:: The Mothborn ::

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »



I should go now quietly
For my bones have found a place to
lie down and sleep
Where all my layers can become reeds
All my limbs can become trees
All my children can become me
What a mess I'll leave
to follow


No wealth, no ruin, no silver no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul.

O, Death. O, Death.

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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »


The Mothborn


There is no life without death, no shadows without light; It is in these pure and simple tenants that the Mothborn find purpose, joy, and fulfillment.  This shamanistic tribe makes their home in the far north, serving as custodians and guardians of the remains that have been laid to rest in the flooded burial grounds.  The tribe members take special interest in funerary rites, paying reverence and respect to the dead, recognizing them as the true heralds of new life.  The tribe is equally invested in honoring life as they are in honoring death and have some of the most highly skilled healers, and in particular, midwives, known to the kin.

The cycle of life, death, and rebirth as well as a deep respect for the Balance of the Motherfather make up the foundation of the tribe's rites, rituals, festivals, and even their daily responsibilities. 

At first glance the Bonemarshes are a huge expanse of dense wetland that has served as the largest burial site in the swamp - a graveyard utilized by countless generations.  The Mothborn acknowledge this truth but see beyond it as well.  The Bonemarshes have some of the most diverse flora and fauna in all of Matope, in large part because the soil has been made incredibly fertile by the numberless beings that have been laid to rest there.  An area best known known as a place a death is, in fact, an area teeming with varied and vibrant life - the Cycle readily visible to any kin who takes the time to observe it.

More often than not it is the elderly, or those outcasts who have failed to find their place in the more conventional tribes that gravitate towards the Mothborn and their ways.  The Elderly, presumably, because their many years have allowed them to see the cycle at work for longer... as well as their place within it.  The outcast and the cast-away feel the pull, due in large part, to the open and welcoming nature of the tribe towards new members.  The Mothborn believe that the bonemarshes choose members for the tribe - instilling first in prospective members the wanderlust necessary to range so far north into such an unforgiving area; and, it protects them from the many deadly challenges that call the swamp home.  Finally, it guides them to the scouts, foragers, or even Rot herself at or near the Crest.  In short - should you seek the Mothborn and survive to find them, you will almost always find a welcoming home among them, so long as the proper offering is made to the swamp...


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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »



The name Mothborn originated from the fact that the Bonemarshes are ideal breeding grounds for Moths. The clan sees them as spirit guardians, and often use the Moths to help them in their everyday tasks as well as having a fesitval every year, honoring the insects. Everyone in the clan is assigned a Moth at birth or upon Joining, a guardian that knows the land and the ways of the tribe.


The Founding (...Under Construction!)

She had never called one place in the swamp home. She was a nomad, a wanderer, unable to settle in one place. The Swamp's silent whispers always urged her to move, to search for something.



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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »



Duties of the Mothborn


The leader of the tribe and overseer of the community's prosperity and safety. As Elder, she keeps the tribe in harmony with the spirits and ways of the Motherfather. She is a patient, wise, and fierce figure who spends her days very involved with every aspect of tribe life, checking in with the scouts, providers, and performing Rites with the Piecemakers and Grovetenders. She is also responsible for assigning the moths to new tribe-mates, be they adult or foal. She ensures that everyone feels safe, has access to resources and contributes towards the betterment of all.

::Tribunal of the Crest::

This semi-official body is made up of representatives from all of the facets of the kin, from Healer to Teacher, Grovetender to Piecemaker. They sit in council with Rot at each turning of the seasons to discuss the various issues their peers may have so that she can see to such things as assigning scouts to assess new areas so that the providers might range further, or rule upon whether the Healers might make use of an unused mangrove as a hospice. These things and countless more fall to the representatives to bring to Rot, and for Rot to discuss and eventually decide upon. It is also Rot's right and responsibility to call for a sitting of the council outside of these quarterly sessions whenever need dictates.

While it is seen as a duty, rather than a position of power, some degree of respect is afforded to the council members; however, should they prove themselves unable or unwilling to represent the needs of their peers, they are likely to find themselves taking part in a vote to find their own replacement. 


Practitioners in all areas of healing and various forms of therapy, with keen attention to anatomy and close ties to the herbalists.  The Healers are an essential part of any society, and the Mothborn greatly value them. They help with sickness, broken bones, and bouts of poisoning.  They use various herbs and plants for aroma therapies, assist in making salves, poultices and they sing Hymns as well, to help channel the healing magic the swamp holds.

They have the largest tree on the Crest and in the roots is where they have their clinic - where all Healer kin work. They also play a large part in the end of life care for the Oldsouls to ensure they pass peacefully and comfortably.


Even more than the healers, whom they work closely with, these kin are experts in the various properties of the numerous plants, herbs, and animal parts that can be used in healing - whether it be relieving pain, speeding bone growth, purging toxins, or one of their other myriad functions.  While they can often be found at the healer's clinic or in discussion with the gatherers, the herbalists do not often administer their curatives directly - trusting instead to the healers to care for the kin.


These hearty kin hold much experience and know the land backwards, forwards, and every which way. They keep the borders of the Mothborn territory safe from intruders and are the first ones to be dispatched in the event that a kin goes missing. They are skilled fighters and negotiators, strong and self-sufficient individuals who are equally at home in the hidden knolls of the swamp as they are within their home tree upon the Crest.  They are also the ones dispatched by Rot and the Piecemakers when remains need to be retrieved.


This blanket term refers to the hunters and gatherers of the Mothborn. Both of these roles are deeply entrenched in the Cycle, killing plant and animal life to sustain and renew the kin. As such they are held in higher regard than they might be in other tribes.

The hunters use snares, traps, or more unorthodox methods to provide game to the Mothborn. They also inspect, skin, and break down all kills as part of their duties.  They most often work in teams of three, and most hunting expeditions last three days.

The Gatherers bring home plants, fungi, fruits and seeds. They tend and harvest the gardens of various flora and fauna and go out foraging daily. They are also in charge of the dry stores, keeping them organized and plentiful. They must be strong, using Tortoise shells strapped over their backs on either side with leather strips and vines to carry home some of their larger bounties. Woven bowls/baskets of vine or dried reeds are also used.


The duties of guardianship and the raising of the tribe's young do not follow a strict regime - some foals (Particularly orphans or those whose parents belong to the scouts) are communally raised and there is no stigma associated with giving your foal up to be raised by the tribe as a whole.  On the other hand, some parents choose to raise their young more directly, which is equally acceptable.

One facet that is unchanged, however, is the role of the Teacher.  All foal over the age of one spend a number of hours equal to their age, per day, with a member of the Teachers.  These incredibly wise and well-rounded kin see to all aspects of the foal's general education, from the various forms of plant life, basic hunting skills, the basic rites of the Mothborn, the nature of the surrounding tribes' lands, etc.  Some time before adulthood the educated foal is allowed to spend the remaining year of her youth in an apprenticeship with one of the adult kin so that she may begin that duty upon reaching her majority.
The Teachers, as you might expect, are some of the most generally learned members of the tribe; however, they are not to be underestimated in martial matters.  They will lay about them in a rage and frenzy to protect their youthful charges, giving their lives if necessary. 


These essential kin keep everything from falling apart. They build and invent new, ingenious things to help make tribe life more efficient, they weave baskets to hold food and seed, they work with tar and reeds to make homes more sturdy. They are bright, creative and keep the tribe tidy and beautiful.  They also build the shallow-hulled vessels used to transport the dead, and other more mundane things.

::Singers of the Songs of Rest, Renewal, & Rebirth::

A choir of kin with beautiful voices mostly used in ceremonies and festivals. They may have other jobs in the tribe, but they know the sacred songs - the ones to help ease the spirits and to send a dearly departed peacefully on their way or the jubilant ones used to welcome a new foal into the tribe or seedling mangrove upon the crest.  They were personally taught these songs by the clan Elder, and rejoice in the daily practice required of them.


This catch-all title refers to the kin who breed, keep, and care for the companion animals of the tribe. 
These diverse kin are part animal-lover, part Healer, part Grovetender, and part Piecemaker for their diminutive charges.  They are responsible for ensuring numbers do not threaten the balance - this is particularly important for the non-native species that prospective new members may bring with them.  They assist with sheds and molts and can help with minor health concerns such as impacted digestive systems or swollen glands.  They also have their own set of rituals that somewhat mirror those of the Piecemakers, Grovetenders, and Singers... but on a more smaller and more intimate scale.

::Piecemakers and Grovetenders::

These two groups of kin bare special mention - The Piecemakers for their duties relating the cycle's closing and the Grovetenders for their role in the cycle's beginning...

The Piecemakers are kin that handle the dead and the rites pertaining to the dead and death (be it of kin, an especially old tree, or the seasons themselves). 

The Piecemakers work closely with the scouts, recovering the Mothborn or nameless wanderers who have died upon the Bonemarshes as well as recovering the dead of other tribes, or even species, if it has been requested of them (Generally by loved ones or elders of the departed's tribe).  The Mothborn have their own rites for those who pass; however, they are equally respectful of whatever rites, rituals, or procedures are asked of them by the requesting tribe or loved ones - provided they do not directly disrespect the dead, the balance, or the cycle. 

These kin have a keen eye for detail, and are masters of skeletal structures and puzzles. They're charged with cleaning the bones and piecing them back together, following the Eve of the Ninth ritual.  It is daunting work, only for kin with massive amounts of patience and respect for the dead.  The bones of the dead are afforded this special reverence for, no matter the passage of time, these sole remnants of lives-past are the only material not taken by the swamp to birth new life.  It is the belief of the Mothborn that the Motherfather and, by extension, the swamp itself leave the bones untouched as tribute to the individuals who have lived - to be cared for and revered by those left behind until they too, are naught but bone.

The Grovetenders, for their part, tend and support new life. Have you ever wondered what happens to all those offerings Rot obtains? They work directly with Rot to ensure the Offerings of Kinship, given by new members to honor the cycle, are sorted and planted appropriately, sometimes even with a departed kin. 

They also work closely with the midwives to accept the Offering of Birth and Rebirth from the mother (Or Lifelings) of new foals.  This offering, identical to the offering of Kinship, is lovingly sorted and planted so that both lives, foal and sapling, are able to grow alongside one another.  At the anniversary of the pair's first year (during which time the Grovetenders have helped to tend their young charges) the Rite of Renewal is performed in the Grove that shares the same name and the new foal chooses and is chosen by the Moth that will be her companion.

The Grovetenders have multiple areas all over the island where they plant their special gardens, and are often found tending to them alongside the Gatherers. They make garlands and wreaths, especially to decorate expectant Lifelings or passing Oldsouls.  Their connection to all life - flora, fauna, and kin vibrant and resplendent to any who look upon them.


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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »


Territory of the Mothborn


::The Land::

The northern freshwater Bonemarshes fringe the edges of the swamp and stretch on for miles, directly between the Swamp and the Plains. The marshes touch upon the deserts to the west and the Seaside to the east, but just barely. This gives the Tribe very important trade and traveling routes to reach whatever destination as safely as possible. It is often covered in a thick fog, and gray overcast skies. It's a very open area, with very very few trees and lots of reeds, rushes, and grasses. The water depth fluctuates, but for the most part it is shallow, coming up well above the ankles, but well below the knee. Many of the animals and plants here have adapted to living in flooded conditions. The plant stems are filled with hollow channels that allow them to move oxygen from the rooting zone to the leaves. There are cattails, sedges, papyrus and sawgrass, along with various water plants. Submerged in the muck and mud are the many, many remains of kin past. Some can be seen poking out from the surface, others may be caught in the reeds and low shrubs. The tribe by no means stakes ownership over the remains, but they are very protective of anyone wanting to take bones or trinkets they may have found out of the marshes. It is viewed as a huge disrespect to the spirits, and may result in the tribe becoming hostile if need be. The land, for the most part, is very quiet, save for the whalesong of the tribekin and the occasional sound of birdlife. The water is usually still, like a murky mirror, rippling only if disturbed.

::The Crest::

The Crest is where the members of the Mothborn make their home. It is a two mile wide, five mile long strip of crescent moon shaped dirt that lays above water, one of the very few places that does. Here on the little island, there are huge trees with roots that are above ground, and the hollows are where the kin make their homes. The homes are reinforced by dried reeds, held together by tar from the tar pits, and decorated with old Moth wings that have been shed, and bones of family members or companions. The entrance and floors of the homes are usually lined with boar skins, rabbit furs, and Rox skins to help keep the rain and chill at bay. Vines link from tree to tree, hanging low, and useful for stringing things together. Fireflies are abundant. In the center of the crest there's the circular fire pit, surrounded by smoothened stones and various offerings of skulls and bunches of dried flowers and fruits. The fire is carefully monitored so it does not flare out of control. On the strip of rich dirt, kin can grow small gardens of the plants they eat and use for various medicines.

::The Black Eye::

The Black Eye is a cave deep inside the twists and gnarls of a small mangrove forest the tribe has in their territory. It was originally a sinkhole that after time unearthed the huge, gaping maw of a cave. The inside is only kept slightly aglow by the clusters of strange, glowing mushrooms that dwell within and the glowing algae along the rocks and ceilings. This cave holds all sorts of useful things for the clan, like the salt in the cave walls, the pool of freshwater that comes deep from a natural spring, the various specious of mushrooms and insects that dwell there, and the ideal conditions for Moths to breed and make their home. The cave itself is only a few miles deep, but full of twists and turns and it's very easy to become lost.

::The Deep End::

The is the one area of the Bonemarshes where no kin is allowed to venture. This area of the swamp goes from only a foot deep to a sinking, deep black depth in seconds. The murky water makes it very hard to see where you're stepping, and it is rumored that The Deep End is the mouth of the swamp, swallowing up ignorant, unfortunate kin and keeping their bones forever. This deep strip of water is found to the southern most part of the territory.

::The Tar Pits::

The Tar Pits lie to the east. Big black, bubbling holes dot the area, trapping whatever poor soul manages to get caught in its thick, sticky clutches. The Tar has many uses for the tribe, including keeping their homes stable and piecing together skeletons.

::The Beetle Nests & Decay Pools & Grove Of Rebirth::

The Mothborn keep a very special kind of beetle, very well suited to cleaning bones. They are scavengers that feed on deceased animal or dry plant material. They live happily in abandoned caiman nests, the dry leaf litter serving as both food and shelter. Currently, the Mothborn have about six of these nests clustered together on one end of the island. When bones need to be cleaned, they are buried within the dry leaves and left for nine days. In the low heat of the nests, they may also undergo a natural, gentle maceration that makes the cleaning process easier. Along with with the leaf mounds, the Mothborn have provided them with segments of empty Giant Wasp nests to use as well. The beetles range in natural colors closely resembling dried autumn leaves.

The Decay Pools are found within The Black Eye, in a smaller cavern found further within the cave, past the safe freshwater pool. They are shallow, with water actively running through them from the rocks of the cave in gentle trickles and streams. The water coming directly from the rocks and having not been filtered further, is highly alkaline and has been incredibly useful as another method to naturally and quickly clean bones.

The Grove Of Rebirth is a very special, and sacred place on the opposite end of the island. Here, the seeds that had been sorted as trees were planted, either with a beloved dead or alone, and are cared for by the Grovetenders to ensure the saplings are healthy, and the bodies are undisturbed. Mangroves are the more popular seed, and come in many varieties, but they have quite a few cypress, birch, beech, and even a few fruit trees as well.


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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »


Some of the Rituals, Traditions, and Festivals of the Mothborn


Below is a small list of some of the rituals, traditions and festivals of the Mothborn.  The following is by no means exhaustive and is not meant to be a complete listing of all of the observed traditions of the Mothborn, but rather to give existing or prospective members inspiration about the Tribe and what it holds sacred.

New and existing Mothborn are encouraged to help bulk out the culture of the Mothborn as previously 'unmentioned' rituals are put to page and into cannon; however, Rot must give final approval for a 'new' ritual, tradition, or Festival before it can be posted about officially.


::Offering of Kinship::

Compared to other Tribes, this is a relatively simple process. The real trial is if you can even survive making it to the Bonemarshes- a land shrouded in fog, mystery and danger. It is believed that if you can make your way safely to the Tribe lands, your connection with the swamp is stronger than most. This tribe is mostly through word of mouth. They do not do promoting, nor do they actively seek members- those who wish to be a part of the Tribe will come to the lands. The only exception to this rule are for foals, who Rot will personally venture to retrieve so she can guide and protect them back to the Crest. If you do not bring the moth wing, seed, and bone, you will be seen merely as a traveler passing through, and not be permitted to venture further without Scouts to guide you the rest of the way. If you do bring the required items, then Rot will be the judge from there.


Should you do anything to directly and negatively affect the tribes chances to survive, or if you commit an unforgivable crime such a murdering a fellow member, the consequences are severe. The offending kin will be isolated and kept on heavy guard. After three days, and three nights with no food and little water, they will be brought to the fire pit where the Banishment ceremony will begin. The tribe will then express their grief and/or anger, and Rot will proclaim their sentence. They are never to set hoof onto the sacred lands again, and if they venture anywhere near they will be met with hostility from the Scouts who guard the border. They are to leave without food, water, or weapon. Their Moths or any other companion abandons them so they are left with nothing. Their insults against the Motherfather will never be forgiven, and thusly they will bear a scar on the inside of their right ear, made by a severed Eagle talon, to forever mark them of their crime.

::Wind Walkers::

Kin that have wandering souls, and feel they need to follow the Winds of the swamp are called Wind Walkers- they may leave the tribe but it is not permanent, and they are always welcomed back. They will return filled with stories and knowledge of things they may have done or seen and they are treated like any other member of the family. They are often given gifts or charms for protection and health previous to leaving for their journeys, and are personally blessed by Rot before they leave the Crest.

::Lifedust Festival::

The Lifedust festival happens only once a year during the fall, and it's their largest celebration to the Cycle of Life, the Motherfather, and to the Swamp itself. It very much resembles the Hindu festival celebrated today, called Holi; or better known as The Festival Of Colors. It is filled with music, food, stories, and flowers. What this festival is most known for, however, are the powdered colors taken from ground up or living Moth wings. The powder comes in all shades, and each kin make their own to use and share during the celebration. The day before the festival the little bags of powder are loosely tied with vines or strips of leather into the tree branches above. Then, when the music and celebration begins, the Pangolins and Rox up in the trees shake the branches, and a rainbow of colors are spilled onto the joyous, dancing kin below. The Festival lasts for three days, and often lasts well into the night.


The Giving usually happens throughout the day, and whenever the kin feel inclined to. While it is encouraged to give a gift to the Motherfather at least once every few days, there is no pressure placed upon the kin to follow through. The Giving happens at the fire in the center of the Crest, and can range in anything from fresh dirt taken from a garden, to elaborate hoof-made trinkets. It is a silent, personal way to thank the Motherfather for all they do.


Kin can learn songs from each other, and sing together while they work or while they are Giving as another way to bond and bring them closer to the swamp. There are many songs that can be shared, save for The Songs of Rest, which are sacred and can only be performed at certain times. The songs are usually, soothing and very spiritual in nature, the low, soft tunes carrying across the marshes.


A doe who becomes heavy with foal are called Lifelings. They are celebrated and congratulated, as where there is Death there is also Life. They are given special care, such as baths in soothing herbs and flowers, and are decorated with seeds and fresh blooms to signify their importance. A Lead Healer is usually assigned to see that the mothers are kept healthy and to be prepared should any complications arise. Rot often visits the mothers, spending time with them to answer any questions or concerns they may have. The clan works together, providing extra food and medicinal plants for the Lifelings.


Oldsouls are the older members of the tribe that are ready to pass on. A quiet ceremony is held in their honor, bestowing upon the kin gifts of fruit, pieces of gold and silver, precious stones, flowers, and Moth wings. The clan sings together, and The Songs of Rest are sung. The kin pass on quietly, and their bones are laid to rest in the calm waters of the marshes. Rot personally says goodbye to every member that passes on.


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:: The Mothborn ::

Post by Lirilei »


Flora & Fauna

::Treatment of Wounds::
❦Blackberries, blackberry leaves - Plant itself carries pinkish white flowers, each flower has five petals and produces one fruit crop a year. Carries a sharp scent and is found almost everywhere. Leaves can be chewed or mixed into a poultice to ease stings and bites.
❦Burdock, burdock root - Tall-stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves. Has a bitter taste. The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Soothes and heals bites, especially if they are infected. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
❦Celandine, celandine poppy, greater celandine - Yellow flower with four petals. Celandine poppy have bigger petals, whereas the greater celandine are smaller. Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye. Soothes weakened or damaged eyes.
❦Chervil - A sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. The roots are described as being knobby and brown. Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during Births.
❦Cobwebs - Long, thin, shiny strands spun into a web by spiders. Very common. Press over wound to soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
❦Comfrey root - It has large leaves, small bell-shaped flowers, which are pink, white, or purple, and fat, brown roots. Tangy smell. Roots are chewed into a poultice. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Can be used for burns.
❦Dandelion - Common yellow-flowered plant with long, hollow stems. After flowering is finished, the flower transforms a sphere made out of hundreds of smaller white florets with seed heads at the bottom that connect to the flower head. The white liquid is to be applied to stings. Leaves can be chewed to act as a painkiller. The roots can also be used to help cure the effects of poisoning.
❦Dock/Dock leaf - Common, large-leafed plant with a tangy smell and taste. Chewed up and applied to scratches, though can sting when being applied.
❦Elder leaves - Leaves from the Elder tree. Often found in 5-9 leaflets. Turned into a poultice, it soothes sprains.
❦Fennel - Thin, spiky leaves. Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps with joint pain, especially in the hip area. Can be used during/after births.
❦Goldenrod - A tall plant with bright, yellow flowers. Chewed into a poultice, good for healing open wounds.
❦Horsetail - A tall, bristly-stemmed plant, referred to with fleshy stalks. Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding
❦Marigold - A low-growing flower; yellow to bright orange. Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
❦Dried oak leaf - Round, bold-like ruffled leaves. The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
❦Ragwort leaves - Tall shrub with yellow flowers. Tastes foul to felines. Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints.
❦Rush - It has long narrow leaves and lavender-colored head stalks. Used to bind broken bones.
❦Stinging nettle - It has green, spiny seeds. The seeds are eaten by a kin who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
❦Tormentil - It has a strong, aromatic scent to it and a sharp taste. Small, yellow flowers. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
❦Wild garlic - Extremely sharp and tangy scent. Grows in patches, and typically has a white bulb with green leaves. They can also produce a flower. Applied topically. Draws out poison in stings and bites. Prevents infection.
❦Willow bark - Bark from the willow tree. Can be chewed, made into a paste or poultice. Eases pain.
:: Easing of Symptoms & Specific Ailments ::
❦Alder tree, alder bark - Dark gray bark, fissures. Younger trees can also have greenish bark. Branches can sometimes be sticky. Chewed to ease toothaches.
❦Bindweed - Blue petals with white throat and yellow center. Typically blooms in warmer weather. Stems contain green leaves. When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place.
❦Birch sap - From the birch tree. For salves, pastes and poultices.  Used to treat various symptoms.
❦The Blazing Star, smoothstem blazingstar - The Blazing Star is a plant with spiky leaves and yellow flowers, whose five petals spread out separately and resemble a star. The Blazing Star is a rare healing herb that is used to ease symptoms and make passing easier.
❦Borage, borage leaves - It is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped petals and hairy leaves. Can be distinguished by smell just as well as sight. The best leaves are typically halfway up the stem, and has a zesty scent to them. Leaves can be dark green or gray-green in color, soft, and they lose their flavor when they are dried out. Chewed and eaten, it produces better results for pregnant does. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests.
❦Bright Eyes, garden phlox - Light pink flowers with darker pink in the middles. Crushed into a poultice mixture. Mix with lovage to help cure coughs.
❦Broom - Shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers. Flowers are often solitary, but can also come in pairs. Ground into a poultice, can help broken legs.
❦Burnet - Medium green-colored basal leaves. Can occasionally have spikes of purple flowers. Helps give strength. Great for expecting mothers.
❦Catchweed, catchweed bedstraw, catchweed burrs - A plant with fuzzy green balls on long stems. The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
❦Chamomile - A small, white flower with a large, yellow center. Eaten, it strengthen the heart and soothes the mind. Great for travelers or hardworking kin.
❦Chickweed - Tall-stemmed plant with fat, almond-shaped leaves. Eaten, it helps ease the symptoms of a bad cough.
❦Cob nuts - A smooth brown nut with a hard outside shell. A type of hazelnut. Can be made into ointments for pulled muscles or muscle strain.
❦Coltsfoot - A flowering plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandelions. When the leaves are chewed, it helps ease sickness symptoms in foals.
❦Daisy leaf - Thick, dark green, oval shaped leaves, white flower with a yellow center. Chewed into a paste, it eases the pain of aching joints and its great for travelers.
❦Feverfew - Small bush with flowers resembling daisies. Has a sharp tangy smell and small soft leaves. When eaten, reduces body temperature for kin and companions with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
❦Goatweed - Brownish plant with ovate leaves. Can be chewed or hung up in the thicket of the kin. Eases grief.
❦Heather nectar - Nectar found in purple, bell-shaped flowers. Included in herbal mixtures, makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
❦Honey - A sweet, golden-colored liquid made by bees. Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps kin swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
❦Juniper berries - Purple-blue berries from the dark green, spiky-leaved juniper bush. Chewed and eaten, soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm kin.
❦Laurel leaf - Green, glabrous leaves. Wonderful for making herb wraps.
❦Lavender - A small purple flowering plant on tall stalks. Placed under a kins nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills.
❦Mallow leaves - Large fuzzy three-nubbed leaves from a flowering shrub; sweet rose scent. Eaten, it soothes bellyaches.
❦Mint - Downy, serrated leaves ranging from green to purple and yellow in color. Flowers are small and white or purple in color. Has a wide variety of uses, including easing anxiety and aiding in restful sleep. Also used to mask the scent of death from a body.
❦Moss - A spongy, soft green shrub, commonly found on trees or marshy areas. Has a wide variety of uses, including soaking mixtures and applied topically to wounds.
❦Parsley - A long-stemmed plant with ragged-edged crinkly leaves, Sharp scent, tastes cold and fresh, tastes the same fresh or dried. Eaten, it eases pain in expectant mothers, and helps with bellyaches.
❦Poppy seeds - Tiny, round black seeds that are shaken out of a dried poppy flower head. Chewed on, they can help with sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for expecting does.
❦Raspberry leaves - Soft to the touch, but with jagged edges. Used to stop bleeding during births, and with pain.
❦Rosemary - Tall with needle-like leaves and purple flowers. Has various uses to help alleviate muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune and circulatory system. Also used to hide the scent of death.
❦Sorrel - Similar to dock. Used to help encourage appetite.
❦Sweet-sedge - Thick green stem with long buds at the top. When the sap is swallowed, it eases infection.
❦Tansy - The tansy plant has round, yellow leaves, and has a very sweet and strong scent, making it good for disguising a kin's scent. To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Not for pregnant does.
❦Thyme - Small, delicate, thick, sticky leaves with a fresh tang. Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and kin who are in shock.
❦Watermint -  A green, leafy plant, with purple flowers at the end of its spiky stems. It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
❦Willow leaves - Leaves from the willow tree. Eaten, they stop vomiting.
Yarrow - A flowering plant with green, jagged leaves, a tangy scent and a bitter taste. Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to kin or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a kin vomit up toxins. The ointment will help heal cracked hooves.
:: Poisons ::
❦Deathberries - Red berries from the dark-leaved, poisonous yew bush. Very potent, can kill a kin in minutes.
❦Foxglove seeds - Tiny, black seeds from the bell-shaped flower of the foxglove plant. They can be used to treat heart conditions, but the wrong dose can easily cause paralysis and heart failure.
❦Meadow saffron - A plant with purple flowers. Very toxic.
❦Deadly nightshade - A small shrub with faintly scented, bell-shaped flowers that are purple tinged with green in color. Berries are shiny and black when ripe. Poisonous. Used with consent if a suffering kin no longer wishes to endure.
❦Water hemlock - Green or white flowers with petals in umbrella-shaped clusters. Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.
:: Companions & Familiars ::

Not all companions are kept by members of the Mothborn, given the challenges of their unique home and its many cultures and traditions. Below is a list of acceptable companions; however, if you have a companion that you feel would be a good fit for the Mothborn, please, reach out to Rot to get approval.

Giant Slugs
Sugar Gliders
Giant Wasps
Cave Worms
Giant Spiders
Lady Bugs
Stag Beetles


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[b]Applicant:[/b] [img]KIN-CERT-HERE[/img]
[b]What position in the tribe would they hold?:[/b] please list out your kin's desired positions here
[b]Personality Summary:[/b] what is your kin like? why do they feel like they would peace here in the mothborn? anything you may think useful for us, put here.
[b]Moth?:[/b] does your kin have a moth already? if not, do they have other familiars? list them here, please

[member=165]MennyDeer[/member] [member=15]Lirilei[/member] [member=151]Blinded By Silence[/member] 

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