[SOLO] Something Old (ane's kin)

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[SOLO] Something Old (ane's kin)

Post by anemosagkelos »

A collection of plush prompts.
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Re: [SOLO] Favorite Childhood Object (ane's kin)

Post by anemosagkelos »

When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?
Justified was not given to thoughts of youth. That had been a time of nonsense and cowardice and hoping he survived. He was not like most totoma; fight was not a physical battle that he enjoyed or pursued. For all that he looked like the others, he had never been like them at all. He was smart and full of wit; while his tribe had enjoyed strategy, they had never seen him for the hero he was.

It wasn't a surprise that he had become a wanderer. A tradesman.

Today though, he found himself drowning in a time of innocence he barely remembered. He grumpily encouraged every kin he saw to get lost or tell him what they sought. And then one of them had given him a tortoise shell. He'd been hasty in his process to give them what they wanted and then, when they had left, he had carefully made sure to take the shell back to his cave to be alone.

In the dark, he giggled at the shell. He didn't remember what totoma had given it to him but a tortoise shell had been his first possession. It had been given with a threat, of course, to remind him of what happened to cowards who hid in shells and didn't face their problems. And he'd been terrified that he would be killed then but whoever it was had walked off and he'd melted into a puddle of relief. He wasn't dead; he wasn't found out.

He'd taken to that shell; this object that could have otherwise meant he was a target and he had treasured it. He used it to hide anything he could scavenge for himself. Sometimes he stole things and used the shell as a decoy place to search. It had always given him joy to see the fools look in and find nothing they deemed useful. He had laughed at many a dummy who had thought they could catch him at anything.

It had come to an end, a violent one, when an elder thought him too meek and too attached to an object. The elder had smashed it with a hoof to teach him a lesson. And a lesson he had learned; tear down anyone who dared to target him. He'd had his revenge and, now, he had another shell.

Alone, he filled it with objects he had taken and been given. He tipped it and pushed it and giggled all the more. It was so useful; he'd keep it forever this time.
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[SOLO] Title

Post by anemosagkelos »

When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?
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[SOLO] Title

Post by anemosagkelos »

When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?
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Re: [SOLO] Title

Post by anemosagkelos »

When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?
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Re: [SOLO] Title

Post by anemosagkelos »

When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?
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word count: 44
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