Username: Anhelisk
Numbers: 10, 9, 3, 17, 6
10. Which berry do you think they like least?
17. Oh No! You're the Leader of Team Flood! How does this familiar fit into your master plan?It doesn't, really, but I like cute things and I'm the leader. You said it yourself. What I say is law.
9. You found a TM! Which one would you give this familiar to make them more powerful?Brave Bird! It's so powerful, but also what a great name! You get to give your little pal a pep talk when you want them to use the attack.
6. Guess which type this familiar is strong against.Bug! (They're icky anyway.)
19. Which elemental stone do you think this familiar would react to?None of them!
18. Guess which type this familiar is vulnerable against.Electric, baby!