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Spread the Joy with Cheerful Over.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:54 pm
by Aria Starstone
Cheerful had heard about the many years of the Winter Market that had come before he had, and was more than excited and curious to join in this year. It felt like JUST his kind of place, a place where people could have fun and he could help them enjoy themselves, spreading cheer and good wishes to all! He even found four new friends to come and help out!

Come and join in, see what you can win!

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:56 pm
by Aria Starstone
Cheerful guides everyone over to a flat rock, where he has an assortment of dried berries, foliage, and pretty shiny things like shell pieces, even some pearls, and he beams as he nods at them. "Look at all these pretty things! You can make pretty ornaments or decorations or such, and put them up around the place, or you can give them to someone who you think looks sad and would like something pretty to make them feel better!"

He is almost bouncing in excitement as he nods at the branches of a bush right nearby, which is already covered with some interesting takes on décor Some better executed than others, but all clearly made with the desire to brighten the area and to make everyone feel happier.

1. This is going to be 4 rounds of raffles, 1 round a week. Each week the winner will get to pick from the remaining prize pool. You can enter each week, if you didn't win in a previous week.
2. You can enter with a single free ticket by filling out the first form, and giving a blurb about what your character does.
3. If you want extra tickets, use the second form, and roll a 2D4 and a 1D6.
4. The 2D4 tells you how many things your Kin gathers to make their object. You can pick what all it is they gather and make.
5. For the 1D6, look at the spoilered list below. Follow the prompt, and you will get the number of tickets listed after.

Form 1:

Code: Select all

[b]Preference List:[/b]
[b]RP Blurb:[/b]

Form 2:

Code: Select all

[b]Number of Tickets:[/b] (Free ticket plus the prompt ticket/s)
[b]Preference List:[/b]
1. After completing your lovely creation, you spot a lonely and sad looking kin, so you decide to give your gift to them! However, they react terribly, and storm off, leaving you with your creation and disappointment... Or perhaps amusement. (2 tickets)
2. Try as you might, your creation just keeps falling apart. About to give up in utter frustration, someone else approaches and offers to help. They seem to have the magic touch, and it doesn't fall apart this time. Conversation seems to flow, and does the atmosphere feel light already? (3 tickets)
3. Your creation is PERFECT, and you don't want to give it away, or just leave it to hang for everyone else... But you know that would be entirely against the spirit of this booth. What to do, what to do? (1 ticket)
4. You made a thing. You hung the thing on a tree. You feel pure ennui, despite the spirit of the market and the booth. Blegh, why did you bother? (1 ticket)
5. You get so caught up in your creation that you might be cackling in delight, having maybe just a bit too much fun. Someone else is a little unnerved and asks Cheerful to talk to you and maybe ask you to tone it down just a little. (2 tickets)
6. You head on out with your creation, determined to find the exactly right spot. You search high, you search low, and it feels like it'll never happen... And then you spot it. It's perfect! You hang up your decoration and beam in delight at it as you observe the placement and your creation. (3 tickets)

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:56 pm
by Aria Starstone

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:57 pm
by Aria Starstone
Week One Ticket List
Week One ends 12/06 at Midnight PST
1. Scaramouche Fandango
2. Scaramouche Fandango
3. doomsayer
4. doomsayer
5. doomsayer
6. doomsayer
7. Fasti
8. Fasti
9. Fasti
10. AstoriaFallen

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:58 pm
by Aria Starstone
Week Two Ticket List
Week Two ends 12/13 at Midnight PST
1. Fasti - Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Kio Buck
2. Fasti - Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Kio Buck
3. Fasti - Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Kio Buck
4. doomsayer - Kio Buck, Acha Doe, Kio Doe
5. doomsayer - Kio Buck, Acha Doe, Kio Doe
6. doomsayer - Kio Buck, Acha Doe, Kio Doe
7. doomsayer - Kio Buck, Acha Doe, Kio Doe
8. Prolixity - Acha doe, kio doe, kio buck
9. Ruriska - Kio Buck
10. elvy - acha doe, kio doe, kio buck
11. elvy - acha doe, kio doe, kio buck
12. elvy - acha doe, kio doe, kio buck
13. Subducting- Kio doe, acha doe
14. Subducting- Kio doe, acha doe

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:58 pm
by Aria Starstone
Week Three Ticket List
Week Three ends 12/20 at Midnight PST
1. doomsayer

Spread the Joy with Cheerful

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:58 pm
by Aria Starstone
Week Four Ticket List
Week Four ends 12/27 at Midnight PST
1. Niyaru
2. Prolixity

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:47 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
Username: Scaramouche Fandango
Preference List: Kio buck, kio doe, acha buck, acha doe
RP Blurb: Lizard shivered as she strode through the winter market. It was chillier than she'd like, but there was so much to look at! A relatively crowded booth caught her attention. Perhaps she could squeeze in here amongst these crafts-kin and warm up a little?

Username: Scaramouche Fandango
Number of Tickets: 2
Preference List: Kio buck, kio doe, acha buck, acha doe
RP: There were so many delightful baubles laid out on the stones! Lizard's eyes glittered as she glanced from thing to thing, each one more perfect and delightful than the last. An enormous peacock feather tip caught her eye the most, and she chose it to use as the base of her decoration. To it, she added a bent quill to act as a means of attachment, then a bright beetleshell for extra flash. All it needed was one more treasure- and a sliver of purple amethyst crystal did the trick.

The problem was that her ornament was so flashy and pretty that she didn't want to give it up! After a little deliberation, she decided she could give it up... if it got a nice, prominent place at the front of the area, so that everybody could see what she did.

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:53 am
by doomsayer
Username: doomsayer
Number of Tickets: Free Ticket + 3 = 4 ticket total
Preference List: Kio Buck, Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Acha Buck
2. Try as you might, your creation just keeps falling apart. About to give up in utter frustration, someone else approaches and offers to help. They seem to have the magic touch, and it doesn't fall apart this time. Conversation seems to flow, and does the atmosphere feel light already? (3 tickets)

Smoldering Ember has been going around the Winter Market all day when he stumbled onto Cheerful's booth. Upon being told what Cheerful wanted from him, he actually already has a few places of note where he wants to take some things to make his decoration. Some berries for color, a shiny black rock from the pool that looks like the night sky, fresh clay with a red hue that strange creatures seem to be leaving, shiny fish scales from failed attempts at catching fish, and last but not the least, a glowing mushroom he picked up from the first leg of his mother's expedition towards the caves.

Now the hard part, sticking them together to make some sort of coherent pretty thing. Unfortunately, nothing he does with the materials can keep the final product from falling apart. Exasperated and about to give up, he is approached by one of his siblings Bite of Eighty Seven. At first, she chides her brother for his clumsy attempts, but then she makes pointed suggestions and together they end up with a workable--if not quite pretty little bauble. They laugh about the experience and talk about their mother's current expedition while catching up on what the other has been doing. Smoldering Ember thinks maybe it's time to reconnect with his family. But before that, he finally presents the ornament to Cheerful. The black rock shines underneath the carefully laid fish scales, outlined by crushed red berries and glued together by the fresh red clay, with a glowing mushroom standing on the center of the rock, giving off a gentle glow.

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:01 am
by Fasti
Username: Fasti
Preference List: Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Acha Buck, Kio Buck
RP Blurb: Orange Sizzle can hardly contain herself in anticipation, she looks at the many objects with glittering eyes. So many ways to create things.

Username: Fasti
Number of Tickets: 1 Free Ticket from Form1 + 2 tickets from Form2 = 3
Preference List: Kio Doe, Acha Doe, Acha Buck, Kio Buck
RP: Orange Sizzle is thrilled when she is told that she can take 8 things. She enthusiastically browses through the objects and, after thinking about it for a long time, decides on:
-dried nut shells
-color obtained from flowers and berries
-white kittens
-small tendrils
-a stable branch
-dried fruit
-leaves of various shapes and colors
-a stone with a sharp point
She proudly carries her achievements home and spreads them out on the floor.
The branch comes to the top as a base, and she carefully separates the tendrils into equal-sized strands with the sharp stone. She distributes the tendrils evenly over the entire length of the branch and knots them tightly.
She carefully puts the dried fruits into the nut shells, clamps the tendrils between them and then closes them so that each nut is on a tendril. The basis is ready, she happily looks at her work so far and then gets to work on the really creative part. She diligently distributes the color on the nuts and the branch, attaches the various leaves to vines at different heights and the white kittens serve as additional decoration in the gaps.
Her masterpiece is finished, she now not only has a nice-smelling decorative object that she can hang on the wall, but also a little treat for in between.
5. You get so caught up in your creation that you might be cackling in delight, having maybe just a bit too much fun. Someone else is a little unnerved and asks Cheerful to talk to you and maybe ask you to tone it down just a little. (2 tickets)

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:34 pm
by Astoria
Username: AstoriaFallen
Preference List: Acha Buck, Kio Doe, Kio Buck, Acha Doe
RP Blurb: The one thing Meadow Lark enjoyed was spreading cheer. Though she was still a little sore at herself from the other day. It was most unlike her, despite her desire to want to protect Born, but at the same time it wasn't her place to do so. She should have kept her mouth shut. She'd be kicking herself for a long time still. Perhaps building something would help perk her mood.

Username: AstoriaFallen
Number of Tickets: 4
Preference List: Acha Buck, Kio Doe, Kio Buck, Acha Doe
6. You head on out with your creation, determined to find the exactly right spot. You search high, you search low, and it feels like it'll never happen... And then you spot it. It's perfect! You hang up your decoration and beam in delight at it as you observe the placement and your creation. (3 tickets)
Darling and Dearest clung to Meadow Larks back as she began to look around for the items she needed to create her project. There was a wide variety of baubles on display and she took careful consideration of each one. "What do you think I should grab?" She asked the pair of owls without expecting a response. This wasn't the first booth in which she created an ornament and she hoped it wouldn't be the last. She took great joy in creations, even if they weren't the most beautiful of trinkets, they were made with heart. She listened as Cheerful spoke and mentioned that the created decorations could either be put up for decoration or even gifted to someone, especially if someone was looking particularly sad.

Contemplating the objects she finally collected some shell pieces, pearls, foliage and berries. There was some other things about and she collected those up as well. The question remained though, what would she create? The berries she smashed and died the shell pieces and pearls, each of them taking on a different shade of the berries colors. Depending on the shells or pearls base color, as none of them were identical. Pleased she gave a soft smile and Darling and Dearest gave some small sounds of what she assumed was approval.

There was some twine and she managed to find a way to get the shell pieces to dangle from some of if as it was tied to a sturdy branch and alternated with leaves, to which she had adorn a single pearl to each's surface. If it would hold, she was uncertain, at least it was lovely to look at. Once she was finished she looked at the creation and it didn't look all too bad. Though how would it suit itself upon the designated decorating place? Walking about she hoisted it high and low, left and right, and kept trying to figure out where exactly to put it. Then, as if it was meant to be she found a spot. Placing it she trotted back a few paces and gazed upon what she had made, Darling and Dearest fluffing their feathers and chittering with praise. "I think that is the spot, don't you?" She could feel the owls dance upon her back and she smiled. It was perfect and she went about replacing the extra supplies back, the one's she ended up not using.

Looking over towards Cheerful she gave the buck a soft expression and spoke, "Thank you for hosting this lovely booth! Though, I am curious, what will happen to the decorations once the Winter Market is over? Will they remain or be repurposed later on?" She liked the idea of them being left up for others to enjoy, even after the Market, but that wasn't her call. Which was why she had figured she'd ask him about it, since this was his booth. "If they're to be taken down, I wouldn't mind coming to collect what I made later so that I can gift it to someone." Though, if it was out of the question, that was fine. She just thought she'd let him know her thoughts in the meantime. "Thank you again for this booth."
Aria Starstone wrote:

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:21 pm
by Aria Starstone
Alright, rolling the dice! Sorry, Astoria, you didn't respond to the RP prompt, so you only get the one freebie ticket.
1. Scaramouche Fandango
2. Scaramouche Fandango
3. doomsayer
4. doomsayer
5. doomsayer
6. doomsayer
7. Fasti
8. Fasti
9. Fasti
10. AstoriaFallen

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:25 pm
by Aria Starstone
AstoriaFallen wrote:
Please tell me which of the four prizes you would like!

New week is open, ticket list does not carry over!

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 pm
by Astoria
Aria Starstone wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:25 pm
AstoriaFallen wrote:
Please tell me which of the four prizes you would like!

New week is open, ticket list does not carry over!
Acha Buck Please!!! <3

Spread the Joy with Cheerful (Open)

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:52 pm
by Aria Starstone
AstoriaFallen wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 pm
Aria Starstone wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:25 pm
AstoriaFallen wrote:
Please tell me which of the four prizes you would like!

New week is open, ticket list does not carry over!
Acha Buck Please!!! <3
All yours! Colored by Blue, take him off to be certed when you are ready.