Kin Name:

The Q&A Portion
NAME: Devon
AGE: 29
What is your favorite color? Well...I have never experienced color, but I think I like how people describe purple.
Why is your favorite color? my favorite...color...sorry, I don't think I understand the question.
How is your sense of smell? Better than most! I smell things other people can't or I'll pick up on something before others do.
What food do others love but you find disgusting? I simply can't stand any sort of corn chip!
What's a food you love but others find disgusting? Ketchup. On. Everything.
Are ghosts real? Maybe? I've never experienced one though.
What is your glove size? Medium to large.
Can you do a backflip on demand? Oh, probably not!
When was the last time you climbed a tree? I've climbed one tree in my life. I was about 7 and got stuck. Terrible experience.
What is your Deepest Yearning? To find my one true love!
There are two types of people in this world. What are the two types? Lovers and dreamers.
What shade of blue is the ocean? Um...probably ocean blue?
Have you ever gone into a room and forgotten why? A few times.
Would you rather get hit by lightning or bitten by a shark? Lightning, I suppose.
Name Every Fish. Oh- well, I'm afraid I don't know every fish's name!
What do you do on Sunday afternoons? Usually try to find someone to go on a date with if I haven't already found someone!
Is pineapple acceptable on pizza? Sure! Not my favorite but don't let that stop you.
Do you wear wigs? I wouldn't mind trying!
If the moon is full at midnight on a Thursday in June twenty years from now, is it high tide or low tide? Erm...high?
Can you debug my code? Oh no, I'm no tech wizard.