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THE HIVE : Swarm

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 11:49 pm
by Ruriska



Swarm’s tree is an old one; with wide spreading branches, reaching and grasping, and thick roots, pushing through the earth, anchoring the thick trunk to the soil. The leaves are green and thick, creating a cooling canopy that welcomes you into its shade.

The tree cradles a massive wasp hive. A branch coils around it tenderly, locking it in place, as if it’s part of the tree. The sound of buzzing grows stronger the closer you get. Small creatures fly and dart around you. The entrance to the hive is dark, oh so dark. Strange alien figures move in the shadows.

It almost feels as though you could crawl inside...


Inside the hive...

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 11:58 pm
by Ruriska
You crawl, you buzz, you creep, you scuttle, you flutter.

Upon entering the hive, you realize you’ve been changed. This might be a wasp hive but all types of insects and creepy crawlies are welcome. Whether your true form here is a wasp or something else, you are now a part of the hive, a living cog in the machine.

The world here is surprisingly spacious, large open caverns that are led into by a multitude of pathways and chambers. There’s more than enough room to fly (if that’s something you’re capable of!). Strange glowing mushrooms light the way, dotting the caverns and passageways with a gentle yellow glow.

There is activity everywhere. Wasps bustling to and fro, crawling along the walls and buzzing past, busy, busy, busy.

There’s a lot to do.

Better get to work!


Welcome to The Hive!

When your kin enters, their form shifts to that of an insect (or anything insect adjacent). While becoming a wasp is fairly common, many take the form that suits them most. Be it a butterfly, a beetle, a mantis, a spider, an aphid... and many, many more.

If you'd like to keep track and show off your new form, free free to post them in this thread! You may do an intro arrival post, post some art or simply announce 'INSERT KIN NAME has become a INSECT HERE!' for everyone to see! Also please put down whether they'll be taking worker or warrior related jobs!

Queen Swarm

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 12:08 am
by Ruriska

This is Swarm’s realm and within it she reigns as Queen. She takes the form of a massive wasp, far larger than anyone else who manifests there and her will becomes the will of all. The various denizens of the hive march at her command. When she turns her great glowing eyes upon you and gives a command, it is expected to be followed, or you may find yourself removed from the hive entirely.

But she isn’t cruel and she only demands what she considers best for the hive to continue to function. Nor is she always seen. More than likely she will be locked away in the royal chambers, where only close family are allowed to venture. Anyone else who tries will find their way blocked by some of her many warriors.

Rules and Information

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 1:13 am
by Ruriska
- You are now an insect of some sort. There are no humanoids in this world. But if you leave the hive, other animals do exist and will often attack!

- In a packed hive of all types, there's bound to be a few arguments and scuffles every now and again! However, the hive is meant to work as a unit so if you can't sort your differences out, Swarm or her guards will sort them out for you.

- Everyone is welcome! However, Swarm will rescind that right should you cause trouble.

- Unlike real wasp nests, there's no chamber for grubs or babies or whatever. Ew. No thanks.

- TW for bugs, spiders, etc! If they give you the heebie jeebies, this might not be the realm for you! Sorry. Q_Q

- Your name in this realm can be the same as in the Swamp or something else.

- When you leave the hive, you take nothing with you but the sound of buzzing follows you for a while.

- The inside of the hive does not look like the bee movie.

- Obey Swarm!

Swarm's Order

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 1:14 am
by Ruriska
There are two main roles you can choose from when you arrive:

Workers and Warriors

Workers - the backbone of any hive, you'll be sent out on food gathering missions and take part in other day to day upkeep of the hive. Those whose forms are on the weaker side might be relegated this role but you're certainly allowed to pick it even if you're a fearsome wasp.

Warriors - those who seek more of a thrill and are more battle minded will be charged with protecting the hive. Perhaps some nasty creature has invaded the tree and getting a little too close to comfort, you will be sent out to drive them away!

(Workers and warriors will often overlap with workers running assistance during tough battles!)

There are other character specific roles you can unlock (eg: Aphid the Guide)! If you think there's something else that would suit you better, you can petition Swarm and explain to her what it is and why it works for you!

The Archive

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 1:17 am
by Ruriska
Name - Insect Form - Role - Art or Ref (if provided)

Royal Family
Swarm - Wasp - Queen - [x]
Dapper Mantis - Mantis - Queen's Consort
Aphid - Aphid - Princess and Guide
Headhuntress - Mantis - Princess and Guard
Scarab - Scarab Beetle - Prince
Killer Queen - Wasp - Princess

Hive Members
The One and Only - Beetle - Warrior - [x]
Royal Jelly - Bee - TBD
Apple Spider - Spider - TBD - [x]

RP Orders and Info!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:01 am
by Ruriska


Alongside ORP's, there are also PRP's (or SOLO's) you can do with (or without) Swarm! Simply post in the Limitless Forest RP area and tag me with either a PRP or a SOLO to earn (or be denied if it's something ridiculous) your new role!

New Role Quest - Do you think you could be more than just a worker or warrior? Do you have a specific role in mind? A guide like Aphid? A jester? A... idk... chef??? You're gonna have to justify that one a bit but hey bugs gotta eat, right? Anyway, you get the idea! Write your bugkin petitioning Swarm in the royal audience chambers (it's just a big room with a dais!) for a job that suits them better!


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:02 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:03 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:03 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:04 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:13 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:13 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:13 am
by Ruriska


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:14 am
by Ruriska