Sea of Tears' Fishing Season (Final winners rolled!)

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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season (Final winners rolled!)

Post by Nashawryn »

Sea of Tears needed help again. She'd been so busy procrastinating that she forgot to get enough fish for eating to last the whole winter for her, her personal fish and for 'just in case'. She looked around the winter market and decided to set up in the exact same place as she'd set up her booth the last two times. There were some fish that were hanging around with her own fishes, so she decided to see if she could find them owners while she convinced kin to help her gather all the fish for storing and eating.

Heck, if a kin gets some fish kisses, Sea of Tears just might try pairing up with them for a moment, or matchmaking them with one of her kids or grandkids....

Last edited by Nashawryn on Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:12 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 132
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Nashawryn »



AMItotic - Pink and Blue Moon Jelly
Kuro - Pink and Yellow Scream
Astraea - Skull Moon Jelly
Dawns_Stars145 - Purple Moon Jelly
Last edited by Nashawryn on Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:10 am, edited 12 times in total. word count: 22
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Pebbles: 961.42 Pebbles
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Nashawryn »

Please keep fish and kisses(tickets) up to date each day you roll with all rolls recorded throughout Winter Market using the form below. This booth closes at the end of December.

Fishing (Tickets) Form:

Code: Select all

[color=#800080][u][b]FISH FISH FISH[/b][/u][/color]
[b]Daily Fish Caught:[/b]
[b]Total Fish Caught: [/b]
[b]Total Kisses:[/b] 
Last edited by Nashawryn on Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:09 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 65
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Pebbles: 961.42 Pebbles
Posts: 1945
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Nashawryn »

Roll 1d50 once a day to see if you've collected any fish to offer Sea. RP is appreciated (especially if you're wanting to ascend a kin) but not necessary if you don't want to!

Keep track of how many fish you catch for her and how many times The Thing kisses you:

Each week on Sunday I will RNG that week's tickets for one of the pets. First roll is 12/3.

One kin revamp token will be RNG'd from all the tickets.

The person with the highest amount of Kisses wins a pairing with either Sea of Tears or one of her offspring that I own that I will get RLC'd.
Last edited by Nashawryn on Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:15 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 118
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Pebbles: 961.42 Pebbles
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Nashawryn »

1. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
2. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
3. You managed to get two fish today!
4. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
5. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time.
6. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before... You don’t think Sea will… Wait, did it just wink at you? Ugh.
7. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
8. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
9. Whoops, you didn't catch any fish…
10. You managed to get two fish today!
11. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
12. You managed to get two fish today!
13. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before. Oh. Oh no. It just swam up out of the water and kissed you... :grimacing: (You just got a kiss ticket!)
14. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
15. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
16. You managed to get two fish today!
17. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before... You don’t think Sea will like this.
18. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
19. You managed to get two fish today!
20. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before. Oh. Oh no. It just swam up out of the water and kissed you... :grimacing: (You just got a kiss ticket!)
21. Why is there an acorn in the water?
22. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
23. You managed to get two fish today!
24. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
25. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
26. Oh look, you managed to catch a.. rock?
27. Five fish seems like a bit much but you hand them over anyways…
28. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
29. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before. Oh. Oh no. It just swam up out of the water and kissed you... :grimacing: (You just got a kiss ticket!)
30. Whoops, you didn't catch any fish…
31. You caught a Bass, where'd that come from? Those don't stay in ponds. (This is still a fish ticket :D )
32. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before... You don’t think Sea will like this.
33. You managed to get two fish today!
34. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
35. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before. Oh. Oh no. It just swam up out of the water and kissed you... :grimacing: (You just got a kiss ticket!)
36. You managed to get two fish today!
37. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
38. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
39. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
40. Oh look, you managed to catch a.. rock?
41. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before. Oh. Oh no. It just swam up out of the water and kissed you... :grimacing: (You just got a kiss ticket!)
42. You managed to get two fish today!
43. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
44. Five fish seems like a bit much but you hand them over anyways…
45. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
46. W-what is this? It doesn't look like a fish or anything else you've ever seen before... You don’t think Sea will… Wait, did it just wink at you? Ugh.
47. Why is an acorn in the water?
48. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
49. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
50. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
Last edited by Nashawryn on Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:18 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 742
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Pebbles: 961.42 Pebbles
Posts: 1945
Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 11:00 am

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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Nashawryn »

Total Tickets Tracker
Astraea: 71
Kuro: 37
Beej: 22
Yuki: 11
doomsayer: 72
Peanutbutter: 13
Lolli: 19
Astoria: 66
Kalahari: 35
SkylerKarashi: 82
lilac: 67
Tia: 13
Bane: 3
Liri: 12
Subducting: 43
AMI: 11
Kiwi: 2
Fasti: 60
Izaeah: 5
Starrydance: 11
Cel: 4
Tara: 43
Dawns: 21

Kisses Ticket Tracker
Fasti: 3
Kuro: 1
SkylerKarashi: 2
Subducting: 2
Astraea: 1
Beej: 1
Tara: 2
Doom: 2
Astoria: 1

Weekly Ticket Tracker
Astraea: 12
doomsayer: 5
Lolli: 2
Astoria: 10
Kalahari: 11
SkylerKarashi: 12
Subducting: 8
Fasti: 12
Tara: 4
Dawns: 4

Weekly Ticket List
  1. Dawns
  2. Dawns
  3. Dawns
  4. Dawns
  5. Fasti
  6. Fasti
  7. Skyler
  8. Astoria
  9. Astoria
  10. Astoria
  11. Astoria
  12. Astraea
  13. Astraea
  14. Astraea
  15. Astraea
  16. Astraea
  17. doom
  18. Skyler
  19. Fasti
  20. Fasti
  21. Tara
  22. Lolli
  23. Lolli
  24. Skyler
  25. Skyler
  26. Astoria
  27. Astraea
  28. Astraea
  29. Astraea
  30. Astraea
  31. doom
  32. Fasti
  33. Fasti
  34. Fasti
  35. Fasti
  36. Skyler
  37. Skyler
  38. Skyler
  39. Kala
  40. Subducting
  41. Subducting
  42. Subducting
  43. Tara
  44. Tara
  45. Kala
  46. Kala
  47. Kala
  48. Skyler
  49. Astoria
  50. Astoria
  51. Fasti
  52. Fasti
  53. Fasti
  54. Fasti
  55. doom
  56. Astoria
  57. Subducting
  58. Subducting
  59. Subducting
  60. Subducting
  61. Tara
  62. doom
  63. Kala
  64. Kala
  65. Skyler
  66. Skyler
  67. Skyler
  68. Skyler
  69. Kala
  70. Kala
  71. Kala
  72. Kala
  73. Kala
  74. Subducting
  75. Astoria
  76. Astoria
  77. Astraea
  78. Astraea
  79. Astraea
  80. doom
Total Ticket List
  1. Kuro
  2. Kuro
  3. Kuro
  4. Beej
  5. Beej
  6. Beej
  7. Beej
  8. Yuki
  9. Yuki
  10. Yuki
  11. Yuki
  12. doom
  13. PB
  14. PB
  15. Lolli
  16. Kala
  17. lilac
  18. lilac
  19. Tia
  20. Tia
  21. Tia
  22. Tia
  23. Bane
  24. Bane
  25. Bane
  26. Liri
  27. Skyler
  28. Skyler
  29. Skyler
  30. Skyler
  31. lilac
  32. lilac
  33. lilac
  34. lilac
  35. Astraea
  36. Yuki
  37. Yuki
  38. Yuki
  39. Subducting
  40. PB
  41. PB
  42. PB
  43. Lolli
  44. Lolli
  45. Lolli
  46. Lolli
  47. AMI
  48. Tia
  49. Tia
  50. Tia
  51. Tia
  52. Beej
  53. Kuro
  54. Kiwi
  55. Astoria
  56. Astoria
  57. Astoria
  58. Beej
  59. Kuro
  60. Kuro
  61. Kuro
  62. Astraea
  63. Astraea
  64. Astraea
  65. Fasti
  66. Fasti
  67. Fasti
  68. Fasti
  69. Skyler
  70. Skyler
  71. Skyler
  72. Izaeah
  73. Izaeah
  74. Kala
  75. Kala
  76. Kala
  77. Kala
  78. Kala
  79. Starry
  80. Starry
  81. Starry
  82. Starry
  83. Kiwi
  84. Lolli
  85. lilac
  86. lilac
  87. AMI
  88. AMI
  89. AMI
  90. Liri
  91. Liri
  92. Kuro
  93. Kuro
  94. Kuro
  95. Kuro
  96. Beej
  97. Skyler
  98. Skyler
  99. Skyler
  100. Skyler
  101. Subducting
  102. Subducting
  103. Subducting
  104. Subducting
  105. Subducting
  106. PB
  107. AMI
  108. AMI
  109. Astraea
  110. Astraea
  111. Astraea
  112. Astraea
  113. Astraea
  114. lilac
  115. lilac
  116. lilac
  117. lilac
  118. Skyler
  119. Izaeah
  120. Izaeah
  121. Izaeah
  122. Lolli
  123. Lolli
  124. Lolli
  125. Lolli
  126. Lolli
  127. Kuro
  128. Yuki
  129. Yuki
  130. Yuki
  131. Yuki
  132. Fasti
  133. Fasti
  134. Subducting
  135. Subducting
  136. Subducting
  137. Subducting
  138. lilac
  139. lilac
  140. doom
  141. doom
  142. doom
  143. doom
  144. Astraea
  145. Astraea
  146. Astraea
  147. Astraea
  148. Astraea
  149. PB
  150. PB
  151. PB
  152. Tia
  153. Kuro
  154. Kuro
  155. Kuro
  156. Cel
  157. Cel
  158. Cel
  159. Cel
  160. Fasti
  161. Fasti
  162. Astoria
  163. Astoria
  164. lilac
  165. lilac
  166. lilac
  167. Astraea
  168. Subducting
  169. Subducting
  170. Subducting
  171. Lolli
  172. Lolli
  173. Kala
  174. Kala
  175. Kala
  176. Kala
  177. doom
  178. doom
  179. doom
  180. Skyler
  181. PB
  182. PB
  183. PB
  184. PB
  185. Skyler
  186. Skyler
  187. Astoria
  188. Astoria
  189. Astoria
  190. Astraea
  191. Astraea
  192. Beej
  193. Lolli
  194. Kala
  195. Kala
  196. Kala
  197. Kala
  198. Kala
  199. Kuro
  200. Kuro
  201. Kuro
  202. Kuro
  203. lilac
  204. lilac
  205. doom
  206. doom
  207. doom
  208. Liri
  209. Liri
  210. Liri
  211. Skyler
  212. Skyler
  213. Skyler
  214. lilac
  215. lilac
  216. lilac
  217. Lolli
  218. Astoria
  219. Astoria
  220. Fasti
  221. Fasti
  222. Beej
  223. Beej
  224. Beej
  225. Tara
  226. Tara
  227. Tara
  228. Kala
  229. doom
  230. doom
  231. doom
  232. Astraea
  233. Astraea
  234. AMI
  235. AMI
  236. AMI
  237. AMI
  238. Astoria
  239. Astoria
  240. Astoria
  241. Astoria
  242. Astoria
  243. Tara
  244. Tara
  245. Tara
  246. Lolli
  247. lilac
  248. lilac
  249. lilac
  250. lilac
  251. Kala
  252. Kala
  253. Kala
  254. Skyler
  255. Skyler
  256. Skyler
  257. Subducting
  258. Beej
  259. Beej
  260. Beej
  261. Beej
  262. Dawns
  263. Dawns
  264. Dawns
  265. doom
  266. doom
  267. doom
  268. Kuro
  269. Kuro
  270. Kuro
  271. Kuro
  272. Fasti
  273. Fasti
  274. Fasti
  275. Astoria
  276. Astraea
  277. lilac
  278. lilac
  279. Subducting
  280. Subducting
  281. Subducting
  282. Tara
  283. Tara
  284. Tara
  285. Kala
  286. Kala
  287. Kala
  288. Kala
  289. doom
  290. doom
  291. Starry
  292. Starry
  293. Starry
  294. Astoria
  295. Fasti
  296. Kuro
  297. Kuro
  298. Skyler
  299. Skyler
  300. Kala
  301. Beej
  302. Beej
  303. Beej
  304. Beej
  305. Astraea
  306. Skyler
  307. Skyler
  308. Skyler
  309. Skyler
  310. Beej
  311. Beej
  312. Beej
  313. Kuro
  314. Kuro
  315. Kuro
  316. Astoria
  317. Fasti
  318. Fasti
  319. Lolli
  320. Astraea
  321. Astraea
  322. Tara
  323. Tara
  324. Tara
  325. doom
  326. doom
  327. Skyler
  328. Skyler
  329. Skyler
  330. Kuro
  331. Kuro
  332. Kuro
  333. Kuro
  334. Astoria
  335. Astoria
  336. Astraea
  337. Astraea
  338. lilac
  339. lilac
  340. lilac
  341. Tara
  342. Tara
  343. Tara
  344. Skyler
  345. Astoria
  346. Astoria
  347. Astoria
  348. Astoria
  349. Astoria
  350. Fasti
  351. Fasti
  352. Fasti
  353. Fasti
  354. Fasti
  355. Tara
  356. doom
  357. Kuro
  358. Kuro
  359. lilac
  360. lilac
  361. lilac
  362. lilac
  363. lilac
  364. Skyler
  365. Skyler
  366. Astoria
  367. Kuro
  368. Kuro
  369. Kuro
  370. Tara
  371. lilac
  372. lilac
  373. lilac
  374. doom
  375. doom
  376. Astoria
  377. Astoria
  378. Astoria
  379. Skyler
  380. Skyler
  381. Skyler
  382. Liri
  383. Liri
  384. Liri
  385. lilac
  386. lilac
  387. lilac
  388. doom
  389. doom
  390. Astraea
  391. Astraea
  392. Astraea
  393. Astraea
  394. Astoria
  395. Astoria
  396. Starry
  397. Starry
  398. Starry
  399. Starry
  400. Tara
  401. lilac
  402. lilac
  403. lilac
  404. Astraea
  405. Astraea
  406. Astraea
  407. Astraea
  408. doom
  409. doom
  410. doom
  411. doom
  412. Subducting
  413. Skyler
  414. Skyler
  415. Skyler
  416. Skyler
  417. Astoria
  418. Astoria
  419. Astraea
  420. Astraea
  421. Tara
  422. Tara
  423. Tara
  424. doom
  425. doom
  426. doom
  427. doom
  428. Skyler
  429. Skyler
  430. Skyler
  431. Skyler
  432. Subducting
  433. Subducting
  434. Subducting
  435. Subducting
  436. Dawns
  437. Fasti
  438. Fasti
  439. Fasti
  440. Fasti
  441. Astraea
  442. Astraea
  443. Astraea
  444. Astraea
  445. Tara
  446. doom
  447. doom
  448. doom
  449. Astoria
  450. Skyler
  451. Skyler
  452. Skyler
  453. Skyler
  454. Skyler
  455. Dawns
  456. Dawns
  457. Dawns
  458. Dawns
  459. Fasti
  460. lilac
  461. lilac
  462. lilac
  463. lilac
  464. Tara
  465. Subducting
  466. Subducting
  467. Subducting
  468. Subducting
  469. Subducting
  470. Skyler
  471. Skyler
  472. Skyler
  473. doom
  474. doom
  475. doom
  476. doom
  477. doom
  478. Fasti
  479. Fasti
  480. Fasti
  481. lilac
  482. lilac
  483. lilac
  484. lilac
  485. Astraea
  486. doom
  487. Fasti
  488. Fasti
  489. Liri
  490. Liri
  491. Liri[
  492. Astoria
  493. Astoria
  494. lilac
  495. lilac
  496. lilac
  497. Tara
  498. Tara
  499. Tara
  500. Subducting
  501. Subducting
  502. Astraea
  503. Astraea
  504. Dawns
  505. Skyler
  506. Skyler
  507. Fasti
  508. Fasti
  509. Fasti
  510. Fasti
  511. doom
  512. doom
  513. doom
  514. doom
  515. doom
  516. doom
  517. Skyler
  518. Astoria
  519. Astoria
  520. Astoria
  521. Astoria
  522. Tara
  523. Tara
  524. Tara
  525. Subducting
  526. Subducting
  527. Fasti
  528. lilac
  529. lilac
  530. doom
  531. Astraea
  532. Astraea
  533. Dawns
  534. Dawns
  535. Dawns
  536. Dawns
  537. Dawns
  538. Astoria
  539. Astoria
  540. Astoria
  541. Astoria
  542. Tara
  543. Tara
  544. Tara
  545. Tara
  546. lilac
  547. lilac
  548. lilac
  549. Fasti
  550. Fasti
  551. doom
  552. doom
  553. doom
  554. doom
  555. doom
  556. Astraea
  557. Astraea
  558. Astraea
  559. Skyler
  560. Skyler
  561. Skyler
  562. Skyler
  563. Dawns
  564. Dawns
  565. Astoria
  566. Astoria
  567. Astoria
  568. Tia
  569. Tia
  570. Tia
  571. Tia
  572. Fasti
  573. Fasti
  574. Fasti
  575. Astraea
  576. Astraea
  577. Astraea
  578. Tara
  579. doom
  580. doom
  581. doom
  582. Skyler
  583. Skyler
  584. Skyler
  585. Skyler
  586. Skyler
  587. lilac
  588. lilac
  589. lilac
  590. lilac
  591. Fasti
  592. doom
  593. doom
  594. doom
  595. Astraea
  596. Astraea
  597. Fasti
  598. Fasti
  599. Fasti
  600. Fasti
  601. Astoria
  602. Astoria
  603. Astoria
  604. Astoria
  605. Tara
  606. Astraea
  607. Astraea
  608. Astraea
  609. doom
  610. doom
  611. doom
  612. Skyler
  613. Astoria
  614. Astoria
  615. Fasti
  616. doom
  617. doom
  618. doom
  619. Astraea
  620. Astraea
  621. Astraea
  622. Astraea
  623. lilac
  624. Skyler
  625. Skyler
  626. Skyler
  627. Skyler
  628. Skyler
  629. Fasti
  630. Astoria
  631. Astoria
  632. Astoria
  633. Tara
  634. Tara
  635. Tara
  636. Subducting
  637. Subducting
  638. Subducting
  639. Subducting
  640. Dawns
  641. Dawns
  642. Dawns
  643. Dawns
  644. Fasti
  645. Fasti
  646. Skyler
  647. Astoria
  648. Astoria
  649. Astoria
  650. Astoria
  651. Astraea
  652. Astraea
  653. Astraea
  654. Astraea
  655. Astraea
  656. doom
  657. Skyler
  658. Fasti
  659. Fasti
  660. Tara
  661. Lolli
  662. Lolli
  663. Skyler
  664. Skyler
  665. Astoria
  666. Astraea
  667. Astraea
  668. Astraea
  669. Astraea
  670. doom
  671. Fasti
  672. Fasti
  673. Fasti
  674. Fasti
  675. Skyler
  676. Skyler
  677. Skyler
  678. Kala
  679. Subducting
  680. Subducting
  681. Subducting
  682. Tara
  683. Tara
  684. Kala
  685. Kala
  686. Kala
  687. Skyler
  688. Astoria
  689. Astoria
  690. Fasti
  691. Fasti
  692. Fasti
  693. Fasti
  694. doom
  695. Astoria
  696. Subducting
  697. Subducting
  698. Subducting
  699. Subducting
  700. Tara
  701. doom
  702. Kala
  703. Kala
  704. Skyler
  705. Skyler
  706. Skyler
  707. Skyler
  708. Kala
  709. Kala
  710. Kala
  711. Kala
  712. Kala
  713. Subducting
  714. Astoria
  715. Astoria
  716. Astraea
  717. Astraea
  718. Astraea
  719. doom
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Astraea »

Username: Astraea
Daily Fish Caught: 0
Total Fish Caught: 0
Total Kisses: 0
9. Whoops, you didn't catch any fish…
Waves Under The Moon cringed. He'd never been fishing like this before and the technique still alluded him despite that he was directly related to the booth owner. He quickly scampered away in case Sea of Tears noticed and disapproved. :ninja:
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[9] = 9
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] = 9
Last edited by Astraea on Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 65
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by rexcorvus »

Username: kuropeco
Daily Fish Caught: 3
Total Fish Caught: 3
Total Kisses: 0
45. Wow, you got three fish for Sea this time!
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] = 45
word count: 26
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Beejoux »

Username: beejoux
Daily Fish Caught: 4
Total Fish Caught: 4
Total Kisses: 0
4. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
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[4] = 4
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] = 4
word count: 27
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Yuki »

Username: Yuki
Daily Fish Caught: 4
Total Fish Caught: 4
Total Kisses:
48. Congrats, you've caught four fish for Sea of Tears!
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] = 48
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by doomsayer »

Username: doomsayer
Daily Fish Caught: 1
Total Fish Caught: 1
Total Kisses: 0
43. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
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] = 43
word count: 27
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by peanutbutter »

Username: Peanutbutter
Daily Fish Caught: 2
Total Fish Caught: 2
Total Kisses: 0
23. You managed to get two fish today!
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] = 23
word count: 24
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Username: LOLLI qAq
Daily Fish Caught: 1
Total Fish Caught: 1
Total Kisses: 0
24. One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
To say that Night Fishing was excited was an understatement. Never, ever, in her whole life had she felt like something had been created to cater just to her, and yet here was Sea of Tears in need of fish. So many fish. Night peered into the waters and could make out a fair amount of activity.

She steadied herself at the edge and took in a deep and steadying breath.




Nose first she slipped her head into the water with barely a splash and grasped hold of a perfect example of a healthy fish. Unfortunately, being so healthy, it put up a fight. Slipping out of her mouth she cursed to herself as she dove after it to attempt to grab it by the tail.
She succeeded and held on tight, shaking her head violently, as the fish did all it could to escape her.

Eventually she pulled it up out of the water and dropped it to the ground where it stared at her with clear and burning rage.

She frowned at it and peered back into the water, eager to try again, only to realize their battle had scared away all of the other fish.
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] = 24
word count: 229
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
Daily Fish Caught: 0
Total Fish Caught: 0
Total Kisses: 0
47. Why is an acorn in the water?

Blue Jay was hoping to do well with this fishing thing for Sea of Tears, but it seemed his luck was short. All he managed to get was an acorn? Drat. Maybe he'll fare better tomorrow.
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[47] = 47
1d50:  [
] = 47
Last edited by Astoria on Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 61
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Sea of Tears' Fishing Season

Post by Kalahari »

Username: Kalahari
Daily Fish Caught: 1
Total Fish Caught: 1
Total Kisses: 0
One lonely fish flops around staring at you with resentment. = ‘^’=
Easy Rhythm had watched last year's fishing booth with fascination, as blurry as the scene had been. Fishing, she'd discovered when gathering for others at the obelisk, was actually not so hard for her. Relying more on the vibrations felt through her baited grass, the movement of the water versus the fish fluttering about under its surface... and when the tentative nips become confident bites she yanks hard to yank her prey high out of the water and onto the ground, flopping about pathetically. Ha! She can only get better at this, she's certain! The doe gives any nearby kin a triumphant smile.
Dice rolls
[11] = 11
1d50:  [
] = 11
Last edited by Kalahari on Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 132
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