[BLESS] A Safe Place [Deep and Mysterious/Swarm]

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[BLESS] A Safe Place [Deep and Mysterious/Swarm]

Post by Ruriska »

She had already decided she would leave them.

It was the where she hadn’t yet decided upon.

Deep and Mysterious wasn’t interested in playing a motherly role, despite her part in bringing them into the swamp, but she wasn’t heartless. She would find somewhere safe, close to food and water, hidden away from prying eyes.

At first she had considered the buck, but their dalliance had been only temporary and she knew she could spend her whole pregnancy searching before she ever found him again. With no guarantee that he had any interest in parenting either.

So she walked, purposefully scouting out the swamp around her, seeking just the right place. Somewhere warm, somewhere dry, somewhere safe.

It took time, her belly rounding out in obvious ways, until finally she found it. Beneath an old oak, its limbs stretched wide, the roots a perfect cradle for new sacs. Beneath the canopy and above the swampy waterline, the eggs should be sheltered enough.

Unfortunately, a few steps forward revealed a downside.

Two wasps had apparently claimed the tree and their sudden irritated buzzing halted her steps instantly. She could see them in the upper branches, two heavy, massive wasps - one green and one white and red. They were watching her with their fathomless gaze, though it was very clear that she was unwelcome here.

Something else moved among the branches, and she spied a praying mantis as well, mostly hidden amongst the foliage.

She sighed and slowly backed up a step.

Only to hit something solid behind her.

She startled forward a few steps, then pulled up short when the wasps once again began their buzzing. Her head whipped around, her breath catching as she saw another wasp - no, the kin, a mare, tall, dark, eyes glowing.

“I - I’m sorry,” Deep and Mysterious had never felt so off-kilter. “Am I intruding on your lands?”

The mare made a humming noise - or was it a buzz?

Instead of an answer, a question was given instead.

“Why are you here?”

“I... I was looking for a safe place.” She didn’t feel like she was in danger but she was certainly unnerved. “To leave them... my children.” There was no reason to lie and she wasn’t embarrassed by the choice she had made and yet it was still uncomfortable to voice her purpose.

“I see.”

Was she upset?

This was a legendary creature, an ascended chosen by the MotherFather, who roamed the swamp blessing the unborn. Deep knew the legends well. She loved to stop by firesides for a chat and a story, to learn of those lucky chosen. Now there was one standing before her and she was just as majestic and terrifying as she had ever imagined.

But rather than get angry, the dark mare simply nodded.

“This is my home but you may leave them here. I can guarantee they will be protected. No creature fearsome enough to threaten a young foal would dare step on my lands.” Her head tilted a bit. “But... I will not raise them. You have given them into the Swamp’s care and that is how I shall leave them.”

“Oh.” That was better than she could have hoped. “Thank you.” But as she went to bend a knee in respect, the mare made a sound of annoyance.

“Don’t. Go rest instead. Your children will be born strong and healthy, protected by the wasps. I need no thanks for doing my duty.”

Deep could respect that. She nodded briefly and then turned away.

This time when she approached the tree, the buzzing was a low and welcoming hum.
word count: 611
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