Maple Milk

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Maple Milk

Post by Corn »

this bitch right here
Her history begins long before her first RP post. Once upon a time, she was young, beautiful, and powerful, holding sway over a tribe as their mystic and medicine woman. After taking on the tribe leaders' son as her apprentice, she sought to solidify her power - and the power of her protege - by covertly preventing the leaders from conceiving again, so that their single heir would be the only choice for the next generation of leadership. Her apprentice found out about her plan, however, and he informed his parents. This resulted in her violent expulsion from her home tribe, and the loss of both an eye and about half of her total horn mass, along with several other more minor injuries.
So it turns out, when you snap off a large chunk of living bone, like the core of a horn, that's a very very dangerous injury, basically lethal. Delirious with pain, blood loss, and betrayal, she staggered away from her home and into the darkness of the night, never to see the tribe of her birth again.
Years later, however, she hasn't given up the trappings of the mystic, although it's not entirely clear if she truly believes in her practice. Her own feelings about it don't change her willingness to put in some work for the right price, however. She supplements her fading ability to scavenge and hunt on her own by extorting supplies from those in search of less mundane aid, laying curses and wards and blessings as requested while charging as much as she can possibly get away with.
Most recently, she's had a few more brushes with death, and is staring down her mortality, uncertain of what the future holds if she keeps trying to make it on her own, and extremely not liking her outlook. She's desperate to claim some measure of power for herself - or maybe just to find a way to survive, even if it means relying on others in a less exploitative manner. But would she even be able to swallow her pride, at this point?

Cunning and charismatic, she's got the chutzpah to pull off the evil witch thing with style and aplomb. Most of the time. Her experiences have made her bitter and isolationist, extremely reluctant to rely on other kin. She lashes out angrily when she feels threatened, which, lately, is basically all the time. There used to be a capacity for affection in there somewhere. Who knows whether or not she can muster those feelings again.
word count: 430
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