Mother of Tears (Cert) (Kindex)
Obsessive murderess. She believes very firmly that her naming dream was touched by Harbinger The Other and was less a guide to her name and more a call to find her sisters and dedicate herself to him alongside them(she's insane.) She spends her time luring offerings into the tar pit, lounging next to whatever pool her love Drowner is residing in at the moment, and looking for her sisters.
The poor girl has a lot to think over after the events of the Bring Back the Light event. Girl knows how to pivot.
Nightmare Moon (Cert) (Kindex)
The opposite of Bring In the Night in every possible way. Solitary and defensive by choice, but blames others for her loneliness and spite.
Main Attraction (Cert) (Kindex)
Her dream involved every eye on her- She would like nothing more than the complete opposite. Happy to work in the background doing all the hard labor.