[SOLO] A Bear-y Nice Surprise ( Mini bear prompt)

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Pandora Talie
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[SOLO] A Bear-y Nice Surprise ( Mini bear prompt)

Post by Pandora Talie »

Sweet Surrender woke up, feeling the soft embrace of a small brown bear snuggled up next to her, its fur tickling her face. She sat up, startled, and rubbed her eyes, wondering how the bear had gotten into her home without her waking. The bear seemed to sense her confusion and snuggled up closer to her as if trying to comfort her. Sweet Surrender felt a sense of calm wash over her, realizing that the bear was not a threat, but a friend.

After a few minutes, Sweet Surrender got up and went about her morning routine, stretching and then making herself breakfast. The bear followed her, wobbling behind her on its tiny legs. As she sat at her eating area, munching on some mixed berries, she watched the bear curiously, wondering where it had come from.

Just then, she heard a voice calling out to her, and Sweet Surrender went to answer it. She was surprised to find a friendly doe named Star Collector standing outside her door. Star Collector introduced herself and explained that she had found the bear wandering in the woods, lost and alone, and had brought it to Sweet Surrender's home as a gift of company.

Over the following weeks, the two kimeti became best of friends.
word count: 213
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