[WP-001] Troublesome Feast

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[WP-001] Troublesome Feast

Post by Izaeah »

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He was one of the watchers. He was the one who took notes, the one who paid attention to things, he was the silent one. He was one who had mostly seemed to learn to differentiate dreams from reality due to the smallest of details but this was different, this felt so real. Troublesome had settled to sleep just moments before. Or, at the very least, it felt like only moments before. He had tucked his head close to the rest of his limbs, preferring a safe sleeping position over a sprawled one.

Moments later, when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a place he had never seen before. A place where things had happened long before his time though not that long ago. He could see the gathering of kin of all types, he could see the large black obelisk, he could see the markers.

Tipping his head to the sky, he drew in a warm breath and was certain he could pick out so many distinct smells that this made the dream seem real but he knew better. The signs were small and slight but they were there. As he roamed, silent as always and watching, Troublesome watched as kin climbed upon the markers, he watched as the Obelisk's glow came and went. He even saw one particular kin headbutting the structure and it made him shake his head with a roll of his eyes. Some kin. He'd never understand.

He roamed the far edges of the area, not wishing to approach the Obelisk or the markers. He could hear the others well enough as they seemed intent on describing what they were finding and how it all looked to them that he felt no need to be any closer and, as was, if this truly was a dream as he was certain it was, if he had approached the groups, they would not have noticed him, it is even likely that they would have walked right through him and that feeling was always unsettling, he preferred to avoid it.

Troublesome still watched five different kin--one for each species there was--stepped onto the markers. He saw the blinding light and, instead of turning his gaze away, he focused on it, even when its brightness seared its way into his brain. What he barely saw was the eleven separate flashes of light that each went their way.

He still was trying to shake the remnants of the light from his gaze when he could sense that it was all over. Frowning, as it seemed as though it all had happened so fast, he finally moved forward, wandering still a distance from those gathered but fairly close that he could give the markers a quick look.

Was there a reason that the Obelisk was showing its memories to him? Was there something coming their way, something new, something strange, something that would possibly change his life and the lives of near everyone else about? It was that particular thought that startled him back to awareness and, in the darkness that surrounded him, Troublesome Feast sighed and closed his eyes, letting the world of sleep sweep him away again, perhaps back to the Obelisk, perhaps elsewhere.

He was certain that come morning, he would have more questions than answers.
(550 words)
Last edited by Izaeah on Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 566
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