The Grumpy Stump - Pan's Journal

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Pandora Talie
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=129


Post by Pandora Talie »


"Teller of Tales"
Compassionate | Kind | Playful

• General………………
Nickname: Moon
Age: Mature Adult
Obtained: Newbie giveaway - Khrissie___x  and raisin-kins
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

• Physical Attributes………………
Voice: Refined
Body: Slightly overweight
Disabilities: Poor night vision
Unique Features: Shimmery red pelt

• Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender Identity: Male
Sexual Identity: Heterosexual
Quirks: Uses accents when storytelling, hums, always moving 

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Closed
Love Interest: A Golden Afternoon
Seeking Lifemate: Nope taken <3

Moonfrost is an avid storyteller with a kind, gentle heart. He is patient, understanding, and loves to run around and play like a young Kimeti. He enjoys good conversation and friendly banter, and his youthful spirit belies the wisdom he has gained through his experiences. Despite his imaginative nature, Moonfrost is a practical problem solver, able to think outside the box to find solutions. Overall, he is a warm and engaging Kimeti whose positive energy and playful nature make him a cherished companion and a source of inspiration for those around him.. 

•History ………………
Moonfrost was born into a loving family who encouraged his creative spirit and playful nature from a young age.

This kimeti was drawn to storytelling and often used his imagination to entertain his siblings and other young ones in the area.

As he grew older, Moonfrost's reputation as a talented storyteller and a playful spirit spread beyond his homeland. He often attended gatherings and festivals, where he entertained crowds with his epic adventures and silly antics.

At one of these festivals, the winter market to be exact, Moonfrost met A Golden Afternoon. He was in the middle of telling a story when he caught her eye, and their connection was instant. As they spent more time together, they discovered a shared love of creativity and life's simple pleasures. They became inseparable companions.

•Naming Dream………………
Full moon high.
Wispy moonfrost creeps across the cold ground.
Not a sound.

A Golden Afternoon - Lifemate - Kinu
Name - Status - Player
Name - Status - Player

Animal Companion

[SOLO] Festival of Abundance Wandering Prompt 4: Dandelions | Finished
[WMBooth] Stories for the Long Night | Finished

Plots: Yes



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:41 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 356
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Escape the Shadow

Post by Pandora Talie »

"The Lost and Found"
Gentle | Reliable | Understanding

Nickname: tba
Age: Young Adult
Obtained: Newbie Gift - Owlie and G a b y
Current Residence: Swamp: Bonemarshes
Tribe Status: The Mothborn - Role: tamer
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: serene
Body: Lean
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: Hair in a two buns, yellow glowing eyes

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender Identity: Female
Sexual Identity: Hetero
Quirks: Rambles when working, loves being out in the rain, keeps her hair pinned up like her mom

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Closed
Love Interest: Scourge
Seeking Lifemate: No: Found

Escape the Shadow is an introverted and compassionate individual who values independence. She is a detail-oriented perfectionist who takes pride in her work and strives for excellence. Although she may be hesitant in social situations, she is brave and willing to take risks when it comes to matters she feels strongly about.

In addition, Escape the Shadow avoids eye contact and tends to brainstorm out loud when working. She loves rainy nights and is even-tempered and accepting of others. When facing difficult decisions, she may stall since she finds it particularly challenging but bases her choices on facts and logic. She prefers to find common ground and adapt to difficult situations to avoid conflict. She's one to stay in the background during social gatherings and watch and observe but is always ready to lend a listening ear or offer emotional support to those in need.

•History ………………
~joined the Mothborn tribe

~growing up...
Her mom would speak of special times of the year when the air shifted and it just felt strange. She would always get goosebumps. It unsettled Escape the Shadow but at the same time, she loved the rush of maybe seeing something, not of this world. She swears one time she did...

•Naming Dream………………
In my mind, the shadows grow,
And I move oh so slow.
Then it happens, there is light,
Now is the time to take my flight.

Scourge - Player: Blinded By Silence
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion
Image Image

[SOLO] The Road Less Travelled By | Finished (!Transfer off Gaia)
[PRP] One Day at a Time | Active

Plots: Y



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:39 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 363
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Briny Deep

Post by Pandora Talie »

"Of the Tides"
Honorable | Empathetic | Resilient

Nickname: Briny
Age: Mature adult
Obtained: September 2017 Custom - Sully
Current Residence: Swamp: Ocean side
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: Seaweed hair accessories

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender Identity: Male
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks: Collects seashells, Talks to the sea, sings sea shanties

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: No - Fling

Briny Deep is a kin of unwavering principles, his actions are guided by a strict moral code. However, despite his dedication to doing good, he often finds himself feeling overwhelmed and downcast. He struggles with depression, which can make it difficult for him to maintain his optimistic outlook. Despite this, he perseveres and tries to maintain his positive attitude, finding solace in the beauty of the ocean.

His love for the sea remains a constant source of comfort, and he often seeks refuge in the ocean's vastness when he needs to clear his mind. In his interactions with others, he remains kind and empathetic, though he may sometimes withdraw when he is feeling particularly low. Briny is determined to overcome his depression and continue living a life that upholds his values and brings joy to those around him.

•History ………………

•Naming Dream………………
As I dove deeper into the abyss, tiny creatures of the briny deep glowed and danced in the dark, cold waters; creating a mesmerizing display. They then vanished into the infinite darkness, leaving me with a sense of wonder and awe.

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[MULTI-POST] Breach's Siren Song Booth (Character development) | Finished

Plots: Yes


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:45 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 276
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Rushes the Flames

Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Bold”
Dauntless | Determined | Reliable

Nickname: Rush
Age: Young adult
Obtained: Newbie Gift - Vari and Liri
Current Residence: Mountains
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: Bad eye sight 
Unique Features: Face burned

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: ---
Gender Identity: Male
Sexual Identity: Hetero
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: No - Fling

words words words

•History ………………
words words words

•Naming Story………………
Rushes the Flames, as he is known now, was hunting with a small group of close friends, one evening, when he earned his name. After a long unfruitful day, they finally spot an acceptable meal. A brief chase ensued and they brought it down without incident.

However, the beast proved to be quite tough and gamey so they decided to build a fire to cook it. Neither of them was particularly skilled in this department but, with the assistance of a salamander, they managed to build a substantial fire and suspended their meal above it. Unfortunately, their fire began to grow out of control and their meal was nearly lost.

He couldn’t bear the thought of going to sleep with an empty stomach or returning empty-handed. So, he stuck his head into the mud, shut his eyes, and charged right through the fire, knocking their prize down to where they could drag it away from the blaze.

His flesh was severely burned in multiple places and he bears the scars to this day. But they ate to their fill that night and every time there’s a fire someone tells the story of how one crazy totoma got his name.

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[RP TYPE] [url=http://------]TITLE[/url] | Active?

Plots: Y/N


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 292
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Post by Pandora Talie »

”Cat Dude”
Lazy |  Introvert |  Honest

Nickname: Cin
Age: Late 40's
Obtained: Naming Contest - Eevee Is Best & Araucana
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: ---

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: ---
Gender Identity: ---
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks:fear of birds fears birds, ocd, loves sweets

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: No - Fling

Cinderstorm is a lazy and introverted individual, preferring to spend his time lounging or pursuing solitary activities. He is honest and values the truth above all else, never shying away from speaking his mind. He cares deeply for his two pets, Scorch the ramcat and Kindle the lion, and is fiercely loyal to those he loves.

•History ………………
Cinderstorm has a fear of birds, stemming from a childhood incident in which he was attacked by a flock of angry crows. Whenever he sees a bird, he becomes visibly agitated and will go to great lengths to avoid them. This fear is in sharp contrast to his love for his two pets, who are both predators themselves.

•Naming Dream………………
The hot air twirled quicker and quicker.
The cinders crackled and flew skyward.
Tiny lights gave chase to one another as they spun.
A cinder storm was brewing.

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[RP TYPE] [url=http://------]TITLE[/url] | Finished

Plots: Naw



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:34 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 228
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Star Collector

Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Happy-Go-Lucky”
Friendly | Bubbly | Determined

Nickname: Star
Age: Middle Age
Obtained: Jan 2018 Semi - Kitty Sprightt
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: The Mothers Club
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: cute
Body: lean
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: Colorful pelt, Yellow floating orbs around head 

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender Identity: Female
Sexual Identity: Bi
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: No - Fling

She has a lively, upbeat approach to life and believes in caring for one another. She tries her best 100% of the time.  She's out to make friends. Lots of them. And make them smile.

•History ………………
Star Collector is an independent soul. As a young doe, she moved away from her family and childhood home in the swamp and set out on her own. After a brief journey of self-exploration, she found a good spot in a green patch with a big old tree. Being the crafty sort she wasted no time hollowing out a cozy home among the roots.

She loves to carve stars into gourds and place glowing objects into them. Then she will decorate the outside of her tree hollow with them.

•Naming Dream………………
She looked up and there they were,
Bright trails all for her.

She danced through the windswept field,
Gathering up the stars revealed.

With a smile, she collected them all.
Being careful not to fall.

She tucked them in a turtle shell,
And there she kept them well.

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[SOLO-PROMPT] Lost Apathy's Winter Bounty (character development) | Finished
[SOLO-PROMPT] Festival of Abundance Wandering Prompt 2: Come Get your Turnips | Finished
[EVENT GAME] Let's Go Fishing(character development) | Finished

Plots: Y







Last edited by Pandora Talie on Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:52 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 298
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One Fell Swoop

Post by Pandora Talie »

”Little Bird”
Sweet | Folksy | Compulsive

Nickname: Birdy
Age: Young adult
Obtained: cold comes in event - migratory birds roleplay raffle
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---
Images:  [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: Soft
Body: Small
Disabilities: Not great eyesight
Unique Features: Feathery markings

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender Identity: Female
Sexual Identity: Bi
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: No - Fling

words words words

•History ………………
Swoop was involved in a cave collapse caused by the Spring flooding. This was a frightening time for the small doe. Everyone that she knew died that tragic day.

One Fell Swoop is an egg collector. She would never steal eggs from a nest but will collect the shells after what was in it has hatched. Swoop is color blind so she relies on mostly the shades and patterns of the shells to make her art. This has led to some interesting designs. Her art is mostly displayed on the walls of her home.

Found a furby creature that she thinks is some odd cat. Named it Lucky Cat. -Insert lucky event involving strange cat- (OOC: Calico cats are believed to bring good luck in the folklore of many cultures.)

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[WM Booth] Dash Away's Spreading Cheer Booth | Finished | Swoop gave gifts to random kin

Plots: Y



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 232
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Run Wild

Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Obsessive”
Outgoing | Playful | Exuberant

Nickname: ---
Age: Mid 20s
Obtained: Cold comes in event - paid raffle
Current Residence: Plains
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: ---

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: ---
Gender Identity: ---
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: N

Run Wild has an obsession of collecting every stick he comes across. 

•History ………………
He loves berries; cloudberries the most and thinks they look absolutely beautiful blanketing the ground with their bright orange color.

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[ORP] +5| The Wild Hunt (wc: tba) | Finished

Plots: Y


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 108
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Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Cryptic”
Secretive | Dark | Smart

Nickname: ---
Age: Mature Adult
Obtained: Feb 2018 Rolled Custom - Sully
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: ---

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: chaotic evil
Gender Identity: ---
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: Y/N

Pattern use to not hate other kin but after multiple bad events his heart turned black. Now seen by others as strange, Pattern plots and schemes to bring corruption into other kins lives. 

•History ………………
Makes art on bark slabs that is often dark, disturbing images.

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[ORP] BRING A GIFT, TAKE A GIFT - Cloud Cover (HannahBug) | Finished

Plots: Y/N


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 126
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Wave Skimmer

Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Great Father”
Dependable | Patient | Compassionate

Age: 40's
Obtained: March 2018 Breeding - Sully
Current Residence: Swamp -Seaside
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: ---
Body: ---
Disabilities: ---
Unique Features: ---

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: ---
Gender Identity: ---
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open/Closed
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: Y/N

He cherishes family and will go above and beyond to make them feel happy and loved.

•History ………………
His father is Briny Deep and his mother is Dawn's Early Light. He has two other brothers and a sister. Out of his family, he sees his father the most often.

Wave Skimmer met a beautiful doe one time and they had two daughters and a son. Duck Dance, his daughter, visits from time to time.

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[RP TYPE] [url=http://------]TITLE[/url] | Finished

Plots: Y/N



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 151
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Snowberry Flurry

Post by Pandora Talie »

”The Whirlwind”
Cheery | Moody | Impulsive

Nickname: Flurry
Age: Young adult
Obtained: April 2018 breeding - Sully
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: Loud and clear
Body: Average
Disabilities: Allergy to bee stings
Unique Features: Orange and purple stripes

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Netural
Gender Identity: ---
Sexual Identity: ---
Quirks: ---

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: N

Snowberry's personality is a bit of a paradox. She is upbeat, but no-nonsense kind, but also stern. Temperamental, but at the same time, tempered. At any given point in time, there are two sides to her constantly warring for dominance. She is defiantly a split between her father and mother. Being like this has made her few friends over the seasons.

•History ………………
Snowberry Flurry is the daughter of Cinderstorm and Shimmering Berry. She has an older brother and sister of the same clutch. Snowberry being the last to be born is considered the baby of the siblings and is often treated that way; which can be annoying at times.

Snowberry loves to tease her dad but loves him dearly. She recently got herself a marshfowl that chases her dad's feline companions around.

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[RP TYPE] [url=http://------]TITLE[/url] | Finished

Plots: Y/N



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:02 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 222
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Miss Your Bones

Post by Pandora Talie »

”Hopeless Romantic”
Gullible | Sensitive | Flirt

Nickname: Missy, Bones
Age: 40's
Obtained: Maxx bday bribe 2018
Current Residence: Swamp
Tribe Status: ---
Images: [Adult]

•Physical Attributes………………
Voice: Soft
Body: Average
Disabilities: Butterflies in her tummy
Unique Features: Skull face markings, Flower crown, Cape

•Personal Attributes………………
Alignment: Natural Good
Gender Identity: Doe
Sexual Identity: Bi
Quirks: Overly trusting of other kin, Eats all of one type of food at a time

Kindex Link

•Romantic Affiliations………………
Relationship Status: Open
Love Interest: ---
Seeking Lifemate: Y/N

words words words

•History ………………
Close friends with Beside Still Water and Blushweaver

Miss Your Bones grew up in the swamp and made her home in the remains of a dead tree. Missy has since moved, with a little coaxing from her son; Blossoms After Rain, to a more nicer and comfortable location near him. Before her move, she would spend most of her time alone with her thoughts. Now she spends her time making happy memories with him.

•Naming Dream………………

Name - Player
Name - Player
Name - Player

Animal Companion

[FOAWP1] A New Discovery +5 (wc:653) | Finished

Plots: Y/N



Last edited by Pandora Talie on Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:01 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 189
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Post by Pandora Talie »


Maxx CC Custom

Flirt, Vain


Blushweaver obtained a budgie bird during the Festival of Abundance. This little bird learned the word 'sorry' from his owner's failed relationships. Sorry, will often deliver small flower gifts from Blushweaver to his latest fling(s) as an apology. Sometimes the gifts don't always make it to their intended destination. Birds are hard to train...



>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players

>Title - players



Fleury - GaiaOnline NPC

.by craw.
Last edited by Pandora Talie on Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:02 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 91
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Re: ⫸Pan's Kin⫷

Post by Pandora Talie »


corn breeding

Tiptoe is a giant gossip. He absolutely loves sharing a juicy story, the more scandalous the better. He is often seen cozied-up, whispering to another kin. When he’s not, he can be a bit loud, “REALLY?! They did what?!”

Joined the Flowerlock Tribe as a stylist



>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players

>Title - players


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:43 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 72
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Re: ⫸Pan's Kin⫷

Post by Pandora Talie »


winter 2018 giftbox

kind, playful, adventurous, wild




>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players
>Title - players

>Title - players


Last edited by Pandora Talie on Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:02 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 30
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