[WP-001] Heart and Home

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[WP-001] Heart and Home

Post by HuniPi »


It was a productive day, having gathered all the necessary materials for her to begin making her den her own. Apart from the moments she took to hunt and eat, she'd been focused on planning and collecting. So when Heart and Home had finally laid her head down that night, she expected her weary bones would lead her into a restful sleep.

Instead, she would dream as if she were awake. She had heard a call and followed, joining others who too followed the tug towards a place that housed an obelisk.

Heart and Home stood in awe and wonder at the sight, unsure how to proceed or whether she should approach. But the others around her glided forward past her, like a veritable sea of colors, fur, and horns. They moved about and around the large structure, sniffing, licking, nuzzling against it.

Watching others interact and investigate without harm coming upon them, the doe eventually found herself able to move towards the obelisk herself. Blue eyes taking in the strange markings and shapes, Heart and Home attempted to touch it herself but found it did not respond or react to her.

At least, not the way it did with the other kin.

It struck her odd and she puzzled over this lack of reaction. Unable to come to any conclusion on her own, Heart and Home turned to ask another kin if they had any idea about what was making the obelisk react. But each time she tried to call out, no sound emerged. Each time she tried to physically nudge at another kin, they either moved away from her touch or would not acknowledge her.

It took her some time to realize through how the world was hazy and bleary from the periphery of her eyes -different from how it normally would when her focus was elsewhere- that suggested to Heart and Home that she was not truly awake.

She felt a mixture of confusion and worry at first. But then she eventually realized that the Motherfather was behind this, that she was being given a vision. The confusion and worry changed and morphed into excitement and relief. Heart and Home felt more willing and eager to go through everything that she could.

Something about the finality of it all, that she would not be able to change things that were set in stone gave comfort to the doe. At one point she stepped on the etched stone bearing a crane, though it would not light up with her presence she felt a connection to it. A far more comforting sensation than the dread that knotted in the pit of her gut when she came into contact with the obelisk.

Soon the dream ended, and she roused to the rays of dawn shining into her eyes.

The memory of the journey was still fresh in her mind and Heart and Home found her feet taking her down the paths that was only familiar to her thanks to the dream. And soon she saw it again, the dark stone monument eerie and alone.

That sense of dread was back but despite the unease she had to tear herself away to return home.
word count: 537
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