OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Matope's RP-heavy Fall/Halloween 2023 Event!
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Foolish
Preference List:Glow ticket only!
RP Link or Story: FORCE - The Last Mile is Always Longest
word count: 23
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by Lirilei »

Kin Name: Holding Back the River
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, bone cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story: prompt 1

Holding Back the River smirked a little. An elements class? This would be a piece of cake he was sure. He was good at water, excellent to be perfectly honest. He excelled at controlling water. Maybe he was weaker in other elements, but that's what this class was for, to get better and to learn right? Right.

So listening to their new elemental teacher drone on and on about proper etiquette for using water, moving it, manipulating it etc brought a loud, long yawn to drive home how utterly boring she was. Some of the other students laughed as he did that, the teacher getting flustered and squeaking as she got splashed by the water another student had been directed.

"Boooorrriiiing. Most of us in this room right now know how to handle water. Why not teach us something more interesting like fire, or earth? Even air would be more entertaining than this." he called out. Sure he was being a bit of a jerk he reasoned but he felt he had every right to be. When he was six he'd saved his town from a flood by controlling the raging river and redirecting it away from town and managing for close to twenty minutes before other water users had managed to get to him and help, to take over as his untrained body gave in to exhaustion.

And now here he was seven years later and one of the strongest water users he'd ever met. "I'm sorry to be a jerk, but honestly, this is just a waste if my time right now." he let out a sigh as he spoke, shrugging a little as he turned away. Another student fed up with him flicked his finger at his side and stole the air from him before he could speak again. River found himself gasping for air, going to his knees, and the other student stared down at him with annoyance. "Some of us would like to hear, and to learn. You might be able to hold back a river of water, but certainly not a river of words. Now could you please shut up and let us learn?" River gasped in a deep breath more than glad to regain the ability to draw a breath and he got to his feet swaying on his feet a couple of his friends supporting him and his face flushed hotly a breathless "Sorry. I'll shut up." from him while the rest of the class laughed at him and the teacher merely continued on her lesson.

River realized just because he was good at manipulating water, didn't mean he was the best at everything. Though he swore he'd get back at the other guy some how, some day. Nothing as serious as nearly making him suffocate. Maybe he'd just singe off his eyebrows one day during lunch. That would suffice he wagered. River day dreamed about that for the rest of the lesson on water, and more than once found himself grinning to the point those around him eased away clearly disturbed by him just then. Oh well whatever. No eyebrows for them either!

(526 words)
Last edited by Lirilei on Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 561
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by doomsayer »

Theoretical Kin Name: Fallen Branch
Preference List: Sky Cat, Bone Cat, Water Cat, Lynx, Lion
RP Story:

Prompt 4 - Cunning

Fallen Branch had never felt the sensation before--their mind becoming filled with brightness even though their eyes were closed. They could not help but flinch and open their eyes as their very thoughts whited out from the light. But they did not see the cloth of the blindfold that the creator buck had told them to wear. Instead Fallen Branch saw an expanse of shiny blackness around them--like the night sky above, but devoid of stars. Instead what existed in the shiny blackness were lines of light glowing blue to white that shot from behind them and traveled until they disappear in the distance--like shooting stars except closer and faster.

When they start to move, Fallen Branch realizes that they feel odd. Like their body is light, so so very light. And when they look down, what they see startles them. Fallen Branch's body looks see through, like they are in the process of disappearing, but not. They move their legs to see if they can, and their legs do move. It is like they are made, not of flesh, but of dimness? Of dying light?

Fallen Branch takes stock of their surroundings and sees that what first looked like infinite black sky actually has corners. They gallop to the corner and hit a wall, which sends an unwelcome sensation upon contact- a shock to Fallen Branch's body. When they shake off the feeling, they see that their form seems even less like it is there.

Touching the walls are bad.

Fallen Branch opt to follow the lines of light. They move slowly at first, apprehensive about making contact with any more surfaces, but the direction in which the lines of light fly to seems to keep going and going. Eventually, caution is replaced by curiosity as Fallen Branch sees some sort of gathering of light far in the distance. It must be where all the lines of light are going. Maybe this is a way back!

Fallen Branch gallops as fast as their Achan legs can carry them. But no matter how fast they go, the gathering of light does not seem to get any closer. What's worse is, as time passes, their form seems to be disappearing even more. Fallen Branch can barely see their own features against the lines of light traveling around and past them. Fear grips Fallen Branch. What if, when they disappear here, they disappear forever? What if they do not return to the cycle?!

Fallen Branch fights back their terror. They feel exhaustion in their limbs as they continue to run--limbs that they only know are still there because they feel them even if they don't see them anymore.

They do not know how much time has passed, all they feel is pain and searing heat from their continuous running. This is proof that they still exits, Fallen Branch thinks to themself.

Without any indication that they moved closer to the gathering of light, all of a sudden they stop galloping as the massive ball of light appears in front of them. Fallen Branch can no longer run. They feel their body collapse, but can no longer see themself when they look down. Are they even still there?

The gathering of light looks like a sphere, but the lines of light surround and move around it. Now that Fallen Branch looks closer, the lines of light seem to be made of odd symbols. And the gathering of light is made of the lines. Fallen Branch can only focus on breathing. The light is blinding, but they can feel it's warmth. And if they can feel, certainly they are still there, right?

The sphere of light suddenly fluctuates the intensity of it's brightness. A voice comes from nowhere, but sounds like it is in Fallen Branch's mind.

"Holographic simulation complete. Subject unable to fuse with singular intelligence. Restarting simulation."

Fallen Branch feels a falling sensation as all light is gone and darkness surrounds them. They thrash around as they panic. This is the end, they think. But as they do, the blindfold is removed from their head by another who was striking the stones with them. They are back in their body! They jump, they gallop in a circle, they roll around and feel. They don't know why they are so happy about it but, they are. All they remember is the light and the voice. It scares them.
word count: 772
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Sparkling Sunrise
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 1 - Knowledge | Solo

The goggles didn't do much to protect her eyes from the blinding light filling the classroom. Sure, she probably wouldn't be able to see ever again without them, but that was hard to think about when the entirety of her vision was bright, white light. Still, she was oohing and ahhing with the rest of her classmates, giggling with excitement over the lesson's activities. After a few more moments, a sizzling sound accompanied the fading of the light and she could see her surroundings once again. A few hard blinks dismissed some of the after images floating in front of her eyes. The young woman glanced around the lab room. All of her classmates, perched on stools just like hers, were rubbing and blinking their eyes just the same. The air in the room seemed to return, and the objects that had fallen to the floor during the demonstration resumed their positions levitating in front of each student and in the displays around the room. She herself was happy to see her enchanted jewelry return to rotating around her wrists in lazy, concentric circles. The glimmering lilac stones only held her attention for a beat before the professor spoke up.

"And, that," she started with a breathy laugh, "Is what happens when you add this mixture to the flames on a fire salamander." The elderly woman at the head of the room brushed some of the powder off of her cornflower blue Sciences Wing lab coat and reached for a pair of glasses folded on the lab table in front of her. She put them on and looked at the salamander, snoozing deeply in front of her, with the orange tinted lenses. "Now, students," she called, tone indicating that they needed to get back to business, "If you adjust your lenses to view the subject now, you will see the aura around it."

Each student reached out to the matching lens floating above their desk and adjusted it to view the salamander. While looking through the lens, they could see an aura flicking off the salamander that was invisible to the naked eye. The professor began speaking again, describing the physiological properties of the salamander that caused this effect and what other animals were capable of doing this. Before she could miss anything, the young student moved her outstretched hand to gently tap the matching lilac crystal adhered to her temple. The pen resting on the table beside her shuddered and lurched for a moment before standing up and drifting towards her blank notebook. Her thoughts and hands guided the pen to take notes while she paid most of her attention to the rest of the lecture.

The pen wavered for a moment when the salamander subject stirred and yawned before curling into a ball. The series of "Awww"s that filled the classroom told her that many of her classmates would also have a blip in their notes because of the adorable distraction. The professor eyed them all, having paused her explanation of the formula to create the powder she'd used earlier. "Yes, everyone will be able to hold Old Fyren before the class is over," she promised, brow quirked with a knowing look. She couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought. Her pin whirled and swooped as her notes reflected her enthusiasm. The professor continued her lecture on the magical powder and soon, the young student had pages and pages of details on the making, uses, risks, and shelf life of the powder. Before she knew it, the lecture was over, and she was muttering an incantation while holding her tote bag open. Her notebook, pen, highlighters, and text book lifted off the desk and floated into the bag neatly for her to close. By the time she slung it over her shoulder, the professor was standing by her desk, holding a very large and very sleepy salamander.

The entire conversation with her professor was a blur, and the weight of the salamander in her arms while they talked was comfortable. Right. Each word exchanged between them while lenses swooped between them and measuring tools zipped in and out of the professor's hands told her she was on the right path. Hesitantly, she passed the creature back to her professor, thanked her, and they shared a hug. The young woman took a deep breath, clutched the strap of her bag on her shoulder, and walked through the classroom door to the hallway.

[Words: 744]
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by rexcorvus »

Kin Name: Death Take Me
Preference List: just glow ticket please~
RP Link or Story:
word count: 19
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Illuminating
Preference List: Glow raffle only!
RP Link or Story:

Prompt 1 – Knowledge

“New students, please get into three lines!”

The professor’s voice jolted Illu out of her reverie, some daydream about a swamp and the odd creatures that roamed there, and with hurried steps she joined the throngs of chattering nervous students.

With some confusion and jostling, lines were formed, Illu amongst them, and the talking slowly died down to an anxious hum.

“Follow me!”

Three lines of new students, freshly enrolled into magic collage, all marched their way up the grand entryway to the main hall. The doors were massive, oak, scrawled with intensely beautiful carvings that seemed to move and shift at will. She watched as a unicorn pranced, from one side over to the other.

The professor stepped forward, placing her hand against the doors. The glow began where she was touching and spread, slowly at first and then rapidly gaining speed, light traveling through the carvings until the whole door was shining. With a creak both doors swang open to allow them passage.

Revealed, the hall beyond was immense and ancient, all twisting pillars and hanging lights, velvet drapes in reds and purples, stained glass windows that cast rainbow images across the floor. Standing to attention, monumental marble statues of different heroes from the ages lined the walls.

The group was silent in awe as they were led inside, down the main hall, their steps echoing in the silence. Illu could barely breathe.

They were led to another set of doors.

But before this one were three pedestals, each with a pale crystal ball. An attendant stood beside each of them, magical notepads in hand.

Their guide turned to face them.

She was a striking woman, tall, graceful. The jewels that glimmered at her throat were orange and white. Fire and air.

“Before you enter the school and are assigned to your rooms and classes, your magic affinity will be assessed. In turns, you will all step up, state your name and place your hands on the crystal. It will shine with the colours you can attune with.”

She stepped aside, waving her hand to encourage the lines to straighten up.

One of the attendants called out, ‘first three please step up’ and the testing began.

The crowd rumbled excitedly, watching with eager gazes as the three at the front stepped forward, knowing they would soon be next. For most of them, they’d been waiting years for this moment. As soon as they’d known they had the spark of magic, ready to be fostered, they’d wondered which form it would take. Which of the five elements would answer their call.

Everyone watching, craning necks, standing on tippytoes, leaning forwards, to get a good look as trembling hands touched the crystals. A moment of stillness and then colours bloomed, shining bright.

Orange. The boy on the left was claimed by fire. His grin was quick and bright.

The middle shone with the deepest blue Illu had ever seen. Water.

The girl on the left was smiling, confident. White and orange, just like their professor. A new prodigy of two elements. Anyone looking closely would have noticed the similarities between them and the proud smile on the professor’s face.

As the glow faded from the crystals, the door behind them glowed and rippled. At the direction of the assistants, the three walked towards it. Hesitating only briefly to share a glance before they stepped through the now liquid looking surface.

And then it began.

Illu was somewhere in the middle and slowly the lines began to move, colour after colour shining forth.

Fire, air, earth, water, nature. The five elements that blessed the world.

Which would be hers?

Sometimes it was easy to tell. Someone would be dependable and stubborn, like the earth. Or flighty and whimsical, like the air. Others were harder. They could be as murky as swampwater or as clingy as a vine. Sometimes fire manifested not in someone bright and quick but smouldering and dark.

And finally, Illu found herself at the front.

“Illu Terasu,” she called her name.

Her knees were shaking.

It felt like she had been waiting her whole life for this.

She approached the middle crystal, aware of the two others beside her. They put down their hands a few seconds before she did. Her hand, fingers spread, came to rest on the cool surface before her. She felt it then, some other, questing, reaching. Brown earth to her left. It found something bright, something beautiful. She wanted to cry. Green nature to her right. And a colour started to emerge from beneath her fingers. Air? Earth? What was it?

It blossomed, startling bright, washing over her.


Like the rays of the sun.

She was only vaguely aware of the startled gasps from all around her.

And the Professor coming to stand alongside her, shocked and marveling. Mouthing something Illu understood immediately.


And yet somehow...

She felt the power spilling from her, the glorious release.

That rare sixth element. Rarely spoken up. A legend from heroes of old.

word count: 863
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by doomsayer »

Theoretical Kin Name: Fallen Branch
Preference List: Sky Cat, Bone Cat, Water Cat, Lynx, Lion
RP Story: Prompt 3 - Force | Solo

A typical call to action. The young dwarven blacksmith sent out a call to adventurers for a small errand. Fallen heard the call from the edge of the forest in which they reside. Their money pouch was growing light, and even if they prefer to live outside of civilized society, they still prefer to make their life easy with the occasional civilized convenience. That costs people money.

So here they are, standing in front of a smithing house, in a small smithing town not big enough to be called a city, not small enough to be relegated to a thorpe, alongside a motley gathering of other colorful individuals. Fallen opted to initiate the proceedings by speaking first.

"I'm Fallen Branch. As you can see from my horns and my eyes, I'm a tiefling with all the powers and qualities associated with being that. I'm also an Ranger, and I'm most comfortable in forests and the mountainside."

This set off the usual series of introductions. The Aasimar Cleric was bright and joyful, and would not stop talking about her deity had the quest giver not awkwardly moved onto the next person. The Gnome Wizard did not hesitate to show off his magic during their introduction, like he was some sort of salesman selling the concept of himself. The Human Rogue would not have talked had he not been asked, and even then he only gave his name before slinking into shade. And of course, there's the Centaur Paladin. Fashionably late in her gleaming plate armor and compete with a grand entrance announcing her order and title. The party was complete. The quest giver was happy to start.

The task was simple. The quest giver makes and sells enchanted weapons to anyone that wants them and can pay for it. Dwarven craftsmanship being highly coveted, business was booming. But he admits that he only actually does half of the work. He makes the weapons and then sends them off to his father at the edge of a forest across the mountain so that he can enchant them with magical properties. The sending and bringing back of these weapons are usually through a courier. The quest giver's personal relationship with his father is strained, but their business relationship has always been strong. But recently, the courier was not able to bring back a very important project. An enchanted sword that was ordered by a local noble. Time was running out and the quest giver needs the sword as soon as practicable. He's not the hardy travelling type and he doesn't trust the couriers anymore, so he's called us for assistance with promise of a hefty sum as a reward. After some clarificatory questions and some banter between the Wizard and the Paladin, everyone agrees to undertake the task and travel to the quest giver's father to claim the sword.

Naturally, everyone in the party expected Fallen to lead the way. It's their own fault for volunteering the information of their flavored terrain, but truth be told they didn't mind. Rangers have the ability to find the hidden paths of the world and guide other through them, making travel impossibly swift. And Fallen was good at what they did. This job was going to be quick.

Passing a narrow ledge during the climb of the mountain, the party is beset by giant spiders that call the mountain cave holes home. Even with their precarious positions, the Wizard easily thins out the ranks of the arachnids with a well timed, well placed fireball. The Rogue disappears into a shadowed crevice and reappears behind the biggest spider, dispatching it with a clean strike to the back of the head. The Paladin swings their sword and stops strikes with their mighty shield while the Cleric casts strengthening magic and tends to injuries in the fight. Fallen takes up a rear position and let's loose some choice arrows at the giant spiders' eyes. The combat is swift, and the injuries suffered by the party is minimal. Overall, they find out that they work well together.

Once at the foot of the mountain, the party settles down and camps for the night. In the light of the bonfire, the Rogue opens up about their tortured past. The Wizard speaks about their insecurities and the difficulty of living up to a legendary mentor's expectations. The Paladin tries to raise morale by sharing the story of one of her adventures, but it also ends with everyone becoming introspective. Theirs is a lifestyle fraught with danger, and they all know that death could come for them at any moment. Fallen opts to stay silent. The difficulty of their personal circumstances didn't start when they picmed up their bow and chose to adventure. The very fact of their birth as devilkin has made them target of discrimination from the moment they could walk. This way of life was pretty much the only choice that Fallen had.

The next day is a trek through the forest to get to the far edge. A small encounter with the local fae required the Paladin's honeyed words and Fallen's understanding of the forest fae's obscure traditions of reciprocal hospitality. But making friends instead of foes allowed them to bypass a forest swamp that was supposedly filled with undead wildlife ready to bite at them and drag them down into the brackish waters.

They arrive at the edge of the forest later in the afternoon. The house of the quest giver's father is bigger than Fallen had imagined. It was in the middle of nowhere, but it was 2 storeys and boasted impressive square footage. The Cleric knocks on the door and the father opens it, welcoming us all inside after we introduce ourselves as hired by his son. When we ask about the sword we were sent to retrieve, he tells us that a group of bandits who broke into his house a few days ago and took the sword along with most of his preserved food. The bandits have made an abandoned mine nearby their hideout.

As adventurers are wont to do, we immediately volunteer to take back his stolen goods along with the sword. He gives us directions to the abandoned mine and we travel to it swiftly and stealthily. The sun is starting to set, which gives the party an edge in our approach. We manage to foil some traps at the entrance of the mine and surprise our foes before the bandits knew what happened. There were more of the bandits than there were members of the party, but the party is considerably more skilled and well armed. The battle is one-sided.

Once the dust settled, the Cleric finds the enchanted sword in a pile of ill-gotten supplies and treasures. Unexpectedly, the sword speaks in the Cleric's mind claiming that it is a person. The party isn't unfamiliar with sentient weapons, but this one claims that they were a person sent to surveil the quest giver's father. The last thing the sword remembers is being ambushed as they snuck around the older dwarf's house. This alarmed the party. Something was wrong here.

The party gathers what they can of the ill-gotten treasures and makes haste back to the older dwarf's house to report on the success of defeating the bandits, but also to ask about the sword. The older dwarf is happy about the bandits being routed, but his demeanor quickly changes when they ask him about the voice in the sword.

"It is unfortunate that the soul hasn't lost the ability to speak yet. You weren't supposed to find out about it. Do you know how objects are enchanted with magic? It's not accomplished only by runes or glyphs, it requires the infusion of a living soul into the item. This is the superior method of creating magical items."

The party is a mixture of outraged and shocked. The Cleric and the Paladin voice their objections and indignation at yhe older dwarf. But he remains calm.

"I understand that you may feel that way, but I assure you, it doesn't matter how you feel. At the end of this evening, you will all be souls in a sword."

With a wave of his hand, well concealed magic circles etched into the floorboards glow with magical light. Monstrous hulking figures made of limbs and bloody sinew appear and strike deathly energies at the party. This is not going to be an easy fight. The Wizard has to think about how to cast their spells in such a limited space without involving other members of the party in the blast radius. The Rogue has nowhere to hide in the well lit house, so he and the Paladin must team up in order to best utilize their combat capabilities. The Cleric is running low on healing magic and everyone had yet to recover from their injuries in the previous fight. Fallen stays at the edges of the walls, letting loose a barrage of arrows into the limb monsters, but the house is too small. The limb monsters catch up to them and slam into them, causing serious damage. The older dwarf engages the Wizard in a contest of spell slinging amidst the melee and the party just tries to survive.

After much pain and difficultly, the party comes up victorious. Bruised and badly beaten, but victorious nonetheless. The older dwarf is spared by the Paladin, but uses some form of necromantic magic on himself that causes his body to dissolve into a puddle of ichor. The battle is over, but the task is far from done. Searching the house, the party finds a basement filled with signs of the older dwarf's atrocities.

After recuperating, the party returns to their quest giver, harrowed by their experience. The Cleric breaks the news of the evil deeds that the quest giver's father has done. They get paid, but with a heavy heart. After splitting their earnings they part ways, knowing that this shared experience changed them all.
word count: 1727
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Fasti »

This is my first try doing writing stuff like this, I hope it workes like this.

Kin Name: Bathing in Moonlight other kins in that story are: Orange Sizzle and Fading Amber (if thats important)
Preference List: forest cat, sky cat, water cat, bone cat
RP Link or Story: Prompt 1 – Knowledge
"Bath? Bath? Are you there? Hey!"
A push to her shoulder snapped Bathing in Moonlight out of her dreams. "Yes?"
“I asked you for the answer on the board.” – the head of the “Advanced Medicine” course impatiently tapped on the floor.
"I..." *sighs* "I don't know, I'm sorry, I should have been more careful!"
Quiet laughter murmured through the room.
“I still don’t know how you got into this course!” – she turned away from Bath with a snort.
For the rest of the lesson she sat quietly in her seat, trying not to attract anger again. The bell ringing to signal the end of the class felt like a blessing. She quickly grabbed her things and rushed out of the room.
On the way to the dining hall she almost collided with her friend. “HEY BE CAREFUL! DON'T YOU SEE... oh... it's you! What’s gotten into you?”
“SIZ! Oh man, I'm sorry, it's just not my day, the lesson was terrible, I just can't get along with my new teacher, I wish I had my old teacher back!"
“What happened?” Orange Sizzle looked at her worriedly. “But wait, first let’s get something to eat and then you tell me everything in peace, it’s much easier to tell things on a full stomach.”
She moved bathing in moonlight into the dining room and after they had both loaded their plates with food and found a quiet place at the edge of the room, she described the hour to orange sizzle. “… I just don’t know what’s wrong with me, I keep wandering off, even though it’s my favorite subject!”
“It will all work out again, trust me! "Today you should concentrate on more important things than a teacher who wants to cause stress."
“You haven’t forgotten, have you? The oracle is coming today, our last two hours are canceled.”
“Way too soon…” Bathing in Moonlight murmured. Maybe it was just a check-up and she was wrong, maybe it wasn't ready yet.
"What did you say?" Orange Sizzle asked.
"Nothing. How could I forget that? The whole school was decorated just for this purpose” – she let her gaze wander over the walls of the hall – red banners, red garlands, red carpets, everything red and just for a poppy visit.
“Wow, you sound really motivated... aren't you excited at all? “Not even a tiny bit?” Orange Sizzle looked at her with big eyes.
"Exited? About what? We all gather obediently in the large hall, applaud the oracle and then listen to what it has to say. Afterwards we all go our separate ways as if nothing had happened and we can also put away all the decorations. So why are people so happy?”
“but bath! What about the prophecy? What if we are chosen?! Isn't that exciting? Only 5 students from the entire school are chosen to take part in a ritual, this is a unique opportunity!”
“Yeah, yeah, and how likely is it to choose us out of thousands of students? I don’t have high hopes for it.”
"Spoilsport!" Orange Sizzle muttered, swallowing the last bite of her food.
“Listen, I’m glad you’re having so much fun with it, but please don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t turn out the way you imagined.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t complain no matter what!”
They put their plates away and then headed off to the next class. Luckily this went away, but this was largely due to orange sizzle, which bounced up and down like a bouncy ball and made the whole class grin, so that normal lessons were unthinkable.
When the bell rang, orange grabbed sizzle bathing in moonlight and shot her out of the room towards the large hall. A crowd was already gathering in front of the large swinging doors and the teachers were struggling to get the students to their assigned seats. The seating arrangement is strictly divided, at the front the senior year, descending towards the back up to the first year.
“Look up there!” Orange Sizzle gasped excitedly.
A figure draped in velvet red was on the side of the podium, chatting with the teachers.
“If you hang the old witch on the wall, she won’t be that noticeable,” joked Bathing in Moonlight, looking at the red-decorated stone walls.
The Oracle's head swung around and Bathing in Moonlight felt the piercing gaze.
“PSHT! You don't say something like that, bath!" hissed orange zizzle.
“Come on, that was funny.” Bathing in Moonlight murmured, eyes fixed on the oracle.
Slowly, silence fell, the students had taken their seats and the teachers walked forward to stand at the edge of the podium.
“Quiet please!” the principal’s voice sounded from the front and even the last murmurs fell silent. “As everyone has probably noticed, we have a high number of visitors to our school today. The Oracle has chosen THIS institution to give 5 students the opportunity to take part in a unique ritual.” She let her gaze wander across the hall and then continued, “Please warmly welcome the Oracle!”
Loud cheers filled the room and the Oracle stepped forward. “Thank you, my children.” Came the voice, rough but gentle. “As I just told you, I'm giving a few of you the opportunity to learn something from me. When you came in, I noticed a few interesting auras that I'm shortlisting. Your teachers have also already suggested students. I will announce my selection later in the evening. Until then, I wish you a lot of fun, enjoy yourself!” With these words, the oracle stepped back from the podium and disappeared through a small side door, followed by the principal and a few teachers.
“How exciting!” gasped Orange Sizzle.
“Well, it’s still a while before evening,” replied Bathing in Moonlight.
The time just flew by, there was laughter and dancing, there was food and plenty to talk about.
Eyes turned to the front as the lights dimmed and conversations died down. The principal stepped onto the podium again, followed by the oracle and several teachers.
“I see you had fun, I’m glad. Please remember, no matter who is selected, learn what you can learn and don't bring shame on the school. I don't want to put you through torture any longer and I'm handing over to the oracle."
The red-clad figure took the principal's place and giggled. “It's always funny to see the faces of students when they're waiting for the news. Some hopeful, others fearful and others show no emotion at all.” The gaze wandered across the room.
With a satisfied grin she continued, “I have found some promising young individuals and I am confident that the ritual will be a complete success! I'm not comfortable with waiting myself, so I'll just get started.”
Orange Sizzle was a bundle of nerves, trembling as she stood next to Bathing in Moonlight. With each announcement she flinched, only to immediately feel hopeful again. “I can do it, I can do it!” She whispered to herself over and over again, like a mantra. 4 students had already come forward, silence filled the room, you could have heard a pin drop. With a long sigh, the 5th student was also announced that she wasn't there... Orange Sizzle hadn't made it. Tears streamed down her face. “I was so sure! I am best in every one of my courses and in the top 10 at school! I should have done it!”
"It's all fine, the chance of being chosen was very low from the start, look at the students, they are all from classes 3 and 4, we are only in the 2nd year!" Bathing in Moonlight comforted her.
"But Bath-"
“There is one more thing!” came the voice of the oracle. "I would like to give a place this year, I noticed a very strong aura at the beginning that I would like to give a special place in my ritual." A murmur went through the hall and Orange Sizzle's head shot up. “Bathing in Moonlight, please step forward!”
Orange Sizzles turned to her friend. “Wha.. what...”
Bathing in Moonlight had frozen into a pillar. How could this have happened, why did the Oracle do this?! It wasn't time yet!
Orange Sizzle nudged her, "Go! You've been chosen!"
She slowly walked down the aisle, feeling the eyes on her back, and joined the other students. The rest of the celebration just rushed past her, her thoughts were going in circles. What happened? Why now? She thought she still had some time!
As the other selected students were led into the adjacent room, the Oracle walked towards Bathing in Moonlight until she was standing directly in front of her. "Follow me!"
She walked behind the Oracle, which led her into a small room down the hall. Once inside, it closed the door, took off its robe and turned to Bathing in Moonlight. “It’s nice to see you again!” Black shapes wavered around the figure, white eyes piercing her with their gaze.
“It’s nice to see you again too! What happened that you came to see me so early?”
“The other side is making its first moves, we need you. The schedule has shortened!”
“And that oh-so-great ritual you were touting?”
“The elders have carefully chosen these creatures as food for you; they are intended to strengthen your strength!”
“Sacrifice, then. I won't say no to that." Dark mist enveloped, her shape deformed and the smell of burnt flesh spread. Burning all Moonlight now stood in full form in front of the oracle.
Forming his mouth into a grimace, the oracle knelt down. "I, Fading, dear servant of Burning all Moonlight, swear my loyalty again, so that the darkness may once again-" a clatter interrupted him and they both spun around to the door where Orange Sizzle stood trembling, a vase lying on the floor.
“Grab her!” came the clatter from Burning all Moonlight’s mouth and Fading swung at her.
With a satisfied grin, Burning all Moonlight approached her first victim, opened her mouth and...
Panting and covered in sweat, she opened her eyes... above her was the Undefeated's head, a worried look on his face. "What did you saw?"
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Fasti »

Kin Name: Thriving Mint
Preference List: forest cat, sky cat, water cat, bone cat
RP Link or Story: Prompt 2 – Patience
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you.” – came a voice from above. Thriving Mint looked up, there was a tall buck standing in front of her... a pretty good looking buck...
His fur glistened in the sun, his head raised majestically with a slightly worried expression on his face.
“Are you okay?” he asked. "Do you hear me?"
She was snapped out of her thoughts. "Y... Yeah... I think so, everything's okay, nothing's happening." Reeled Thriving Mint.
“Very good” – he said and a smile appeared on his face. “I’ll be on my way then.” And galloped away.
"HEY, wha-" Thriving Mint called after him, but he was already up and away... only a hint of herbal smells remained. She didn't even know his name.
Disappointed, she trudged home, where she crawled into her bed and fell asleep thinking about him.
The next day she made her way to the shore, of course not to meet him again, no of course not, she just really wanted to go for a walk by the water.
She wandered around the area and lost herself in thought until she realized with a shock that it was already dusk. The following days followed the same pattern, the goat kept crossing her mind... who was he?
Her thoughts turned to her good friend, who welcomed her joyfully. “Hey Mint, how are you, can I get you some tea?”
Tea? Tea! Thriving Mint loved tea. “Rosehip please!”
“I’ll just put the water on quickly and then I’ll be back with you.”
A short time later they were both sitting under the large cherry tree with their warm drinks.
"I have to confess something to you... I think I've fallen in love!" Thriving Mint blurted out.
"What? Tell me everything!"
Three teacups later, Thriving Mint sighed "I should have asked him his name, I'm so stupid!"
"You'll definitely see him again, that can't be your last encounter!"
“You’re really positive.”
Thriving Mint suddenly looked at her friend intently.
“What’s wrong Mint?”
“Maybe I’m crazy too, but you kind of look like him.”
"I? What do you mean?"
“Your fur is the same shade of maple red and you have the same tic with your ears. When you smile, the tips of your ears twitch.”
“You’re crazy, that can’t be right.”
"I'm telling you, the resemblance is there, he also has a pigment spot on his chest!"
“Pigmentation spot?”
“Yes, the bright spot in front.”
Her friend's voice shot up. “Pigmentation spot?! Are you sure?! Same fur color?”
Laughing, Thriving Mint replied, “I told you, you guys are amazingly similar.” Thriving Mint looked at her friend. "Everything okay?"
All the color had drained from her face and she whispered.. “that can’t be right.. no no no. That must not be."
“What’s wrong?” Thriving Mint laughed.
"We have to get out of here!" She jumped up and the teacup broke when she accidentally stepped on it.
“I don’t understand… what’s gotten into you?”
“The goat you just described…”
"That's my brother, I've been on the run from him for ages, he thinks I'm to blame for my parents' death and is out for revenge!"
Together they rushed back to their friend's quarters, opened the door and there he stood, pure hatred flowing towards them. “You’re back sis.”
Last edited by Fasti on Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 601
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Fasti »

Kin Name: Liquid Amber
Preference List: forest cat, sky cat, water cat, bone cat
RP Link or Story: Prompt 3 – Force
"Get ready, the enemy is lurking behind this field! Remember - we don't know what awaits us, be on your guard and be careful!" Liquid Amber's voice rang out.
“Yes,” echoed from the ranks of his knights.
With swords and lances drawn, they ventured into an unknown area. The country fell under the rule of a group of women called the Witches. Horrible stories surrounded them. Human sacrifice? Black magic? Human-animal hybrids? He had already heard a lot and now it was time, he was going to see it with his own eyes!
Paying attention to their surroundings, the group made their way through the brush towards a collection of hills where the witches' cave was believed to be.
"STOP!" Came the voice of the vanguard. The group immediately stopped and took cover. Two large, brown horses galloped past them... but on second look, Liquid Amber realized that these weren't normal horses, they had 6 legs and their bodies were far larger than those of warhorses. What kind of creatures were these?!
After a short wait, the group set off again and after some time and without further incident arrived at the hills in question.
The group split into two, one moving around the area on the left and the other on the right. "Be careful, don't act rashly, if you see enemies, retreat and find us. We won't launch solo attacks!"

After some time, both groups returned to the predetermined meeting point and reported what they had seen.
The group on the right had encountered a large group of indefinable creatures, of course they had retreated as ordered and remained undetected. There were no further observations, so Liquid Amber decided to visit the place with the shapes again.

After a short rest, the now united group set off and a short time later came across the place where the creatures were last seen.
"Where are they?" whispered a barrier fighter.
"Look, there's a cave entrance!" replied another.
"I'll go ahead and secure the entrance. At my signal you can follow." certain Liquid Amber.
He approached the entrance cautiously. It was already getting dark, which didn't improve the visibility. The hills, which had just looked small, grew with every step in their direction until he finally stood in front of a massive entrance. To the right and left, pillars protruded from the ground, connected at the top in the middle with a cord.
He carefully peeked around the corner, seeing only darkness. He turned to wave his knights over and crashed into something.
"Well whooo do we have thereeee?! HEY I FFFOUND ANOTHERRRR!" a voice hissed.
A dark paw reached out at him, but he stumbled back, escaping its grasp. A second figure appeared in front of him; in the darkness he could only make out its large outline. "GOOD FOOD, GOOD FOOD" it hissed. Stooped shapes, big heads and mouths so big they could swallow a cow in one.
In a panic, he turned around and fled in the only possible direction - into the cave. Panting, he ran and ran, hoping to escape them.
Shuffling footsteps sounded behind him, getting faster and faster.
"Stay away from me!" Liquid Amber shouted. Full of panic, he encouraged his legs to run a little faster, just a little more... hold on-
Empty! A sudden hole opened up beneath him and he fell.

With a scream he opened his eyes and jumped. What a vision...
Last edited by Fasti on Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 605
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Rambler
Preference List: Glow raffle only!
RP Link or Story:

Prompt 4 - Cunning













“Computer, please give me a rundown of planet M3T0P3 from sector B/C.”


From where she was floating near the spaceship window, Rambler peered out at the planet below. It was a beautiful sight. All greens, blues and browns with swirling clouds. Somewhere down there were creatures ready to be classified and places to explore. She was so used to landing on dust-swept harsh worlds that just the thought of pushing through greenery had her salivating. This was easily her best mission to date.

She rolled in place, contemplating.

This lovely planet was to be her home for the next... how long? Just looking at it, a planet like this could take hundreds of turns before she managed to register everything to the association's standards.


“Computer, please locate a safe area and begin landing procedures.”



They landed on flat salt-plains, dotted with shrubbery and rocks. A fairly unremarkable area that wouldn’t be terribly disturbed by the arrival of a spaceship. Rambler kept her spacesuit on for now as she disembarked, lifting her radar and doing a quick scan.

To her astonishment, multiple dots immediately pinged.

Even somewhere seemingly barren was teeming with life.

A trail of insectoids marched past her feet, carting food too and from the colony. Rambler crouched to observe them. She was used to seeing such creatures in much larger sizes. They were often used by mining companies to dig out long tunnels and harvest researchers. As long as they had control of the queen, the hive would obey.

“You guys don’t have to worry about that,” Rambler remarked as she stood back up.

Though judging by how many insects there seemed to be already, she was going to end up stepping on a few. Unfortunately all planetary explorations came with some sacrifice, even if she tried to minimize her damage as much as possible.

Behind her the ship was transforming, taking the shape of the place she would call her home. She was going to spend quite a few lifetimes exploring this world.

In the distance, a wall of green beckoned.

Distant figures were moving, only shadows but clearly ungulate. Large terrestrial lifeforms.

“Hey computer.”

The electronic voice answered in her spacesuit earpiece.


“I’m going for a walk.”



“Sure, sure.”

With a grin and eager steps, Rambler set off towards what she would soon learn was a swamp. A wild and beautiful place; her new home.
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

Kin Name: Matter of Fact
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story:
“They’re cute right?!”

“And this is what you're submitting for your final?”


“But why goats?”

She looked down at her work. The candy-colored confection staring back at her with blank eyes. “Because I too, feel the need to scream at God.”
word count: 61
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Corn »

Kin Name: Wildflower Breeze
Preference List: forest cat, bone cat, water cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story: Wildflower Breeze watched, fascinated, as the doe poured the water and explained how, as it seeped into tiny cracks and was turned into ice by the salamander, it would expand and break apart the rock. It was hard to see past the sheer luminescence, but the sound of the rock cracking was clear, if faint. His vision swam as she poured more water out of the gourd, and he had to clink back tears in order to see...

There was a faint cracking sound as the clay pot on the corner of his desk cracked, frost around the fine fractures showed him what had caused it. With a wave of his hand and a thought, he warmed the soil back up before it damaged his croton's roots too much. A murmur and a giggle ran through the classroom, but he didn't spare it much of his attention. The children were exploring a practical portion of today's lesson, and as long as they weren't completely out of control, he could tolerate a little youthful mischief - especially during the last lesson before Samhain, the most popular holiday of the school year besides Yule.

At last, the bells rang, and the shrieks of gleeful children being released from their weekday containment echoed through the corridors. He dismissed his own classroom with good cheer and a warning to be careful tonight as they were already piling out the door to join the throng. The low air around the school was already beginning to fill with broomsticks, carpets, and all manner of flying devices, as the first of the students were hurrying out the doors. There were costumes to don, parties to attend, and streets to roam in search of sweet plunder - no student was going to spend a second longer in a classroom than was absolutely necessary today.

Or, well, that was how it was supposed to go. This year, there was one notable exception - the professor's own son was still sitting sulkily in the back row, slowly doodling in his notebook. Professor Flowers slid his seat back as he finished packing and started to walk around his room, checking on the plants that had earned him that nickname. "Well," he asked, gently removing a spitball from one flowerpot with a napkin, "how was today's lesson, do you think?"

Monty couldn't stand when his dad asked him questions without even looking at him. He grunted non-committally. He'd already known the spell they learned today for several months - he was always ahead of his classmates, which made them resent him for being a know-it-all, and made him resent them for being slow to catch up. Monty hadn't been invited to any parties this year, had no friends to go trick-or-treating with, and had to wait for his stupid old dad to finish checking on his plants to take them home to sit around and give candy out to cooler kids who found making friends much easier than learning magic. Monty hadn't asked to be placed in his dad's classroom, which made making friends even harder than just being smart did already. He hated seeing his dad's last name on his office door as they made one more stop before heading home - because, of course, his dad had even more plants in his office he needed to check on before the weekend.

The spells for maintaining appropriate light, temperature, and water were all holding beautifully, professor Willamet Brome was pleased to see. He apologized to his son for the boring lesson as he made his final checks. "I know you're farther ahead than your friends, Monty. It must be awfully boring to sit around learning about things you already know."

What friends? Monty thought bitterly. His sour mood almost made him miss what his dad said next.

"This is a little bit unusual, but I've decided that, since you've been doing so well with your learning, I might give you a bit of a treat. No better time than Samhain to eh, gently nudge the rules a little, right?"

His dad pulled a small book out from behind one of his potted plants, and Monty eyed it with equal parts curiosity and suspicion. He could tell by the buckle holding it shut that this was a book of magic. It was unfamiliar to him, which meant his 'treat' was a lesson, which was hardly a treat at all. But then, the book was bound tighter than other books of his grade level, sealed with a smart silver lock rather than the usual mix of bronze, brass, copper, or even more mundane metals he usually saw. This meant the spells inside were stronger stuff than he'd ever been allowed to see before, and even though he wanted to be sulky and mad, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of new spells were in that little book.

It wasn't until they got home that his dad handed him the book and gently guided him through unlocking it safely, which Monty committed to memory immediately. They opened the book to its table of contents, and his dad said, "Pick one, and I'll teach you."

Monty scanned the page, then looked back up at his dad. "Any of them?" He pressed.

"Any one of them," his dad confirmed.

There was no hesitation as Monty pointed to the shape-changing spell. "This one, then. I wanna learn how to turn into a cat."

Willamet smiled at having guessed correctly which spell would interest his son first. He'd made sure to have a few things ready just in case, but he was right about the draw of this advanced spell being too interesting for his curious son to ignore. Monty had also not hesitated at all about whether he'd be able to learn it in one night or not - even as they read through the spell together, Monty didn't seem daunted by the work that he would have to do. His son was very confident, and had a bit of talent to back that confidence up, which made him very proud. There would be times later where he would have to reign that confidence in a little while his son's skill caught up to his developing ego, but tonight they would have fun.

Several hours later, Monty and his father slipped out of the house as a pair of very handsome cats, Monty fully black with yellow eyes, and his father a more visible reddish-brown tabby. Monty hardly even minded the supervision his father provided as he explored the night in this new shape full of new possibilities. And wouldn't his classmates all be jealous when he was able to turn into an animal on a whim in front of them?! The night air was full of fascinating new smells to smell and new sounds to hear, the world begging to be explored from the perspective of a cat.

Willamet watched his son pounce into a leaf pile and adjusted his whiskers proudly. Their passage through the leaves kicked up some pollen and some late fireflies, and he found his eyes scrunching shut as the lights danced. He breathed in, in, in...

In the half-light of the field containing the glowing stone, an otter with brilliant green eyes sneezed. Wildflower Breeze chirruped dazedly, reorienting himself. The details of his vision were already running out of his mind like water off of his back. He clucked with dissatisfaction - he had the feeling he would have liked to remember the ideas he'd encountered in that vision. The only thing that stuck with him now was the memory that his son Motes had been by is side, and the vague notion of calculating the completeness of things as a value out of one hundred. Well, one of those ideas was more likely to stick than the others after this.
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Speaks to You
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 2 - Patience | Solo

"Here," he said softly, passing her his coffee to hold onto. Speaks to You smiled as she watched him step forward and raise the downed stalks that crossed their path. It was getting a little later in the season, and the more rambunctious maze-goers had probably barreled into them while running through the corn. Gently, he righted the stalks and leaned them behind the more stable stalks to keep them from falling down onto the path again. "There, all clear," he said, smile in his voice, as he turned back to her to retrieve the hot drink. Speaks to You adjusted her jacket and placed her hand in his outstretched on.

The pathways were nice and wide so they could walk side by side and hand in hand. Between their clasped hands and their hot coffees, they were quite toasty on the crisp autumn day. It seemed even chillier in the corn, with the stalks high above their heads blocking out what sun peeked through the thick clouds. It had been a while, and the end of the maze didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. "You know, we probably should have brought more supplies than just coffee," Speaks to You teased, looking up at him. "Is that so? Do you think we're going to get lost in here forever?" he teased back. "All I'm saying is that I don't want to eat corn until the search party finds us," she shot back, giggling through half her response. He laughed heartily and squeezed her hand. "I have more faith in us than that, come on," he said, guiding her around another corner.

It took a little longer, but they finally escaped the corn maze. They both shared a kiss in front of the photo spot to commemorate their success. Speaks to You looked around the farm at the rest of the activities. "It might rain soon, do you want to go ahead to the patch and then maybe we can grab something to eat?" he asked, wrapping an arm around her and looking out at their options. "That sounds great to me, I'm starving," she replied and took his hand once again.

The short walk across the farm had them in line for the hay ride to the pumpkin path and it didn't take long before they were in their seats. The longer the day went, the colder the weather got. Speaks to You snuggled up beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her once again and kissed the top of her head. "Now remember, we have to limit ourselves to what we can carry back to the cart," he whispered into her hair, tone feigning warning. "Very funny," she responded, poking him lightly in the chest. "That may be true for this ride, but they have carts back at the gift shop," she teased. She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes before giving him a little peck on the nose. "I think you'll find the real limit is how much car space we have," she added with a giggle.

[Words: 520]
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Lirilei »

Kin Name: Talks to Plants and Flowers
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, bone cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story: prompt 2

Talks to Plants and Flowers had moved in with his...well he wasn't exactly his partner. Neighbor turned friend...into one hell of a crush...and circumstances being what they were he found himself spending more and more time around the other man and his wonderful dog. His friend was dedicated to work, and his dog and it was hard for Plants to worm his way into his life as more than what felt like an obnoxious friend.

He could pinpoint when he knew he'd fallen in love with the other man, and confessing his feelings had been...well not every bit as awkward as he'd expected. No it'd been worse...injuries to his friend had made the situation less than ideal for confessions, but he'd been given a slight hug, and told they'd talk about it later. He swore more than once his friend was emotionally stunted, which wasn't denied to his dismay.

Still time wore on, and their friendship grew and though they never spoke outright about the confession he'd made, the wall began to break down, his reserved nature thawing a little letting Plants into his life more and more...and he found himself at his apartment more and more often and at his less and less, though a few weeks of travel for work had separated them, and yet...they spoke daily via text or even video call so it was like they weren't apart at all...and upon his return home he'd made the off handed comment that maybe one day the two of them and the dog could take a small trip somewhere. Wishful thinking he knew, his friend worked too many hours, too hard to take days away for a trip like that. So Plants put it out of his mind. Not even wishful thinking really.

And months passed, and his friend asked him to move in with him realizing Plants spent less time at his apartment and more at his. Though his friend still hadn't admitted to having feelings back. That was okay. And life continued on. Plants would get up when his friend would leave to go out for his morning run and make them breakfast, and while his friend got ready for work he would wash up and set up his laptop for the day since he worked from home. He'd figured out quickly he liked to do things to make his friends life easier, and his friend was more than a little grateful for it. Long hours and sometimes a week or more away from home only to come home exhausted and to a fridge full of spoiled food had become the norm, so to have Plants there taking care of him began to thaw him out. To see Plants in a new light.

...and then it came time for Plants' birthday. He woke up early as usual and made them breakfast being told to wrap it up and bring it along for the train ride, and to dress warmly. That was his only hint. One packed breakfast, and donning of warm clothes later his friend carrying a large backpack and with his dog led him to the train and they rode for several hours. Once there he was led on a hike in the forest, told they were going to a water fall. He'd never seen one in person and was looking forward to it. What was waiting for him was a surprise picnic lunch his friend had brought, a camera to take all the photos he could want, and the most idyllic scenery he could imagine. The colors of the trees was stunning and he felt so happy he couldn't put it to words.

This was everything he'd hoped for a trip with his friend. A few hours just the two of them, well three counting the dog which Plants totally did, he loved that dog....and best of all a strong arm around his waist drawing him close so they could take a few photos together, and lips to his own wishing him a happy birthday. It was the best birthday he'd ever had, and while his friend might have a hard time saying he loved him, he'd long realized he showed it in his own way dozens of times a day. His surprise birthday trip was no different. This was his way of being shown he was loved and cherished and it melted his heart. It was topped off by them sitting side by side on the train to head home, his hand in his friends holding and being held and his head against a shoulder dozing off as they rode in content silence.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

(774 words)
word count: 831