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A drabble on the theme of Ocean (gaia transfer)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 4:37 pm
by Owlsomniac
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She does not come to this place very often. It is a desolate and often lonely place, and hard to get to, besides. The salt air stings her delicate nose, and the water is no good to drink. Not that this has ever stopped her from getting what she wants -- not once. Still, it is out of the way and the doe tries to get as much as she can when she makes these trips so that she does not have to return too soon. The skin she has should be large enough to hold what she needs on her way back. At least, she hopes it is.

The ocean before her gleams and glitters in the sunlight before her, all different shades of blue, and Poppymilk sighs as she finally clears the last of the tangled, gnarled, trees along this particular stretch of the beach. A few twigs have snagged in her long red mane, and the doe lets out a breath of weary frustration as she tries to tug herself free. There is a bit of pain involved before the twigs snap off reluctantly and remain sticking out of the curls like strange horns. Now that that she is finally here, however, the struggles and challenges of the journey itself seem at least to be worth it.


She smiles, eyes sparkling as she takes in the scenery -- and what a good spot, too. The main reason for coming here, of course, is the patch of poppies that grow wild, here. She’ll collect a great mound of them later, but for now… a refreshing dip in the surf seems like a good idea after all the hard work it took simply getting here.

The water is comfortably cool, and the waves lap at her legs almost playfully as she allows herself to sink down into one of the shallow pools near the surf, away from the larger, more aggressive, waves. An outcropping of rock not too far ahead takes most of the beating -- making this spot perfect for relaxing. The last thing she needs is to find herself swept off to sea, after all.

After awhile she notes that her little pool has a few interesting inhabitants. A small fish of magnificent color darts around frantically for a few moments as Poppy settles, before it, too, begins to relax and swim about at a more sedate pace. On the other end of the pool, where the water is deeper, a star-shaped creature clings to a rock beneath the water. Tiny clams and crabs in funny-shaped shells rest along the bottom where it is too deep for Poppymilk to stand, though the water is clear and calm enough, here ,that she is easily able to make them out. She feels a bit like a filly again, for a moment, as she studies these strange creatures -- full of curiosity and the desire to discover.

Perhaps one day she will convince her sister to join her on an excursion. No doubt Sideshow would find it a wonderful place of inspiration for her plays and stories. Plus, she could help Poppymilk to capture some of these strange creatures. They may have interesting, undiscovered, properties which could prove useful. The crabs, at least, look like they'd make a tasty, and crunchy, little snack.

WC : 554