CULTURE: Matope/Kin Zodiac

Information about how Matope works, as well as story details that will allow you to participate and RP.
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CULTURE: Matope/Kin Zodiac

Post by Matope »

The Path of the Stars

Let Us Begin__________________________________________________

>>Is there a birth sign for everyone? Yes, there is a sign available for every birth date.

>>Does my personality connect with my sign? There are many individuals whose signs do not explain them in detail - sometimes the signs speak through symbolism or suggestion. These signs only offer a guide to your connection with the earth and the stars, though some dominant personality traits have been listed beside your sign.

>>What is the significance of my lucky objects? Wearing your lucky stone or flower and using your lucky number when required may increase your luck. Whether it be in love or life in general, these items are tuned with your star sign to increase well-being and good fortune.

Discovering My Sign_______________________________________________

Your sign is determined by not only the month you were born, but the specific time of your day of birth. Your time of birth effects your corresponding results (Such as lucky plant and gem) and some of your more dominant personality traits.

To find your birth sign, simply use the information below. Fine your date of birth, year excluded, and read on to discover the secrets of your sign.

The Old Mountain, March 21 - April 20
Your Lucky Number Is: Seven
Your Motto: Never Defeated, Always Standing, Forever Tall.
Your Flower: Red Geranium (Pink Mallow if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Ruby (Amethyst if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Shades of Red

Common Traits: Adventurous, Confident, Extrovert, Dynamic.
Common Talents: Leader, Medical Healer, Amplified Physical Ability.

The Mangrove, April 21 to May 21
Your Lucky Number Is: Six
Your Motto: Gentle and Bold, The Lover Of All, Marsh's Delight.
Your Flower: Mangrove Flower (White Tulip if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Amber (Ammolite if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Shades of Yellow

Common Traits: Patient, Loving, Secure, Determined.
Common Talents: Collectors, Attendants, Amplified Singing Ability.

The Twins, May 22 to June 21
Your Lucky Number Is: Two
Your Motto: My Thoughts Are Winged, My Heart Is Two.
Your Flower: Blue Hydrangea (Lily-Of-The-Valley if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Turquoise (Charoite if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Shades of Purple

Common Traits: Adaptable, Youthful, Lively, Inquisitive.
Common Talents: Recorders, Amplified Reasoning/Speaking Skills.

The Three Horn, June 22 to July 22
Your Lucky Number Is: Three
Your Motto: The Tide Will Turn, I Shall Not Abandon.
Your Flower: Snow In Summer (White Cherry if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Pearl (Datolite if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Gray

Common Traits: Emotional, Intuitive, Sympathetic, Protective.
Common Talents: Story-Tellers, Care-Takers, Amplified Consoling/Parenting Ability.

The Hunter, July 23 to August 22
Your Lucky Number Is: One
Your Motto: Sun, Not Shadow. Glory, Not Squalor.
Your Flower: Marigold (Cattail if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Onyx (Tiger's Eye if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Gold

Common Traits: Generous, Creative, Expansive, Faithful.
Common Talents: Entertainer/Dancer, Amplified Artistic Craft.

The Familiar, August 23 to September 23
Your Lucky Number Is: Five
Your Motto: I Wish To Give, I Have Much To Tell.
Your Flower: Dandelion (Poppy if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Lace Agate (Moss Agate if Night-Birth)
Your Color: All Bright Colors

Common Traits: Modest, Meticulous, Intelligent, Reliable.
Common Talents: Teachers, Philosophers, Amplified Attention to Detail.

The Winged One, September 24 to October 23
Your Lucky Number Is: Twelve
Your Motto: Love Is My Star - Just and Fair.
Your Flower: Purple Rose (Lilac if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Obsidian (Moonstone if Night-Birth)
Your Color: All Dark Colors

Common Traits: Romantic, Urbane, Idealistic, Peaceful.
Common Talents: Priests/Priestesses, Hunters/Lawmen, Amplified Diplomatic Ability.

The Web, October 24 to November 22
Your Lucky Number Is: Nine
Your Motto: The Truth Is Light.
Your Flower: Fire Lily (Rose if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Garnet (Jet if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Black

Common Traits: Determined, Passionate, Magnetic, Compulsive.
Common Talents: Hunters/Explorers, Amplified Motivation and Courage.

The Father Star, November 23 to December 21
Your Lucky Number Is: Four
Your Motto: Loyalty And Independence.
Your Flower: Red Acanthus (Sweet Pea if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Clear Tourmaline (Rose Quartz if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Dark Red

Common Traits: Optimistic, Honest, Jovial, Restless.
Common Talents: Hunters/Traders, Medical Healer, Amplified Teaching Ability.

The Trickster, December 22 to January 20
Your Lucky Number Is: Eight
Your Motto: Those With Purpose Prosper.
Your Flower: Orange Heather (Pink Snapdragon if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Copal (Thulite if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Orange

Common Traits: Practical, Ambitious, Humorous, Careful.
Common Talents: Authoritative Positions, Amplified Pioneering Ability.

The Firefly, January 21 to February 19
Your Lucky Number Is: Ten
Your Motto: Tomorrow is Never Just Like Today. (note: modified)
Your Flower: Mint (Blue-Green Iris if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Bronze Quartz (Sunstone if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Green

Common Traits: Loyal, Original Detached, Serious.
Common Talents: Inventors, Researchers, Amplified Intellectual/Memory Ability.

The Half-Bloom, February 20 to March 20
Your Lucky Number Is: Eleven
Your Motto: Gentle, Patient, The Nature Of Mud.
Your Flower: White Hydrangea (Garlic if Night-Birth)
Your Gem: Sapphire (Aquamarine if Night-Birth)
Your Color: Shades of Blue

Common Traits: Idealistic, Sensitive, Selfless, Weak-Willed.
Common Talents: Communicators, Creative Tasks, Enhanced Adaptability.


The Path of the Stars by Owlied (Source: Journal)
Last edited by Matope on Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 873
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