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[B] Ocean Blessing [Afloat/Watch Me]

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:00 am
by Ruriska
She floated, bobbing in the waves, a part of the sea and the air and the salt spray - and she thought of eyes. Many eyes that looked back at her, that didn’t wink or smile as she nuzzled along a broad and strong neck. She recalled the emotion in her chest that she had never felt before, of feeling as though she was falling, falling, falling.

And now -

Afloat dipped her head into an oncoming wave, let it rush over her, encased herself in the quiet solitude only the ocean could provide. Except she wasn’t really alone. Nor would she be, not for a while now. Not until... no, she wasn’t ready to think about it just yet.

She bobbed back to the surface and turned, a flick of her tail quickly driving her back to the shallows where her hooves danced across the sand. Waves from behind pushed her towards the shore until finally she rose, dripping, instantly missing the buoyancy and freedom as she trudged onto the beach.

That was when she noticed the bird.

Bright, flamboyantly so. It was pecking its way along the sand, picking up pieces of seaweed and flinging them around with what looked like disgust. It was weird to see a bird with such clear emotion on its face, as it high-stepped around the various detritus that was washed up along the shoreline.

As she stared at it, the bird turned around and spotted her. It instantly let out an unusually loud crow and scampered along the beach towards her.

It spooked her so much she nearly ran away.

Instead she just recoiled slightly, confused, watching as it approved at high speed.

It came to a halt in front of her, clucking, and she realised it was wearing a necklace. “Are you... are you lost?” She asked softly, now expecting it to be someone’s lost familiar.

It rolled its eyes at her.


“I - I’m sorry,” she instantly apologised.

“As you should,” said the bird, except it wasn’t a bird anymore.It was a Kiokote. “Did you know how long it took to get out here? There must have been closer legendaries wandering up and down the beach. I know at least two personally that live here permanently but the MotherFather chose me. Not that I don’t love a good beach party but it is not the right season for it.”

He gave a shiver, as if settling ruffled feathers, and then seemed to calm down, looking her up and down with an inspecting eye.

“Well, I’m here now, and you’re in need of a blessing.”

Afloat said nothing. She simply started, wide-eyed, very much overwhelmed.

“Mmm,” said the legendary, as if someone being struck silent in his presence was very much the norm. “I shall begin - ahem. Dearest Motherfather, bless this doe with healthy, bright children, as salty as the ocean and as curious as the waves!”

He shouted his blessing to the sky and then winked at her. “I don’t know what that last part meant but it sounded good, right?”

Afloat nodded quickly.

“I suppose I’ll use this as an opportunity to visit Parrot Head and some of the kids. Good luck!”

Then, to her continued amazement, he turned into a songbird and spiralled off into the sky, leaving her on the beach below. Salty as the ocean and as curious as the waves? With a confused shake of her head, Afloat turned back to the water and paddled out for another swim. Now there was eleven more to think about.