FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Matope »

Any kin that choose to chase down the motes with their own four hooves quickly finds out that they are flitting and swift, leading a merry chase through the pitch-black swamp. It is easy to lose their way and easy to lose track of the mote itself, and when they finally catch up to it, they find that as warned, they get hit by a very confusing vision that addles their senses for the next few minutes...

And maybe, in their confused state, they'll end up catching Something Else instead.

This Dice Game asks you, as one of your kin, to make your best efforts at catching some motes for the Helpers, to fill their lantern! However, the motes have strange abilities, that give kin strange visions....

To do this, start out by RP your kin setting their sights on a mote and beginning their hunt, and roll 3d10 alongside the form below:

Code: Select all

[color=red][size=180][b]ON THE HUNT FOR MOTES![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Kin Name:[/b] [url=LINK TO OL]Name[/url]
[b]Preference List:[/b] In order, with any you're not interested in taking home excluded.
Match your result to the following list, and edit your post to respond to each rolled prompt with at least a couple of sentences. If you roll the same number twice, you're welcome to experience the same strangeness twice or to take your pick from prompts.
1: Your kin imagines they are very, very tiny!
2: Your kin imagines they are huge!
3: Your kin imagines they have become a type of familiar!
4: Your kin imagines they are a tree and cannot move!
5: Your kin imagines they are made up of one of the four elements!
6: Your kin imagines their shadow has taken on its own life!
7: Your kin imagines they are a different species of kin!
8: Your kin imagines they are in a different climate (plain, mountains, desert, caves)!
9: Your kin imagines they are completely covered in motes!
10: You capture an exceptionally large mote with no consequences.
You can enter this contest up to three times and can use the same kin or different ones!
If you don't have three kin, you can reuse the same kin several times!
If you hit word count, this can count as a Legendary Ascension requirement!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 6th at 11:59 PM EST.

It is possible to do this prompt in the ORP and post it over here if you are interested in some interaction while you do it!
word count: 478
please do not send anything via PM to the mule; no one checks this account.
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Astoria »

Kin Name: Shrine
Preference List:10, 12, 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 4, 8, 11, 17, 19
RP:Shrine wasn't overly into this little 'mote' hunt but the idea of hunting something down, especially with the potentiality for weird side effects had her intrigued. She started out a little unimpressed but finally set her eyes upon one of them and the hunt began! She was honestly quite surprised by how quick they were and realized that this was going to be quite the challenge after all.

She vaguely recalled them talking about how they released some sort of 'toxin' that can cause hallucinations and she honestly didn't believe it at first, until she got close a few times and then finally managed to get one in the lantern.

The darkness seemed to fade and she was surrounded by.... Was this sand?? She was in a desert? And as she looked around everything suddenly seemed to look as though it was tiny? Did everything shrink? No. that wasn't it at all. She was tall, as if she was suddenly the height of a tree. Though there were no trees around her so how was she sure? As she continued on everything began to appear even smaller and she was almost afraid to step because she didn't want to crush the world beneath her large hooves. If that was even possible.

The effects didn't last long but now where had she set that lantern? She hoped she hadn't crushed it in her towering state.
Dice rolls
[8, 2, 2] = 12
3d10:  [
] = 12
Last edited by Astoria on Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 263
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by SerinaNight »

Kin Name: Shadowed Moon
Preference List: ten, three, twenty, twenty-one, eight, fifteen, seventeen, four, eighteen, nine, one, nineteen, five, fourteen, thirteen, two, twelve, seven, six, sixteen, eleven
7: Your kin imagines they are a different species of kin!

The buck had hoped perhaps his normal wandering, often done while chasing the spots of light before him, might have helped him catch one of those elusive motes, but so far his attempts had been to no avail. Eventually he was so turned around Shadowed Moon was honestly concerned whether he’d find his way back or not. That sort of thing was hard enough when one could see, especially in an unknown part of the swamp (at least for him, though normally he managed to luck his way back to the places that were important to him though a mixture of hard work and good timing) but at this point Shadowed Moon was quite convinced he might end up walking in the completely wrong direction on his way back. It was when he found himself lost in thought, no longer searching for it, that the light appeared in front of him.

The mote, near blinding in the darkness, seemed to have manifested out of thin air. Shadowed Moon closed his eyes, head turning away from the sudden brightness which left him stunned and blinking. When he regained his composure, the buck found the mote still floating before him, bobbing almost invitingly. He eyed it for a moment, wondering when it would dart off, but unlike his previous experiences this one didn’t seem to be leading him on a fruitless hunt. He tentatively went to step forward at it and found himself head over hooves as he tripped, the buck’s legs suddenly ungainly beneath him, as though he was a foal again.

Confused, the buck attempted to untangle himself, which proved more difficult than expected. His strangely heavy body seemed much less flexible than he was used to, and he kept catching himself on his seemly longer fur, hooves and limbs snagging and pulling it when he tried to move. Eventually, he managed to get himself mostly upright and looked down at this forelegs, which were (luckily…?) lit enough from the gentle light of the mote still floating above him to give him at least idea of what lay before him. To the buck’s shock his legs seemed to have both shrunk and grown, thick and stocky, with the thick hair and rough hooves characteristic of the Totoma.

Had he… turned into a Totoma? While the Helpers had told him the motes might cause visions this was all too real. It was like being back in the caves, skipping between fantasy and reality. Struggling to his feet the buck looked up at the mote once more (had he shrunk or had the mote risen?) and pondered his choices. While he had already decided he wanted to try and calm himself down, if only to remind himself that he wasn’t in the caves anymore, and whatever strange fever had taken over them had long since passed… right? At which point the buck came to the conclusion that thinking this over would likely just cause him more stress and jumped at the mote.

The mote easily bobbed out of the way and slowly darted off into the woods, the Kimeti-turned-Totoma chasing after it. While he was more reckless than normal in his wild abandon Shadowed Moon didn’t want to think if this was due to his new form, or simply his panic at the situation. His own experience with Totoma was hard to judge, as he knew few and they were… well odd individuals. But then again so was he by Kimeti standards so it was hard to tell if that was normal. Either way it seemed like he would never get used to this body, no matter how much he tried to watch his hooves or judge his movements by feel Shadowed Moon found himself falling into root holes, tripping into trees and many more painful mishaps…

Until he suddenly found himself back with the Helpers, mote drifting in front of him and an aching, but Kimeti, body once again. Confused and in pain from the sheer number of falls and crashing into trees he had done the buck simply collapsed into a heap, much to tired to deal with anything else for at least a little while. That much was fine right? Perhaps be wasn’t quite over his experience with the Obelisks… well, not like he could ignore the sky, and the hidden moon. With a sigh the buck let the Helpers deal with his hard-won mote and closed his eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly to quiet his racing mind for at least a short rest before… whatever else was to come.
Kin Name: Fire in the Night
Preference List: ten, three, twenty, twenty-one, eight, fifteen, seventeen, four, eighteen, nine, one, nineteen, five, fourteen, thirteen, two, twelve, seven, six, sixteen, eleven
7: Your kin imagines they are a different species of kin!

Fire in the Night had always enjoyed chasing lights in the darkness. She enjoyed anything really fun really, but the glow of light seemed to draw her in like a moth to the flame. It's one of the reasons she liked fire so much, and had spent so much time learning to create it herself (though her method was less than normal) so this darkness had been a bit of an unexpected boon. While she didn't want it to last forever (after all, so many fun things would disappear if the sun never came back) she was quite enjoying this novel experience. When the Helpers had asked if she wanted to chase down some motes the Acha had jumped for joy, how fun! For a while she'd simply been chasing them around and around in circles, watching them frit to and fro just out of her reach, which was quite enjoyable. Eventually once the doe was panting for air, she decided she was tired of running for now, and wanted to do something else.

Ah, if only Breathless was here, but most of the herds familiars were back at their Resting Place, for their own safety more then anything, and while a moth would normally be fine at night Breathless was so dark Nurtures Life had mentioned that another kin or creature could intentionally or unintentionally attack or injure the moth due to not being able to see them or intentionally taking advance of the darkness. Well the moth didn't seem to mind, and had been happily flitting around Beneath the Surface and his daughters, who themselves glowed like beacons in the dark, which was the main reason those three were staying at their Resting Place to keep the light for those who stayed behind. Well, not like she couldn't make fire without Breathless, it was just so much more explosive! Either way, in the darkness any fire was sure to look lovely. She was getting excited just thinking about it. Now, time to prepare for a burst!

As the Acha prepped her throat for the upcoming blast, breathing deep and feeling the sensation building in her throat, she pondered the Kimeti and Zikwa, who were able to glow like the motes. Ah it brought up the feeling of envy, for the doe did wish she could glow just like her name, and while she was happy with her lithe and agile shape, the lack of luminescence was something she could not have. Taking another deep breath the Acha burped and scrapped her teeth together, hitting the rocks ground in between her teeth just right and breathing up a small ball of fire. Giggling to herself the doe did it a few more times, the balls were various shapes and sizes (she hadn't quite figured out what the difference was or how she did it, but it did cause a different feeling in her throat when it happened) and Fire in the Night was quite enjoying getting to live her namesake. So much so that she didn't notice that the motes had come much much closer...

Until they seemed to flash in her face, leaving her dazed, her flames turning to simple sparks in her mouth. Coughing on her aborted fireball, the doe originally planned to jump on the motes around her but was instantly distracted by her now glowing body! Her oranges and yellows now pulsed with the warm glow only a Kimeti could have (she felt Zikwa had a colder glow, but hadn't exactly done a whole lot of testing on that) and while her body was no longer quite so lithe, Fire in the Night was quite enjoying this new look. Dancing around with the motes, watching her colors splash across her surrounds was so much fun! Oranges, reds and even the faint yellows of her eyes reflected off her purple fur and danced across her surrounds, the motes themselves adding splashes of bright light across the trees around her.

This night was turning out much more enjoyable then she had expected! The doe had long since forgotten her goal, or any warnings the Helpers had given her about illusions, she was having to much fun in her newly imagined state to care about returning with her enraptured motes. The Acha-turned-Kimeti simply continued her dance, building up a new batch of fire breath to add to her own fire-y light as she danced through the forest, skipping out across the swamp to wherever her hooves took her.
Kin Name: Spring's Passing
Preference List: ten, three, twenty, twenty-one, eight, fifteen, seventeen, four, eighteen, nine, one, nineteen, five, fourteen, thirteen, two, twelve, seven, six, sixteen, eleven
7: Your kin imagines they are a different species of kin!

While the doe had originally been planning to stay with the herd, not because she uncomfortable with the prospect of talking to strangers (dire times called for dire measures after all), but because she was worried about the many pets and familiars within the herd. How might they fare without someone to speak for them? To share their worries and make sure they were safe? However, when she was sharing her worries with Nurtures Life, he had no only reassured her that he would take care of everyone in the tribe, kin and companion (animal or plant) alike, but that her glowing eyes could be an asset to anyone needing a light in the darkness. While she could have taken that to mean she should stay, Beneath the Surface, Greenshell Mussels and Sea Sparkle let out enough of a glow on their own to set alight nearly the entire clearing, so she knew what he really meant. However, it was something she had to decide for herself, though she knew the buck was suggesting that getting out and talking to others (kin-type others) would be good for her either way.

Spring's Passing had picked herself up and headed right over! Following closely behind Shadowed Moon of course. No reason to head out alone right away if she didn't need too. Who knows who you could run into, and she needed some comforting company while she prepared herself mentally for the tasks ahead. The buck was quite reassuring, assuaging her fears and reminding her that several of her other herd mates had set out, so even if they were separated it was entirely possible to find another familiar face. This was comforting, as while she wasn't the best at talking to kin it was much easier to talk to the ones she'd known for summers upon summers, as opposed to strange new faces. It always made her tense up for some reason. When the Helpers were handing out tasks, she decided she was going to chase some motes first. After all, her skills with the creatures of the lands could be of some help here, and it was better to slowly get used to things after all. No need to jump in head first to something like a... conversation... with a kin.

While she had originally intended to see if any of the creatures nearby might have some ideas, there were surprisingly few roaming around. She supposed the darkness had sent them either hiding or hunting, or perhaps both, and the lack of returning day was throwing things off. It made sense, but did make her job a bit harder. Either way, the doe dutifully followed the motes, attempting to catch them, trying to speak with them, and everything else she could think of until finally, when she had nearly given up, one drifted over to her face. In awe over her luck, the doe reached her nose forward only to be greeted by a sudden flash of light. Confused, Spring's Passing quickly looked at ground and blinked a few times. Wondering why her legs were taking so long to come back into focus before she realized it wasn't that her eyes weren't focused. Her legs were just... really, really... small? The doe lifted a hoof and shook it, but it was indeed her hoof.

Her limbs looked like, Acha... or maybe Zikwa? legs, she honestly didn't spend enough time looking at kin to know the difference, she couldn't remember exactly what one would do to know. The doe supposed it probably didn't matter in this instance, as it wasn't like this was real... right? The Helpers had said the motes might cause you to have visions, so perhaps this was just a very, very strange vision. The doe sighed, pondering if maybe she should spend some more time looking at kin instead of just familiars. Maybe she'd stare at Nurtures Life somemore... wait, wasn't he abnormal for a kin too? Something about being part-Totoma? The doe sighed to herself. Dealing with kin was strangely difficult, even if those different kin were just... you? Looking down at her wrinkled legs and strangely hairless body the doe pondered what she was going to do. Well, maybe she'd just ask the motes to follow her and... hope they would? Yah, this was enough strangeness for one day. Hopefully this strange vision would wear off by the time she got back to the Helpers.
Dice rolls
[7, 7, 7] = 21
3d10:  [
] = 21
Last edited by SerinaNight on Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:06 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 2427
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by HuniPi »

Kin Name: Heart and Home
Preference List: 19, 18, 14, 16, 11, 7, 13, 21, 20, 12, 1, 10, 9, 3, 4, 2, 5, 8, 17, 6, 15
Once Heart and Home got over the initial paralysis of fear and uncertainty, she set about asking around for information and ideas on what was going on, how did it come to be, and most importantly what one needed to do to fix things. At some point, Forward by Choice joined the kimeti doe and together they eventually found The Helpers.

While initially suspicious of these strangers, Heart eventually came to trust them and believe in their plan. It made sense, after all. The Sun was ever so bright, it would need a great deal of these glowing motes and even if it weren't to work, surely gathering a large source of light would be useful in the future.

At first, Forward was reluctant to split up in their hunt for motes. But Heart managed to convince him that it would be faster this way, and she set off on her own, bright blue eyes already set on a mote. It wasn't too long before she managed to catch her first one, and despite bracing for the strange sensations they were warned about, Heart was nearly overwhelmed.

Thankfully, she believed herself to have been turned into a tree, causing her to stay rooted in place rather than stumbling about blindly. She had to ensure that the mote had not escaped, otherwise her transformation into a tree would all have been for nothing! But wait, as a tree, doesn't she need the sun to survive? Panic started to spread throughout and somehow, she managed to convince herself that her limbs weren't actually branches and roots.

Eventually she forced herself to move forward and when she started to feel her muscles were moving again and didn't hear any creaking and cracking of wood, Heart managed to clear her head and regain her composure. Well, that first mote was unpleasant, but she still had more to catch.

Heart wasn't sure if the next mote was just that much faster or if she was unintentionally holding back from giving her all. Gritting her teeth, her hind legs suddenly kicked off to push herself forward sharply and was able to catch the next mote of light.

She screwed her eyes shut, anticipating the same stiff feeling of turning into a tree but instead she felt incredibly light. And when she opened her eyes, she was floating, bobbing through the air. She'd turned into a whale! She'd only ever seen a pod of them from a distance and she couldn't be certain if this really was what it was like to be one. But if it was accurate, this was quite lovely. Perhaps she would convince one of her children to join her in visiting the beach.

She savored this experience, wishing this was the first thing she felt. Her body might not have hesitated otherwise. But you live and learn and when she began to feel like she was drifting back down to the ground, she tried to angle herself towards a mote that had been weaving about nearby.

Unfortunately, when she caught this mote, her limbs felt rigid, stiff, and solid. Alas, she turned into a tree again. She let out an annoyed breath, though it sounded more like the rustling of leaves.
Dice rolls
[4, 3, 4] = 11
3d10:  [
] = 11
word count: 582
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Hang The Moon
Preference List: N/A, just Glow Raffle
RP: Hang The Moon wouldn't have been so concerned with the sun not rising if the moon had been there in its place, but the sky was black and held no twinkle of even of the smallest star. She was set on helping the...well...Helpers on getting some sort of light back, whether it was the sun, the moon, the stars, or something else all together. Not being able to see was tough!

Thankfully the motes that they needed to collect glowed plenty. She was following one swirling fleck of light carefully, not wanting to startle it and end up feeling the effects of its hallucinogenic properties. Unfortunately, just as Hang The Moon drew close enough to capture the mote she was hunting, she stumbled over a branch in the darkness. The sudden movement and noise alerted her target to her presence and just as she caught the small mote in the jar she'd been wielding, she suddenly felt huge. She looked around to try to orient herself, but the trees all looked like saplings and when she looked to the ground, it seemed far away.

"Whoa," she said, her voice a little wobbly out of uncertainty. She set the jar down - way, way down - and she got a bit dizzy in the process. How was she going to get this mote out of the jar and into the box that seemed so far away, way down on the ground? And it was so small, surely she'd simply crush it with her hoof if she tried to open it. As she stood there contemplating her options, she was suddenly properly sized once again.

"It does pass quickly," she said with a relieved sigh, resuming her task of putting the mote into the box so she could have the jar empty to catch more. It didn't take long for another mote to float down from above to a level where she could pursue it and off she went, following carefully to try to avoid being hit with the mind-altering effects again. Unfortunately, as Hang The Moon caught the second mote, she could already tell something felt off. It wasn't her size this time so she moved back to put her prize into the small box with the first mote, and once that was done she set the jar down to try to figure out what this odd feeling was. Giving her head a shake, she felt as though she had a set of horns on her head. What was going on? Looking over her shoulder, she was surprised to see the long, elegant tail of a kimeti behind her rather than her own fluffy one. Another glance over her shoulder showed the telltale kimeti back spikes.

She was...a kimeti? Hang The Moon stared at herself as best she could in the light of the motes, taking in the strange but somehow familiar appearance of her tail, her back, the feeling of a bit of extra weight on her head...and just like that, it was over. She was back to her usual kiokote self. Hang The Moon took a little break to let the motes settle around her, not wanting to endure any more surprises, so it was almost a relief that when she secured her third mote she seemed quite large again. Her head was brushing the non-existent sky this time and it felt as though the ground was miles away. Her legs were long and thick like trees and she wondered how she'd even move this time without accidentally stepping on someone.

Thankfully she was back to rights a few moments later. She let out a little sigh of relief, scooped up her box and jar, and decided that was enough for now. Perhaps she'd try later to catch more.
Dice rolls
[2, 7, 2] = 11
3d10:  [
] = 11
Last edited by Lutz on Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 659
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Echoed Chorus
Preference List: N/A, just Glow Raffle
RP: It took a lot to shake up Echoed Chorus, but the lack of light in the sky was definitely something that make him nervous. It was so hard to see! Would it ever come back or was it just a fluke? Apparently there were some kin who said they could help bring back the light, so of course he was one of the first to jump in an volunteer. The warning that the motes could cause him to see strange things or feel strange ways didn't bother him much considering it would be temporary. He'd do whatever it took to get the sun to return!

He was a bit reckless in his hunting style, bounding after the floating motes. They swirled and floated up out of his reach, making it impossible to catch one even if they did help light the way for Echo so he didn't run into any trees or overly swampy areas. He gave a mighty leap into the air with a net in his mouth to try to capture some of the ones floating above him, and to his delight he landed with one in the net!

"Woohoo!" he cried as he hustled over to the little lanturn he'd brought along to keep any he caught in. As he did so, though, his shadow of all things began to prance around him! Even as he held very still it moved as if it had a life of its own. Echo watched this for a moment and almost lost his prize in the process since he'd left the door of the lantern open. He managed to close it just in time, leading him to sigh in relief.

He went back to the little cloud of motes floating in his area and snagged another, though this time he was a bit more careful. He was less jumpy and had simply spun in a quick circle to catch his next mote. By the time he got to the lantern, though, Echo felt like he was the size of a bird. Everything seemed huge, even the lantern! How was he going to open the door and keep the other mote in when he could barely reach the tiny latch?

Thankfully, as promised, the hallucinogenic effects did wear off quickly and he was able to get the second mote into the lantern without much fanfare. Turning back, Echo saw one more mote he felt like he could grab. He approached quietly and quickly to net it, but after he succeeded in catching it and putting it into the lantern, he was delighted to find his paws shutting the lantern door rather than his hoof!

"Oh! I'm a lion!" he said with a delighted laugh, doing a quick spin to check out his new body. In the light of the motes he'd caught it was apparent that he was Lyric, his own lion familiar. He gave an experimental roar - which to any kin nearby probably just sounded like he was yelling - and was quite pleased with the results.

"This mane is lovely," he said with a happy sigh, shaking his head to feel the fur all around his head and neck shake. Picking up the lantern with his very sharp teeth, Echo trotted off back to the meeting place to bring back his prizes. He was only a little disappointed when he realized the effects of the mote had worn off and he was himself again.
Dice rolls
[1, 6, 3] = 10
3d10:  [
] = 10
Last edited by Lutz on Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 598
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Make It Work
Preference List: N/A, just Glow Raffle
RP: "Don't know why they can't just gather up the motes themselves," Make It Work muttered to himself as he walked along a path without much light, the only source coming from the floating motes around him. He was reluctant to help only because the swamp was dirty and he worked very hard to stay clean, but with the lack of light it was almost impossible not to squelch into a mud puddle or some swampy water. Still, the more kin that helped collect motes, the faster the sun would return. Supposedly.

Make It Work found a nice little group of motes that were about chest level, all of them hovering around a moss-covered stump from a tree that had fallen over in a storm years ago. Make It Work decided this would be his hunting grounds. If he moved carefully enough perhaps he'd be able to keep the group here and take a few without disturbing them. It made the visibility much better since there was a cluster of about seven. If he took just a few maybe it wouldn't affect the light too much and then he'd have enough to see by on the way back.

Alas, even moving slowly wasn't good enough. Make It Work netted one of the motes gently out of the group and put it into the lantern, getting the door shut just in time before he suddenly couldn't move. He felt frozen to the spot, but tall and strong at the same time. He had...branches? Leaves? Somehow Make It Work was aware of his body and he was a tree. An actual tree! His roots went deep into the ground, sucking up the water there, but his leaves seemed to shiver in the darkness. It should be warm and bright, yet the sky was so dark and the air was so cold-

Suddenly he was back to himself.

"Dramatic," he muttered to the motes in a scolding tone. He did go back for more, though, gently netting another to deposit it with the other in the lantern. He sighed as he shut the door, once again finding himself a different being. This time, however, he could feel his sharp teeth in his mouth, the dirt beneath his paws, and his ears swiveled back and forth, tall and pointy. A wolf.

"Better than a tree," he said with a sigh and patiently waited for the effects to wear off. He didn't want to have two things affecting him at once, after all. Thankfully his slow movements hadn't disturbed the other motes, and once he was himself again he was able to net a third and final floating speck out of the group. They all seemed happy enough in the lantern which was a bit of a relief: even if Make It Work seemed aloof at times, he did care about the well being of others around him, even if they were just floating balls of light.

Speaking of light...suddenly the area was ablaze with orange light, the source himself. He was entirely made of fire, lighting up the immediate area, casting crazy dancing shadows through the trees to the woods beyond. It didn't hurt to be on fire and for a moment Make It Work felt so comfortable and warm that he wished it would never end. Being able to see was a blessing, but he knew it would end soon.

When it finally did, Make It Work picked up the lantern with a sigh and moved back to the clearing where the Helpers and Steals Fire were gathered. This had better be worth all that trouble.
Dice rolls
[4, 3, 5] = 12
3d10:  [
] = 12
word count: 633
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Aria Starstone
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Aria Starstone »

Kin Name: Shadow of Death
Preference List: 16, 2, 3, 20, 12, 9, 19, 14, 15, 7, 18, 17, 10, 5, 6, 21, 1, 13, 8, 4, 11
RP: (9, 3, 2)

Shadow of Death began to chase after a small hoard of motes, or perhaps one very fast moving mote, she really did not care... She cared that the motes be gathered, that the darkness be dispelled. The dead were not happy with this unnatural darkness, this was disturbing them as much as the living. She was not happy with their displeased whispers.

The speed of the little beasts was impressive, but she finally caught up with one, and as she touched it, she had a strange feeling... And she looked back and was thoroughly shocked. Had she run into the hoard she had been chasing, and they all decided to land on her? She began to move in a circle, trying to get a look at herself, all covered up and lit up, rather than just her eyes. It was a vision to behold, and she turned the other way, too, excited at how this looked, and also at having so many! "So many! So many for the collection, this is good! Oh this is good, the whispers will calm, I am..." And then the vision began to fade, along with the appearance of so many motes. Her expression went stricken and disappointed. She went still... But then she gave an accepting sigh, and moved to deposit the caught mote.

With that, she began the hunt anew, her expression more serious now. These little things, the strangeness they could cause... It was trouble, but for the sake of fixing the problems, she had to keep going. It took her longer, this time, to hone in on a mote. She managed to grab it between her lips, and froze, feeling... Very strange. Very strange indeed. Why was the world so much bigger? What had happened? Her nose twitched and she gasped, though she did not let go of the mote. She had become a Foxbun! How had the Mote done this to her? Would Fear No Evil recognize her, or would he chase her away? She hopped towards where the Mote collection was, and made a sad noise at how much further it was, on her little fox bun feet. Everything was going to be ever so much harder now! She would have to work to reach her favorite foods, struggle to avoid puddles her larger self could step over. She kept hopping forwards, her ears swiveling around to catch sounds, just in case someone large and dangerous approached... And as she got to the collection spot, she blinked a few times... Realizing as she did that this was another, now fading, vision.

These motes were as dangerous as they were important, that was clear to the doe.

Still, it was time to make another move, just in case. She began the hunt, with a great deal of caution. What would happen this time, and would it overwhelm her as badly? She did not know, but she saw a mote, and began the chase. When she caught it, the sensation that hit was, indeed, overwhelming... As she found herself feeling over sized and towering over everything. She froze, startled and uncertain. She was so big, what if she accidentally hurt someone? Or knocked into something and broke it or knocked it down? Oh no, no no! She couldn't risk doing something to anger the spirits even worse at her! She held so very still, not moving, breathing JUST enough to not pass out but unable to convince herself to so much as take a step, or twitch. She stood there, frozen and still, for far too long... And then the world realigned, so that she felt like she was herself again, normal sized and safe to move around. She took a deep breath and darted to deposit the mote. She needed a break, whispers or no!
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] = 14
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Baneful »

Kin Name: Deceiver
Preference List: One, Two, Eight, Nine, Three, Ten, Twenty, Seventeen, Fourteen, Four, Twenty-One,

Elements -> Large Mote -> Different climate

The motes that the Helpers were asking people to gather were clearly important, and as such, Deceiver decided that it was worth getting his hands on a couple to take with him. If something was worth gathering in the first place, it was worth keeping for later examination. He didn't really intend on handing them over to help people "bring back the light" or whatever fool's errand they were on right now. The way Deceiver saw it, his contributions wouldn't really change anything in the grand scheme.

He had found himself alone in recent days, something that shouldn't have bothered him but did regardless. It wasn't like he had been incredibly clingy to Soft, but there had been a certain level of stability in his life as he centered his time around playing at a good responsible mate. Now he was unthered, he could rest periodically with Repeats Mistakes and Stay Awake, but they also journeyed around and he wasn't exactly a cornerstone of their life either. He found himself more directionless than he had been in a very long time, and honestly when he'd found all the world in darkness, he'd felt on some level that maybe it reflected the empty lightless darkness that resided within his skin.

He tried not to wallow on it, but instead set out in pursuit of the motes that flitted around the clearing. Despite his missing hoof, he could still run fairly quickly with his off-kilter gait, and he chased down one of the smaller, slower motes that lagged behind the other, catching it in his teeth. It was strangely material and it was odd that he could seize it at all, but he held on staunchly to it. This one wasn't really large enough to keep, so he deposited it in the large cage that the Helpers had set up for the things, intent on going on the hunt for a larger mote instead.

However, he found himself a little bit out of sorts as he looked down at himself and found that he had turned completely transparent, his entire body suddenly composed of mostly solid water.

He stood dead still and stared, watching tiny bubbles simmer up through his chest.

"What the?" he said, and then to anyone nearby. "Do I look like I am....suddenly made of water? Just for my own reference."

The next mote was easier. Deciding that it would be sensible to just try and catch more of the things in the hopes that he would stop being composed of mostly water, his next efforts were a lot more earnest, going after the motes with considerable effort this time, a little bit frantic about finding a solution to his current predicament. Of course, no one ever said that Deceiver was particularly intelligent. If he was, he might have considered the possibility that solving an issue caused by motes by adding even more motes into the mix was a poor bit of problem solving.

The next mote he caught was enormous, so large in fact that it didn't seem to do anything at all to him. The sensation of being made of water vanished and left him once again looking normal. It was however much too large to keep, barely able to be held onto with his teeth, so he dropped it off in the cage.

Maybe the things matured somehow and the mature ones negated the negative effects. He looked from one mote to the other thoughtfully.

One more wouldn't hurt.

This one was of what he estimated to be about an "average" size and he hopped up and caught it right out of the air.

Pleased, he held it aloft, intending to find a way to bring it with him, when suddenly the world seemed to shunt and shift around him. No longer in the swamp he found himself suddenly atop a barren and cruel mountain where the wind whipped around him and the stars wheeled overhead.

He looked up at them and made a concerned face, so stunned that the mote flitted away from him once again.

"Shit." he said irritably, watching it flit off into the blackness of the night.
word count: 741
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Astoria »

Kin Name: Veil of Death
Preference List:10, 12, 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 4, 8, 11, 17, 19
RP: Here be the post

Once Pleasant Dreams nudge her sire's shoulder, "Come, let's go catch some of these motes! I bet it'll be fun." She said leading the way and her father trailing after her. "Well, if anything happens to us on this little adventure of yours, I'm blaming you." She smiled and grabbed a lantern, she of course wasn't going to be the one catching them, she was leaving that job up to dear ole daddy.
Your kin imagines they are a tree and cannot move! Your kin imagines they have become a type of familiar!
Veil of Death gave his daughter a rather 'if I must' look and followed along after her. "So, we just grab em?" He had hoped there would have been some sort of instruction on how this was to be accomplished and tried to look around and see if anyone else was catching them any specific way. Hoof or mouth huh? Looking at the creatures he grimaced. "I can see why you're making me do this....." He hoped they didn't bite. "bhear ghosss whon" Once Pleasant Dreams said with the handle in her mouth and she watched as he darted after it. Both of them had the same though, 'These motes are super quick'. Grabbing at it finally Veil of Death began to feel, oddly. Once Pleasant Dreams watched as he suddenly began to hop around like a..... what was it?? A frog? A fox bun?? She wasn't sure and she was so glad that she had him doing this instead of her. The dark and silver buck found himself hoping around in a funny little manner that was unlike himself but seemed perfectly normal at the moment. The effects faded quickly and he secured it in the lantern his daughter held. "We speak of this to no one." He said, in a rather serious manner..... Though he really didn't mean it. Once Pleasant Dreams couldn't believe her siblings were missing this. Off we went after two more and each time he grabbed them he became still as as could be and didn't budge for what seemed an eternity. Setting the lantern down with 'her' motes she laughed. "I mean.... Can't I just-" "No." He interjected. "Let's just go back to the crowd." And the two of them made their way back to the gathering.
word count: 429
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: Sea Whelp
Preference List: 7, 20, 2, 10, 3, 21, 9, 1, 19, 12, 18, 16, 13, 6, 5, 4, 8, 17, 14, 15, 11
RP: Sea Whelp has lived her entire life near the sea and has seen all kinds of strange creatures... but until now, she has never seen creatures like these! She wonders if it's because she normally only tends to play in the waves during the day, and might miss the small creatures otherwise. Now, with the sun hiding away, their glow is impossible to miss on the dark shores - or anywhere else - they flit about.

Intent on catching one, she sets her eyes and wiggles her butt, and darts forward in a mad dash with a grin. The creature does its best to escape, and leads her on a merry chase, but at last when the doe is upon she... wait -what? She blinks, a little dizzily, and then looks down and realizes her long, slender, acha legs are now the burly, furry, legs of a totoma. Her sleek tentacles have transformed into the hard shell-like helmet that the mountain kin typically sport. Her body feels strange and clunky, not the whip-cord sleekness of her usual self. Vaguely she recalls some of the kin talking about how these creatures have a strange ability to cause visions, but it feels so very real. Just when she thinks she might begin to cry, however, it wears off, and Sea Whelp snatches up the little creature with a vengeance. Only two more to go!

The next one is just as strange, but even more weird... This time the world around her seems to grow huge - or perhaps that's only because she seems to shrink! She lies there, blinking slowly, as the tiny details in the dark world around her loom larger than anything she's ever experienced. Leaves become towering walls, stones become huge boulders - insurmountable. When it does wear off, her face is stuck full of sand and she realizes she's just been staring very intently at the ground.

As her last quarry is about to meet the end of its freedom, Sea Whelp experiences the sensation once more that her body is changing. She's more prepared this time! This time, her body seems to grow taller, and slightly more bulky. A kiokote. Well - kiokote are known for their speed, just as acha are, and she uses it to her advantage to capture the little glowing bugger.
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[7, 7, 1] = 15
3d10:  [
] = 15
word count: 423
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: High Times
Preference List: 7, 20, 2, 10, 3, 21, 9, 1, 19, 12, 18, 16, 13, 6, 5, 4, 8, 17, 14, 15, 11
RP: High Times loves shiny things! Capturing these "motes" sounds like a fun game, to her, and she runs off before anyone can warn her to be careful of their strange hallucinogenic abilities. Not that she doesn't have plenty of experience with that, anyway.

Her first nudibranch is a cute little green thing that sparkles prettily, and High Times attempts to catch in her mouth - how else - when she suddenly feels as though she has no arms, or legs, or even a mouth! Her body moves through the trees, rustling them, and she laughs in delight. She is the wind! Hell yeah! Nothing can escape her now! Except.. she isn't sure how she can capture anything like this, either. It wears off all too soon. "Aww..." Oh well, at least now she can capture her prize.

Before long, the doe is under the influence again. This time, a dream come true. She hops through the underbrush, weeping with joy. A frog, a frog! She's finally a frog! Oh joy, oh wonder! Oh -- dammit! "$#%@!" It wears off! She attempts to lick the nudibranch to duplicate the effects, but it seems this one is totally spent.

The world around her lights up, blinding. She can't see - and not because it's dark, this time! The light comes from every direction, from every surface, from every orifice... oh, it's her! She IS the light! She laughs manically and runs around, trying to see if she makes a light trail in the dark, and ends up crashing into a tree. When she wakes up, the glow is gone, but the nudibranch is still hovering nearby - or maybe it's a different one? She catches it either way.
Dice rolls
[5, 3, 3] = 11
3d10:  [
] = 11
word count: 320
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: What Lies Beneath
Preference List: 7, 20, 2, 10, 3, 21, 9, 1, 19, 12, 18, 16, 13, 6, 5, 4, 8, 17, 14, 15, 11
RP: Darkness has always been his friend. The lack of the sun does not truly concern him in the same way it seems to be causing some panic amongst many of the other kin in the swamp. He smiles to himself, and makes his way leisurely through the undergrowth, his own glowing eyes allowing him to see well enough in the gloom.

The nudibranches are interesting, though. He wonders if their little hallucinogen effect might be of some beneficial use to him, somehow. He sets off to experiment.

His first run-in with the creatures is rather strange, but interesting. He knows it's the effects of their spores, or whatever they use, as their defense. Yet it seems so very real. He has to remind himself to stay focused and capture the little cretin. Yet all the while his shadow walks beside him, grinning its shadow teeth at him, its eyes glowing in the night as it speaks in a strange tongue of whispers and darkness that make perfect sense and none at all. He's almost regretful when the effect wears off, but alas...

It seems only fitting, then, that his next run in seems to cause himself, rather than his shadow, to take on some new form of life. He knows he is not really flying, that he is not actually a bird, and yet the dichotomy between what he knows is reality and what he feels is enough to make his head spin. He flies with wings, no feet to touch the ground, a swooping sensation in his gut that feels curiously...like excitement. This one leaves him more breathless than the last. Oh, how he would enjoy replicating that feeling... Though how, he wonders, when each effect is so random?

He searches for awhile after, but the motes drift away so quickly. In the end, he finally captures one - but it is not a nudibranch at all. Rather a large mote of light that burns without burning, warm against his nose and hot as blood on his tongue as he carries it back to the gathering place. Why not? He may be invested in the dark, but even he doesn't know what it might mean if the world truly lost all light.
Dice rolls
[6, 3, 10] = 19
3d10:  [
] = 19
word count: 411
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Deadly Nightshade
Preference List: fifteen, ten, twenty, two, seven, twelve, nine, six, seventeen, fourteen, thirteen, three, one, five, four, twenty-one, eighteen, nineteen, sixteen, eight, eleven
"Catch the lights, hm?" Deadly Nightshade mumbled lowly to herself. She stood in the strangely lit grove with the rest of the kin of the Swamp, wondering what was going on. After listening intently to the strange kin's introduction, she glanced around and heaved a breath deep in her chest. The dark doe didn't mind the dark so much, but the loss of the natural order of things did not sit well with her. So, if catching the lights was what moved them in the right direction, then so be it. She was very good at catching things, after all. Scanning the area, she set her eyes on one of the motes floating through the trees.

Hoofbeats against the gnarled roots were almost drowned out by the other sounds of the Swamp. Deadly Nightshade trotted after the mote for some time before she caught up any reasonable amount. The mote only revealed details around them when they glanced by a tree. Darkness blanketed the rest of the area, leaving the terrain as a surprise to her as she trudged after the glow. It felt like her ears were on a swivel as she tried to fill in the blanks with the sounds around her. Soon enough, though, she got close enough to reach the mote and to see a little bit around her.

Just as she reared up to swipe the glow down with a hoof, her balance felt like it was jerked to the dirt. The large kimeti clamped her eyes shut to stave off the nausea as she tried to steady her footing. She cursed through clenched teeth for losing the mote and shook her head to clear it. When she didn't feel any better, she cracked open an eye...and saw she was much closer to the ground. "What..." she started, swinging her head around. That was when she realized her legs felt fine? Short, but fine? Now ache from the shattered shoulder scale, and her hooves felt weird? Deadly Nightshade looked down and discovered that her hooves were exchanged for paws, and her long legs for short, fluffy ones. A flick of her tail revealed more fluff.

"They weren't kidding" she murmured, remembering what she overheard about the strange effects the motes gave off. The dark...mongoose...took a few steps forward to reorient herself. When she looked up, she saw the mote she was chasing in the distance. Not one to be bested, she skittered after it as fast as her new little legs would take her. The closer she got, the clearer her head seemed to get. Her vision felt normal and she was getting...taller? By the time she was in pace with the mote again, the hallucination seemed to be gone and she could hear her own hoofbeats again. Mild concerns about how far away she'd gone from the group crossed her mind, but she was on the hunt now. It wouldn't take her long to retrace her steps. Hopefully.

Catching up to the mote was a little easier this time, now that Deadly Nightshade got the rhythm of its flitting and swooping through the trees. Her eyes adjusted a little as well, and the mote revealed more of the landscape to her. A few more cantering steps brought her within reach of the thing again, and thankfully it was lower to the ground. Deadly Nightshade opened her maw wide and bared her fangs at the thing, determined to catch it this time. Pushing off the ground with her hind legs, she leapt at the mote.

She nearly had her jaws around it when things shifted again.

The force of the impact knocked the mote very close to the floor, illuminating the area around her. She roared in anger and before she could stomp out the little light, Deadly Nightshade saw her shadow jerk. And another jerk. A shudder. A lurch. She stood in horror as she watched her shadow split into two and stand on each side of her.

Sweat beaded rapidly all over her dark fur and a chill ran down Deadly Nightshade's spine. It was just like in the maze, but these shadows were her own. They flanked her, stomping and rearing while she stood frozen. The thundering of her heart in her chest travelled up to her ears and her neck instantly began to itch once again. But, she found she could not move to quell the feeling. "Stop." she demanded, growling, trying to push the fear out of her chest. Pinning her ears back, she took a step back and her eyes darted from one shadow to the next.

The mote lifted back up further into the trees. The raging shadows began to fade with its light. She stared intently until they were gone, but her hooves still stayed glued to the ground. The images seemed burned into her mind, and even after the light was well in the distance, she still felt like she could still see them before her. It took longer than she'll ever admit to let out the breath she felt like she had held for ages.

Deadly Nightshade squinted through the suffocating darkness and spotted the same mote fluttering through the trees. She shook her whole body, shaking off the feeling that consumed her like she shook off water from the rain. Soon, her heart quieted down and her breath evened. She would try again. She just needed to breathe.

The large doe tried to swallow down the shame she felt as she turned away from continuing the chase. It wasn't often that she gave up a hunt. With a defeated sigh, she trotted back towards the grove where the Helpers and other kin were gathered. Hopefully no one noticed her leave, and hopefully no one would notice her coming back without a prize. Deadly Nightshade pinned her ears at the thought. This weakness would have to be worked out, one way or another. But first, returning the sun. She took a deep breath, raised her head, and set her jaw as she rejoined the group.

[Words: 1010]
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[3, 6, 6] = 15
3d10:  [
] = 15
Last edited by lilacfishie on Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1059
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FAMILIAR CHASE: Dice/Writing Game - Nudibranches - Through Oct 6

Post by HuniPi »

Kin Name: Sunshine Riptide
Preference List: 19, 18, 14, 16, 11, 7, 13, 21, 20, 12, 1, 10, 9, 3, 4, 2, 5, 8, 17, 6, 15
RP: Sunny was absolutely distraught about the sun's disappearance. She drew life and joy from the sun and its brilliant rays, to have it disappear was akin to resigning herself to death. While she still had the energy, she ventured out to find a way to set things back to rights.

Through scuttlebutt and whispers, Sunny heard about the gathering happening at The Grove. It sounded like a good lead and when she arrived, she found other kin there turning over glowing wisps. Oh, were they supposed to capture these things? She was unsure how exactly that would help but if it meant getting the sun back, then so be it.

She set about her hunt and while it took a bit more effort than she would have liked, she caught her first mote! Pleased with herself, she looked around to see if there were other kin to share her triumph with. And from the corner of her eye she did see the silhouette of another kimeti doe. When the other kin angled their head as if to face Sunny, she nearly let out a horrified scream when the so-called 'other kin' had no face. It was actually a shadow!

What's worse, it was her shadow and how dare it abandon her just like that! Mote firmly in her clutches, she chased after the renegade shade for a time before it finally gave up and returned to her. Out of breath, Sunny decided to rest for a spell atop a large pile of leaves. But when she sat down something wriggled underneath her and lo and behold it was a second mote! One of unusually large size. Maybe its girth was what made it easier for her to catch it.

Rested and with a boost of confidence, Sunny set off to catch another mote. This one proved far more difficult for her to capture as it always managed to dart just out of reach at the very last second. But she wasn't about to let it annoy her or get the better of her. She pretended she lost interest in it, waiting for it to be lulled into a false sense of security before surging towards it in a bright streak.

The moment she secured the mote, she froze. Not because of what she saw but what she'd become! Her limbs felt heavy, stiff and unresponsive. She tried to turn her head to see why but even that proved near impossible as she realized she was encased in bark. No, not just encased, she'd become bark!

But rather than panic, Sunny felt at peace. Oh, she'd always known she had some ancestry of plants in her. Why else would she be so rejuvinated whenever she bathed in the sun and why else would she fall weak in the darkness of night? This simply proved her suspicions and if anything vindicated her beliefs.

As pleasant as this development was, it was (unfortunately) only temporary for the doe and when she regained mobility, Sunshine Riptide was crestfallen. She shook her head, chiding herself for such defeatist thinking. Besides, if she remained a tree she wouldn't be able to help bring the sun back! For now, she'll set aside the glorious memory of becoming a tree and remember it later.
Dice rolls
[6, 10, 4] = 20
3d10:  [
] = 20
word count: 588