Love Me Mercilessly (Cert) (Kindex)
Dreaming of love and fame so violent it ends her. Whether that means ego death or physical death ... she doesn't know.
Black Celebration (Cert) (Kindex)
Morose most of the time, and content to be so. Old buck in a young body.
Much less intense and chaotic than the majority of his mom's side of the family.
Sweet-Herbs (Cert) (Kindex)
Extremely soft and very timid- He's one to watch and watch and watch before making any kind of a move.
Will eventually be lifemates with Mouse Tale.
Haunted by Desire (Cert) (Kindex)
Constantly chasing a feeling that will never come. He knows it's real- He dreamed it. He's seen other's experience it. It remains elusive for him.
Sapphire Oceans (Cert) (Kindex)
Overly concerned with his looks and the upkeep of his immaculate tail. Very, very, very in love with himself and extremely protective of his twin. There's very little room for anyone else in his heart.
Nothing's In the Flowers (Cert) (Kindex)
She struggles with understanding and preparing for negative emotions in others and herself. To avoid this she does her best to avoid other kin.
Sometimes her sister will urge her out, and she'll be pleasantly surprised by the interactions she has, but that's rare enough that she never expects it.
She prefers to spend all of her time tending to her edible garden.
Running Rivers Through Me (Cert) (Kindex)
Struggles to find joy for herself, so she focuses all that she can give on helping those around her find it for themselves.
Depressed girl is depressed.