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[B] Space Tries For a Bless [fin]

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 8:29 pm
by Nashawryn
Space carefully threaded his way through some trees, carefully stepping past the many many rocks. It was hot today but this was an important mission to him. He needed to find a blessing for She Blossoms In Dreams, since she was going to have his offspring. He hoped many things for this set. Hopes of boldness, adventure and most importantly Luck.


Re: [B] Space Tries For a Bless

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:26 am
by Ruriska
Nashawryn wrote:@Nashawryn
Space carefully threaded his way through some trees, carefully stepping past the many many rocks. It was hot today but this was an important mission to him. He needed to find a blessing for She Blossoms In Dreams, since she was going to have his offspring. He hoped many things for this set. Hopes of boldness, adventure and most importantly Luck.
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"I'm so sorry," said a voice nearby, slightly breathless. It came from a small Acha, her breathing quick and sharp. If it seemed like she'd popped out of nowhere, she had. Just moments before she had been a foxbun. "We'll have to make this quick. I have a pregnant doe about to give birth back at the tribe. Would you care for a blessing?"

Re: [B] Space Tries For a Bless

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:51 pm
by Nashawryn
Space startled for a moment before turning towards the voice. Goodness! He thought he’d been alone out here. “Yes, oh yes I would! I would like a blessing for She Blossoms In Dreams and my children. Thank you very much.” He stared hopefully at the small Acha while shifting from hoof to hoof in a slightly anxious dance.


Re: [B] Space Tries For a Bless

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:07 am
by Ruriska
“Of course you do.” Peep beamed up at the father-to-be. “I’m sorry. I usually have a lot more time to help ease your mind.” Her head bobbed apologetically but there were places to be and she could always try tracking him down later.

“May your children be happy and healthy, with bold thoughts and warm hearts.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Everything will be fine. Don’t worry. Just do your best.”

Then she was gone, a foxbun racing away across the swamp.
