Lightning Caller had been chasing motes as best he could, but the effects of doing so were beginning to wear on him- the hallucinations were almost as bad as the ones from down in the caves had been. Still, he would feel terrible if he didn't put his all into trying to help out with all of the other kin gathered to fix the situation.
The other Totoma that approached him was, to his eyes, incredibly intimidating. The amount of wool on this lad was off the charts. Still, despite his hesitation, he nodded along with the request to spar. No, it would be ridiculous to refuse, wouldn't it? He'd just be failing to help everyone if he refused. Not to mention his children, several of which were around... He wasn't about to show that side of himself to his kids, was he? Absolutely not.
"Sure," he responded with a nod of his head.
"I think they have a clearing set up for it nearby, perhaps with some sort of poultices in case we get wounded..." Well, he hoped. Maybe he was being optimistic to think that they'd be so prepared. Or maybe he wasn't! Who knew.