The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~! OVER!

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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~! OVER!

Post by Ruriska »

After a no-show at the last winter market, The Royal Rainbow Troupe has arrived en masse. They’d apparently been taking a few sabbaticals in the desert, slipping back and forth through the obelisk, so Watch Me could bask in the desert sun and enjoy the locals.

It’s been a weird time for the swamp; the sun disappearing and being partially brought back as a weird beam, weird old gods breaking out, you know... all that nonsense. Watch Me doesn’t really understand but he’s got a new form to strut and the new swamp mood lighting is perfect for a special event.

Roll up, roll up... !!!



It’s impossible to miss the circus. There’s so much noise and light, fires dotted around to combat the gloom, marked paths leading to a central round stage where everyone is instructed to sit or stand around to watch the next act.

There’s food on offer, a mixture of sweet treats and Kernel's now famous ‘popped corn’, and performers are wandering the crowds, tumbling and performing acrobatics for the delight of the guests.

Surprisingly, this event isn’t just all about Watch Me. He’s sharing the limelight (and the hard work) with Thunder. A joint effort. It’s the first time he’s allowed a non-Acha to run the show. Prize asks that you make sure to praise him, so he does it again. She’s enjoying having less work to do.

Under the glow of the mysterious tree, sometimes things shift and change. Sometimes the big top is there, striped red and white, and sometimes it's not. Sometimes the ferris wheel is glowing and the crowd is all tall and long-limbed, sticky-fingered children and delighted adults. Sometimes it's sitting on raised chairs, uncomfortable but mesmerized as the performers sail through the air or guide a lion through a hoop.

It's a place anything can happen!

So roll up to the circus and enjoy a night of thrills, spills and a hilarious good time!
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Post by Ruriska »


The Royal Rainbow Troupe is hosting a night circus that will span 5 weeks! Every week a new ACT will be performed and you'll be asked to participate to be entered into the raffle for that week! The circus is constantly fluctuating between the Swamp and a real world setting. So when responding to any prompts, you're welcome to RP them as your kin or as your kin as a human in the AU!

We want to encourage ORP and remember that if you reach 500 words it counts as legendary requirements!
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Post by Ruriska »



Green Mermaid / Red Mermaid / Kimeti Buck / Jellyfish Red / Jellyfish Blue / Jellyfish Yellow
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Post by Ruriska »



In the strange new gloom that has descended upon the swamp, the twirling flames of Fearful Symmetry stand out all the more. The intensely focused Acha is putting on quite the show, twirling, dancing and leaping. Jumping through flaming hoops, weaving through burning figures and expertly juggling blazing sticks. At the end, to everyone’s amazed ‘ooh’ and ‘aahs’ and some screams, he performs his showstopper, the Breath of Flame!

Now it’s your turn!

The crowd is welcomed to come up because it was Watch Me’s bright idea that everyone should give firestick juggling a go! If you’re brave enough to test your skills, there’s a pit of fire and plenty of sticks. Watch Me is goading you on while the star of the show, Fearful Symmetry, stands off to the side with a look that can only be described as smouldering. There’s a big audience, just waiting to see what happens!

Well... good luck!

To take part in fire juggling, just pick up a stick and roll a 3d6 and then consult the chart to see how well you did with your three attempts at juggling! Do a quick RP blurb using the code and that’s your entry for this week's raffle!

If you rolled all 1’s or all 6’s, you either succeeded or failed so spectacularly you earned an extra ticket! (And maybe some quick art from me)

If you rolled a 1: You’re a natural! You toss and catch the burning stick with ease!
If you rolled a 2: You have some hesitation but manage to throw and catch the stick well!
If you rolled a 3: You nearly fumble and drop it but manage to catch it.
If you rolled a 4: You scared yourself and dropped the stick. Oops!
If you rolled a 5: You catch it wrong and burn yourself. Ouch!
If you rolled a 6: Y-you’re on fire...

Code: Select all

[color=#FF8040][size=200][b]FLAME ON![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Username:[/b] [you]
[b]Kin Participating: [/b] [your kin, link to kindex!] 
[b]RP Entry:[/b] 
If you rolled all 1's or all 6's add this to the bottom!

Code: Select all

[color=#8040FF][size=200][b]AM I AMAZING OR AM I ON FIRE???![/b][/size][/color]
And that's it! Entries for this ACT will end Sunday midnight!

1. Skyler Karashi
2. Scaramouche Fandango
3. AstoriaFallen
4. Lirilei
5. doomsayer
6. Fasti
7. Kalahari
8. kiwi squirt bottle


kiwi squirt bottle
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Post by LOLLI qAq »

Lion Taming!

Against the firelight, tucked just off to the side of all the hustle and bustle, there's a rudimentary archway of branches and vines framing total darkness. A lone doe paces next to it, tail lashing as she watches the crowd with sharp eyes.

"Hey," a low and inviting voice purrs at anyone that draws near, "there's a whole new world in there, I bet. Care to join me?"

You follow her into the void and -
You've always heard about the travelling circus and now you can't believe it's finally come to your town!
Striped tents and caravan carts line the typically unused field just outside of town- The thousands of lights, smells of popcorn and sugary delights, and sounds of carnival barkers mix into one intoxicating pull. It's almost enough to drown in and you start to feel dizzy, but that's when you hear it.

The roar of the lion.

You move towards the biggest tent, smack dab in the middle of it all, and are greeted by a tall woman in trousers and a tail coat.

"Fine choice! Fine choice, indeed!" She smiles at you and her voice is warm, low, and velvety smooth. Something about it nags at the very back of your mind, but only for a second- "Come to try your hand at taming my lions? What a brave soul!"
She tips her top hat to you with a sly grin, and beckons you into the tent.


Inside warm bulbs on strings line the top of the tent and at the center of ring is a line of patiently waiting, very well trained, lions. Before them each sits a pedestal and a small clicking device. You almost expected the standard fare, a chair and a whip, but something tells you the woman out front is closer to lion than human herself and would never hurt her animals.

Once it's time to begin and all of the lion tamer's volunteers are lined up she stands off to the side and calls out-

"Welcome one and all to Lion Taming 101! Let's begin shall we?"
This game takes place in a modern-ish 1920s - 30s human AU.
As such when your kin leave they will not remember what happened. They will only know that their muscles are a bit sore and they smell vaguely like large cat.

The goal of the game is to roll 1d6 over and over until you get to 30 or as close to 30 as you can without going over.
To play:
Post and roll 1d6.

You may do so as many times as you need to in order to get to 30, rolling only 1d6 per post, adding the number of each roll to your total score as you go.

HOWEVER rolling a 1, or going over 30, means losing your total number completely and starting over!

If you get to a high number and are afraid of either rolling a 1 or going over 30, you may choose to stop and keep your score where it is.

The person that gets the closest to 30 wins their pick of the prize pool.

In the case of a draw- A tie-breaker raffle will be rolled.
If no one gets close to 30 by the end of the week - then a no holds barred sudden death game will be rolled by Lolli.

Light RP is encouraged, but certainly not required!

Once you're satisfied that you've gotten as close to 30 as you can, post the form below.

Code: Select all

[color=#800000][b]Username:[/b] Your username here
[b]End score:[/b] [url=URL TO FINAL ROLL HERE]#[/url][/color]
Rolling for this ACT ends Sunday 11:59 PM PST

Final Scores List:

Kalahari - 27
Scaramouche Fandango - 29
owlsomniac - 27
AstoriaFallen - 29
SkylerKarashi - 29
Ryuukishin - 29

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Post by Ruriska »


As the previous act winds down and the lions are ushered away, some kin slip out of the void with vague memories of attempting to tame the powerful beasts. But those thoughts are soon dashed away and the music starts again, a rumbling drumbeat that beckons them from one slice of void into another.

You're down by the midway, pushing against the throngs of people, the smell of popcorn, straw and sweat thick in the air. This is a smaller stage than the big top but still flashy, still a place of wonder.

The crowd cheers as the strongman appears!

Dressed in a leopard print leotard and boasting muscles upon muscles, the mustachioed gentleman will now attempt various feats of strength! Watch as he lifts the heaviest barbell ever made! Watch as he wrestles the fearsome lion! Watch as he snaps various things in half without a bead of sweat! Admire this ‘show of force’!

And afterwards, once the show is over, the strongman offers a challenge to the crowd.

His assistant brings out a strength test machine and he takes the mallet, smashing it down. The bell rings! Ding ding!

Show your own strength and the strongest competitor shall win a prize!

[Too lazy to draw my own rip]

How To Play:

It's stunningly simple: every day you are welcomed to come up to the strength tester, grab the mallet and give it a whack! Roll 1d100! Highest score at the end of the week wins the grand prize! Keep track with the handy form provided and hope you've got the muscle!

Every day you roll, update your post with this code:

As the roll to match is now 100, you no longer need to put any code in your post! You can just roll and leave.

If you do roll 100, edit your post and use the below code to quote me!

Code: Select all

[color=#FF0000][size=150][b]I'M THE STRONGEST (MAYBE)[/b][/size][/color]
The day resets midnight EST. RP is welcomed but not mandatory! Your kin will not remember this once they leave! If everyone rolls 100, there will be a tiebreaker showdown! One last roll of strength! This game ends Sunday midnight!
Winner: Kalahari

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Post by LOLLI qAq »

It isn't long after everyone returns, memories hazy or gone, to the swamp they know before an extremely exuberant acha does her best to catch the attention of all headed her way.

"Come one! Come all!" Totem calls out. "Fancy a simple game of chance?"

After the last two acts that no one can seem to remember(but feel sore from nonetheless) a simple little game sounds mighty enticing.

Besides she looks deaf and is definitely blind.

How hard could this be?

How to play:
Use the form below to sign up and guess high, low, or seven.

In two days(sometime PST on Tues 19th) Lolli will roll 1d12.

- If the roll is 1 - 6 the roll was low.
- If the roll is 8 - 12 the roll was high.
- If the roll is 7 then the roll was seven(that's pretty self explanatory)

Everyone that guessed correctly will win a ticket for a secret raffle at the end of Act 5.

In 24 hours we'll play again(sometime PST on Wed 20th).

On Sunday the 24th a raffle for the current prize pool will be held for everyone that placed bets.
Use this form:

Code: Select all

[size=200][color=#BF0000][b]I'm Placing My Bet!![/b][/color][/size]
[color=#400000][b]Username:[/b] this is you
[b]Guess:[/b] High, Low, or Seven
[b]Bet:[/b] This is for RP or flavor text purposes. What is your kin putting in the betting pool?[/color]
Last edited by LOLLI qAq on Sun Dec 24, 2023 6:24 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 253
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Post by Ruriska »

After days spent playing games, learning circus techniques and wandering into dark voids, The Royal Rainbow Troupe is ready for the final act, the showstopper.

Troupe members dressed in seaweed wigs and decorated in shells appear, beckoning you with charming smiles to the main stage. You follow them and take your place in the crowd, jostling for space with what feels like the whole market.

Watch Me and Thunder are on stage already, standing side by side, both wearing similar smiles of pride. Together they have sourced this final act, after traveling to the coast and back and offering them the world, just for this one show.

Their voices roll across the crowd in unison:

“Please welcome to the stage, a song and dance trio straight from the ocean, emerging from the deep to grave you with their presence! Look upon them and feel the waves dragging you into the depths of their embrace! In this once in a lifetime event... behold!”

They step away. The crowd is hushed with anticipation.

Then they appear, three Acha, with long tails and knotted vines wrapped around their neck - dancing, flowing, mesmerizing.


And as they dance, it feels as though you are being sent away, drifting on the waves. Slowly they begin to sing. Their voices, entwined in each other, are calling you, beckoning you. Darkness slowly creeps through the crowd, a new void, a new world.

A new life.

Oh, it seems you’re running away... to join the circus!

You won't remember it afterwards. All you'll be able to recall is being swept away, dazzled and enthralled.

But right now, the circus is calling!

Maybe you should tell us all about it?


Welcome to the final act! With much gratitude to Maxx and Lolli, the final secret prize has been revealed! For this final act, they’ve been added to the prize pool, alongside all the remaining prizes:


For your chance to win, you need to take one of your kin and come up with a circus AU! Draw, write, create a moodboard! Whatever you’d like to show off your kin’s new life in the circus! We want to know about their act or role! Are they strongmen? Acrobats? Down on the midway hustling the chumps? Maybe they're behind the scenes instead? It's up to you!

We will choose one winner that created our favourite entry and will then roll winners from all remaining entrants for the rest of the prizes!

This contest will end with the winter market on new year's day!

If you have previously won a kin at this booth, you are still eligible to win a mermaid!

Please check the prize list on post 3 for your preference list!

Code: Select all

[b][size=200][color=#FF0000]I’M[/color] [color=#FF4000]RUNNING[/color] [color=#FF0000]AWAY[/color] [color=#FF4000]TO[/color] [color=#FF0000]JOIN[/color] [color=#FF4000]THE[/color] [color=#FF0000]CIRCUS![/color][/size][/b]
[b]Preference List:[/b] [your preferences here - note if you have already won a kin from this event you can still win a mermaid but aren't eligible for the last Kimeti buck! You can win the jellies though!]
[B]Have you already won a kin from this booth?:[/b] 
[b]Kin:[/b] [Link to kin]
[b]Entry: [/b][ Draw, write, create a moodboard, anything goes! As long as you’re showing off your circus kin au!]
Current Raffle List:
  1. Ryuukishin
  2. Ryuukishin
  3. Tiarana
  4. Lirilei
  5. AstoriaFallen
  6. AstoriaFallen
  7. Fasti
  8. Fasti
  9. AstoriaFallen
  10. Lutz
  11. Ryuukishin
  12. Gl!tch~
  13. Starrydance
  14. Tara de Draiocht
  15. doomsayer
  16. blue
  17. Tiarana
  18. Fasti
  19. Maxx
  20. peanutbutter
  21. Astraea
  22. HuniPi
  23. Jun
  24. kuropeco
  25. Dawns_Stars145
  26. subducting

    (If you won a ticket in the previous round and don't want to enter the contest, feel free to drop your pref list! )
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The circus is calling!

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The circus is calling!

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The circus is calling!

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