MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Sibyl Trading Post Goods: Sibyl provides those who comes across her stall with a small reflective glass pane with etchings of star guides that help with identifying the north star and nearby contellations. It is also imbued with a Support property that catches its user's attention when danger is nearby.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Cousin Jonzie Trading Post Goods: He's not related to you, but Jonzie insists that everyone refer to him as their cousin. He offers people overcoats and trousers made of black-dyed animal leathers that keep one warm in the cold weather and hidden in the dark. Each item of clothing also has Enhancement magic that makes the wearer more seem more amiable and agreeable to anyone they're talking to that sees them.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Piwachet Trading Post Goods: Piwachet holds out charm made of sticks and string and colorful beads. "This one's for foraging. Definitely useful around here, can always use more help foraging!" She grabs another charm from her small table and presents it, this one with bones instead of beads. "And this one's for hunting! I've one for tracking and strength and awareness. Just about anything you might need to enhance your own abilities out here in Aurora North!"
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Sylas Trading Post Goods: Sylas has taken time and effort to hone his skill in meticulously making beads by hand, that he then strings onto cords to be worn as bracelets, necklaces, or chokers. He adds a strong protection charm to each one as he works, ensuring that those who wear his beaded goods are safe even when looking stylish.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Celia Trading Post Goods: Celia crafts goods that while sturdy look extremely delicate. Each piece looks like something you could find in nature. Flower blossoms, animals, things like that and could easily be set somewhere as a decorative piece, but just as easily carried with a person as they traveled as she's made pieces that look like leaves and branches as well. Each of her delicate looking items however has been imbued with harm magic, meant to harm anyone who tries to harm the owner of her goods. She likes that her things are pretty, unassuming and dangerous. Just like her.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Inkhild Westberg Trading Post Goods: Ink is a statuesque, imposing woman in the trading post crowd, tall and handsome, her hair pulled back into a fastidiously neat bun. Her eyes are filled with a deep intellect and she is intensely curious, talking for a long time with other artisans about their wares. Her offerings are hand carved wooden items, mostly aids to those who have lost body parts to the frozen north like her - wooden eyes, walking sticks and of course replacement limbs. They are all imbued with healing magic, to aid the settling of the item in the body, and people sometimes come to her before their injury is healed, so the body parts can be grafted more completely onto the wound. She doesn’t add so much magic that they’d be over reliant on it for the item to function - she doesn’t want people trapped into trekking back to the trading post too often.
Last edited by subducting on Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:55 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 168
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Hela Solveig Trading Post Goods: Hela makes weapons- mostly swords. They’re an unlikely blacksmith, not particularly strong looking, but their swords are fine work, imbued with enhancement magic that makes the bearer strong- rendering the weapons feather light, easier to swing, and truer to aim. They are beautiful, and deadly.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Calim Trading Post Goods: Calim specializes in colors and shapes. Depending on the combination, helpful bonuses are created that support the wearer in their task. If he mixes the wrong ones, things go wrong and chaos ensues. His most commonly used ones are protection properties, often simple things like protection from rain or falling objects.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Isea Trading Post Goods: Isea's motto is the more colorful the better, he transfers his magic spells to finely woven ribbons that he braids into hair. It makes a difference which colors he uses for his carefully selected ribbons, he gets the best outcome with colorful braidings. He specializes in support magic.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Ivy Green Trading Post Goods: Ivy grows plants -- carefully tended to remain small and portable, even though they may be several years old. They are imbued with support magic from the time they are tiny seedlings, making them cast a small light from their leaves. This makes them useful as night lights, as a candle, or anywhere a small light is needed.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Vivienne Trading Post Goods: Vivienne is a skilled weaver and she uses her skills to enchant thread, which she uses to create a variety of clothing. She prides herself for having wares that are both useful and flattering to the form, and she so expertly weaves the enchanted threads into the clothing that their glow complements its design - a cloak that shimmers like the night sky, a dress with glowing embroidered fireflies. She is a fickle, rather superficial creature who takes a liking to handsome individuals she sees potential in, willing to lend an extra hand or a discount to those she likes. She also has a strange sense of finding the perfect fit for a customer that enhances both their abilities and their appearance.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: No one knows her real name, but she goes by Spook. Trading Post Goods: Spook's stall looks like a flea market of odds and ends, but each item is imbued with harm magic. Nothing serious, goodness no - more like things you give to someone you don't like that you want to give a scare or make their life a little bit worse: clocks that only tells the time right sometimes (and never when you have an important appointment), a light that is always a little too dim for your needs, or maybe a chair that will slide from under you and give you a small fall. Most of her items disguise themselfs as helpful at first, but quickly becomes anything but. People find her something of a menace, and because there are those who are less than pleased with her, Spook makes herself and her stall hard to find (and by referral only).
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Dorian Trading Post Goods: Dorian offers swords that will make you an instant swordmaster with the caveat that you're a master at defending, not attacking. Should you try to attack first or do harm with them, the magic will revert and they'll be rendered more useless than a stick.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Clary Trading Post Goods: Clary offers crystal charms that let you see into the dreams of others. They're one time use and are good for one dream only and you must sign a waiver that she's not responsible for what happens if the person is having a nightmare when you peak and she's not responsible if anything comes out of the dream.Once they're used, they're very pretty.
MY OFFERING AT THE TRADING POST Kin Name: AU Name: Dorian Côté (Dory) Trading Post Goods: Dorian would make protective charms, usually carved into fangs and teeth of creatures considered highly dangerous. The bigger the tooth, the deeper the carvings, the better the protection. A good defense is a good offense, he likes to say, but poorly, with a heavy French accent.