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[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 9:22 pm
by HuniPi
My Tracks couldn't remember how long it has been since she'd needed an ascended kin's wisdom. She hadn't found a need despite her many seasons in the swamp. But this day she realized things were different. She'd met a buck who'd sparked old feelings she hadn't felt in a while and that was enough for her to seek out a Legendary kin.

Of course she wouldn't be coming without an offering.

She prepared a selection of odd trinkets she'd gathered from beyond the swamp, some preserved food, thin strands of sun-dried vines she'd forced trained some of the more dexterous familiars to make. A good spread if the kimeti doe could say so herself.
anemosagkelos wrote:thank you, anebby!

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x ?)

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 11:41 pm
by anemosagkelos
When had he been out last; that was an excellent question that he did not ponder. The moth fluttered aimless on the breeze as the new day shone bright. It was warm but not yet hot and the wind was languid in its touch across the swamp.

A thought had woken him, early, before even the dawn. It was long gone now, though, as he once again found his attention ensnared in another curious image or the shine of a dust mote as it fell. His mind was almost empty, but then the path arose and he had little choice but to follow it. Not that he would have tried to do otherwise; he was not his mother.

It was time to meet a kin. One in need. One with want. What a strange existence, to be driven.

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:56 am
by HuniPi
This wasn't her first time seeking out a kin blessed by the MotherFather. This wasn't her first clutch, in fact, she's had quite a few under her belt. Enough that there were times she believed she didn't need any further assistance or advice. This wasn't one of those times. The kimeti doe knew what she had to look out for, signs within the environment along with the animals.

Which was why when she spotted a moth with features unlike other moths, she paused to greet it, "I greet one who is blessed by the MotherFather." My Tracks didn't want to beat around the bush, and she'd lived long enough not to care what other kin thought of her should she have made a mistake in identifying Legendaries in their alternate forms.

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 4:10 pm
by anemosagkelos
The great moth flitted towards the doe, landing upon the wild curled hair of her crown, and then let its wings relax. It enfolded her, a gentle fuzzy hug, and then before her—with no grace at all—a stag appeared. He was lying on his back, much like a dog, and staring up at her with a bemused smile. (But then all smiles looked a bit bemused on him.)

"I did not realize how good an accessory I make," he greeted, eying the ghostly moth that still rested on the doe's head. "Perhaps I should go into kin fashion." An interesting thought but one that was unlikely to persist. One needed to be stationary to make things. Stillness was not his strong suit.

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 11:45 pm
by HuniPi
Ah, it was this particular Legendary. My Tracks remembered him. He wasn't like the cranky, no-nonsense one nor was he like the overly kind one. She remembered she needed to keep him on track without offending him, though if she recalled correctly he wasn't particularly quick to offend. Still, the kimeti doe knew to manage her manners, "Fashionable, definitely. An accessory? Being the center of attention is more appropriate for you."

With that topic, she pulled out the length of vine-rope "And speaking of attention, if I may request a moment of your time. I am seeking a blessing for my upcoming clutch with a new partner. I ask for nothing in particular and trust in your judgment."

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 8:32 pm
by anemosagkelos
Another kin would have preened at such a compliment, but Travels was very clearly abnormal. He rolled onto his side, staring up at the doe, "That would be terribly inconvenient for time." All the thoughts that flittered through his mind, he'd have such a crowd that he would never find anything. "Perhaps we shall leave that for your children, then?" he grinned.

An idea only encouraged as she made sure to harness his attention on the mentioned clutch.

He rose to his feet, slow and steady, "Your children shall be leaders who all turn their gaze to. With their health, with their strength, they shall provide stability and help shape the swamp to be a better place than it was when they were born."

[B] Song and Dance (My Tracks x Travels in Circles)

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:19 am
by HuniPi
My Tracks kept her smile out of a genuine reason. While the kimet doe personally would never want to be a leader, she has to admit she wouldn't mind being someone capable of ushering in the prosperity the Legendary was blessing her future children with. "Thank you, I wouldn't have thought to ask that. I'm glad that it was you who heeded my call."

She presented her offerings of twine, and some of the food she brought because who wouldn't want food? Besides, the blessing was a pleasing one for My Tracks. Whether her children would be happy to be given such a grand future (and responsibility for that matter) was not her burden to bear. She'd assist them however she could, of course. But they would be able to handle it.
