to her. She seems happy in her new environment, that much he had to admit. It wasn't because of Smoldering Ember, it was all this cover from the sun. He could give her that and much more. She would be so happy if he took her with him.

But he knows that the longer she stays here, the more comfortable she'll get, the harder it will be to persuade her to go with him. He must find a way to get her out. But not now. Everything is still new to her. And he is still enjoying her smile.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses rolled over to face him as well as bring her closer to the kimeti buck. "Sunny-Bunny's fiiiiiiine. I was just more tired from my travels than I thought I was. There was much insistence that I go back here alone." Of course she didn't specify who was doing the insisting whether Ember would pick up on that was up in the air.


Once alone, Sun-Cursed realized she was feeling confused about things. She liked Steals Kisses and had no problem when they spent time together before she moved into Ember's den. And Ember was always his reliable, kind self even with the unexpected visitor. For all intents and purposes, she should be happy for the company and the stability of permanent residence.

So why was she feeling anxious?

Her thoughts went back to Heartless at Best being attacked and how it made a number of her familiars antsy even after having left the lean-to. They were still on high alert even though Ember's den was as safe as can be. She was too focused on her thoughts that she failed to notice how she'd gone past the split stump serving as the border of the kimeti buck's territory.

How many steps had she taken into their neighbor's land, Sun-Cursed wasn't certain before a grumpy kio started hollering at her from a distance. Startled, the acha tried to apologize but ended up squeaking in dismay as the kio continued to yell and demand she turn right back 'round and get off their land!
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

It wasn't that he didn't believe Steals Kisses. It was more that he couldn't shake a feeling that's been there since Sun-Cursed moved in. He promised her that she'd be safe here, and he wanted to do everything in his power to make sure he wasn't lying to her. He stretched his limbs and started to get back up. So as not to offend or concern Steals Kisses, before he exits the den he tells her "You go ahead and get some rest, I'm just going to check on Sun-Cursed. She isn't used to walking around the area just yet, so I'm just going to make sure she's alright. I'll be back in a little bit. If anything happens, just wake Grove Guardian."

He was tired and it was getting pretty late, but he admitted to himself that this was less about Sun-Cursed and more about him having peace of mind. He'll eventually have to be okay with letting her be on her own around here since their sleep schedules aren't the same, but just for tonight, he'll be extra diligent and make sure that everything is as it should be.

Traveling through the mangrove area of the swamp at night is not something he did often, so he made sure that he was slow and methodical lest he lose his way. As he saw the familiar soft glow in the distance, he also felt a sudden anxiety present once again. Though he had limited vision in the darkness, he tried to look around to see if anything threatening was in the area as he trotted towards Sun-Cursed. He didn't spot anything in with his eyes, but he could swear he heard moving in the branches above. Was it some bird? Maybe a bat from the mountains had gotten lost? His pace quickened towards Sun-Cursed when he finally caught sight of her. Calling out to her, slightly short of breath, "Hey! It's Em! Are you alright??"
Last edited by doomsayer on Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:46 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 347
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses first tried to protest about being left alone but she saw the determination in Smoldering Ember's eyes. There was going to be no convincing him of staying and so she saved her energy. She did sulk a little at being left alone but purposely mixed the dried leaf beddings about so her pile mingled with that of Ember's and Sun-Cursed. She was going to be right in the middle of two kin, just the way she liked it.


Sun-Cursed managed to keep her wits about enough not to trip over the mangrove roots. Why was she running so frantically away? It wasn't as if the neighbor was threatening her or anything. Maybe her nerves still hadn't fully settled. Yes, that was it. She'll approach the neighbor again tomorrow evening but would announce her presence instead of appearing like she was sneaking about.

Then she heard Ember's voice and her anxiety seemed to fade into the background. She smiled despite herself when he came into view and she slowed down her gait. "Y-yes, I'm alright." Somehow able to keep Now that you're here to her thoughts. "I accidentally wandered too far from the borders. But why are you here?"

She turned her attention behind him, half expecting Steals Kisses to be following a distance back but she wasn't there. "Did something happen to Kisses?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

He realized that him running at speed towards her may have given her the wrong impression. He took a deep inhale to steady his breathing before saying anything.

"Oh, no she's fine. She's sleeping in the den. I gave her her own spot and everything. I just... I just came back out to make sure you were okay by yourself. It's not that I don't think you'll be okay on your own, it's just... this situation is still new to me and I can't help but be worried about you going out at night when people are sleeping.

I know that sounds stupid, you've been fine on your own all this time doing just that, but... I-I guess I'm the one with the problem. I need to get used to this arrangement.

Also, being alone with Steals Kisses makes me feel a little awkward. You wouldn't mind if I walked around with you tonight, would you?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

This may have been the first time Sun-Cursed had heard someone being uncomfortable around Kisses. To be fair, she hadn't actually been with other kin while she spent time with the tri-colored doe but Steals Kisses' company was always welcome. But she also trusted Ember's judgement. She had to, considering he invited her to stay with him.

"I never mind your company," she answered honestly, her halo glowing just the tiniest bit brighter as her smile widened. "But if you get tired, let me know. I'd be happy to walk you back home." She teased. "And if being alone with Kisses is weird for you, I'm more than happy to make it so you're not alone."
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

By midnight, Smoldering Ember was already fighting to stay awake. He was usually a late sleeper and a late riser, but he didn't often stay up this late, and the fatigue of the day was quickly catching up to him. He realized that unless he adapted this same nocturnal schedule as Sun-Cursed, he would have to be okay with knowing that she would be awake and active while he was asleep. With her glow, she was more quipped for those waking hours anyway. And no matter how concerned he is about her well-being and safety, he knows that she's gotten this far because she can take care of herself. So instead of fighting the drowsiness any further, he asked Sun-Cursed to at least come back to the den with him tonight to see what their sleeping arrangement will be with Steals Kisses there.

When they entered the den, it was not as he left it. He lets out a slightly exasperated sigh as he sees Steals Kisses right in the middle of the den's floor with all of the leaves of their respective beddings consolidated under her carelessly sprawled form. He could only shake his head and look at Sun-Cursed as if asking "what do we do about this?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Sun-Cursed kept close to Ember as they walked around the perimeter of his den. The walk was silent but comfortable, that sense of anxiety all but forgotten. She was certain he knew himself well enough to know when it was time for him to go back to sleep, so she didn't push or insist, instead pressing against him lightly to remind him that he could lean on her if he needed. Or wanted.

"When you're more awake and Kisses has gone off to wherever she wishes to next, we can talk about our schedules and what I can do to help ease your mind," she offered.

And speaking of Steals Kisses, their arrival was greeted with content snoring from the tri-colored doe. As well as having whatever dilineation of their bedding completely erased. She giggled and took a leaf from Kisses' playbook to give a reassuring nuzzle to Ember with the top of her head. "You can nudge her closer towards my side. You should have more space to get a good night's rest. I'll stay in and make sure she doesn't stray back to your side."
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

The next morning, Steals Kisses woke up completely refreshed and cuddled up against Sun-Cursed. She knew the other acha would still be asleep, there was daylight outside after all. She remembered howSun-Cursed's brow would go into a worried furrow as she slept, as if scared of the possibility that her shelter would fail while unconscious.

It was nice to see it wasn't as intense here in the dimness of Smoldering Ember's den.

Speaking of which, where was he?
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Despite their late night in, Smoldering Ember found himself waking up just as the sun was about to rise today. Before he had settled down to sleep just past midnight, he and Sun-Cursed helped each other move Steals Kisses to the latter's side of the den so he could retrieve some of the bedding to lie on. Has was content with just a small pile to put his head on, and he wanted to give both does as much space as possible so they would be comfortable.

When he woke up this morning, he didn't really feel all that tired--which was surprising considering how late he usually wakes up. For some reason he had an abundance of energy that he needed to get rid of, so he decided to hunt. Luckily, that early in the morning is when Night Strike would be fairly active, so both of them went out to find some small game to offer his roommate and his guest when they awoke.

Hunting early in the morning proved to be a good workout. Most of the small critters around the drier edges of the swamp were also just rising or retiring to sleep at the time, so he had to do a lot of running to catch a few. When they returned to the den with their catch, Steals Kisses was already awake.

"Good morning! Night Strike and I got a good haul to start the day. Are you hungry?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses was mid-stretch when Ember arrived, but she didn't let the awkward pose deter her from smiling at him and quietly greeting him back. Once she righted herself, she sashayed towards him, putting distance between them and the still sleeping Sun-Cursed. "Oh I am a tad peckish," she says.

With hooded eyes, she looked up at the large buck to meet his gaze, and with a coy smile asked "What are you offering?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Ember returned the smile and nudged the small game at his hoof for Steals Kisses' perusal.

"Well, if you're in the mood for some meat, we have some wild rodents and some pheasant. If you're looking for something else, we have some grains, nuts, and berries mixed in the food stores in the back. I wouldn't mind getting you some if you want."
word count: 66
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