[WP-002] Heart and Home

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[WP-002] Heart and Home

Post by HuniPi »


How long it was before Heart and Home once again found herself once again being pulled into a Dream, the doe did not know. Days, weeks perhaps, but all the same she had laid her head down to sleep for the night and soon drifted away. She "awoke" with blinking eyes to find herself journeying with other kin, a black and white mare leading the herd.

Once more she noticed from the corners of her eyes that those she traveled with were more shapes and colors rather than actual kin. And with the memory of the first Obelisk dream returning to her mind, Heart and Home allowed herself to be swept away into the open plains and grasslands. Absently she pondered whether she would have been able to make it had she been there herself.

Did she have the endurance and wherewithal to survive?

She didn't know the answer to that but it didn't matter. She was not on the journey, not really, she was simply being gifted this opportunity to bear witness to those who did make it. She shouldn't be letting her mind wander and after chiding herself, she focused on the Obelisk with a cheetah carved on its surface.

Wordlessly she watched as the dream-kin poked and investigated about, pawing at the ground and clearing away the grass until the stone path was discovered. Heart and Home could have, given enough time, come to the conclusion of what needed to be done but what was required of them physically she wasn't so confident about that.

She was fortunate that the other kin who came before her did, and with grace and speed they successfully reactivated the Obelisk. Heart and Home found herself cheering for their triumph and wishing she could give them all a congratulatory nuzzle. But then the call from the Obelisk washed over her and the feeling of victory changed to one of longing and homesickness.

It wasn't so painful as the Ache but she began to need to return home.

Without caring whether the others touched the Obelisk or not, Heart and Home would go up to the large structure and press her forehead against it. She closed her eyes but it did nothing to stop the visions of a colorless, formless place from overwhelming her. Was she in a new dream? Or was she still in the same one, having been sent into a dream within a dream?

The formless nature of her surroundings was upsetting, panic quickly rising in her throat despite reminding herself that this was all a dream, that she was actually still in her den. It took all of her will to finally tamp down her panic long enough to allow herself to give into the dream.

Soon her limbs moved of their own accord, or rather noting the sensation of running without actually running was all she could do. It didn't take long before a sliver of darkness began to creep behind her. She tried to glance over her shoulder but found she could not. Everything she looked at was nothingness, except for that darkness.

And no matter how much she thought she picked up her pace, the darkness continued to match her gait and soon it overtook her.
word count: 551
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