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[B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:26 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] Half Truth stalked quietly through the canebrake. Her quarry was within sight, and as far as she could tell, completely oblivious to her presence. Her face twitched into a smile as she prowled closer, closer- it was always such fun to surprise them. He looked hapless as any of them ever did- but honestly, no two were ever the same. Every perplexed prospective parent was a unique beast, with feelings that couldn't be compared or held up to anybody else's, not really. She wasn't a mindreader, not by a long shot, and that was part of the fun of it- learning how other kin felt and seeing how she could help them on their way. How could she help a fledgeling family find its footing? That was her question as a mare.

This fellow was dark, a kimeti, fluffy mane. Would these be his first children, or the most recent in a long line? How did he feel about their mother? How did he feel about being a father? That's what her hunt was, to find these things out. All she knew- the pull she felt- was that paternity was imminent. The rest was up to him.

She watched quietly from the bracken for a few moments more, wondering about what he was thinking, before stepping out and drawing herself up to her full height. She was tall, but hopefully not too imposing. She didn't want to scare her quarry, after all. Gently, she cleared her throat.

"You seem like you have something on your mind, friend."


Re: [B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:40 pm
by Beejoux
[imgright] ... uncert.png[/imgright] 
He certain did have a lot on his mind, completely preoccupied with the knowledge of impending babies, and the appearance of the doe, gentle as it was, still managed to startle the dark buck.  He jerked up to his feet, pawing the forest floor nervously before got a good look at the owner of the voice and settled, inch by inch.

"You could say that," he answered finally, head shaking to clear his hair from his brow so he could see her better.  Tall, green and yellow, and there was a presence to her that spoke of something beyond just age and experience.  "Who are you?"

And why was she here?  His tone wasn't unfriendly, but it wasn't exactly welcoming, either.  Confused, really.

@Scaramouche Fandango

Re: [B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:07 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
“Half Truth,” she said by way of introduction. “The Swamp sent me, so here I am. I didn’t mean to startle you- but with what’s on your mind, it’s completely understandable that anything would be startling. Especially me, what with the firefly eyes and spooky knowledges and such. Some of my brethren lean into the eldritchness of it all, but I’ve never been one for eldritch and arcane. The waking world is complex enough.” She paused, taking it all in- the sound of insects, the dappled light through the leaves, the shadows the two of them cast on the ground. There was an entire world to be aware of, every bit of it beautiful and teeming with life. Such a wonderful place to bring a new life into.

“And what should I call you? Terrified? Elated? Proud? Nervous? Papa? Father? Never was particularly fond of father, it’s so stiff and formal. But Pops has a nice ring to it. If I’d known my dad, I imagine I would have liked to call him Pops.”


Re: [B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:54 pm
by Beejoux
He just stared at her, shocked and at a lose for words.  At least until she was asking for his name, and the string of titles she offered up as options was enough to rattle him out of his stupor.  "Young and a Menace," he offered gruffly, dark eyes flicking off to one side like maybe he was looking to beat a hasty retreat, and then thought better of it, pawing the ground restlessly. 

"Um, why are you here?"  It wasn't quite demanding, but it wasn't as polite as it could have been.  But then Menace wasn't really known for being polite. 

@Scaramouche Fandango

Re: [B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:16 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
Half Truth smiled widely, a glimmer of panic flickering just at the back of her mind. Wait, damn, did he not know? Best break the news then. "I'm here because you got someone pregnant!" Sometimes subtlety wasn't the best option. Sometimes you had to come out swinging.


Re: [B] Something On His Mind (Half Truth, Young And A Menace)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:41 pm
by Beejoux
The news didn't seem to shock him, so he wasn't completely clueless, at least.  Nor did seem seem thrilled at being reminded of it.  "Yeah, I know."  The buck shook his head to toss hair back out of his face, only for it to fall back into his eyes a moment or so later.

"That doesn't answer my question."  He hadn't gone looking for someone to offer their blessing, which is how he'd always thought these things worked.

@Scaramouche Fandango