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Matope Winter Market 2015 :: Super Smash Kin (gaia trans)

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:29 pm
by Owlsomniac
[imgright] ... uncert.png[/imgright]
It looks like the duo has coerced (or, uh, captured) eight animals to fight. They're currently guarded by a navy-colored legendary kimeti. She has...a lot of eyes. It's a little intimidating! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you'll get to pick your opponent. Let's hope the MotherFather's smiling on you!

In your first post, please roll 1d8 (one eight-sided die) to see what animal your kin will be facing today.

1. the boar - This guy's a bruiser. You probably don't want to mess with it. -1 to your roll.
2. the caiman - Whose great idea was it to pit innocent kin against this creature? -3 to your roll.
3. the pangolin - It's armored and spiky, but it seems too lazy to be a particularly vicious contender. +6 to your roll.
4. the eaglehound - Aww, puppy! It's playtime!...wait. This one's received a bit of training, hasn't it? +2 to your roll.
5. the giant wasp - So the stinger's a little intimidating, but the front half is approachable...right? +6 to your roll.
6. the lynx - This lady's a predator. might have a bit of a leg up on her. +4 to your roll.
7. the foxbun - How can anyone bear to fight this face? Look at this pudgy baby! +8 to your roll.
8. the swan - Oh, how lovely! Look wide that wingspan i - oh s**t. -1 to your roll.

Wait! Where are you going? You haven't even fought it yet! Think of the glory.

To fight, make another post and roll 2d10 (two ten-sided dice). The first die represents how well the animal did. Tremble in fear, puny mortal kin! The second die represents how well you did - but wait! Remember to add your modifier from the table above. Next, compare the two numbers. If the second number (yours!) is greater than the familiar's, well, you win a token! If your number is lower...well. Maybe you can try again tomorrow!

If you've somehow tied, you'll be granted the win.

Fill your fighting posts with relevant RP, and you're done! As an added bonus, reaching 500 words at this booth will allow you to count it as a legendary requirement! (Once per kin only.)

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), the crew only seems willing to let you attempt once per day. Maybe you can train for tomorrow's match!

What Lies Beneath hadn't expected this sort of.. entertainment, when someone had mentioned the "festivities" of the clearing to him, in passing. But, well, now that he's here.... He grins a little sharply.

"Might as well give it a go." 

Rolled "1": The Boar

Lies tilts his head as the boar is brought out. Its tusks gleam in the early morning light, slick with it's saliva and it snorts and paws at the ground, ready to go. Something inside him thrills a little at the sight of it and he hopes it will prove to be as well of a match as it appears. Perhaps coming to the clearing hadn't been such a bad idea after all.

The boar charges, and Lies attempts to move out of the way, only to slip on a slick patch of mud and falls with a sharp oof!.

Luckily for him, his fall means that he doesn't get gutted in the chest, or worse, though it is extremely embarrassing. His dark coloration hides his flush, but not his scowl and narrowed eyes as he picks himself up, stiffly, and pointedly does not meet anyone's eyes.

Time to find something to drink to soothe the burn of shame, he thinks. 

What Lies Beneath is back for another round, today and, this time, he plans firmly on NOT losing. Yesterday had been an embarrassment. He should have paid more attention to his surroundings and realized that the ground was a little slick. Maybe it had been done that way to give the animals a somewhat better chance... But, he can only hope that this time he does better.

Time to see what his opponent will be. 

Rolled "2": The Caimain



The thing hisses at him, angrily, inflating its body as if to make itself bigger. Not that it's necessary. The thing is rather large for a caiman and he wonders if, perhaps, it might have been raised by one of the handlers.

It certainly doesn't seem tame at all, though.

As Lies looks into its black eyes, it snaps its jaws, whipping itself around as if to get free, eager to tear into him. The handsome buck forces himself to let out a breath. Ok. Time to think logically. Caiman are usually slower out of water... right? I mean, usually he'd try to ambush one of these things if he really had to, and he's not exactly a slouch, himself. His broad, sturdy, frame speaks to that well enough. But even the strongest of bucks, or does, knows better than to go up against a pissed off caiman that knows you're there.


Well, no backing out, now. His pride won't allow it. So the buck squares his shoulders and takes a few steps forward, eyes narrowing. The caimain lashes out with its sharp teeth and he manages to avoid the first blow, kicking it against it's hard, armored head. That only seems to anger it even more and it lets out a sound that raises the hackles along the buck's smooth back.

Well...crap. And there's no time, nowhere to move to as it suddenly whips out that powerful tail and knocks him smack, clean in the chest, and straight onto his side, in the dirt once again.

His pride is smarting more than his skin, though, and Lies picks himself up with gritted teeth, barely holding his anger in check, though, somehow, he manages a small smile that he hopes doesn't look too strained. Enough of this, though. Time to find something else to entertain himself with.