ORP with Steals Fire (Bring Back the Light Event)

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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by LOLLI qAq »


Story was not unaccustomed to waking in the dark. Most of his days started well before the sun had risen. It was early work tending to the trees of the swamp, herding his ever growing make-shift family of pets, and looking for his still missing wife. When the sun had still refused to rise and he was already halfway through saying good morning and good afternoon to his charges was when he started to grow suspicious. The sun was not usually as unhurried as the large buck was. By the time he had started on his walk towards his next destination, wherever that was going to be, and the land was still dark ... That's when Story started to actively frown. As he continued his journey, at pace, a rustling in the trees seemed to tell Story now was the time to move a little faster. The strange lights that at first he'd thought were maybe lightning bugs were becoming more numerous and forming clusters. Then he saw it. Fire. He altered course completely and followed what light he could make out until he was suddenly upon a gathering.

He stepped out of the tree line.

"Hmmm," he cleared his throat. "Have I missed the introductions?"

I Know Who I Am was fashionably late. With no real plan other than something-something-fix-things and finding someone pretty to spend some time in the dark with they moved to whichever spot had the most light and posed.

"It's alright. I'm here. We can start fixing things now."

No one, probably not even especially I Know Who I Am, needed to be aware that they hadn't even noticed anything was out of the ordinary. They'd just followed the pretty lights and found a whole crowd of new potential lovers. Once they'd gotten there they'd heard some buck with a lot of glowy bits that seemed to know what he was doing talking about fixing things.
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by LOLLI qAq »


Totem couldn't see that the world was covered in darkness, but with the change a hush had seemingly fallen like a weight upon the swamp. What sound Totem could make out seemed even more far away and hidden from her than before. Worst yet was that her mother seemed frightened. Not in the "misplaced anger at Totem for wanting independence" sort of way, but in that truly terrified silent sort of way. When they'd found out there seemed to be a gathering of kin that wanted to help, being led and helped by a new group of kin that seemed to have answers, Thunder had done something no one would have seen coming- She sent Totem, with her salamander and Best Friend(her lion), to the group to help.

Imagine Totem's surprise, then, that as soon as she managed to get there the first voice she could hear clearly, well for her anyway, was her brother's!


Being as suspicious and extra as always.

Totem pushed up to the group, to stand next to Traitor, and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Don't be so dramatic."
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Baneful »

Wherever Boar went, he was in the company of his scavengers, trailing along with his movements in a hungry pack. There was something about him that drew them to him, and the musk wolf added the very essence of Sinweed scent to their progression, intoxicating and strong. The light had gone out in the world and he was not concerned. As long as there was life, he would be hungry, and as long as he was hungry he would exist, little else mattered to him but his companion. They'd found themselves almost led here by their noses, by the feeling that there was something afoot. Boar did not care to help others, but he cared to gorge himself on new and interesting tastes.

The tongue lolled from the teeth on his belly as he looked upon the flitting, swirling motes and immediately he knew that he needed to taste them. There was something fractured and strange about the things, not alive like the slowly meandering nudibranches but instead moving with a direction of their own, fast then slow and then drawn to unusual things.

A small mote flitted past him and he snapped out with his huge golden fangs like a viper about to strike, swallowing it down with a gulp. It tasted strange and abhorrent, something about the energies offensive to his sensibilities.

He tossed his head and from his horns, large clods of rock and earth dislodged. He turned to look over his golden plates and found them composed of burnished obsidian instead, jutting from the earth that had become his very body. He was a creature of dark, fertile soil and mud, jutting with stone and minerals, not alive but infinitely hungry and infinitely giving. He would consume the dead, regurgitate the living, on and on in an endless cycle and this was infinitely fitting.

His eyes gleamed like eager red starlight as he turned his attention to another mote. The first had tasted strange, but the second might be a new delight for his palette. It went down easy, but as it did it drove back the earth and the stone, eroding him down to a small thing, small enough to step between the petals of grass. All he saw at this new perspective was more to eat, proportionally more to devour. A locust in a swarm, a plague of frogs, a blight of hungry tiny things, things that would eat and eat until all of the world realised it was bare and they had not understood the danger. He would suffocate the world like algae by inches, devouring the remainder of this darkened world.

He was supposed to be retrieving these motes, he knew, but he did not truly ally himself with anyone. They could retrieve them later if they passed through him intact. Earth and life, cycles of repetition.

It did not matter that he thought he was small as the large mote drifted past him, he knew he could eat it anyway, there wasn't anything he couldn't eat once. So he seized it in his teeth and swallowed it like the others, the light flashing through the fur at his throat as he did so. This one was delicious, good, satisfying.

It swept away the impurities of the other effects and left him pleased and entertained.

But never satisfied. Never, ever satisfied.
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Ruriska »

“No, they’re not,” Illuminating agreed. “Are you alright?”

She’d delivered her own motes and was now looking at the ones she could still see floating about with trepidation. Oh, she would still go out there and get more. She’d survived the maze, this was certainly a lot better than that but she was also in no hurry to give herself even more mental scarring. Maybe just a breather before they continued.

“I thought I was a spider. I didn’t like it very much.”
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Ruriska »

And yet, you will suffer the blows, was Chosen One’s only thought as the Acha skipped away.

Then he looked at Heart and Home with a rueful smile. “I don’t get out much. I often forget that not everyone feels the same way I do about the MotherFather. Though calling Her a tyrant is...” He trailed off, expression one of fatherly disappointment. “Well, he’s still young.”

Chosen One sighed.

“In any case, it is a pleasure to meet you, Heart and Home.”

And it was. She had all the qualities of a good follower. A bit soft, maybe. But a bit of blood and threats usually sorted that out.
Baneful wrote:
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Prolixity »

Consume had wandered lazily around the clearing after catching motes. When he got closer to the soup, though, he could smell it; rich, meaty, appealing. The little group he'd talked to had been discussing the possibility that the soup was poisoned or otherwise somehow a trap, but Consume didn't give much substance to that idea. It was possible, certainly, but probable? He thought not. He lined up for his turn to take a drink, and when he got his turn, he drank deep.

There was someone beside him, curled up neatly. They woke when something soft and furry and still was dropped before their noses, and together they tore into the meal, squabbling amiably over choice bits. But there was enough to share.

Consume blinked and moved away from the soup in its shell, mulling over the flash of memory. It had been short, but full of a feeling of companionship, clearer than he could remember anything so early. What had that been?
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Beejoux »

"At one point it felt like I was larger than this entire clearing. One wrong step, and I could have squished you or someone else." He shook his head, stepping up beside her so their sides brushed. "Disconcerting, but temporary, at least."

He wasn't keen on repeating the experience either, but much like Fisheye, he would if it would help to protect his family and friends. I'm the end, that was what mattered most
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by HuniPi »

"Oh the pleasure is mine," Heart smiled, "It always brightens my day to meet other kin." She glanced up at the dark sky to sheepishly add, "In a manner of speaking."

Heart could see both their perspectives while not completely agreeing with either. After all, there was such a large array of kin with their own unique personality that would color their experiences and points of view. While it made her sound indecisive, possibly even cowardly to some, Heart just believed in being someone who would at the very least listen to a kin's thoughts first before making any decisions.

She certainly felt swayed with Chosen One's convictions but Steals Fire's belief was just as strong. Heart couldn't help but admire both kin's resolve.

"Pardon my asking this, but have you met the MotherFather? I only ask as you speak of them with such familiarity," There was a hint of reverence in Heart's curiosity.
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by HuniPi »

Sunshine Riptide had just arrived to turn in the motes she managed to catch, abuzz with excitement despite the darkness beyond the fire and the gathering. She couldn't believe how incredible her experience was for her and wondered if other kin felt the same way. She had discovered something new about herself thanks to these motes and was eager to share this when she spotted him. Her jaw dropped at the sight of a kin who embodied the very trees she felt such a connection to.

She wasn't sure how long she stood there, staring, before she heard him mention something about introductions.

"I'll introduce myself!" She volunteered, trotting up to him. "Good morning! Err, afternoon? Evening? Hello! I am Sunshine Riptide, but it would make me really happy if I were called Sunny." She may be talking a mile a minute but she couldn't help herself. Whoever this kin was, they were so cool!
LOLLI qAq wrote:
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Story had felt eyes on him and made eye contact with the perpetrator as she made her way over to him. Her colors reminded him of a spring morning.

"Good morning, afternoon, and evening as well," he greeted her with a gentle smile, "Sunny. The trees I spend all my time with take much more time with introductions." He shook his head and clicked his tongue in mock dismay.

"The leisure of being rooted, I suppose. But where are my manners? You can refer to me as Story."
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Appeal »

Fisheye looked at Brother Shark and nodded her head in a calculating manner. She had experienced something similar but in the complete opposite fashion. Rather than being large and overbearing, she was small and insignificant, a size in which she could have easily been stepped on in the dark while other kin raced around looking for the light.

"I experienced a similar except I was small enough that you'd have stepped on me in your normal size," she said in a tone that wasn't concerned but also she wasn't remembering it in any sort of light mannered fashion. She also had several other experiences with the light but expressing how she was a fish honestly seemed a little embarrassing.

"I suppose that you experienced this with each light you grabbed?" She asked but it didn't sound like it was in the phrase of a question.
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Beejoux »

Merry hummed to herself as she looked around the dark clearing. Clash was nowhere to be seen, but she wasn't too terribly worried about him. He was young, but he was capable. She'd find him again later, she was sure. For now, there was a savory scent in the air that was tugging at her attention. Nose up and breathing deep, the doe made her way through the darkness, following the smell of cooking food.

Simmering soup appeared to be the source, but Merry was pleased to see she'd found much more than that. With an excited trill the door hurried over to the grey buck, her side sliding affectionately against his before she was nuzzle her muzzle up under his chin.
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Owlsomniac »

Hush smiles at the gathered kin telling stories and trying to come up with reasons for why this has happened. She's told a version of this story once before, but it certainly bears repeating now.

"My father hails from the deep caves, but I and my siblings were born here in the swamp... and when I was still unborn and warmly wrapped in my sac, I dreamed of a darkness not unlike the very one we find ourselves in. I dreamt that sister Darkness, the sister of Light, came in a monstrous form corrupted by jealousy and envy and greed, to swallow all the light. So great was the beast's hunger that neither the Sun, nor the Stars, were enough to sate it. It came upon the land and snuffed out the light of the kin who carried with them her sister's glow. First, the zikwa, who always knew such a day would come so they could not warn the others. Then the children of the swamp who carried the light of the fireflies in their eyes... And then to the plains, chasing after the swift kiokote who were not fast enough. The acha were next, clever with their tricks but not clever enough. Finally to the cold mountains where the brave totoma fought hoof and tooth but could not prevail. I'm the end, when the world was dark and silent and empty, the monster sat upon it, bloated and fat - and slept. One day, the light would return. But only after such a long time that even Darkness grew lonely enough to spit out the smallest sparks of light.

Perhaps this is not sister Darkness, for there is still light. Or perhaps it is simply that there is still time to try to fight. Gather the light. Keep it safe."

Hush's eyes glow brighter as she looks at each of them, her voice solemn. "Be wary of the lightless places."


"I too had a dream of darkness. I wandered, lost, in a darkness so complete that the world became meaningless. Fear gripped me like talons, clawing at my soul. Time was meaningless, for the was nothing to mark it but my own thoughts and weary footsteps which blurred together. My existence was meaningless, for the was nothing and no one but that darkness.

Only, unlike now, there was no speck of light, no friends to gather around. In that dream, I only awoke when I was reborn into this world. Though in truth I don't know if it was a dream of the past or future, another life or a life to come, a warning or something else.

I do know that while the sun has yet to rise, and the stars have been swallowed up in darkness, we still have these strange motes of light. Perhaps they are pieces of Hush's sister Light. I think, whatever they are, they are significant. Could this be another dream? It wouldn't be the first time we've shared one. Perhaps, as in my own naming dream, we all too shall be born again into the light if we only gather enough of it."
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by peanutbutter »

Breaking blinked at the doe as she shuffled out of the way, carefully following her and making sure to not run into anyone else. She returned the grin regardless - at least it was someone to talk to now, rather than wandering the clearing alone.

"No, you're fine!" She replied, trying to take some of the blame back. "I should've paid attention to where I was going, I thought I could make the gap but it's just so dark that it's throwing me off." She felt bad about the whole situation and her expression turned a bit embarrassed at the admission, although she wasn't about to take it back.

She could, however, move the conversation along and maybe they'd both forget about the whole thing entirely.

"So, what are your thoughts on this whole thing? Are you going to help with the motes? Or like, whatever else the acha suggests? Honestly I think I just want to try the soup first, but I'm not really sure."
Lutz wrote:Luckily for her, Breaking is fantastic at just continuing to talk without even noticing LOL
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ORP with Steals Fire

Post by Lutz »

Make It Work had tried some of the soup that one of the Helpers had brought out, then milled around for a bit. There was no sense in leaving this place since it was the only area with light, but all the other kin seemed to have found groups to settle into. Finally a few more stragglers were entering the clearing and one in particular caught his eye, if only because they seemed to give off the same vibes as he did.

Sauntering over, he gave the Zikwa a slow once-over that he didn't bother hiding. He could appreciate a good looking kin, couldn't he? Especially since there was little light to see by now so he'd have to enjoy all the beautiful things he could while he could. No one knew how long the light would be gone for.

"Welcome," he said with a tone that indicated he was rather bored with this whole situation already. "Though I'm not sure that's the right word to use, given the situation." He rolled his eyes as he spoke, flicking his tail back and forth. Clearly he was over not having any light and had even done a bit to help, gathering a few motes to bring back as the Helpers and Steals Fire had requested, but now he was looking for something else to do.
LOLLI qAq wrote:For I Know~
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