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[PRP] Stormy Seas

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:50 pm
by Lutz
Living near the sea was nice. There were less kin that lived in this area, giving Hundred Year Slumber the peace she craved. It wasn't that she disliked being around other kin, it was more like she had a low threshold for large groups and those that didn't know when to be quiet. One on one interactions could be nice. She wasn't a complete hermit.

The downside of living near the sea was the weather. It was never too hot due to the breeze, but a beautiful day could turn tumultuous in the blink of an eye. Today was one of those days. Slumber had been out on a walk on the shore, enjoying the breeze and the salty smell, but when she turned around to head back towards her den, she realized she'd completely missed dark, ominous clouds building up behind her. She knew she wasn't going to get back home before the wind intensified and the rain came, so she set her sights for a cave not far from where she was.

By the time she reached the mouth of the shallow scooped-out space it was starting to drizzle. Slumber didn't mind getting wet, but she'd rather not walk in the driving rain and wind. She could wait it out here. Inspecting the cave, she found it was deep enough to hold three or four kin if they squished in. It was perfect for her to stretch out on the sandy ground, her gaze towards the sea that was slowly starting to churn, waves getting higher and more frequent as the storm rolled in.