The Crossroads

Follow portals in the Legendary Trees to their strange AU Realms....
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The Crossroads

Post by Matope »

The Crossroads is a space within the Limitless Forest that is accessible to any kin who enters one of the various swamp portals into it, either intentionally or by accident. This is basically a free roleplay space, where people can have their kin interact and mingle.

A small cluster of cabins and paths is in a spot in the Limitless Forest that all kin seem to be able to find. It is the only path that seems to find those hopelessly lost in the winding forest. It is a glimmering sanctuary, lit by brilliant lanterns at night under clear starry skies and lit in welcoming light during the day. Upon entering the crossroads, kin find themselves changed, more suited to their surroundings.

All the buildings are made of natural forest wood with a rustic feel, but they are not quite spartan; they are more akin to "cottagecore" than utilitarian.


Within the crossroads, kin find themselves in an anthropomorphic bipedal form, with human-like hands capable of manipulating tools. It is up to the players to interpret this. Clothing can be from any era, style and appearance, but it might behove (hah) kin to be dressed for their forest trek.

Anthro shapes should be kin-based (not birds, other species, etc.) and have a likeness resembling their typical shape in the matope swamp. Otherwise, feel free to interpret markings, colouration, hairstyles and everything else as you see fit.

How well kin take to this new form and location is entirely up to their players.


All kin are welcome to participate in the Crossroads; no permission required! If you do not have permission to play in any other Legendary Realms, you are still invited to play in the Crossroads.
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OOC & Additional Information

Post by Matope »


The crossroads are staffed by a group of naturally-coloured kin who never leave this location. They are free to be utilised by players for assistance, serving drinks, and so on. They aren't very talkative beyond their role within the crossroads and assisting its visitors, and it's anyone's guess if they are real at all.


The Wandering Firefly Bar

The Wandering Firefly is a cosy, well-stocked bar with smiling and helpful staff. It comes alive at night with stories and tales from all corners of the forest and has a seemingly endless supply of quality drinks, cocktails and even the odd bar snack. There is indoor seating around a blazing fireplace and a beer garden in the forest during the day. Drinks are, of course, free.

Starstags Coffee Shop

Starstags is a comfortable bar with plenty of soft, welcoming seating and a hearth that is always burning cheerily to keep out the cold. It smells of toasted beans, offers (completely free) drinks with high-quality ingredients from its extensive menu, and always seems to be as bustling or as peaceful as someone might hope for it to be.

Feuding Cranes Restaurant

The restaurant can be formal in the evenings and completely laid-back during the day. It offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the Crossroads' patrons. There is an indoor and outdoor seating area, with plenty of tables available at all times. Food is free, and almost any cuisine imaginable can be ordered from the mysterious kitchen.

Community Cabin

The community cabin is an empty cabin set aside for kin who wish to run events there. A quartermaster can provide materials, and there is a storeroom with plenty of folding chairs and tables that might be needed. It can serve as a dance hall, craft workshop, or anything else in between. When not being used, it is empty.

The Bunk House

Sleeping bunks are available for any kin who might be stopping at the crossroads. Clean bedding is provided daily, and other bare essentials are on hand to live day to day.


For those who are less inclined to live in the community bunkhouse, there is a small campsite with basic tents and sleeping bags available a little outside of the crossroads.

Other Facilities

The Crossroads has clean, well-maintained bathrooms, showers, and other facilities that kin might need. Figuring out how these work might be a small adventure, but the staff are happy to direct them in what they are for.
word count: 419
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