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Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:57 pm
by Blinded By Silence
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:40 pm
by Blinded By Silence
[imgleft] ... estorm.gif[/imgleft]
In the Shadow of the Storm | "Storm" | Kiokote | Male
obtained Sullivan Breeding -
Summer Shadows
personality NA
naming dream WIP
mother Frost Killing Flower
father Sky Seeker
[ Stepping Thunder ]
[ Summer Breeze ]
[ Lightning's Companion ]
[ The Sound of Summer Rain ]
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 10:49 pm
by Blinded By Silence
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:00 pm
by Blinded By Silence
[imgleft] ... e-well.gif[/imgleft]
Live-Well | "Live-Well" | Kimeti | Male
obtained Corn breeding - [Find image]
personality NA
naming dream WIP
mother Speak Easy
father I Will Work Harder
[ Dies-Well ]
[ Fares-Well ]
[ Love-Well ]
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:03 pm
by Blinded By Silence
[imgleft] ... s-well.gif[/imgleft]
Fares-Well | "Fares-Well" | Kimeti | Male
obtained Corn breeding - [Find image]
personality NA
naming dream WIP
mother Speak Easy
father I Will Work Harder
[ Dies-Well ]
[ Live-Well ]
[ Love-Well ]
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:39 pm
by Blinded By Silence
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:40 pm
by Blinded By Silence
[imgleft] ... esback.gif[/imgleft]
The Abyss Stares Back | "Abyss" | Kimeti | Male
obtained Corn Breeding -
personality NA
naming dream WIP
mother Lonely Echo
father Plagued
[ Courts Her Prey ]
[ Haunted Waters ]
[ Brackish ]
[ Follow You Down ]
Roleplay Log wrote:
[ x ] Abyss has been wandering, contemplating the voices that call from the darkest deapths of his mind. Tonight, he hears the call of the void from the spaces behind the stars.
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Blinded By Silence
[imgleft] ... ingfox.gif[/imgleft]
Laughing Fox | "Fox" | Totoma | Female
obtained Dovaxy Breeding -
Yellow Water
personality NA
naming dream This little Totoma has always been brave, despite her small stature. A bit headstrong and maybe a little too determined to prove herself, she takes on whatever challenge her siblings present her with. There is no challenge too big!
One day, she and her bigger siblings were playing in a clearing when they happened upon a new scent. Curious, as all kids are, they did their best to track the scent. Peeking through the bushes, they spied a fox! This little doe was already pawing the dirt, ready to fight before her siblings even issued the challenge. She charged forward, a battle cry building in her throat when her hoof hit a stone and down she went. Tumbling head over hooves, she landed with an OOF in front of the beast. For a moment, she was sure she was to be eaten, but as the fox's maw opened, all it did was laugh before scurrying off! She claims victory, but her siblings haven't let her live it down since.
mother Water Tiger
father Yellow Belly
[ Totoma ]
[ Totoma ]
[ Sweet Rain ]
[ Totoma ]
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:49 pm
by Blinded By Silence
Stays Behind | "Stay" | Totoma | Female
obtained Dovaxy Breeding -
Yellow Water
personality NA
naming dream This little Totoma spent most of her life living passively. Unlike her siblings who stood tall and took charge, she simply went with the flow of things. She waited in the background while her siblings shined brightly. Her father saw this and, before bed, each night would tell her the story of the Silver-Fish. There is a little saying among kin, that silver-fish are invisible until they leave the water. It is a saying that means "those who want to be seen, will make themselves seen." He would tell her tales of how this little fish lived her life below the surface of the water, wanting only the quiet of being undisturbed. She is gentle, like a slow current, following wherever life takes her without a word of complaint. But at the end of each tale, when she is ready, she leaps out of the water in a flash of blinding light and the whole world will see her at last.
She knew that the stories were her father's way of making her feel better. She loved them and held them close to her heart, hoping that one day, maybe she too will be seen, when she is ready. As she grew, her siblings left them to go find lives for themselves among the swamp, taking with them their names and their deeds. But there she stayed, helping her aging father when everyone else would leave him on his own. In time, she learned that not every kin is meant to be seen by the whole world. Some times, it was okay to stay behind while everyone else rushed forward.
mother Water Tiger
father Yellow Belly
[ Totoma ]
[ Totoma ]
[ Sweet Rain ]
[ Laughing Fox ]
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: UC
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:46 am
by Blinded By Silence
Little Brook | "Brook" | Acha | Female
obtained Won in the
Mystery Gift Pop Up Booth
personality Talkitive | Polite
naming dream WIP
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: Little Brook!
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:37 am
by Blinded By Silence
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: You're It!
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:01 am
by Blinded By Silence
Roots of the Moon | "Moon" | Kimeti | Female
obtained Won in the
Fates of Fortune Winter Booth
personality Wise | Tight-lipped | Ambitious
naming dream WIP
mother Fragments of a Dream
father Grin
Petals of the Sun
Fog in the Valley
Fog Over the Mountain
Roleplay Log wrote:
[ x ] Moon visits the Winter Solstice celebration of the Fairy Court Tribe. Her fortune is read, but just how accurate is it?
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: You're It!
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:50 pm
by Blinded By Silence
Messenger | "Messenger" | Totoma | Male
obtained Won in the
Fates of Fortune Winter Booth
personality Keen Memory | Loyal | Secretly Lonely
naming dream Messenger has always had an impeccable memory. He spent his youth running errands and messages for his father's tribe up in the mountains. It wasn't much, as he was still too small to go with them on patrols and fight in territory disputes like his older brothers and sisters. Excited for the future his father promised him, he eagerly worked on, traveling far to deliver his father's word to his allies. No matter the weather, he always held true.
One day, he could not find the kin to whom his message was meant for. This one was very important, and so, repeating it over and over in his mind, he tracked the kin from mountain to valley, until eventually, he found himself in the swamp. Once there, he found he was unable to leave. He pushed as far as he could, but the Ache was too much. Before he headed back, however, he sent out his eagle, Carrier, with a lock of his fur attached to a swamp plant. It took Carrier a long while, too long, he thought, but at last he returned. Now he waits, running messages throughout the swamp, waiting for... Something. Will his family come south and join him? He isn't sure. He holds the hope that he will see his family again, but keeps it a fox-length from his heart.
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: You're It!
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:51 pm
by Blinded By Silence
All That is Left | "Scrap" | Acha | Female
obtained Winter Giftbox from Ane!
personality Forced Smiles | Keeps Her Distance |
naming dream
Re: Quiet Grotto :: Blinded's Kin :: All That Is Left!
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:57 pm
by Blinded By Silence