Let's Play Pirates!! [All done!]

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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by Nashawryn »

Username: Nashawryn
Story: Blossom oriented her face towards the voice she heard. She could vaguely see a person standing there, and some kind of cute fuzzy creature hanging onto their shoulder. How hard could it be, she thought. Just get one of the fuzzy creatures to like her, then paint them, right? Seemed to make super sense to her. She first attempted to offer some fruit she'd 'found' nearby. The opossum closest to her lifted it's head away from her in a kind of disdainful manner. Though considering how bad Blossom could see, she wasn't sure if it was disdain or if maybe the fruit she'd grabbed wasn't really....a fruit? She shrugged and tossed it away behind her shoulder.

Next she rummaged around nearby and discovered a piece of meat that had been, you know, kind of in the garbage. Seems the opossum hadn't found it yet on their own. She then waved that at the closest opossum. It seemed thrilled with the offering and zoomed right over to her. Now, while it was busy gnawing on the meat, she started painting it. Some of the marks might have been stars... or maybe just Xs. She then added in some splotching, almost like blood splatter. You know, to make them look fierce. Nobody was gonna mess with her opossum!
Numbers rolled: 20, 19
Dice rolls
[20, 19] = 39
2d20:  [
] = 39
word count: 231
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by Astoria »

I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: Astoria
Number of steps: 4 steps
14 15 17 15 20

Someone on the shore is being a bully and throwing skipping stones at the players climbing. One hits you right in the butt. Lose 5 steps
The wind sprays you with salt water and a little bird sings off in the distance. It's so pleasant and encourages you to keep going. + 2 steps
There are MORE CRABS. This is too many crabs. You think that maybe when this is all done you might be able to round them up to take back to Eat All You Can.
The wind sprays you with salt water and a little bird sings off in the distance. It's so pleasant and encourages you to keep going. + 2 steps
A chant swells up from the shoreline, and you realize other kin are cheering you on. + 5 steps
Dice rolls
[14, 15, 17, 15, 20] = 81
5d20:  [
] = 81
word count: 155
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by Astoria »

Username: Astoria

Luring a possum wasn't hard? Or maybe it was. She had snacks, Twig always had snacks. (I'm using twig because SHE LIKES PETS). She held out a piece of dried jerky towards the ratesk creature and hoped it would come forth. To be honest she hadn't ever encountered one before and it was cute. She thought it was cute anyway.

Now to paint it!

Looking down at the assorted colors she wondered how she was going to do this. Mixing some brown and black and a little white she created the base color. Did it have to look like the possum before her? She wondered. She decided she would paint it how she saw it. beautiful. It was a beautiful creature and she wanted it to feel loved.

Making the base white with a ton of white paint she added lovely swirls of blue, tan and silver.

Tada! Her masterpiece was finished.

Numbers rolled: 4, 13
Dice rolls
[4, 13] = 17
2d20:  [
] = 17
Last edited by Astoria on Mon Dec 23, 2024 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 163
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by SerinaNight »

3.14% of sailors are Pi-rates!
Username: SerinaNight
Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke: Who was the pirate's favorite musician?
Shanté! :>
3.14% of sailors are Pi-rates!
Username: SerinaNight
Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke: What is a pirate's least favorite fish?
The catfish~ >:D
3.14% of sailors are Pi-rates!
Username: SerinaNight
Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke: What was the pirate's favorite nighttime activity?
Practicing their knots. >:D
word count: 76
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by SkylerKarashi »

I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: SkylerKarashi
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: 0

Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
You spot a sturdy looking piece of seaweed that you think you can use to help pull yourself up. That was a mistake. You stumble. Lose 1 step
The chaos around you distracts you and you misstep right into some particularly slippery sea slime. Lose 2 steps
Still Life starts up a rousing sea shanty on the shore and the swell of voices joining in gives you some major pep in your step. + 5 steps
Dice rolls
[18, 18, 8, 1, 6] = 51
5d20:  [
] = 51
Last edited by SkylerKarashi on Tue Dec 10, 2024 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 120
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by LOLLI qAq »

It is canceled out by the other steps, I'm sorry.
SkylerKarashi wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:23 pm I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: SkylerKarashi
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: .... 5?

Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
You spot a sturdy looking piece of seaweed that you think you can use to help pull yourself up. That was a mistake. You stumble. Lose 1 step
The chaos around you distracts you and you misstep right into some particularly slippery sea slime. Lose 2 steps
Still Life starts up a rousing sea shanty on the shore and the swell of voices joining in gives you some major pep in your step. + 5 steps

Please let me know if I get that five or if it's cancelled out by... the other rolls.
word count: 159
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by SkylerKarashi »

LOLLI qAq wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 11:08 pm It is canceled out by the other steps, I'm sorry.
SkylerKarashi wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:23 pm I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: SkylerKarashi
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: .... 5?

Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
Whoops. You weren't paying attention and almost stepped on a starfish. Lose 1 step
You spot a sturdy looking piece of seaweed that you think you can use to help pull yourself up. That was a mistake. You stumble. Lose 1 step
The chaos around you distracts you and you misstep right into some particularly slippery sea slime. Lose 2 steps
Still Life starts up a rousing sea shanty on the shore and the swell of voices joining in gives you some major pep in your step. + 5 steps

Please let me know if I get that five or if it's cancelled out by... the other rolls.
I had a feeling. :) I've edited to reflect that.
word count: 180
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by Kalahari »

I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: Kalahari
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: 4 (thank you doomsayer for alliance!)
RP? Piracy? Drowner can get behind that.

6. Still Life starts up a rousing sea shanty on the shore and the swell of voices joining in gives you some major pep in your step. + 5 steps
7. You find a group of little crabs doing little crab things. Where did they come from? Where are they going? You get distracted and go nowhere.
9. Nothing particularly exciting happens. You keep on moving on. + 1 step
10. In your excitement you get too close to another player and one of their hind feet clip you in the nose. It's not that bad, but you lose some momentum. Lose 3 steps
17. There are MORE CRABS. This is too many crabs. You think that maybe when this is all done you might be able to round them up to take back to Eat All You Can.
Dice rolls
[10, 9, 7, 6, 17] = 49
5d20:  [
] = 49
Last edited by Kalahari on Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 164
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by doomsayer »

3.14% of sailors are Pi-rates!
Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke: What did the crew see when they looked in the toilet?

The Captain's log

Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke:What does the pirate say when he turns 80?

Aye matey!

Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke:How come pirates take forever to learn the alphabet ?

Because they spend years at C!
word count: 67
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by doomsayer »

I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: doomsayer
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: 2 (Gonna assume we go into negatives on the math so I'm supposed to start at -5 because I got #14 first)
14. Someone on the shore is being a bully and throwing skipping stones at the players climbing. One hits you right in the butt. Lose 5 steps
12. The rock in this spot is so warm, dry, and even. If only the whole climb were this easy. + 4 steps
13. Just keep climbing. Just keep climbing. What are we gonna do? Keep climbing! You hum a little tune as you go. +1 step
7. You find a group of little crabs doing little crab things. Where did they come from? Where are they going? You get distracted and go nowhere.
5. The warm sun paired with the spray of the sea is invigorating and give you an energy boost. + 2 steps
RP?Soul Out Of Time was relieved that she finally got off of that god awful vessel stranded on the sea. This nice weather and this jovial rock climbing activity seemed incredible compared to the dreariness and terror she experienced out in the water! Though she started with a jerk on the shore being mean, she climbed up at a relaxed pace and felt like she made good headway.
Dice rolls
[14, 12, 13, 7, 5] = 51
5d20:  [
] = 51
word count: 226
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by doomsayer »

You're my new best mate!
Other player's username:
Kalahari wrote:
Number of steps added: 1
Your crew mate looks like they're getting down about their progress. Cheer them up. +1 step
Dice rolls
[7] = 7
d10:  [
] = 7
word count: 34
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by CelestialRequiem »

3.14% of sailors are Pi-rates!
Username: CelestialRequiem
Uncert: Image
Tell me a dad joke: What is a pirate's favorite drink?
word count: 24
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by CelestialRequiem »

I'm the captain of this ship...
Username: CelestialRequiem
Uncert: Image
Number of steps: 4

1. The chaos around you distracts you and you misstep right into some particularly slippery sea slime. Lose 2 steps
17. There are MORE CRABS. This is too many crabs. You think that maybe when this is all done you might be able to round them up to take back to Eat All You Can.
20. A chant swells up from the shoreline, and you realize other kin are cheering you on. + 5 steps
9. Nothing particularly exciting happens. You keep on moving on. + 1 step
7. You find a group of little crabs doing little crab things. Where did they come from? Where are they going? You get distracted and go nowhere.
Dice rolls
[1, 17, 20, 9, 7] = 54
5d20:  [
] = 54
word count: 128
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Because Nasha was so far ahead of everyone else I feel wrong rolling between the top three/four- so I'm doing things differently this week.

I'm thing to be awarding Nasha a total of 5 tickets, and then rolling among everyone for two winners.
word count: 46
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Let's Play Pirates!! [Open] Second raffle on 12/15

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Rolling week 2
  1. Nashawryn
  2. Nashawryn
  3. Nashawryn
  4. Nashawryn
  5. Nashawryn
  6. Astoria
  7. SkylerKarashi
  8. Kalahari
  9. Doomsayer
  10. CelestialRequiem
  11. SkylerKarashi
  12. Scaramouche Fandango
  13. Scaramouche Fandango
  14. Astoria
  15. cashmeresky
  16. Wyrm
  17. Lirilei
  18. Lirilei
Dice rolls
[6, 3] = 9
2d18:  [
] = 9
word count: 23
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