[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

When Sun-Cursed woke that midday, she realized one of her familiars was missing. And of course, it had to be the most mischievous of her familiars. She worried what trouble the bunny had gotten itself into and after instructing the unofficial "leaders" (the lion and snail) to keep an eye on the others, the acha went in search of the absent bunny.

The sun was still out and she had to carefully make her way through the swamp, avoiding the areas without any shade. She hoped the bunny had not gotten it into its head to explore the brighter areas, because she would have to wait for dusk to be able to better look. Part of her considered going out into the sun in a mad dash, but unless there was any immediate signs of danger she shouldn't put herself at risk.

She could ask another kin if they've seen the bunny. But finding another kin could be easier said than done. Usually, with her bright halo, it was the other way around.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember just finished helping another kin pull up some weeds from their plant patch when he decided to take a dip in the tributary to wash off. This bathing spot was popular among the kin that lived nearby, so there was already a lot of activity when he arrived. He did not mind other kin sharing a bath with him, and he certainly enjoyed when the new young foals asked him if he could teach them to swim.

The best thing about this nearby tributary was that he had a clear view of his little mangrove root home and vice versa. It was just a short walk or quick run away making everyone who might need help in the area easily within earshot and hoof''s reach. The kin here already grew accustomed to asking him for assistance when they needed it, and he was always happy and ready to help anyone in need.

As he is bathing today however, his catches sight of not someone rushing towards the tributary or to him for assistance, but a blur of movement jumping into his little mangrove home. Not one figure, but two. Curious and a little bit concerned, he rises from the water and makes his way to his shelter while shaking off the water on his fur.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

This bunny was a daring, no-thoughts-head-empty sort of fellow. Once its attention locked onto something, nothing else would sway it from achieving its goal. Often times, this made for successful food-hunting. But sometimes, it meant accidentally leaping and stomping onto a tail of a much bigger, meaner creature.

Such as now. Caught in the Act had to use every bit of his sprinting speed to avoid getting caught up in the unknown wolf's maw and had to find somewhere or some way to dissuade it. Ears caught sound of running water and figured he could possible trick it into falling in! And if not, if there were other kin around maybe he could act cute enough to get them to protect him until he could find Sun-Cursed.


Speaking of Sun-Cursed, she managed to make her way to the edge of a tributary, though she tries to stay within the foliage and out of direct sunlight.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

NIghtstrike was enjoying a lazy afternoon without her master bothering her to hunt. This gave her more time to lounge in the perfect cozy temperature of her master's mangrove shelter until his return with her meal.

Yet it was not her master she sensed entering the abode. A small bunny had hurriedly hopped inside without anyone's permission, and following closely behind it was a large, very angry looking wolf. She knew she could not let the wolf into her master's home--any altercation between the predator and it's prey would mess up the food stores and trinkets that her master very meticulously cleaned and arranged every morning.

Jumping down from her perch right at the entrance, Nightstrike bares her fangs and issues a threatening feline growl. The shadow underneath her flickers menacingly as the glowing lines on her hide emphasize her threat.


Halfway back from the tributary, Smoldering Ember sees the figure of a wolf freeze in its tracks a short distance away from the entryway of his small home where his lynx Nightstrike is clearly in predator mode. Nearby, in the shade, he spots a doe hiding in the foliage watching the scene unfold.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Of course the perpetrator of the whole mess managed to luck out. Again. He didn't dare approach the lynx but from where he was, Caught in the Act had a clear view of the wolf. And with both his marking and his own teeth, he gave the canine predator a mocking grin. And maybe even stuck his tongue out in a taunt.

The wolf snarled at the bunny, though given the direction it was looking, it might be seen as a challenge to the lynx.


Sun-Cursed heard some sort of commotion happening within the entrance of the tributary. But as there was a stretch of shadeless land, she didn't dare approach to get a better view of things. She was able to spot the wolf and something glowing blocking its entrance. The tension of the scene had her full attention and she failed to spot the kin who was observing her.

Should she do something to shoo away the wolf? What if it was hunting and her interference had it turning on her? What if whatever the wolf was snarling at turned on her too? All the possibilities flit through her mind but in the end she dared to yell out a stern "Shoo! Go away!"
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

The wolf seemed to weigh it's options as it became aware of the number of participants in the current situation. The lynx in front of it had completely cut off any chance at getting its prey, but behind it was a kimeti buck that did not seem afraid of it, and to its side closest to the easiest tree cover where it could escape to, was this doe partially hidden in some bushes that was making some noise at it.

It made the most sensible decision it could at the moment and made a mad dash in the direction of the doe.


Smoldering Ember heard the doe in the foliage try to shoo away the wolf, but it only served to get the wolf's attention as he saw it dash towards her. Instinctively, he lunges to intercept the wolf, calling out to the doe, "Watch out! It's coming for you!"

With a swift headbutt to the flanks, Smoldering Ember sends the wolf flying off to the side where it scrambles onto its feet and dashes for nearby concealment. Ember follows it with his eyes until he is sure that it had fled completely. He then turns his attention to the doe, "Are you alright? "
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

"Aaaaaah nooooo!" Sun-Cursed shrieked as the wolf headed for her. She had hoped it would go obviously not towards the lynx but somewhere else, absolutely not towards her! Of the many F-responses, Sun-Cursed's unfortunately was Freeze in some vain hope that if she stood really still, she wouldn't accidentally run into the path of the wolf's escape.

She didn't even have enough time to brace herself for impact when all of a sudden a bright scarlet streak appeared to divert the wolf's direction. When he'd made sure the wolf had left and turned to ask her if she was alright, the acha doe sank to the ground in a mixture of relief and disbelief. "My hero," she weakly swooned, then realized what she'd just said, coughed and quickly added "I mean, thank you."


Caught in the Act recognized that shriek, usually there was a stronger note of indignation to it rather than this visceral terror. Ears folded against his head in worry and shame; he had never heard his mistress sound this scared before. Did the wolf attack her? Without another second of hesitation, he started to bound past the Lynx to check on his mistress.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember heard rustling in the foliage as the doe seemed to drop down. Afraid that she may have collapsed, he rushed to the bushes and cleared them away with his head, finally giving him a clear look at the Acha doe within. She looked fine other than the fact that she had sank to the ground. He smiled at her calling him her hero, when a nagging feeling in the back of his consciousness suddenly came to the forefront as he heard her voice the first time.

He extended his front leg to her, offering it for the doe to hook onto to help her stand. Looking at her colors and markings gave him the feeling that she was familiar, but he couldn't quite remember.

"Um, hi. Do I know you?"


Nightstrike saw the rabbit that entered his master's abode attempt to bound past him, no doubt to escape the consequences of its unpermitted entry and disturbance of his afternoon nap. Annoyed at this, the lynx gave chase to the rabbit, using its keen hunting and herding maneuvers not to catch up to it, but to have it run in the direction of his master.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Sun-Cursed smiled up at the buck, accepting the proffered limb to help her get to her feet. Now that he was this close and blood wasn't rushing in her ears from stress, she got a better look at the kimeti and couldn't help but think that this was not the first time she'd ever seen his particular shade of red. When he asked if he knew her, the sound of his voice in a calmer pitch also struck her familiar.

"I. I feel like I've seen you before. Perhaps at the Winter Market?" that was the only places she'd ever gone to where several kin would be about. And yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that she knew him more than just in passing. If she knew his name, maybe it would help jog her memory? "I'm Sun-Cursed, what's your name?"


Caught in the Act glanced over his shoulder and gave a startled sound to find the lynx chasing after him. Picking up speed, he dashed even faster towards his mistress to hide behind the acha.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Hearing the Acha doe mention her name, a slight pulsing sensation started to develop in the back of Smoldering Ember's head.

This was a feeling--a discomfort that he feels like he's felt before. The name Sun-Cursed was so familiar, yet when he tries to recall if he's heard it already from somewhere, there is only fog in his memories.

"I am Smoldering Ember..." He trails off.

He tries to think if he's ever had too much of the fermented berry juices that was so free-flowing during the winter market that he may have made an acquaintance with Sun-Cursed completely under the influence. He couldn't discount that, but it also felt like he would not be so mindless as to not be able to recall her completely.

"I'm sorry. I feel like we have met before, maybe more than that. But I can't actually recall."


With the bunny running into the bush straight to the kin that his master is now talking to, Nightstrike ceased his chase thinking it is up to his master now to deal with them. The lynx relaxedly walks back to his masters hovel for a treat and a well deserved nap.
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Sun-Cursed, too, felt a sense of familiarity ripple through her, stronger now that she'd heard his name. "I, there was a... cave? Maze?" Her ears flicked in agitation as glimpses of a memory flitted in the corner of her mind's eye. "I don't remember very well but I think we were together in it. For some reason."

The rest of her thoughts was interrupted as the bunny loped into view before using her as a sort of shield.

"Caught in the Act, you are in big trouble!" she tried to sound stern.

The bunny had the good sense to look properly chastised but his markings and the fact that his apologetic attitude was short lived indicated that he would do it all over again.

"I'm sorry if my pet bothered yours. He's certainly a lot."
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

When Sun-Cursed mentioned being in something together, glimpses of memory and emotion slowly trickled into Smoldering Ember's mind. Was it some sort of other reality caused by entering the pools of darkness? He certainly recalls going into a few during the Winter Market. Images of different versions of them--other animals? Definitely fluffier. But it was the emotions that gave him a strong impression; camaraderie, trust, resolve.

It felt like he had spent a lifetime with this doe in a brief instance. He couldn't explain it, and he definitely was not one to attempt to unravel the mysteries of the last few occurrences in the swamp. He'll just have to accept that there is some connection here, even if it is just based on vague feeling and clouded memories.

Seeing the bunny hop in her direction and acknowledge her admonishment snapped him out of his careful introspection.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It looks like my lynx Nightstrike got to him before any damage could be done, and it seemed like an emergency for your little bunny, so no harm, no foul."

The series of events was certainly an odd way for them to...meet again? For the first time? Regardless, now that they're here, he can't shake the feeling that he wants to spend a little more time with Sun-Cursed and maybe get to know her beyond their mysterious bond.

"But would you like to stay for a while? I have some dried meat in my hovel and the sun is about to get pretty high in the sky. I have room in the shade for two."
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[PRP] Not As Fluffy (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Sun-Cursed gave the buck a grateful smile, "That would be great, thank you. My, um, condition makes traveling out in the day difficult." she wasn't certain how many other kin apart from Hang the Moon knew about her ailment but something about Smoldering Ember told her that she could trust him.

And who knows, maybe spending more time with him would help her figure things out.

"And if you'd let me, I'd be happy to go hunting when the sun goes down to replace whatever I eat."


Caught in the Act was confused. He'd just left the den. Why were they heading back? Ears drooped in worry and he kept glancing from where the lynx was resting, to the freedom of the outside, then to his mistress. It didn't look like the feline was still interested in him. And a part of the bunny felt offended by this.
word count: 154
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