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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:49 pm
by Baneful
Will set his mouth in a thin thoughtful line.
"What did I call you in our happiest moments?" he asked, his gaze cold, almost hoping that Henry would fail the test.
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:01 pm
by Toshiful
They had a lot of nicknames for each other. But from how he had tightened up, Henry thought he knew the one he meant.
"Also when you were trying to convince me of something," Henry said, "when you were frantic. ...But still sincere," he allowed. "You call me love. It is an important energy. We discussed it regularly." Henry folded his arms, as if by holding himself he could keep his footing on a ship in a storm without getting swept off the deck. "It has been a long time since I was happy. I do not know if all this makes you happy. Perhaps it does."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:05 pm
by Baneful
It was him then. There was no one else who he'd ever permitted so close to him, no one else he'd ever cared enough about.
He felt like this had been a mistake. Henry brought him to his knees just by being close. The Harvest Protocol was a distant thought with him here, it was hard to focus or care. They might have needed his help, but nothing else really mattered. What was more power without Henry?
"Your pain has never brought me any joy." he said. "My happiness has been hard won since you went away."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:15 pm
by Toshiful
"Since I died," Henry said. "I wasn't myself, for a while. It's easy to lose track. I was lost before everything happened. But, I'm back. You had something to do with it, I think. You gave me something."
Henry looked conflicted.
"Will, can't you stop all this?"
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:20 pm
by Baneful
"I gave you gifts, because you gave me them."
He crossed his arms irritably at the request to stop. He still didn't understand.
"Why would I stop it? I'm closer than ever to finding a way to conquer death, to solve all of our problems and put things back the way they should be. The damage doesn't matter because it will be effortless to restore whatever important things were damaged."
He gestured between them both. "And then we can be together."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:29 pm
by Toshiful
Henry's shoulders slacked.
"They were all important too, Will. They're kids. They have families. Some can still be saved. It's all worth more than just," he gestured tiredly, "Grist for your mechanisations."
He should protest that they wouldn't be together no matter what, not after everything, but the words wouldn't come.
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:37 pm
by Baneful
"I'll put them back. This is temporary." Will said, shaking his head. "It's all temporary. WE are temporary, until I make it so we are not. It's not GRIST. It's important fuel for a machine that is going to remake the world!"
He gestured to Henry. "It was always my job to look at the big picture in our plans. You looked at the big picture in our designs. I did things no one had done, you MADE things no one had made. But you won't trust me."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:26 am
by Toshiful
"It won't be temporary," Henry said, "because it takes more and more energy to sustain. And the negative energy is dangerous to use. It's a, hm- I know you always handled the financials. What was the structure?"
Henry snapped, looking briefly a little brighter.
"Pyramid scheme."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:54 am
by Baneful
"It's not a pyramid scheme!" Will exclaimed. "This current situation is limited! It needs more energy than I have right now, but once I unlock the source of the power I need, I can synthesise it in bulk. It will be far more than required."
He sighed. "We will have control again."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:16 am
by Toshiful
"In the meantime," Henry said more gently, "You are destroying a lot of families. It is the opposite of everything we wanted to do. What we built. There has been so much suffering. Our buildings should have been places of joy. The right energy would have gathered naturally. Look at it all now."
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:21 am
by Baneful
Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:14 pm
by Fasti
Week - 5? 6? Not sure sry.
Username – Fasti
Kin name – Moonlit Flower
What are they in the setting? – a kin escaping the plaza
Description (for possible sketches) –
Extra ticket? - Evidence

Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:10 pm
by subducting
Week - 6
Username – Subducting
Kin name – Midnight Melody
What are they in the setting? – A singing unicorn animatronic
Description (for possible sketches) – A little more saturated than
in the swamp, with sleek shapes and a tall frame. She has digitigrade legs and is dressed something like your typical pop idol, in white and neon blue and pink. She sports very cool pink triangle shades with no frames and a curling spiralling horn. She wears a miniskirt made of semi see through plastic (with shorts underneath) and a cool tank with a star cutout. The look is finished with a bolero in the same plastic, this time holographic. Her clothes are accented with yellow cartoon stars.
Melody sighed in relief as the attacking bots finally lay still, brushing some springs from her shoulder and turning to Unquenched. “Glad that’s over,” she said coolly, her programming instantly supplying her with a snarky remark. Something in her felt, though. She felt… warm. Relieved. Happy her friend was there.
Midnight Melody stumbled from the void and frowned, breathing heavily. She felt like she had just been in combat, but… no, that didn’t make any sense. She must have been dreaming. She realised she had something in her mouth and looked down. A… a leaf? With little spots on it… how curious. She frowned. Something weird had definitely happened here. At least… at least she was back from wherever she had been.

Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:23 pm
by lilacfishie
Week - 6
Username – lilacfishie
Kin name – Flop
What are they in the setting? – Animatronic Lizard, Available through the Arts & Crafts Party Bundle!*
*Bundle subject to availability. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any allergic reactions, maiming, paper cuts, death, or ruined clothes as a result of booking this package.
Description (for possible sketches) – A muted green lizard animatronic covered in pink, purple, and blue colorful paint splotches. Her tongue sticks out the side of her mouth and doubles as a paint brush and she has bright green eyes.
Extra ticket? -
Flop was in the middle of tearing her way through the suit protecting one of the targets when the lights went out. There was a glitch in what was left of her HUD that looked like the tree returning, but only for a flicker or two. Then, she felt the control over her processors fade. Her eyes returned to their bright green, and her working limbs sagged before she gathered herself. The lizard animatronic stumbled back and looked on at the carnage around her. There were destroyed S.T.A.F.F. Bots everywhere, parts and chunks strewn across the pathways and oil pooling under still robots. The living amongst them scattered, most of them heading up the silo to leave.
Everything had happened all at once. Just a few hours ago, she was just excited to work outside of the party rooms! Her memory banks held pictures and clips of smiling faces, cheeks and noses painted with cute designs. How many of those smiling faces were destroyed tonight? By her and the others controlled by the Storyteller? If she could weep, she would have. If she could feel sickness, she would have. Instead, an overwhelming panic washed over her processors as her remaining eye darted around.
It took some time, and watching the survivors leave, for her to come to terms that she was not in control of herself. And, sitting there with the battery she had left was not ideal. Sure, she could stay. She could wait in the party rooms for everything to go back to the way it was. But, now she knew. There were other versions of her, cast aside in the rubble down below. Did every iteration have blood on their claws? In their teeth? Dripping through their endo? Maybe. She was this version, now, though. She knew that staying meant joining the rest down here, maybe never to be replaced with another face-painting animatronic in the party rooms.
So, Flop approached the silo. She nodded to the scruffy man who started the whole thing. It seemed like his journey was not over, and she would not hinder him with questions or talk that didn't matter. Time was of the essence. If she didn't hurry up, something else might give out and her battery power wouldn't matter. Reaching up, she climbed the silo and found her way back to the "normal" halls of the Pizzaplex.
The destruction up above gave her pause. She tried not to look as she carefully stepped through the rubble and bodies. It almost felt too quiet, but everything about her sensors were out of whack, so who could say? Flop just kept limping towards the atrium. Her dead arm hung by her side, still dripping paint and oil occasionally. Her jaw hung open and warped. Her crushed eye had crumbled out in the fray, and oil trickled down her faceplate now. None of that seemed to matter, though, as the front doors got closer and closer.
If she did get replaced, she hoped against logic that, somehow, the future versions of her would be able to find this image in her memory banks. Flop did her best to keep her HUD clear of glitches and errors as she reached for the doors. She wanted it to be as clear as possible when she got there. Her processors were kicked up, fans blaring to keep her upright, as she reached for the door. She expected an error about approaching Out of Bounds, but one did not come. It seemed the system was truly down. Flop paused, just for a moment, and looked over her shoulder at the Pizzaplex. Then, she pushed the doors open to view, for the first and last time, a world beyond.
When Flop the Zikwa stumbled out of the portal, she yelped as she tumbled hind over snout. Coming back onto her hooves, she looked around frantically. Her mind was swimming, trying to put together what just happened, but the specifics were cloudy. She knew it was a place of bright light and merriment that turned dark and murderous. She knew she lost control of herself and was very injured. Her right eye felt a little blurrier than she remembered and her left front leg felt sore. Without her notice, she flexed her jaw side to side before settling it back in place while she clamped her eyes closed and sorted through what she did know. When she took a step forward, she felt something stuck to her sore leg. Looking down, she spotted the strange leaf. It felt...familiar.
There was much to consider here. Flop needed some time to think it through, maybe find some others who were there and made it out the other side? Carefully, she grasped the strange leaf in her mouth and started walking.
Escape from the Winter Festival! [CLOSED]
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:38 am
by Baneful
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- Scaramouche Fandango
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- Tiarana
- Tiarana
- Tiarana
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- AstoriaFallen
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- Beejoux
- Beejoux
- Beejoux
- Beejoux
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- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- HuniPi
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Lilacfishie
- Ruriska
- Ruriska
- Ruriska
- Ruriska
- Corn
- Corn
- Corn
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Subducting
- Fasti