Forward by Choice had never been the sort of kin to back down from a fight. Not then and especially not now when it seemed to be for a good-natured purpose. Hopefully this would draw enough attention for Heart to find him among the crowd.
He turned to face his opponent, pausing briefly in surprise to see a stag. This was the first one he'd ever met in his life, it was certainly an experience he'd be telling his children about. With a nod of acknowledgment, the totoma sized up Gloom when he spotted something from the corner of his eye.
"Oh Beast," he muttered in annoyance when the displacer cheetah suddenly darted out of the shadows, its tentacles playfully batting at the ground. He had half-expected his lion to follow, but Displaced Beast was proving far more unpredictable.
"Stay out of this," he commanded, his voice gruff and his tone was not one to be questioned. Once the cheetah was sufficiently cowed, Forward was able to give his full attention to the other kin. And took his chance at the first opening he could spot.