OOC: Staff Information

Information about how Matope works, as well as story details that will allow you to participate and RP.
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OOC: Staff Information

Post by Matope »



If you're looking for staff to help you with a particular problem, it always helps to find the right person. This information will help you understand better what titles on Matope mean, and who you should be asking questions about specific topics.

You can also find a comprehensive list of staff in various positions on this page, if you need to contact someone in a particular position.

Owner: As the owner of Matope, [uid]blue[/uid] should be able to answer any question. However, as there is so much on her plate, responses may be delayed or questions may be overlooked. The owner is also a full time edited Colorist.

Swampmasters: Swampmasters are the GMs of Matope, in charge of the RP community, Metaplot, and adding more opportunities for the members. They create threads that people can participate in or in other ways contribute to the world, and encourage other people to do the same. Swampmasters can answer any questions you have about the setting, including appropriate RP rules, names, naming dreams, and other information.

Storytellers: Storytellers are Swampmasters in training -- they help come up with plot ideas, as well as running mini RP events, and helping out with other events!

Colorists: Full Time Colorists are the life blood of Matope, producing both edited and unedited kin, semi-customs, customs, and breedings. Full Time Colorists not only give out free kin via the CC threads, contests, or games, but also are able to take bribes and, sometimes, RLCs. They also help create our seasonal contests.

Guest Colorists: Guest Colorists are talented individuals hired by Matope to make very simple Kimeti for flatsales or do very simple breedings. They are exclusively able to do unedited kin, and mostly create work from the CC threads, or for contests. They cannot take bribes or RLCs.

Certists: Certists have the monumental tasks of making sure that all kin are put onto our beautiful certs with the correct names and owner names, and then entered into our owner's list to easily be found later. They also drop all completed kin in the dropoff threads. If you have a problem with a cert or with a kin in the OL, these are the people you should be talking to.

Herald: Heralds are in charge of the task of promoting Matope on social media, and making sure new users can see us.

Listkeeper: Listkeepers help make sure that all lists, information, and raffles are handled in a tidy and professional way. They're in charge of gathering information for events, and rolling for winners.


All art, banners, templates and certs were created by Rejam (Nicole Stamper) and Corn.
Concept by Rejam.

Worldbuilding by Rejam and all the members of Matope. Thanks, guys. <3
Last edited by Matope on Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 460
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