[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by rexcorvus »

She had been a very pretty doe in the way that a forest fire was pretty, or the way a spark of an ember was pretty: something bright and intense and that may burn you if you get too close, but you try anyway because you can't help yourself. Ren had seen the way her hair had burned in the middle of the night; how her eyes, hooded and dark, had watched him as he had watched her, and he had been inexplicably drawn in.

And now he was about to be a father.

He wasn't regretful. Not exactly. A part of him wished he had been more cautious, but, then again, the larger part of him didn't mind so much. He loved children and the weight they could bring to one's life; maybe, just maybe, the meaning he wanted so desperately would be there now.

Or maybe it was a fruitless attempt. He didn't know, but he was going to try, wandering through a swampy field somewhere midday, feeling the mud against his hooves. He was going to try, and that was what mattered.

But first - a blessing.
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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by Ruriska »

When it came to gossip, there wasn’t much that Watch Me missed out on. If it involved somebody in the troupe, whether it was a fall out or a fling, he would hear about it. If there was offspring involved, even better. It gave him the perfect excuse to get in on the juicy details.

But there was no way he was going to be asking Thunder for any of those juicy details. She was, quite frankly, terrifying. In the best of ways. And for a little while there she’d been a rather contentious member of the troupe until Totem had mellowed her out (somewhat).

So if he couldn’t get the details from her, his next best option was the suitor.

Which was a little bit harder but not at all impossible, not when you had one of the best gossip networks in the city and could turn into a bird.

So as the colourful Watch Me spiraled down towards the Kimeti who matched the description he’d been given, he gave him a once over and decided that he was rather handsome in a non-Acha sort of way. Acceptable enough at first glance.

He passed over the Kimeti, then transformed mid-glide, his flight turning into a trot that he imagined looked quite majestic.

“Good day to you!” He called, grinning.
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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by rexcorvus »

There was a bird, and then there was not a bird. Render gave it a long, calculating look, then smiled brightly. So this was what they called a legendary.


He had no idea how he was supposed to respond, and wasn't entirely sure if there was some sort of process he was supposed to follow. Was he supposed to show deference? Was he supposed to get down on his knees? Was he supposed to offer something? He sincerely hoped not; he hadn't brought anything at all with him, and, casting a quick glance at his surroundings, nothing in the immediate area that seemed as though it was fit for a gift, unless the kiokote enjoyed a mouthful of grass and some dirt. Maybe a rock.

Ren settled for what was sort of a half bow, half nod that made his head twist awkwardly. "Hello," he said, one ear perking. "Are you here to help me?"
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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by Ruriska »

The half bow was satisfactory enough and honestly more respect than most kin bothered to give him. Watch Me was just pleased to be able to put on a show, standing with his head high, very majestic, very much a Legendary.

“Yes, I am here to help,” he replied. “The MotherFather has sent me to your aid.”

He also liked other kin to presume there was a little more to it other than a vague feeling that he had stuff to do. He had sought this guy out without a problem but it was easy to spend a whole day flapping about in circles. If the MotherFather ever deigned to offer a tiny bit of guidance every now and then that would have been great.

“But before I do, you must answer my question.” Watch Me made sure his voice was extra deep and mysterious as he asked, “so, what do you think of Thunder?”
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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by rexcorvus »

Having never met a Legendary before, Render was at first impressed by the speed in which the other had arrived, and secondly impressed by the fact that he could turn into a bird. He wondered what it felt like to fly and felt a little jealous at the idea; a feeling that he hastily squashed away because now was not the time to be pining for the skies he couldn't reach.

Instead, he gave the kiokote a smile and said, "Well, I'm grateful, then, to the Motherfather for sending you to me. I've never done this before, so I think a little guidance would be nice."

He didn't mind answering questions, and so Render waited politely until it was asked, and then a long moment of silence stretched out between them in which it wouldn't have been unusual for several tumbleweeds to pass through (if there had been any).

"Oh," said Ren, and then, after contemplating this, he said, "She's, you know."

A pause.


Another pause.

"In a good way, I mean," Ren added, just in case that wasn't clear.

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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by Ruriska »

His ears were perked, his gaze intent. He waited, and waited, and then waited a little more. For so long his ears started to droop.

And just when Watch Me thought he wasn't going to get an answer, the other buck finally began to reply. ‘Oh,’ he said and Watch Me immediately started nodding encouragingly, his brows shooting up.


Well, yes. That was certainly one way to describe her.

“Of course,” Watch Me replied in a much more hurried manner, “only in a good way. I would say she’s quite the fiery one!” If by fiery you also meant ‘had once wanted to challenge the very foundations of The Royal Rainbow Troupe’. Not that he ever thought about that.

“I must tell you that she's a very well-loved member of my troupe and I have a very keen interest in her and her children's well-being. I’m basically like another father.” He smiled proudly. “So, what are your plans? Will you join the troupe? You’d be quite welcome.”

But he wasn’t done just yet.

Since it took so long for the buck to reply, Watch Me figured he’d ask every question now and save them some time.

“Do tell - did you romance her? How did you even meet? Are you in love?”
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[ b ] A Storm Approaches (Render & Watch Me)

Post by rexcorvus »

The kio was watching him with the sort of fervent interest that Render usually associated with spectators at an event like the Winter Market. It wasn't exactly bad but he still felt a little seen.

It was fine. It was totally fine. This buck clearly knew Thunder, clearly had met her otherwise he likely wouldn't have been asking, and Ren was neither shy nor quiet about his own endeavors. He didn't go shouting it from the mountaintops, but if someone asked him about his life, he was perfectly content to share as much as was respectable. Mostly.

(He didn't mind a little gossip here and there, either.)

"Fiery," Ren repeated, and laughed, one of his ears flicking. "That's a perfect term for her. She's fiery and quite sure of herself. I like the confidence, you know? It's endearing. She's very smart."

He'd never heard of whatever troupe Watch Me was talking about, but it intrigued him, Ren tilting his head so that his hair fell over his back in long, golden waves. "What sort of troupe is it?" he asked curiously. "I didn't meet her in any sort of troupe...er, group setting or anything, and I don't remember her mentioning you or anyone, but we weren't exactly making small talk or anything."

That sounded kind of bad. Ren cleared his throat and gave Watch Me a winning smile. "I'm definitely interested in a troupe and - "

The question of romance had him pausing. Watch Me was given a long eyeball of a stare.

"...no?" said Ren, after several awkward minutes had passed. It was more of a question than a statement. "Uh. I mean, well, I, uh...well, I was walking, well, hunting more or less, and I saw her, and she was, you know, she's very pretty and bright, and well - "

He didn't want to say that he was a sucker for redheads because that just sounded stupid.

"I did romance her pretty well, though," Ren added, tone proud; a skill he had honed over many years.
Ruriska wrote:
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