how the heart bends . . . Jun's Kin [411] Upd: 31st Dec 2023

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Post by Jun »

WANT :: 14.01.2015 [ buck ]

Oh, father dear, we're not the fortunate ones. So Want just wants to have fun. That's all he really wants... Kin are often wont to mistake him for a doe until they look closely enough, and he's happy to perpetuate the illusion, it's all good. There's a dark underbelly to his glittery laissez-faire, a melancholic streak inherited from his father, but he tries, he really tries, and his mother's genes do help. Has inherited the singing voice from both sides.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Rolling Stone x Blitzwing [ Stone Wing :: Wonder | Radical | Rave | Want ]

Other Siblings ::
[ No Rain | What A Catch | Even Flow | Spinning Round - Perfectly Still ]
[ Black Velvet | Quick Silver | Obsidian | Agate | As Long as You Follow ]

RP LOGS :: Want [ naming dream - #FB5576 ]


FUN [ 25.06.2019 ]
Just wants to have...

...I want to be the one to walk in the sun... - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

NOTES :: *weeps* This boy is all Chrysbby, and I'm so grateful to have him!

PETS :: Winter Market 2016 Corn bag from Mage. Originally for Riot, but it didn't really suit her.
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Candid Crush

Post by Jun »

CANDID CRUSH [ Candid ] :: 11.01.2015 [ egg . foal . doe ]

Sugar sweet - the exact opposite of the mother she looks exactly like. Excitable, exuberant, extreme lover of all things cuddly and cute. Prone to giddy, giggly, crushes and blurted-out confessions. Shakes off heartbreak like a pro, and then the crushing usually mellows into permanent affection.

Has comfortably grown up into candy-making experiments at Rise & Co., as well as proving to be a surprisingly astute businesswoman...

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Cue Queue x Once Forgotten [ Forgotten Tail :: Critical Hit | System Shock - Candid Crush | Silent Hill | Evolve ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Age of Ashes | Cry Less | Dark Souls | The Last of Us | Cozy Grove | Spirit Farer ]

RP LOGS :: Candid Crush [ naming dream - #77BE28 ]


BOOSTER [ 01.06.2015 ]
So named because it boosts her in her work - but its affection didn't come cheap... Having won the loyalty of "THIS VERMIN!!!" (as Rise still puts it with unending horror) through careful bribing with sweetmeats, it now rewards Candid by picking out the finest of her candy experiments - whichever it deigns to devour, of course.

...roses are red and violets are blue; honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you... - Roses are Red

NOTES :: *sobsobsob* RURI SEKRIT!RLC'D OUR SUPER-RP-IT'S-BEEN-SO-MANY-YEARS PAIR FOR MY BIRTHDAY! QAQ VIDYA GAME BABS YE! I struggled v hard between Candid and her twin bro! But in the end Candid swooped in and asserted her character all at once liek whoah and so here she is!

PETS :: Despite all the pain, this is pretty much my favourite dice game in the world. Q_Q AND I GOT ONE OF MY FAVOURITES, TOO! (Technically male.)
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Silent Hill

Post by Jun »

SILENT HILL :: 11.01.2015 [ sac . foal . doe ]

She has always been strange and otherworldly, often climbing to the highest rise to sit there, silent, gazing into the mists as if it were company. Quiet, shrewd, with an elsewhere eye.
Invaluable to the store now that she is grown, of course, but ideally in the back where she doesn't disquieten the customers. Always looks like she knows more than she lets on (like the fact that her weird behaviour freaks her loving dad out a bit and it's sorta hilarious).

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Cue Queue x Once Forgotten [ Forgotten Tail :: Critical Hit | System Shock - Candid Crush | Silent Hill | Evolve ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Age of Ashes | Cry Less | Dark Souls | The Last of Us | Cozy Grove | Spirit Farer ]

RP LOGS :: Silent Hill [ naming dream - #CACBBE ] my restless dreams, I see that town... - Mary's Letter

NOTES :: *sobsobsob* RURI SEKRIT!RLC'D OUR SUPER-RP-IT'S-BEEN-SO-MANY-YEARS PAIR FOR MY BIRTHDAY! QAQ VIDYA GAME BABS YE! As soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. Many years ago, I said, when Cue has babs, if one looks right, I will name it Silent Hill. I can't believe the name was still there for her so many years later. ;A;
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Kiss Kiss

Post by Jun »

KISS KISS :: 26.03.2015 [ doe ]

Kiss Kiss will snuggle and cuddle you, but Kiss Kiss's true love will always be carrots.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

Offspring ::
x Bark [ Kiss Kiss BARK :: Puppy Love | Cinnamon Roll | Foggy - Beauty Past Compare | Warren Peace ]
x Thrill of the Hunt [ Kiss Kiss Fall in Love :: Dire | Fall in Love | Chaser | Another Love - Love Me Once ]
x Tincture [ Kiss it Better (Mock) :: Kiss Cure - Little Hurt ]
x The Moon in Your Bones [ Moonkissed :: The Moon is My Love | Soft Skeleton | Mooncage - Starheart | Moon Garden ]

RP LOGS :: Kiss Kiss [ naming dream - #3C8BCE ]

...chu! chu - chu!... - Mexican Flyer (In-game ver.)

NOTES :: AAAAAAAAHHHHH *HULK SMASH* Seasons of Greed 2 NPC Polyvore Semi-Custom WIN! All my Gaian life has been leading up to this one point...*CRIES*
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Post by Jun »

TRIP :: 26.04.2015 [ buck ]

One side makes you larger, and one side makes you small... Well, he'll take you on a journey, that's for sure.

His pick of poisons is shrooms, 'cos - well, look at him - and he always finds the good stuff, too, as if he were born for it... For a guy who's always high, he's actually surprisingly dependable...but then, that's the first rule, isn't it? Never higher than your clients, or you won't be high for long. Come and hit him up, and he'll hit you with it, satisfaction guaranteed.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

Offspring ::
x Smash the World to Pieces [ Clumsiness :: High Times | Mushroom Visions | I Can Taste Colors | Dreams of Ecstasy ]
x Giggling Ghost [ Clumsy Ghost :: Spirit Song | Ghost Host | Soulspore ]

RP LOGS :: Trip [ naming dream - #7C74A6 ]

...go ask Alice - I think she'll know... - White Rabbit

NOTES :: I put this fascinating mani by Avarice into Abby's Nail Polish Bribe Thread, and then watched in-stream as he finished colouring Maxx's girl and scrolled down. QAQ LOOK AT HIM.
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Post by Jun »

CHASTE :: 11.05.2015 [ doe ]

So very much like her mother, yet so very much not. Where Tender keeps her child-eyes up, she keeps hers chastely veiled. Her voice is low and soothing, the washing waves of the sea, the sound of gently falling tears. She sings - songs that sound like elegies. She watches the dawnrise with an inscrutable eye - the turquoise tracks of tears long washed down her sides. Perhaps she was always born to mourn; she will not complain.

...But still, she will yet live.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

Origin :: Tender x Charmed [ Charmed Tender :: Smitten | Chaste | Carefree | Cherish ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Ardent | Little More Time | Snowed In | A Kiss for Luck | Dawn's Sunset ]

RP LOGS :: Chaste [ naming dream - #53BCB9 ]

...across the snowbound fields, slowly the sad procession moves, and we follow them down into the cold, cold ground... - Trees in Winter

NOTES :: All thanks to darling Chrys! Dream pair - and once I saw Chaste, I fell. QAQ And then spent a month searching up names for her every day. Q_Q
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Post by Jun »

CLASH :: 31.05.2015 [ buck ]

Clash runs in a boyband with his brothers Idol and Ace - and he's the best boy in this band because he's the one who keeps blowing up over "creative differences" and one day in rehearsal he just lost it and left to embark on a solo career. It's gonna be May. Wait. It's already May. In a few months' time, he returned, an older and wiser buck, for a weepy reunion because he'd learnt on his highly unsuccessful solo attempt that he literally can't do it without them - they're not just a band, they're a band of brothers, and now they're launching their mega-comeback. That's what all the great boybands do, right?

...What can he say? The Swamp was calling and he thought, "should I stay or should I go?" He fought the law, and the law won, so he's back to rock the casbah! Yeah, he got lost in the salt marshes.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Believe x Rave [ Rave Belief :: Idol | Ace | Clash ]

RP LOGS :: Clash [ naming dream - #0B6574 ]

...I fought the law and the law won... - I Fought the Law

NOTES :: Look I know what it looks like: the dad's "my grandkid," I've swooned over the mom endlessly, Rouge did the blessing, I cooed over every little kick and gurgle... QAQ But I didn't mean to do this. He just...happened to be my favourite, and when I saw he was up for grabs in this incredible contest... I'VE ONLY BEEN TRYING TO NAME A ROCKSTAR KIO CLASH FOR TWO YEARS. But, seriously, Ruri, Frosty, RNGesus...THANK YOU SO MUCH QAQ
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Red Velvet

Post by Jun »

RED VELVET [ Velvet ] :: 08.06.2015 [ buck ]

His father is the very model of a noble lord - all fine antlers and flowing fetlocks. Velvet is...well. He's Velvet. So he keeps his head down and smiles, sad but sweetly, always thoughtful, always courteous, always never enough.

He also does his best to protect his beautiful sisters, though Swamp knows why - they hardly need his protection...

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Little Poison x Into the Silent Land [ Silent Poison :: Red Velvet | Hanging Moss | Smoke Flower ]

Offspring ::
x Regale [ Red Tale :: Cry Wolf | Second Face | Crylaugh | Hallowhorn ]

RP LOGS :: Red Velvet [ naming dream - #965B4A ]

...bluer than velvet was the night, softer than satin was the light from the stars... - Blue Velvet

NOTES :: From my darling Ruri's birthday clutch. <3 There's a funny story about how I ended up with him...
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Moth Orchid

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MOTH ORCHID [ Moth ] :: 11.01.2015 [ doe ]

An easy smile and a low, sweet voice, but underneath burns the flame. She is smarter than that, but that's how she was born - even if it burns, she'll throw herself at it, again, again, again. But she's smarter than that, so she does her best; she backs away and tries to never see the fire. (Again, again, again.)

Otherwise, she is easy to like; an easy smile and a low, sweet voice.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Cloudless Rain x Madder [ Mad Raincloud :: Rose Cactus | Moth Orchid | Dewbow | Blushing Beauty ]

Offspring ::
x White Noise [ Moth Whispers :: Talk Less | Stay | Wait | Smile More ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Little Death | Grief | Bone | Honey-suckled ]

RP LOGS :: Moth Orchid [ naming dream - #9A869B ]

... and once he's in, he can't go back, he'll beat his wings till he burns them black... - The Moth

NOTES :: All thanks to Atmabby wanting to put Cloudless Rain and Madder in CC - I can't believe they got picked up right away! QAQ And I just fell in love with this beauty right off the bat, thank you so much for letting me have her, Atmabby! ;A;
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Bitten Peach

Post by Jun »

BITTEN PEACH [ Bit ] :: 18.06.2015 [ doe ]

An absolute dear, an absolute peach; a little bit bruised but still just as sweet.

Not a mean bone in her body - sometimes debatable if she has a single bone in her body - and easily led, but her concept of normal may be as strange as her parents' union.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Serene Grace x Frame [ Elegant Form :: Silent Tumble | Dancing in the Sand | Bitten Peach | Gentle Slaughter ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Poetic Form | Hunger Tames Him | One Song Glory | One Last Refrain ]
[ Slowdance | Rain Dance | Feel the Rhythmn | Firedance | Quick Quick Slow ]

RP LOGS :: Bitten Peach [ naming dream - #BA8693 ]'ve changed some; water runs from the snow... - Peach, Plum, Pear

NOTES :: Operation: ALL THE PAIRS for (Maxx and) Ruri Birthday May Extravaganza a success! Our beloved Bearic picked our deer-tiger pair as one of her very first breedings. ;A; Bitten Peach is such a bruisy peach version of her deer mother, I basically fell in love straight off the bat. QAQ
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Just Prevail

Post by Jun »

JUST PREVAIL [ Prevail ] :: 27.06.2015 [ buck ]

Ah, Prevail. A hopeless romantic, a gentle soul, addicted to love, and, above all, good. A constant thinker, as arrested by nature's splendour as The Friends' foremost concerns. Composes poetry, cultivates flowers, incessantly moved by does and foals.

Awkward in air, and timid in nature, but the just prevail.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Venom Rush x Sea-Foams-Milk [ Poisoned Waters :: Blossomforth | Firebird | Just Prevail | Talking Flowers ]

RP LOGS :: Just Prevail [ naming dream - #B59779 ]

... 'cause it's all right, all right to see your ghost... - Santa Clara

NOTES :: Gifted from Maxx and Astra's CC breeding in Maxx Day Month! I've had a few near-misses for a Prouvaire for The Friends, but as soon as I saw him, I thought, "Oh." Thank you so much, Astrabby, for letting me have him! ;_; And Maxx too I guess.
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Post by Jun »

PRETENDER :: 27.06.2015 [ buck ]

There is an old glory, shimmering sunrays, falling leaves like gold. It is gone now, all gone, like fallen leaves, and he is only a pretender.

Pretender is the sweet, distant sorrow of lingering nobility, caught in the dream of a past that never was, a spectral kingdom of golden leaves. When he closes his eyes, he can still hear them whisper. He speaks and moves with utmost grace, and bleeds melancholy. Directionless, he is rarely inclined to act - but he will act by direction, "As you wish."

...It might go without saying that while this might all sound rather romantic, it's a pain to deal with in real life and he can be very irritating. All that sorrowful sigh, bittersweet pitying smile, "my Lord/Lady" business gets old real fast - especially around his siblings, oh Swamp. And while he mightn't admit it outloud, he's obviously pretty vain - those curls don't keep themselves, y'know. Still, he is rather pretty and extremely well-mannered, so your mileage may vary on whether it balances out a bit.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Fairy Circle x Sentinel [ Fairy Guard :: Little Lady | Star Lord | Keepsake | Pretender | Marshland Lord ]

Offspring ::
x Lonely Eyes [ Feigned Loneliness :: Pale Rook | Spurn | Evenstar | Living Lies | My Ideals ]
x Lonely Eyes [ Feigned Loneliness 2 :: Dark Rook - Goldeneye | Worth the Waking | Mallard | Snowy Egret ]
x Cinder's Light [ Will o' Wisp :: Shadow's Bane | Flaxfair - Fairest Gift | Second Sister | Sing Sweet Nightingale ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Hail | Distant Shores | Lull ]

RP LOGS :: Pretender [ naming dream - #6292CC ]

...tiriel arad 'ala môr minnon i dhû-sad oltha... - Aníron

NOTES :: When this PM landed in my inbox, you could've knocked me over with a feather - I wouldn't have seen it coming in a million years. ELFBUCK. QAQ I'd just been thoroughly spoilt, and was so full of resolve...but even as my eyes swept down the screen, I was sunk - I knew I had to call him Pretender, I knew exactly how he would be. *SOB* I am WEAK. Thank you SO SO MUCH, CRAW! MOONSTONE! QAQ I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WAAAAAHHHHH
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Post by Jun »

MOURNINGSTAR :: 06.07.2015 [ buck ]

'Tis better reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, but still he mourns for Heaven whence he fell. Full of good intentions.

They say the boy was born with the devil in him, or he might be the devil - but how he tries, it just never goes right. The first was the songbird, the broken body they found him crying over as a foal; he'd only wanted to help. Now grown, closed off, wrapped up, sullen, tortured, he resists helping - helping only harms. Mourningstar is tormented by his destiny. He longs to be good, but what is good. When he closes his eyes, he still sees heaven.

What he doesn't see is the little good that blooms when things go right, the passion and the grace that stirs within him when he's roused to the fight. But he will always be a far, far way from whence he fell.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Overkill x Fetch [ Overfetch :: Dead Flesh | Unwelcome | White Noise | Deep Freeze | Mourningstar ]

RP LOGS :: Mourningstar [ naming dream - #7C1D39 ] farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse: all good to me is lost... - Paradise Lost

NOTES :: QAQ Ruri and Maxx were gonna split Overfetch as a co-birthday present, but that doublecrosser Ruripuri snapped the bill up herself. And then as if that weren't bad enough, she sekrit!bought Fathomless Bait too. And then through some bizarre circumstance, I ended up with everyone I fell in love with because you all spoil me too much WAAAAAHHH QAQ There was something about Mourningstar's face that kept me staring - that jaw held such a story I couldn't look away. When I was offered pick and he was there...I knew I shouldn't, but... And he was red, too, just like the namesake (technically a Wildstar plant *cough*) I've been jealously and fearfully guarding for so very long... MY DARLING RURIPURI YOU KNOW HE'S ALL YOURS WHENEVER YOU WANT. QAQ <3
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Rare Bird

Post by Jun »

RARE BIRD :: 18.07.2015 [ doe ]

A bona fide rara avis, fiercely wild and beautiful. A jeweled flash between the green - a glance like an arrow. She sees right through you - she is gone. Was she ever there?

Perhaps if you speak to her siblings, they will tell you how to find her. Perhaps not, and perhaps she knows better. If her dark eye fixed you through the leaves, you would not know. Perhaps she will not show. Perhaps she will, and she might say, "what do you want," like a statement, not a question.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Bait x Fathom [ Fathomless Bait :: Swallowheart | Rare Bird | Last | Pale Dreamer | Forget Me ]

RP LOGS :: Rare Bird [ naming dream - #1AAAB4 ]

...I see the sky falling on every face, telling us now that we ought to stay... - Early Bird

NOTES :: QAQ Ruri and Maxx were gonna split Overfetch as a co-birthday present, but that doublecrosser Ruripuri snapped the bill up herself. And then as if that weren't bad enough, she sekrit!bought Fathomless Bait too. And then through some bizarre circumstance, I ended up with everyone I fell in love with because you all spoil me too much WAAAAAHHH RURI THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLSSSSS QAQ I struggled mightily between Rare Bird and Forget Me, and finally closed my eyes and pointed a wavering finger at Rare Bird, because her strangely annoyed expression was too cute and she kept pinging the name, rara avis being something that I say IRL way too often thanks to early Saki exposure.
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Forget Me

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FORGET ME [ Forget ] :: 18.07.2015 [ doe ]

Drink of her, forget her; she will not forget you.

She moves like ripples, she is a river. Blood stains her waters; this too shall pass. She flows by many, she murmurs cold comfort: drink of her, forget her, wake up to a new life. She will not forget.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Bait x Fathom [ Fathomless Bait :: Swallowheart | Rare Bird | Last | Pale Dreamer | Forget Me ]

Offspring ::
x Dreaming of Roses [ Forgotten Dreams :: Waiting in Silence | Rippling Through Dusk | Shallow-Drowned ]

RP LOGS :: Forget Me [ naming dream - #A77D83 ]

...I am fallen, I am faded, I am drowning, help me to breathe... - Duvet

NOTES :: QAQ Ruri and Maxx were gonna split Overfetch as a co-birthday present, but that doublecrosser Ruripuri snapped the bill up herself. And then as if that weren't bad enough, she sekrit!bought Fathomless Bait too. And then through some bizarre circumstance, I ended up with everyone I fell in love with because you all spoil me too much WAAAAAHHH RURI THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLSSSSS QAQ I struggled so mightily between Rare Bird and Forget Me that Morphy and Ruri told me to keep them both. *lies facedown in a puddle of tears* That face though - that face. I couldn't look away. I then spent the next month trying to figure out how best to name her after the River Lethe, holding up the certing process and making everyone regret it.
Last edited by Jun on Fri May 22, 2020 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 246
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