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[PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:26 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] Strings of dried fish, check. Boys loaded up with all the tender foliage and dried fruit they can carry? Check. Cave worm and caiman secured? Check. The sun had been up for nearly an hour; it was time to get going. The journey would take the better part of a day, but the return trip would be shorter. After all, they weren't going to be coming back with all this food.

The summer had been good to them, and it was always good to share surplus, especially with those who had many small mouths to feed. Her two sons were both big, strapping boys, and had been such help in the hunt- and it warmed the cockles of her heart to know that even grown they were willing to go somewhere with dear old mom. When she'd mused about taking a load over to the Mothers' Club, they were both happy to volunteer to assist. It was nice, having a family- she understood why Rose's was so very large. (Was it really Rose's? Weren't they part of it, too? Perhaps she could think of it as theirs? Did distinctions even matter at this juncture? They were simply a pile of kin who loved and cared for each other, flitting in and out of each others' proximity with all the joy in the world, and trying to classify and clarify who belonged to who was a pointless endeavor.) Finding and building a family was really quite worth it. She didn't see a need to differentiate between children born and children chosen. They were different, her sons, but that didn't make them any less hers. One a Totoma, as stubborn and literal as any; the other an Acha, with a love for stories and song. Actually, they both had a love for stories and song. She'd learned all she could about the kin they came from, but they were her sons, and if you didn't love stories and song, you were probably not going to enjoy her company much. They'd grown up with all the fun and entertainment she could provide; she was proud of that, proud of them but also proud of the work she'd put in. She'd done her very best for the both of them, and enjoyed very much the individuals they'd grown up to be. For the longest time, she'd thought family meant losing yourself and your identity into a formless mass, but that's not at all what had happened.

But she wasn't going to muse on it, because her kids were essentially a captive audience and she had so many bad jokes to throw at them- jokes she knew they'd throw right back of her. And so, the trio approached the land held by the Mothers' Club, laughing at each others' jokes all the way.


Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:42 am
by Ruriska
[imgleft] ... ncert3.png[/imgleft]
They were met at the border of the Mothers’ Club lands by Fierce Love doing her Watcher rounds, the gruff old Kiokote giving their haul a brief glance over before nodding them through. Donations were always welcomed, especially with so many mouths to feed. The summer months always had a boom of young.

As they arrived at the tribeland, The Den revealed itself to be a busy hive of activity. Foals of various races gambolling about under the watchful eye of the adults. Pregnant does chatting to each other amongst the grass, nibbling on fruits and waiting for their time to come. A lazy stream was of peek interest to the youngsters wanting to wet their hooves, as they dared each other to make the biggest splash.

And it wasn’t hard to spy Peep.

She gave off a soft aura, like stepping into a warm hug. Even at a distance it was obvious, the glow in her eyes welcoming as the Legendary looked away from her conversation to greet the three new arrivals.

“If you could handle that, I would be very grateful,” she said, ending her conversation with a gentle nudge of her nose to her daughter’s cheek. The Zikwa nodded, touched her mother back and wandered away, her steps slow and dreamy.

And then her attention was all for Half Truth and her sons.

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:24 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
Helping was the boys' general consensus, leaving their mother to talk with Peep as they eagerly threw their all into carrying food away. Half Truth surveyed the activity- The Den was such a nice place. When she came to get Changes here, it had been just as warm and welcoming. She smiled gently at Peep. "Thought you all could use the extra we gathered- little ones always eat more than you'd expect, you know? It's been a while, Peep." They'd met some seasons ago- her oldest had been a fosterling here, and Peep had deemed her worthy of taking him home. She owed such gratitude to the mare- one of the Motherfather's chosen, for good and obvious reasons. Love boiled off of her, like steam off the water on a suddenly chill day. "Hope the mothers here don't mind the intrusion- the boys wanted to come with me. Changes wanted to see where he came from, and his brother follows him like a pup. They won't bother anyone."

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:38 am
by Ruriska
Half Truth’s children were met by a few helpers, all eager to help direct them to the correct area.

Peep watched the familiar blue Acha for a moment, caught in fond memories. He’d grown so much. “It’s so good to see you again,” she said to Truth, turning her gaze back to her. “The both of you. No - the three of you of course. You’re always welcome.”

Reuniting with one of the foals that had been adopted out was one of the greatest joys in her life. To see them happy and healthy - who could even ask for more?

“And thank you very much for the supplies.” She gave a playful little huff. “All these kids are bottomless pits.”

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:54 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
"They really are, aren't they? But extra supplies are a small price to pay for the continued existence of a haven like this. I'm glad that a place like this exists. That kin are out there, willing to take in the little ones, even if it's just for a while. That they're willing to share them with folks like me." She smiled, looking out at the peace in front of her. "Thanks for taking a chance on a stranger all those seasons ago and letting Changes go with me. He changed my life, you know. I mean, of course you know. You know kids. You know what it's like to raise them. They all change the lives they touch." How many children had passed through this space? How many of them had grown up here knowing the love of many mothers? What she'd done, raising two, was paltry in comparison.

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:08 am
by Ruriska
Peep hummed her agreement, also taking in the sight of happy foals and mothers. The ideal that she had dreamed off and created through sheer hard work and determination.

“Not all are touched by the joy of motherhood but those who are, who have their hearts open to it, are always changed for the better. In loving a child and raising them, we learn to care better for others, to dedicate our hearts and bodies to their well-being.”

The Legendary looked at Truth approvingly. “I knew the moment I saw you that you would be a wonderful mother and Changes would be well taken care of. Thank you for doing so.”

Then her nose wrinkled, playful and childlike, eyes twinkling. “Now do please tell me how you met your other son.”

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:32 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
"But still, a stranger! I was figuring out so much about myself. You know, it was the first time I ever really opened up to the idea of having a family? I'd met someone who changed my worldview quite a bit," (as if that was enough to describe how Rose changed her life) "and I'd spent so long trying to figure out what that meant. I didn't think I'd ever have a family, not in any meaningful way, but there's more ways to make a family than the usual- and family's whatever you want it to be in the end, provided that there's love. Which is how I came to have a totoma son as well." Little Friend- Buddy, more familiarly- had been an unusual meeting. Less orderly than the Mothers' Club, for sure.

"He's..." How to describe the way she met Little Friend? It was an adoption, his birth parents unknown to her- whether he'd been lost or left, she never knew. But nobody had ever come looking for him. There was a doe who had found a bunch of abandoned eggs and totoma lambs, and she was looking for kin to raise them. I'm not sure if she found me or I found her, but either way, she kind of just... gave him to me. She had a feeling, she said, and so suddenly I found myself looking down at this fluffy little... he was tiny. And it was like with Changes- my heart just melted all over again, and I wanted to scoop him up and curl around him forever. And so here we are. He's a good kid, my Little Friend. We make an odd-looking family, but that's never bothered us."

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:48 am
by Ruriska
“You have the truth of it, Half Truth. Through your travels you have forged connections and created a family. I’m happy of you. I hope you also consider this tribe as part of that. We will always be here for you.” That warmth in Peep’s chest was love and respect, and pride, for this doe that had come so far and evolved so much.

“Ah,” Peep nodded in understanding. “I know of it. My son Ward also met her and brought home a daughter. It was a lovely day.  I would like to meet that doe myself...” She mused. Another Acha doe was out there, giving lost young kin a home. This was somebody she would like to get to know.

“She had a feeling, just like I did. You were destined to be a mother. Not of your own blood, perhaps, but more importantly, giving your heart to those who need it most.”

Just Truth’s description of Little Friend made her long to run over to the closest newborn and cuddle them close. She gave a happy sigh. Young kin were truly wonderful.

“Please stay a little while, the night perhaps? I would love to get to know both Changes and Friend, and now we have an abundance of food. We should celebrate with stories.”

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:40 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
Half Truth had to glow a little at that; acknowledgement from somebody with a heart as strong as Peep's was gratifying. She knew she'd made the right choices, but it was so very good to hear it. "We'd love that. Meals and stories are best shared, and being here is nice. It feels like belonging- like a place where anybody can find home."

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:44 am
by Ruriska
Peep had to rise to the tips of her hooves, as small as she was, to try planting a kiss with the touch of her nose to Half Truth’s cheek. Such lovely words from a wonderful friend.

“Now come,” she urged, please, “there are some many young ones for you to meet!”

Re: [PRP] The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:51 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
Smiling, she let herself be led. Who could resist such an offer? And, more importantly, who would want to?