[Bless] Hopeful Future [Peep/Magical]
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:58 am

“Oh yes,” Magical immediately answered, shifting her tucked legs a little.
In the light of the fire that crackled merrily, shedding warmth across the gathered kin, she couldn’t be any happier. Or maybe, she could. She suspected something had changed in her body and judging by the little smile on Peep’s face, her suspicions were probably about to be confirmed.
She truly hoped so.
Magical had only been at The Mother’s Club for a few days now but already she felt perfectly at home. Surrounded by joy and hope, gambolling foals and parents new and old. One big family that moved together as well, caring for each other and working as well.
Of course, it wouldn’t always be so stress free. She imagined Peep had seen a lot over her years. But that was simply life. Whether here or somewhere else, things changed, lives came and went.
“I was thinking,” Magical said, slowly, testing her words by watching Peep’s expression as she spoke, “of staying a bit longer. You know, a few months or so, maybe.”
The corners of Peep’s eyes had crinkled, her nose wrinkling with them, merrily.
“Oh, that’s a very good idea. I think you fit right in here.”
It certainly felt like it, surrounded by sleepy, well-fed foals. You could barely tell that there was an autumn chill in the air. The worst was warm and peaceful. When you looked around, the adults were sitting and talking softly so as not to wake anyone.
And beyond the firelight, somewhere in the night walked the protectors, who allowed no kin or creature of ill intent to encroach on these lands. It was, quite frankly, the perfect place to raise foals.
“I think you knew this was where you needed to be,” Peep said gently.
Magical nodded.
“Yes, another great love entered my life, if only briefly,” she said, thinking of the stunning buck she had followed in a merry dance. “And in return, more love blooms.” Her sigh was a happy one. “Isn’t it lovely?”
Peep was nodding along. “Oh yes. With each love, more blossoms, ever reaching. That is the gift of the MotherFather.” For those who wished it, there was a never ending source of happiness to access.
Then Peep cleared her throat lightly, her eyes sparkling. “Speaking of gifts. Would you care for another?”
The Kiokote’s ears perked and she shifted again, though mindful not to wake any of the surrounding youngsters. “Oh yes, I would very much like that!”
“A simple one then, for you have all the heart and skills to provide your children with everything they could ever need. But to ease any worries, I ask for healthy bodies and minds, open to love and the magic of the world.”
Magical felt as though she could have simply soared off into the sky, she was so delighted. “Oh yes, that’s perfect! Yes, thank you!” She exclaimed as softly as one can manage while also expressing how happy you are.
“You’re very welcome. I look forward to see you and your future children grow.”
"Me too," Magical sighed happily. "Oh yes, me too.