Sea-Depth Kisses (Cert) (Kindex) And found myself alone, alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
A Lie that is a Truth (Cert) (Kindex)
Plays into Mother of Tears' delusions, but doesn't believe in them. She stays close to her mother's side in the hopes of foiling her schemes.
(Not dark and murdery like she lets her mothers think- Actually a Very Nice girl, thanks.)
Love and Manipulation (Cert) (Kindex)
"For a bloody good time-" Will step on anyone that wills it and can pay for the privilege.
Also doubles as a hunter for her mother.
Still Yourself Alone (Cert) (Kindex) "There’s a line you never get to cross, as long as you live. The edge of your body. You’re trapped inside your skin, and no matter how many times you reach out to touch a friend or a lover, no matter how close you hold someone or how fiercely you make love, when it begins, when it ends, and all the moments in between, you are still yourself, alone."
Constantly seeking affection and touch in all the wrong places.
Portent (Cert) (Kindex)
The enigmatic shadow that follows Weep in the dark. What does she whisper to her in her sleep?
The ghost that haunts the ghost.
Joyful Loneliness (Cert) (Kindex)
A perfect introvert- Others wipe him out so he does his best to avoid them. He's extremely happy to be completely alone. There are fewer expectations placed on him this way.
Swallow the Flame Down (Cert) (Kindex)
A born performer, much like her mother, much less determined to be in the spotlight like Thunder was at her age however.
Happiest when she's playing with fire in new and exciting ways- Especially the way light catches the eye and leaves a vague trail when moved quickly. The impermanence of it intrigues her.