[WP-003] Heart and Home

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[WP-003] Heart and Home

Post by HuniPi »


Heart and Home had no way of knowing that her dreams for that night would be once again taking her out of the swamp. When it became apparent that she was traveling away from familiar landscapes, she realized her situation far sooner now that it has happened a third time.

She did not feel the apprehension this time around. Any sort of anxiety was a low hum in the back of her mind, relegated to white noise in her subconsciousness. She knew better than to fight against the visions and to simply surrender herself to whatever was happening and wherever it would take her. What Heart and Home did not anticipate was the exhaustion. She didn't remember putting in this level of effort during the journey in the first two dreams, she was certainly surprised by how tired she was despite it all being a dream.

When they arrived at the third obelisk within the desert, Heart and Home thought this would be a good opportunity to catch her breath. By this time, she realized she could not do anything to fully affect the situation so she simply watched as the other dream-kin inspected and investigated the stones that lit up with color.

Eventually the pattern was found and the third obelisk was activated. Like the second one, Heart and Home just knew that she ought to touch the obelisk. So touch it she did, gently stroking the surface with her tail, half-anticipating her return to the swamp.

She was immediately overtaken by visions of a colorless, formless place. Though Heart and Home couldn't fathom how or why, this strange place seemed familiar to her. Before she could acclimate to the odd location, her nose noticed the air. Her nostrils flared as she tried to snort out the unpleasant smell, like something was rotting in a far off, unseen place.

The kimeti was reminded of the second dream, how there was nothing but empty air as far as the eye can see. She strained her ears for the faintest sound but heard nothing. Time passed, at least, Heart and Home assumed time passed before she noticed rather than empty air, her surroundings took on a grey hue.

She ventured a step sideways, hearing the crunch of small pebbles underneath her hooves. She glanced down, saw the ground and the colorless pebbles that composed it, though these fragments seemed to fade in and out of her vision. She squinted and tried to focus, though the more effort she put in, the less clear the details became.

Frustration urged her forward, and the only reason she could say forward was because her legs moved in the manner that should have brought her forward. Her surroundings gave no indication that she was actually getting anywhere, however. Annoyance gradually chilled into dread and she picked up her pace.

She had no way to know how far she'd run, it felt like she was running in place, but eventually she spotted a tall tower rising in the distance, glowing from within.

Something in her told her that she was almost there, but she didn't have time to celebrate. Darkness creeped into the edges of her vision, ominous and foreboding. Heart and Home didn't want to leave her safety to chance and this time sprinted for the tower. There was no proof she was being chased, but she couldn't shake the feeling of someone, something closing in on her.

Blue eyes blinked open, Heart and Home found herself back in her den. She was drenched in sweat and her limbs ached as if she'd spent all night running without halt.
word count: 616
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