CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Matope's RP-heavy Fall/Halloween 2023 Event!
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Matope »

Creator glares at kin who approach him. “What is it?” he demands, before softening as he realises that they are here to help collect the motes. “All right. I want you to help me make something unique, and maybe we can catch motes faster. What can you do with these supplies?”/i]

This RP/Writing Contests asks you, as one of your kin, to come up with a fun disguise to help sneak up on the motes, so they don't see you coming! Creativity is encouraged here, of course.

All kin start with the following items:
  • Glob of sticky sap
  • Oozing slime
  • Spiderweb with sac of eggs
  • Vines of jasmine
  • Driftwood
  • Clay
  • Berries for dye
In addition, each participant will roll 5d25 and match their results to the list below. Repeats are wild cards, allowing you to pick any item you'd like:
  1. Set of butterfly wings with false eyes
  2. Tuft of pink fur
  3. Four-leaf clover
  4. Variegated banana leaves
  5. Crushed up seashells
  6. Glowing mushrooms
  7. Two halves of a coconut shell
  8. Red sand
  9. Lucky chicken foot
  10. Coral
  11. Shiny rocks from the volcano
  12. Discarded, shed snakeskin
  13. Sparkly stones
  14. Intact skeleton
  15. Beetle shells
  16. Birds nest
  17. Pinecones
  18. Pearls
  19. Moss
  20. Petals
  21. Starfish
  22. Ball of hair
  23. Bunch of carrots
  24. Seaweed
  25. Palm leaves
Write a blurb of your character combining these ingredients together to make a clever disguise.
Explain how they use them and what they make; feel free to include visuals if you'd like!

You're welcome to use any of your kin to participate in this challenge. If you have no kin, use a quest/theoretical kin!
If the total of your RP reaches 500 words, thin will count as one req toward Legendary Ascension!

Please use the form below:

Code: Select all

[color=red][size=180][b]LOOK WHAT I MADE![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Kin Name:[/b] [url=LINK TO OL]Name[/url]
[b]Preference List:[/b] In order, with any you're not interested in taking home excluded.
[b]Items Rolled:[/b]
[b]RP of Building Disguise:[/b] 
You can enter this contest up to three times and can use the same kin or different ones, but please put each entry in its own post.
If you hit word count, this can count as a Legendary Ascension requirement!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 22nd at 11:59 PM EST.

It is possible to do this prompt in the ORP and post it over here if you are interested in some interaction while you do it!
word count: 455
please do not send anything via PM to the mule; no one checks this account.
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Kin Name: Bunny Rabbit
Preference List: pink, purple, teal, cyan, jerboa.
Items Rolled: Pinecones, Seaweed, Four-leaf clover, Glowing mushrooms, Petals
RP of Building Disguise:
Bunny Rabbit ears flopped downward at the stern voice asking what she wanted but got to work regardless. Motes were interesting creatures and if she could help why not? She looked at all the current items given to her... Glob of sticky sap, Oozing slime, Spiderweb with sac of eggs, Vines of jasmine, Driftwood, Clay, and Berries for dye. "Hmmm." Then she looked at the available items to choose from picking out five more to help build a trap and got to work. Using the pinecone as the main source of the trapping the creatures, she began to smear all of the sticky substances on to the pinecone in hopes the smells would entice the creatures. Then from there she gathered the vines and circled it around the pinecone which she would yank quickly once the motes were within the trap on a bed of clay to make escaping even more difficult. The editable stuff like seaweed, petals, and glowing mushrooms she used to entice the creatures out and left a trail right up to the trap. Berries... hmmm. "Oh I know!" She smeared them all over her body to blend in with the darkness... her bright pink body could definitely be seen! Bunny looked at the left over item before eating it, a four-leaf clover for goodluck! Lastly, she sat on driftwood as the earth was cold and wet. Spiderweb with sac of eggs were forgotten...
Dice rolls
[17, 24, 3, 6, 20] = 70
5d25:  [
] = 70
Last edited by Tara de Draiocht on Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:34 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 267
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Echoed Chorus
Preference List: Just a Glow ticket, please!
Items Rolled: Seaweed, Crushed up seashells, Ball of hair, Beetle shells, Wildcard (Starfish)
RP of Building Disguise: Echoed Chorus was practically dancing in place as he observed all the things he could use to make a disguise. This would be so fun! But how to trick the motes...could they even see? Perhaps they used other senses to find their way around. Noses, perhaps? Ears? Could they feel the vibrations of voices or movement? It was all so interesting and he couldn't wait to begin!

"All right...let's get this taken care of first," he said, bowing his head to rub his mohawk full of sticky sap. Once he was sure the fluff had been tamed, he used some of the seaweed to stick to the sap to give himself a long, luxurious (if stinky) mane. That would take care of him smelling like a kin! Though if their little mote noses were sensitive, the scent of the sea might be even more alarming.

" some of that..." He continued to talk to himself as he worked, using the vines to tie the starfish to his front leg by his shoulder, helping to hide some of his wing marking. If he could blend in better with the woods maybe he'd be harder to float away from. Driftwood was also tied to his other legs, making him look a bit like a walking forest of small trees. He dipped his tail into the slime to help stick the fluffy fur together and then rolled his soaking wet tail in the crushed up seashells. Not all of them stuck but quite a few of the smaller bits did, hiding the deep purple of the fur.

Amid the sticky spiderweb and egg sac he stuck the beetle wings, then proceeded to drape them over his horns to throw off the telltale silhouette of acha horns. Finally, he smeared the rest of his bright orange fur with the berries and clay, making his fur darker and more natural.

"And to top it all off...there!" He balanced the ball of hair on the tip of his nose which was a bit sticky from either the sap or the slime, he wasn't sure he wanted to know. "Tadaaa!" He wasn't quite sure what he looked like, but it definitely wasn't a kin! He could totally sneak up on those motes now!
Dice rolls
[24, 5, 22, 15, 15] = 81
5d25:  [
] = 81
word count: 418
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Not A Chance
Preference List: Just a Glow ticket, please!
Items Rolled: Sparkly stones, Set of butterfly wings with false eyes, Pearls, Beetle shells, Starfish
RP of Building Disguise: "Interesting request," Not A Chance said as he looked over the pile of things he could use to disguise himself from the motes. He wasn't too sure that a disguise would help - maybe it was just the Creator kin's idea of a bad joke - but he'd give it a shot. Never let it be said that Not A Chance didn't try everything at least once!

He used the various sticky substances - sap, slime, and the spiderweb after he removed the egg sac - to get his fur nice and ruffled up, sticking this way and that in no consistent direction. Some of the smaller things could stick to him that way like the butterfly wings and beetle shells, placed here and there along his body to hopefully catch the light of the motes and make them think that there were others of their kind nearby. He even stuck the butterfly wings up by his antenna to make it look like they had a body.

Taking a few moments, he strung the pearls onto the vines before draping them over his back. Again, he was hopeful that any light that caught the shiny material would make the motes think that they were in good company. The sparkly stones and starfish were a bit of a tough one for him, so he ended up creating a decoy kin with them and the driftwood and remaining vines. The dummy was small but very shiny and kind of convincing if you squinted and tilted your head a bit. Then, with the berries and clay to hide his brightly colored coat, he crouched in the bushes by the fabricated kin, occasionally shifting his body to try to catch the light of the motes to lure them in. Was it working? He had no idea. But at least he'd given it a shot!
Dice rolls
[13, 1, 18, 15, 21] = 68
5d25:  [
] = 68
word count: 346
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Lutz »

Kin Name: Hang The Moon
Preference List: Just a Glow ticket, please!
Items Rolled: Tuft of pink fur, Pearls, Palm leaves, Ball of hair, Wildcard (Intact skeleton)
RP of Building Disguise: Hang The Moon had participated in any way she could to try to help bring the sun back. It was very discouraging to see that nothing had changed, but the Helper kin and Steals Fire seemed adamant that the work they were doing was truly helpful. So here she stood before the Creator kin, her ears pinned back against her head and her head itself ducked as he glared at her at first. But quickly his attitude changed and as he explained what she was to do, Hang The Moon warmed up to the other kin.

Build a disguise...out of this? Hang The Moon looked over the pile of objects and swallowed thickly. How was she supposed to build a disguise out of this? She hesitated, trying to come up with some idea, anything really! And finally, finally things started to click into place. She walked into the pile to grab an item here and an object there, collecting her supplies before starting to assemble her getup.

First was the skeleton. It was that of a lion, she assumed, based on the shape of the skull and the size. She felt badly breaking it up but there was an important mission to be done here. She began to use bits of the vine to tie the bones in a way that allowed the jaw to hang open far more than it ever had done while alive, the maw gaping enough so she could stick her own head through and wear it like a helmet. It felt strange to have sharp teeth poking her jaw from above and below, but she had a job to do here. She wasn't going to let that stop her.

The ball of hair and tuft of pink fur were added to the tip of her own tail, hopefully mimicking that of a lion's tail rather than her own large, fluffy one. She used some of the palm leaves to wrap up that fluff, making her tail skinnier and smoother to match that of the beast she wore on her head. The spa, slime, and spiderwebs were all used to adhere the palm leaves to her tail and the tuft of fur and hair to her as well. The clay was used to hide her markings while she used the berries to stain the bones of the lion, making them look as if they had made a recent kill despite being dead themselves. The driftwood and pearls were tied up and strung with the rest of the vines to make a strange necklace that hopefully hid her powerful chest. Once all that was done she carefully took the rest of the skeleton and worked the spine along her own, the ribs around hers as best she could without breaking them too badly, and finally when all was said and done she looked...

Rather terrifying. She was very glad she couldn't see her own reflection.

Hopefully the motes liked a bit of spooky.

"Hope this is all right," she said with a slightly unsure grin from behind the open maw of the lion, a hesitant tone to her voice. She certainly felt pretty disguised, but who was to say if the motes thought so?
Dice rolls
[2, 18, 25, 22, 2] = 69
5d25:  [
] = 69
word count: 576
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Niyaru »

Kin Name: Guided by light
Preference List: Purple, pink, teal, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: 9, 13, 22, 22, 18]
Lucky chicken foot
Sparkly stones
Ball of hair
RP of Building Disguise:The disguise came to him almost immediately as he looked over his materials. The wood would be secured by the vines around his head but above his eyes, he had to see after all. He had to be very careful not to break the vines as he secured them on the drift wood. Light carefully dipped the stones and pearls into sap and slime as to stick them onto the wood and hope they stayed. He focused on placing them in a pattern so its pleasing to look at. He found himself being proud of his work and looked at the remaining materials. The hair ball could go into the chicken claws as if it was a token. He wasn't sure what to do with the foot with the hair so he stared puzzled at it for a few moments. He tried a few different spots before he settled on attaching it with clay to the starfish. He considered putting slime on the starfish and sap too but decided it may stick best with the clay. The starfish is attached to the driftwood from the back with a mound of clay. The remaining materials were the spider nests and berries. He decided to use the purple and blue berries and smeared them onto the drift wood to give it more color. Should the webs go next to the starfish? Should they go on the end of the drift wood pieces? He looked at how even the materials seemed to be and thought to put them on each side of the chicken foot to see how it would look. He stepped back for a moment and take in the disguise in its entirety. He tilted his head this way and that before he decided on his decision. He put a little bit of sap on each side and then ever so gently placed the sacs down onto the wood.

Dice rolls
[9, 13, 22, 22, 18] = 84
5d25:  [
] = 84
word count: 356
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Sparkling Sunrise
Preference List: Just Glow, please!
Items Rolled: set of butterfly wings w/ false eyes, petals, pearls, ball of hair, shiny rocks from the volcano
RP of Building Disguise:
Sparkling Sunrise was very excited to make a disguise to try and lure the motes. Maybe if she looked like something other than a giant fluffy and sharp thing bounding towards them, they'd be more interested in coming closer so she could study them. Her brow furrowed, deep in thought, as she wandered around collecting things. Thankfully, she had her two companions to help her with the search. Soon enough, she had a pile of things to work with. "I wonder if our faces make the motes nervous or something? Like if I looked like some ordinary, still thing, they would come closer?" she mused, pushing a few of the objects around to look at them side by side. After some more thought, her ears pricked up as she gathered her idea.

"What if I made myself look like a flower and stayed really still? Flowers are nice and unthreatening," the young totoma declared. She moved some of the pieces around, situating each one carefully to represent her idea. Winterdown perched on her horn and hummed in approval. "Okay," she started, gathering her thoughts on how to achieve the look she was trying for. "I still want to be enticing and interesting, though. If I were any other flower, they might just float on by without caring." A nod of her head sealed the deal on her plan.

Shards chimed together as Sparkling Sunrise jostled a flatter piece of driftwood into the center of the space she'd made for herself to do this project. She scooped up some sap and clay and smeared it on the driftwood. Then, she swirled the mixture together until it was mostly combined, making the sap less runny but still sticky enough to hold things together. Sparkling Sunrise glanced up at Winterdown, who seemed content to watch her as she worked. "Okay, friend, I need your help on this one," she said, smiling up at the kincaller. Winterdown tilted her head to meet the totoma's eye and then to look down at the project. After some thought, the bird nodded.

"Can you put these pearls in center to make a little circle? I want them to look sort of like the middle of a flower," Sparkling Sunrise asked, before adding, "Well, as much like a flower as possible with pearls and stuff." Winterdown made an annoyed warble as the young totoma's head shook with her giggles. She gave the bird a sheepish look and stilled. The bright creature hopped down from the totoma's horns and gathered up several of the shiny spheres in her beak. Carefully, Winterdown hoisted her way back onto Sparkling Sunrise's horns. The young totoma leaned down so the kincaller could reach, and Winterdown carefully placed the pearls in a cluster in the center. "Perfect!" Sparkling Sunrise cheered.

Next, she grabbed some of the jasmine vines in her mouth and draped them over the sticky mixture on the edges of the driftwood. With small, careful movements, Sparkling Sunrise managed to coax the vines into a circle on the edges of the small piece of wood. "I don't think I've ever seen a flower with leave like this," she commented, tilting her head to each side to get a different perspective. "Hopefully it's not so strange that it's not believable."

Finally, Sparkling Sunrise glanced over at Sunspot, who was curled up and watching her and Winterdown work intently. The young totoma met her eye and smiled. "Do you want to help with the next part?" she asked. The griffon perked up and rose to her feet. "Your beak is a bit more precise than my nose," she commented, pushing some petals over to the griffon. "Would you mind picking up these petals, rubbing some of this butterfly wing on them to make them shiny, and then sticking them between the vines and the pearls? The griffon took a few moments to process the request, glancing between the petals and the project so far. She seemed to gather what was being asked and set to work. A few minutes passed and the petals, now shimmery with butterfly wing dust, were placed in a circle around the pearls.

"This looks perfect! Thank you so much for helping me," she cooed to her familiars. As a final touch, Sparkling Sunrise grasped the edge of their project with her teeth and dragged it over to some spare clay. First, she dipped her head low enough to press the top of her plating in front of her horns into the clay. Once some adhered to the thick plate, she tipped up the project with her hoof. While she held it still, she pressed the clay covered part of her head to the back of the project. After a few moments, she stood with the project attached in front of her face. "There! Now I look like a sparkly flower instead!

[Words: 812]
Dice rolls
[1, 20, 18, 22, 11] = 72
5d25:  [
] = 72
Last edited by lilacfishie on Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 860
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Lirilei »

Kin Name: Feed the Need
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: Moss, Shiny rocks from the volcano, Set of butterfly wings with false eyes, Ball of hair, Four-leaf clover
RP of Building Disguise:
Feed the need stared down at the supplies around him trying to figure out how he'd work it all together. He started with the driftwood laying it out flat and with his hoof got some of the sap on it which he then smeared over the wood. That done he was adding the moss on top, breaking up the ball of hair as best he could to spread over top, the shiny rocks set here and there, the butterfly wings he set in the middle, the four-leaf closer to the side to look like a little accessory. He smashed berries onto the vines to try making it look like multi-colored hair draping it just so and securing it with a combination of the slim and spiderweb pushing the sac of eggs with his clean hoof before he dipped his nose in the clay and then pressed it below the wings.

He hoped that it made for a passable mask, the butterfly wings to simulate eyes, the vines for hair and all. He wasn't the most creative, but maybe if he looked like a demented swamp creature and less like a kin the motes wouldn't realize what he actually was...? It'd work, right? ....maybe.
Dice rolls
[19, 11, 1, 22, 3] = 56
5d25:  [
] = 56
Last edited by Lirilei on Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 250
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Sparkling Sunrise
Preference List: Just Glow, please!
Items Rolled: beetle shells, petals, glowing mushrooms, bunch of carrots (wild roll), moss (wild roll)
RP of Building Disguise:
Sparkling Sunrise trotted back to the clearing where other kin were working on their disguises, dripping wet. "Trying to wash clay off your head in an unfamiliar river in the dark interesting experience," she commented with a giggle, pausing to shake off more water before fully entering the group again. "But! I had and idea on the way back!" she chimed, shielding her face while her companions also shook water everywhere. "I've never seen the motes eat, but if they're alive I think there's a good chance that they eat something. They're so mysterious, so I have no idea what that something is," she mused, tone wandering off as she considered her options. "What if I put some tasty stuff on these vines and draped them over myself? I could stay really still and hungry motes could come closer to try and grab something!"

The young totoma wasn't exactly expecting the other kin to stop and provide input, she was more talking out loud. Her familiars were mostly the ones that needed to hear it, as she would likely be asking for their help again with the more delicate parts of the project. Sparkling Sunrise draped several lengths of jasmine vine over her back and set off back into the dark to look for some supplies for her idea. Soon enough, she came back with her companions, all of them carrying various things in their mouths. When she found a little space to work in, she put everything on the ground and scooped up some sap from the pile someone brought for the disguises.

Carefully, Sparkling Sunrise laid out each of the vines. They were long enough to drape over her body, but not drag on the ground. She made little marks in the soft dirt next to each of the ropes, spacing out where it would drape over her and where she should stick the other pieces. Once those were in place, she went back to the sap she collected and dabbed a little bit at each spot where she wanted to add something. "I don't want to add too much sap. I don't think it's very tasty and I don't want it to be too stuck and the motes get discouraged and leave."

Sparkling Sunrise went back to her pile of collected supplies and gently picked up some glowing mushrooms in her mouth. She was, admittedly, a bit wary of these after the events in the caves with the Obelisk, but she knew that some mushrooms were tasty. Plus, the motes glowed, maybe they would be enticed by something that also glowed. Carefully, she dispersed the few mushrooms she had at various places on the vines. Following that, she repeated the process with some beetle shells and petals, trying to arrange them to look like actual flowers and living bugs. The remaining spots were filled with a few small carrots and some lush moss.

"There! Now that looks like a tasty spread of snacks!" Sparkling Sunrise declared, beaming at her work. "Now, I'm going to stay suuuuuper still. Can you pick each piece up and drap them over me?" she asked, looking to her kincaller, Winterdown. The bird waddled over to the first strand and grasped the middle with her talons. She took flight just enough to get over the totoma's head and began draping the vines over her horns, neck, and back. "Tada!"

[Words: 567]
Dice rolls
[15, 20, 6, 6, 15] = 62
5d25:  [
] = 62
Last edited by lilacfishie on Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 613
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Illuminating
Preference List: Only glow tickets!
Items Rolled:
Tuft of pink fur
Four-leaf clover
Glowing mushrooms (picked to replace duplicate)

RP of Building Disguise:

Illuminating had never really put her creative skills to the test. It had never occurred to her to take the random things you found around the swamp and actually make something out of it. Maybe because there wasn’t anything she’d ever needed to make.

Until right now.

A disguise, the helper had asked for.

She began with the driftwood, grabbing a piece that would fit nicely over her face and painstakingly adding the vines so she’d be able to slip it on and keep it there without any trouble. Once that was done, she could start decorating.

The sap was a bit annoying to use, very sticky. When she put some on her hooves, everything seemed to want to suddenly be attached to her. Dirt, leaves, twigs. She wiggled her hoof in annoyance and hopped over to the nearest puddle to try to wash it off and start again.

This time she was a lot more careful.

First she added the coral, using the bleached ocean branches to look like horns. In between them she placed the tuft of pink hair, vaguely curious as to who it had belonged to and annoyed when most of it just stayed stuck to her sap hovered hoof.

Another wash was required but most of it was still there, acting as a little fluff between the horns. Cute.

The moss she put on the chin, like a green little beard.

Lovely. Alright, next!

With the berries, she crushed them to make a dye and very carefully used the tip of her hoof to draw a face on her disguise. A nose, two eyes, oh- and how about a scar? Yeah, that would be kind of cool! Nobody would ever expect it to be her!

Glow would be important, especially in the dark and the motes seemed to enjoy that. So she stuck the glowing mushrooms all around, to the coral horns and the face, until they kind of looked like they had some sort of glowing mushroom disease.

Nearly done!

She still had a few items she could use and a four-leaf clover that she’d grabbed from the main pile. So she took some of the jasmine vines and draped it around the face, like tendrils of hair. It was looking pretty much done now. Maybe just a few tweaks here and there!

After tidying up her crafting, she finally added the four-leaf clover.

She delicately stuck it to where the mouth was meant to be, as if the masked face was holding it. A good luck token.

There, now it was perfect!

Some maneuvering had to happen (and some help from a neighbour) before she could get it on her head but she managed it, the wooden mask slipping over her face. It was then that she realized that well... she’d forgotten to add any eyeholes and couldn’t see a damn thing. Oops.

At least nobody could tell it was her!

Maybe, probably not.

Illuminating was still proud of her creation as she tentatively moved around the clearing. Unfortunately, she couldn’t see the motes and so couldn’t catch them, no matter how many were floating by her unknowingly.

Uh oh.

Maybe she should try again...
Dice rolls
[2, 19, 3, 19, 10] = 53
5d25:  [
] = 53
Last edited by Ruriska on Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 575
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by fluo »

Kin Name: Shank
Preference List: Glow ticket
Items Rolled: Four-leaf clover, Two halves of a coconut shell, Two halves of a coconut shell, Pearls, Starfish
RP of Building Disguise: Shank knew other kin heard her before she arrived. She understood this. It was a fact of life and one she could not escape with her feathery menagerie. But perhaps she could muddle the waters of sound. With that, she had four coconut pieces. They were two whole coconuts that had been split into halves. With the jasmine vine (because if you're going to use vine, you might as well have the good smelling variety), she had them wrapped around her lower half so that when she walked, the movement of her body would vibrate and activate the coconuts to clop together. Surely that would hide the squacking of the bird calls somewhat. She tested it out. It wasn't quite right. It sounded like coconuts in the wind and dying birds. She affixed some pearls she had found on one of her journeys to the sea. Better. it sounded slightly more cacophonous, but it wasn't quite right. She could still hear the trills and tweets of her birds. Shank added the Starfish to the makeshift soundmaker. It sounded horrible even to her ears, but it would work. And because she realized she had run out of time AND had only focused on one aspect of senses for the deception, she scooped up a four-leaf clover and hoped for the best. Perhaps the motes could be blind, too.
Dice rolls
[3, 21, 7, 18, 7] = 56
5d25:  [
] = 56
word count: 265
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by fluo »

Kin Name: Hemlock
Preference List: Glow ticket
Items Rolled: Four-leaf clover, Coral, Beetle shells, Starfish, Ball of hair
RP of Building Disguise:Hemlock was a spry acha in fine form this evening. In unbelieving black save a spot on her eye, she was hard to see in the dark. Much like the motes. She enjoyed this cheeky game of chase, and latent urges to win and dominate reared its roaring head. She needed a disguise like yesterday. She surveyed what she found- a four-leaf clover for luck, some red coral from the depths, beetle shells that reflected rainbows, a dried out starfish, and a suspicious ball of hair that definitely did not come from her. It was gross, but it would add adequate coverage. She knew exactly what to use the last item for. Mixing it with globs of honey, she affixed it to her green mark and eyepatch. There. She blended in completely with the shadows. She didn't believe that and neither would any one with a brain so in her inner right hoof, she used some more honey to attach a four-leaf clover for all the luck she needed. SHe still had the coral, beetle shells, and starfish to use up. She thought long and hard and paced in place. With some jasmine vines, she wove the vines between the five points of the starfish and errant coral pieces to make a headpiece. She used more of the honey to add the beetle shells in the naturally created gaps of the headpiece. There, it was finished. She attached it to her head and raced forward, nevermind that some of the pieces fell apart almost instantly. Surely the motes wouldn't see her coming! Her inner flank itched with honey that the fireants had gotten to while she crafted the headpiece. Ouch!
Dice rolls
[15, 21, 10, 22, 3] = 71
5d25:  [
] = 71
word count: 311
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by fluo »

Kin Name: Glossbones
Preference List: Glow ticket
Items Rolled: Crushed up seashells, Discarded, shed snakeskin, Intact Skeleton, Intact skeleton, Pearls
RP of Building Disguise:Glossbones had been in his hermit era. With so many owlcats, it wasn't intentional. It just happened. There were always new skeletons to paint up and hairballs to clean up. It was an endless job that saw days turning into seasons. This time, the reverie was happening in his backyard and what more, there were motes! And from a purely business standpoint, he was intrigued. The creator kin were way ahead of him and River Swollen in terms of technique, patterns, and art. It was inspiring. He had to know more. Every time he tried to get closer, they would vanish as if they were elusive like the motes they sought. Glossbones was determined to learn more from them. He surveyed the items for his disguise: He had crushed up seashells that sparkled in the sun but thankfully were dull in the evening gloam, discarded snakeskin with some scales missing, intact skeleton that he would bring home, and pearls. With these castoffs, he would dazzle them with his brilliance or impertinence to the point that they shared their artistic secrets. He wasn't going home!

Glossbones whistled for one of his owlcats to tie the snakeskin around his eye in a makeshift mask. Mask upon mask for the ultimate camouflage. Next he instructed them to shower him with the crushed up seashells. He moved left to right underneath their spray of the shimmery items. The intact skeleton was too good and one he wanted to use as a conversation starter so he had four of his owlcats safely guard the item. Finally it was the pearls. He had two other owlcats mix them with honey to glue to random parts of his flank as false eyes. That would distract the mote. If they thought he was looking elsewhere, he could catch them. Finally, in his sticky splendor, he was ready to catch the motes.
Dice rolls
[12, 14, 14, 5, 18] = 63
5d25:  [
] = 63
word count: 343
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Mima »

Kin Name: Lightning Caller
Preference List: Purple, Pink, Teal, Cyan, Jerboa
Items Rolled:Two halves of a coconut shell, Beetle shells, Starfish, Ball of hair, Bunch of carrots
RP of Building Disguise:

All of this mote-hunting was hard work for Lightning Caller. He felt almost as exhausted as he had at the Obelisks he had visited before. So it was probably good for him to sit down, gather up supplies, and do some crafting as opposed to running on fumes chasing or fighting for much longer. In the end, he had ended up with the Creator's little gang making disguises, supposedly to help hunt down the motes. He was a little skeptical about the efficacy, but at the same time, he couldn't say he'd ever chased down motes to try to bring back the sun before. Maybe it would help. And if it would help, at least it wouldn't be a waste of time.

That being said, Caller wasn't a terribly... crafty kin. He looked puzzled at the collection of things he had gathered up. He had mostly been grabbing at random as he nodded along with the plan, but after all that, he looked down at his pile and felt sheer confusion. The shiny beetle shells would perhaps be useful in getting the attention of the motes, but all this other junk? Carrots? Why had he grabbed carrots, again? What was he going to do with these?

It was beginning to dawn on the Totoma that he was out of his element.

Eventually, Lightning Caller decided on a bit of a strange disguise. Sticking the driftwood to one of the coconut shells to balance it on his head, and decorating it with the sparkling beetle shells and starfish, he formed some pretty good antler recreations, adorned with glittery shells. He hoped this would keep the eye away from the less, well... polished bits of the costume. And with a little nibbling, he coaxed a couple of the carrots into the vague shape of big, pointy rabbit ears. He used a little bit more of the sticky sap to attach the hair to them to make them a little more realistic. It was uh, sloughing off in a few places already because of the moisture of the carrots, but hey! Just don't look at that part.

The vines of jasmine he simply tossed over his shoulders to make himself look more... in tune with nature, or something. Look, he was not a genius. But rabbits were nature-y. The last couple carrots he either tied into the vines to make a sort of pack, or stuffed in his mouth to eat. Maybe it would be more convincing he was a rabbit if he ate them? And with any remaining hair, he tried to work it into his tail to make it look more like a cotton ball poof tail. It sorta worked, but on closer inspection the shards sticking out of it raised some serious questions.

In the end he arrived at something like a... sparkling, glittery and starry jackalope sort of vibe. With big "antlers" made out of driftwood and ears made out of carrots, it certainly wouldn't do much to convince a kin, but well. The motes, he hoped, were less intelligent than an actual kin. At least it was pretty dark, he reassured himself. Surely nobody would be looking too closely at him to see how badly he'd done... But boy, would he not be eager to put this back on in front of anybody once the sun came back.
Dice rolls
[7, 22, 21, 23, 15] = 88
5d25:  [
] = 88
Last edited by Mima on Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 606
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Sparkling Sunrise
Preference List: Just Glow, please!
Items Rolled: shiny rocks from the volcano, red sand, ball of hair, crushed up seashells, palm leaves (wild roll)
RP of Building Disguise:
Sparkling Sunrise shook off the strands of jasmine vine draped over her from her previous disguise. "I'm not sure that one would work. I feel like they'd see me and run away..." she said, ears twitching and brow furrowed in thought as she trailed off. After two or three paces around her little area for working, she paused. "Wait, maybe that's it! I think I have one more idea! she chimed as she trotted off into the dark away from the gathering of kin.

Soon enough, the young totoma came trotting back, dragging a tortoise shell behind her. She giggled as she dragged it back to her companions and then went to replenish her sticky sap and clay stores from the pile given for them to use on their projects. While she was over there, she grabbed a few mouthfuls of berries and set out the rest of her supplies. "So," she started while crushing the berries in the now empty tortoise shell. "The motes really like running away into the dark. So, what if I dressed up like a little hiding spot?" Sparkling Sunrise asked.

The young totoma flared out and layered the palm fronds she snagged from the supply piles. "I'm going to cover up my body and make myself look like a little cave," she declared as she smeared some sap on the fronds to hold them together. The careful placement of the fronds covered the ground and were long enough that they could cover the stocky totoma's body. Following that, she smeared more sap on the edges of the fronds. Gently, she picked up pieces of shiny rock and seashells and pressed them into the edges of the fronds. "That should help hold the fronds down around me."

Sparkling Sunrise waited a while for the sap to sink into the fronds and hold everything together properly. While she waited, she dipped each of her hooves into the smeared berries and covered the white parts of her legs with the berries to darken them. She dipped the fronts of her legs in some red sand as well to help darken her legs. Finally, she dipped her muzzle in the remaining berry mixture to darken the brighter parts of her snout. "Okay, I promise this will look more realistic when I'm not right by the firelight," she said with a laugh, realizing how silly she probably looks.

When the palm fronds for her costume were dried up enough, she nosed at the edge of it until it flipped up. Carefully, Sparkling Sunrise slipped the layered palm fronds over her and covered her body. The weight of the shells and rocks pulled the fronds down around her legs and helped conceal her bright fur. The occasional shard poked out of the costume, but there wasn't much Sparkling Sunrise could do with that. "See?" she called from within her disguise. "If I find somewhere on the edge of the grove where everyone is gathered, I can stay reaaaaaally still and hopefully the motes that are trying to run away from the others will think that I'm a little hiding spot! They can slip right between my hooves and then I can catch them from there!" she chimed, demonstrating her plan by crouching around the empty space under her.

[Words: 548]
Dice rolls
[11, 8, 22, 5, 5] = 51
5d25:  [
] = 51
Last edited by lilacfishie on Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:48 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 594