username: Ruriska
kin to plush:

Plushie Number: first!
wander wrote:
wander wrote:
wander wrote:
15. It's snack time again! When you lift the ladle, a medium sized egg sits in the groove - a songbird egg, but it's bigger than usual, like an owl egg. Do Owlcats have eggs . . . ? (+2 ticket)
17. Ladle time! Going to the pot, you quickly swipe for your prize, and you come out with a crane egg, hefty! (+3 ticket)
1. As you lift the ladle, you see a golden ball instead, not even an egg. Voice seems very excited, and lets you know you won the grand prize! (this can only be won once a week, after it will give 5 tickets!)ticket count: 10
wander wrote:
wander wrote:
wander wrote:
Ahhh thank you <3 What a gorgeous chicken
11. Lifting in the ladle, all you get is tea. It happens sometimes, but unfortunately, that means no eggs. Sorry. (0 tickets, boo)
19. It's snack time again! When you lift the ladle, a medium sized egg sits in the groove - a chicken egg . . . which came first. (+2 ticket)
16. Egg time! With a scoop of your ladle, you see one little egg bobbing around. Traveler stares at you pathetically. You should eat that fast. (+1 ticket)
wander wrote:
Mm, a whole dinner of egg :F