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Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place : Breeding Bribes Open!
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:19 pm
by Starrydance
Starrys' Bribe & Work list thread!
My Work List!
Up Next:
Fancy boxes - 0/1
Boxpiles - 0/5
Boxes - 0/5
Bagpiles - 0/5
Bags - 0/5
SC: Elvy Pair
The List:
Semi-Custom Kin Request for seru_ame
Kin Name:
Kin Species: CC
Gender: Buck
Growing, Non or CC: cc
Notes: A kin who would own Peace Found
Semi-Custom Kin Request for seru_ame
Kin Name:
Kin Species: cc
Gender: Doe / Eyed
Growing, Non or CC: CC
Notes: Made her myself
Semi-Custom Kin Request for seru_ame
Kin Name:
Kin Species: cc
Gender: buck / eyed
Growing, Non or CC: CC
Notes: false-eyed beastie
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:20 pm
by Starrydance
Please Know:
- All Bribes for all things! Edited and unedited and pets!
- I prefer Breedings over Semis
- I will message you when I accept your bribe! If a bribe is for a gift or an event, you may message me - otherwise just the forms please!
- All Bribes are SemiCustom, or Colorists Choice - please no direct requests for markings.
Bribes are: CLOSED
I will take:
* Breedings
* Edited Breedings
* Very rarely Familiars, almost never Pet Breedings
*Growings will have to be big bribes!
Bribes are always open for posting, but please keep it to one post per person! I'll take them when I can <3
What I love to do:
Breedings, Stars, Clouds, darker colors. Pixel markings!
What Im not so good at:
Florals, I prolly wont take a floral bribe.
Semi CC Kin:
Code: Select all
[semikin=your username][color=deeppink][b]Kin Name:[/b] can be left blank
[b]Kin Species:[/b] Kimeti/Kiokote/Acha/Totoma/Zikwa/CC - as many or little as you'd like!
[b]Gender:[/b] Buck/Doe, Eyed/Eyeless for Zikwa, or CC
[b]Growing, Non or CC:[/b]
[b]Edited:[/b]Yes/No. May list preferred donated edits
[b]Request:[/b] [img]your inspiration image URL here! no bigger than 700x700; resize using width=700 in your img tag![/img]
[b]Notes:[/b] RP reasons, image credit, little notes, or can be left blank. Please do not suggest how you'd like the colourist to interpret the image.
Kin Unedited Breeding:
Code: Select all
[uneditedbreeding=your username,your partner's username][color=purple]
[b]Your Kin:[/b] [ link][img]LINKTOCERT[/img][/url]
[b]Other person's Kin:[/b] [ link][img]LINKTOCERT[/img][/url]
[b]Growing or Adult Only?[/b]
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b] Please do RP when I claim asap!
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b]
[b]Token Baby?[/b] Whos inventory?
[b]Throwback info:[/b] Please link up to 4 ancestors of these kin for potential throwback edits / markings / colors, on one line without line breaks.
[b]Additional notes:[/b]
Kin Edited Breeding:
Code: Select all
[editedbreeding=your username,your partner's username][color=blue][b]Your Kin:[/b] [url=your kin's URL][img]your kin's CERT url[/img][/url]
[b]Other person's Kin:[/b] [url=the other kin's URL][img]the other kin's CERT url[/img][/url]
[b]Growing or Adult Only?[/b] Choose either or CC
[b]Edited:[/b] Edited or CC - remember to post an accompanying unedited pair!
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b] Please link if so - the RP must be completed at the point of posting.
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b] Please link or state your intent if so.
[b]Extra Baby Token?[/b] Yes/No; please make sure you have the Token - Breeding (Extra Baby) item in your inventory if claiming this extra.
[b]Throwback info:[/b] If so, please link (from up to 4 ancestors of these kin for potential throwback edits / markings / colors, on one line without line breaks. Please remember you may only choose 1-2 max throwbacks from each involved kin's lineage.
[b]Additional notes:[/b]
Code: Select all
[semipet=your username][color=darkgreen][b]Pet Name:[/b] can be left blank
[b]Pet Species:[/b] any open pet species/pet species you have permission for with visual proof linked/CC
[b]Request:[/b] [img]http://your inspiration image URL here! no bigger than 700x700; resize using width=700 in your img tag![/img]
[b]Notes:[/b] RP reasons, image credit, little notes, or can be left blank. Please do not suggest how you'd like the colourist to interpret the image. If requesting a closed species pet, include screencap of permission here.[/color][/semipet]
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:20 pm
by Starrydance
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:20 pm
by Starrydance
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:20 pm
by Starrydance
Space Intentionally left Blank
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:21 pm
by Starrydance
~ For Future Use ~
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:33 am
by Anhelisk
Owner Usernames: Anhelisk
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult-Only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A, Self-RP isn't allowed!
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get!
Newbie sac? Yes, isra_octli!
Throwback info: Rabbit Ears and Tirade!
Additional notes: Cause for Curiosity~ Self-pair! I look forward to giving babies out~
Bribe: 100 pebbles and an art piece! <3
Owner Usernames: Anhelisk
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult-Only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A!
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get if mockbreeds allow it!
Newbie sac? Yes, faeline!
Throwback info: Gentle Heart and Streams of Silver!
Additional notes: Lisa Frank Goodness! Self-pair! I look forward to giving babies out~
Bribe: 100 pebbles and an art piece! <3
Owner Usernames: Anhelisk
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult-only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A, Selfpair!
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get if chosen!
Newbie sac? Yes, Remy!
Throwback info: N/A!
Additional notes: I hope you like eldritch magic, too? Self-pair! I look forward to giving babies out~
Bribe: 100 pebbles and an art piece! <3
Owner Usernames: Anhelisk & 0- Menma -0
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult-Only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? Nope!
Legendary blessing? Please link. Nah!
Newbie sac? Nope!
Throwback info: Not applicable!
Additional notes: A gift for Menma! Will be using a transformation flower. <3
Bribe: 100 pebbles and an art piece! <3
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:27 pm
by wander
Username: Wander
Kin Name: Uncanny Valley
Kin Species: CC, no Kimeti, no Zik
Gender: CC
Growing or Non: CC
Notes: <3
Bribe: There will be one, I'm just too tired to math
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 6:22 pm
by Muffinsbaby
Username: Muffinsbaby
Kin Name: TBD
Kin Species: Kimeti or Acha
Gender: CC - buck prefered
Growing or Non: CC
Notes: Image spoilered because too big, will resize if needed.
Bribe: Uhm, 100p maybe? I'm bad at this.
Username: Muffinsbaby
Kin Name: TBD
Kin Species: CC - no kio
Gender: CC
Growing or Non: CC
Notes: All its missing is stars! But Galaxy and Lace was the inspiration
Bribe: Myyyy love? But also 100p
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:30 pm
by Izaeah
Username: Izaeah
Kin Name: TBD
Kin Species: CC
Gender: CC
Growing or Non: CC
Notes: Actually hoping for some BFF pretties to give one away to a most-deserving friend. <3
Bribe: I was thinking 75ish for each, so 150? More as needed.
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 3:27 pm
by Astoria
taking out since I used my free monthly semi for this <3
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:10 pm
by SilverShieldwolf
Owner Usernames: SilverShieldwolf
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin: Mystery
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. No
Newbie sac? Nah
Throwback info:
Additional notes:
Bribe: 200 pebbles
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:06 am
by Lirilei
Re: Starrys' Bribe And Work List Place
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:02 am
by lolternative
Owner Usernames: lolternative & mindsend
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? noty.
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get.
Newbie sac? noty.
Throwback info: x & x
Additional notes: trying to get them a breeding from every colourist
Bribe: 100 pebbles