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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by anemosagkelos »

Username: anemosagkelos
Prompt response: The planet is collapsing in on itself and you have to get off of it. But where do you go?

The countdown had been the near only constant besides despair as the world's end came. He'd been watching his family as the reality set in and knew that there was no longer any avoiding the topic at hand, not with the information in his pocket. And now that the course for reversal had past and failed.

"Thank you all for coming," he opened, as he looked at his children and grandchildren that had assembled in the village's meeting hall. They had outgrown his humble abode and this was a conversation that was best held in private. One that had no right or wrong answer, one that no one might agree on. As the tribe elders, though, it was up to his partners and himself to begin the discussion.

"I know that these times are difficult and frightening. I know that it is hard to come to terms with the fact that this planet is collapsing and dying, but there are decisions that we must make," he fixed his gaze on each face staring back at him, one by one, before removing the letter from his belt pouch. "There are three ships, the last of them, that are coming for those who wish to leave. Only one ship is allotted to our tribe and," he closed his eyes briefly, "it cannot take us all, neither our family or our tribe." And that was the quandary, the flaw.

Silence reigned, as he opened his eyes to find stares of disbelief and pain and sorrow intermingled with determination and resignation. All the emotions played out before him and he did not know what the answers were now. If he had ever known any answer, they all paled in comparison to this. His partners and him had discussed it for hours, but there was just no room for a whole village on one ship and theirs was not the only village left either.

"It is my intent today, to allow you all to speak and discuss our next steps. I would like to hear from each of you on whether you would like to stay or leave. There is no right or wrong decision, no judgment. Who would like to start?" he opened his arms to those assembled and then took a seat between his partners.
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] = 15
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by anemosagkelos »

Username: anemosagkelos
Prompt response: A woodworker, a carpenter, a potter; you use your hands to create things and you are building yourself a home, whatever that means.

Since birth, he had felt the world with his hands. From the skin of his own face to the static white paint that had coated his first apartment, he had found that the world could be sterile and cold or warm and full of character. The blood, the sweat, the tears, it all seeped into the wood or the clay and imbued it with a history that technology continued to scrub clean as skyscrapers rose into the sky and filled humanity with a false sense of superiority. He'd taken two semesters in college, clenched within the enforced death stare at e-books, and then retreated into the woods, the mountains, and the valleys that remained untouched.

He had the vaguest tangible connection to the city, a rundown crumbling building from eras past that housed a shop front and a website the manager maintained. A cell phone existed, but he answered it only in the morning and then not at all for the rest of the day. He worked the rest of the time, hidden away in his workshop. He'd never actually reached past this basic one-room shelter that housed his tools and materials.

The dream of had started by chance, a photograph of an old hospital that was crumbling and left neglected. The outside ripe with green from copper that oxidized in the sun, the brick cracked and providing hand holds for ivy to creep, and the craftsmanship that only the old masters could take the painstaking time to do in such exquisite detail. He'd longed to have the skill, the funds, and the time to bring such a piece of history to life again had thrived until the reality of the unfathomable amounts of money he would need left it as a fantasy.

For now the workshop would do as a home. It had to. One day, though, he might lay the dream to rest and pick up the reality of building a home. One with a spiral staircase, perhaps, or a window seat to invite nature in. It would be here, where grass still existed and trees lived in forests, though. Perhaps, though, this, the nature around him was his actual home.
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[2] = 2
1d20:  [
] = 2
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by anemosagkelos »

Username: anemosagkelos
Prompt response: A school trip takes an unexpected turn for the worse.

Link shoved his hands into his pockets as irritation mounted, causing his shoulders to slump forward. The dry, baritone chuckle beside him rankled.

Link shoved his hands into his pockets as irritation mounted. It took everything in him not to slump forward as the dry, baritone chuckle beside him continued to rankle his mood. In the entirety of his 15 years alive, he had always been Zelda's partner. Okay, so he hadn't actually met her until he was like 4, but the fact remained that since then it has always been the two of them as a pair. And now he was stuck with the new transfer student, a huge hulk of a boy with the ludicrous name of Ganondorf. How the boy wasn't decked out in glasses with his nose buried in a book like Josha, he didn't know, but his glee at Link's awful situation was not giving off a good impression.

"You're not being very welcoming," the darker skinned boy pointed out with a voice dripping in such ego that Link felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Oh, I'd disagree. I haven't had one single thought about throwing you into the shark tank," Link retorted, offering a benevolent grin that belied his mischievous streak.

Ganondorf snorted, "You think your puny, weak body could even lift my hand?"

"Easier than you could say something nice," he laughed in return.

The sarcasm and derision, the building animosity, and the boy's arrogance were enough to deal with on any day. To put up with it while Zelda was stuck with Paya, what felt like miles ahead of him . . . He gritted his teeth. Ganondorf might not end up in the shark tank, but Paya was definitely going to get a rude awakening for her disabling shyness that had prompted this arrangement.
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[18] = 18
1d20:  [
] = 18
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

Username: Dizzy_Kat
Prompt response: "You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?"

Professor Nor wouldn't say they loved teaching. They loved the history of medicine and they loved proving to others their deep knowledge of the subject, but teaching? Teaching involved students and Professor Nor would be the first to tell you their least favorite thing in the world was students.
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] = 9
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

Username: Dizzy_Kat
Prompt response: "You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?"

Ducky loved soccer. Sometimes her kids joked she only had them so she could have someone to teach how to play who couldn't get away from her. Chloe didn't mind usually except for when the world cup was on. Mom was fine until she had to describe in heated detail exactly why the ref's calls were wrong and where their biased opinions likely originated.
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] = 9
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Username: LOLLI qAq
Prompt response:
I Know Who I Am did not like this. They were intensely over dealing with the undead. Of any kind.

They cracked their neck. Their knuckles. Checked their hair, and then released the widest shit-eating grin.

They sauntered out the front door towards a van waiting with all kinds of equipment- From film to science. I Know grabbed a rather large rifle from the back.

Their companion raised a single eyebrow.

"What's that for."

"House's haunted."

"But why the rifle?"

They cocked the gun- K-chk.

"House. Is. Haunted."
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] = 12
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

Username: Dizzy_Kat
Prompt response: What kind of life would you live if you could breathe underwater?

Nap would be that goldfish trying to eat someone's finger through the glass. Smooth brain. No ridges or lumps or valleys or bumps.
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] = 8
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Username: LOLLI qAq
Prompt response:
The little girl screamed and clutched at the front of her special Totem shirt in despair. Was there nothing they could do? Was there no one to save them? Would they never get to see Cirque du Soleil again??

She was blind, but she could feel the ground beneath her feet sink and crumble beneath her. She could hear the only world she'd ever known buck and heave as gravity pulled it in on itself.

Frantic, she moved to what should have been steadier footing but it was too late. That too was sinking away. She lost her footing and slid. Grabbing at anything she was able to hook her tiny child fingers onto the little girl did all she could to stop herself from falling into the deep crevice opening up beneath her.

They were surely doomed.

A wail tore from her throat.

"I don't want to die!"

Wracking sobs came out in syncopated gasps in time with her wild heartbeat.


She unfurled her fingers, unable to find the strength to hold on any longer, and slid to her doom.

A hand caught her by the wrist. And then two strong arms lifted her off the ground.

"It's just a bounce house. Stop being so dramatic," her mother scolded. The little girl was set on the ground and she giggled.

"Mom? Can we go back to the planetarium and listen to the movie about mars again?"
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] = 15
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by peanutbutter »

Username: Peanutbutter
Prompt response:
3. You cannot see, but you can hear and you can smell and you know you are not where you should be.

This was, all things considered, perhaps not the worst situation Somer had been in before. Sure, she couldn't see, blindfolded as she was, hands tied behind her back. But she wasn't knocked out, still had a range of motion in her hands, and could still hear what was going on around her, so all in all it would be an easy fix.

However, she first needed to figure out where she was, before she could begin.

She gave a delicate sniff, head tilted as she listened to the area around her. Definitely not the Ul'Dah markets any longer, although the air was dry and smelled still like sand and dirt, but there was salt in the air. Still in Thanalan then, probably not far from the city proper - definitely not the city itself since she could mostly only hear grass rustling, and the shifting sounds of what she assumed was her captors. Western Thanalan then - probably headed for the docks. Annoying, but she could handle it.

Quietly, she carefully shifted her foot trying to gauge if - yes, perfect, her dagger from Seth was still stashed there. Carefully she moved to be sitting on her knees, already putting a plan in motion. She would be out of here soon then, hopefully in time to meet up with Fork for their latest planned firesand excursion. Somer grinned, and started towards her escape.
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[3] = 3
1d20:  [
] = 3
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by peanutbutter »

Username: Peanutbutter
Prompt response:
17.One of your childhood toys has come alive.

Skip stared at the plush lizard sitting in the middle of his room.

The lizard, to its credit, at the very least was being polite. It slipped out a felt tongue (that Skip had no idea it even had), tasting the air around it or something, and then took another glance around before landing its gaze back upon Skip. They resumed their (quite silent) staring contest, as Skip continued to try and process this.

His brain deciding to take the option of "shut down", Skip walked backwards out of his room, and closed the door. He stared at the wood for a moment, and then turned to go to the kitchen.

He needed a drink before he tried to handle this.
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[17] = 17
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] = 17
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by peanutbutter »

Username: Peanutbutter
Prompt response:
8. What kind of life would you live if you could breathe underwater?

Dusk shook his hair back, taking a moment to rake his hair up into a messy bun. It was nice, grown out, but also a bit of a hassle when he needed to keep it out of his eyes. Still, he was going to keep it long - it was nice when his kids braided it, and that far outweighed the hassle.

Even if it meant he was constantly losing hair ties.

With his hair managed, he took a second to stretch himself out, and then finally he looked towards the lake he was stationed at today. His talent to breathe underwater wasn't exactly the most exciting, but it was a bit unusual - enough that it granted him a rather nice job, helping clean up lakes and other bodies of water. It wasn't as flashy as some others, like being able to teleport, or transform, or whatever else, but he liked the steady work that he had found. That, and the fact he was able to spend time underwater and get paid for it, which was the biggest bonus in his book.

Dusk took one final glance at his (thankfully, waterproof) watch before he finally stepped into the water, prepared to start collecting whatever was on the bottom. He had lunch riding on finding at least two phones - there had been some sort of party at the lake last week, which often meant drunk people and slow reflexes - and he was hoping to make his daughter pay up. It was time for him to finally win one of those bets.
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[8] = 8
1d20:  [
] = 8
Last edited by peanutbutter on Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 278
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Arashi »

Username: Arashi
Prompt response: A circus performer, a dancer, an actor; on stage, you are the master of your soul and you are sharing it with the world.
The cacophany of raceous applause thundered through the space, echoing in her chest. Her heart was full and she bowed, the glare of spotlights focused on her. The world was her oyster, resonating to the sound and tune of her voice.

Username: Arashi
Prompt response: This is your kingdom. This is what you protect. This is what you would sacrifice your life for.
A red sky heralded the last of the light, broken only by the shadowy forms of circling crows and ravens, their quorks and caws a sharp foil to murmured pleas and groans of the pained and the dying.

Victoria slutched the hilt of her sword and shuffled the weapon upward, her back in an uncomfortable crick from where she lay on the battlefield. A grim but almost feral grimace overtook her features, shifting skin the colour of pale bronze with blood - her own and not - in the expression. If she were to die out here, then it was a good death.

Her minds eye cast itself over countless miles of country, civilized and unspoiled, and she took a breath that was filled with solace and determination all at once with the crown askew against her head and ground.

She'd do it all again in less than a heartbeat.

Username: Arashi
Prompt response: What kind of life would you live if you could breathe underwater?
Swift and fast, effortless and endless gliding. Swooping two and fro with many friend-shapes, large and small, colourful and dull! Joyous twirls, graceful dips..! Food: tasty, salty, deep. Sounds muffled, somehow clear, trilling kin-song, echoes back in responses. Alone but not, comforted and cradled. Senses reign, but not overloaded.
Dice rolls
[8, 6, 11] = 25
3d20:  [
] = 25
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Beejoux »

Username: Beejoux
Prompt response:

"Any power?" They asked again, tone just as dubious this time as it'd been the last few times they'd asked. The wizard's answering sigh of frustration was a familiar sound at this point. "I'm sorry," they answered immediately, plucking gently at the gauzy fabric of one of their sleeves. "It's just...it's a little hard to believe, is all." Who went around granting magical powers to random strangers, no strings attached? It just seemed so unlikely. They wanted to ask Death what he thought of all this, but they'd been separated. Haven was looking for him, but...

"You could get sight. It's easy," the wizard suggested, a rustle of fabric suggesting he'd folded his arms.

Born bit their lip, it was tempting, of course it was, but...they'd already come this far without being able to see, they got along just fine, they thought. "No..not that."

There was still no sign of Haven, or Death, and Born could sense the wizard's patience was starting to wear very thin. "Okay, If I could have a power, any power, It would be to..." They paused, swallowing their nerves. "I would like to make plants grow. Flowers, really. With a touch?" A trail of sweet smelling flowers following their every step? It was a lovely thought, and it wasn't dangerous, or selfish. That would work, they thought.

A wizard grants you any magical ability or superpower that you want with no downside.
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] = 19
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by lilacfishie »

Username: lilacfishie
Prompt response:
You are in a haunted house and it doesn't like you. Maybe you should escape. Maybe you should stay.

Sparkling Sunrise clung to her camera as the floor beneath her shuddered and rocked angrily. So, the stories were true! To further her conviction, a haunting wail flew past her and all the hairs on her body stood at attention. "Okay, okay, okay," she called, "I'm sorry for disturbing you!" The floorboards did not stop, and eventually the old and rotten wood threw her off balance. The young woman's yelp switched to a hiss in pain as she fell right back on her hind end.

Before she could catch her breath, the doors and windows began slamming open and shut. What remained of the glass shattered and added to the cacophony. She dropped the camera to hold her hands over her ears. When she clamped her hands shut, she heard and felt the cracks and breaks in the wood under her. Her scream brought the chaos to a crescendo as the floor gave way under her and threw her into the basement. Sparkling Sunrise hit the hard floor hard and tumbled with the force. Her camera skidded out of reach and knocked into the far wall.

A few minutes passed, and all grew quiet. Sparkling Sunrise stirred, back to consciousness, in the dark. She winced and held her head where blood trickled from her temple. The house seemed to realize its work was not done yet, and the structure above groaned in anger. The thick layer of dust coating the floor rattled and shook before sliding across the floor. Sparkling Sunrise watched in horror as it took the form of a tall, slender figure made of particles and shadow, save for two glowing, red eyes. "GET! OUT!" the thing roared at her and lunged forward. She rasped out a scream as she scrambled to her feet. The young woman sprinted up the rickety stairs and out the door into the night air, camera left behind.
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[12] = 12
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] = 12
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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Open!

Post by Nashawryn »

Username: Nashawryn
Prompt response: Sea was on a field trip but she was getting uncomfortable. It was odd. The bus had been travelling fine along the road until they reached a sign that stated a swamp was ahead. The bus had never gone this way before and it was making Sea anxious. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and looked out the window. The road looked ok where they were at, but if she angled her head just right, she could see ahead and it looked darker, less comforting and familiar. She hadn't wanted to go on the trip anyways but her parents had insisted she go.

As the bus approached the swampy area Sea started fidgeting in her seat. Then, the worst that could happen did. The bus broke down. They were now stranded in the swampy area along the side of the road.
Dice rolls
[18] = 18
1d20:  [
] = 18
word count: 148