WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Matope's RP-heavy Fall/Halloween 2023 Event!
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: Three Wolf Moon
Preference List: Bat, Budgies, Frog 2, Frog 1
RP & Story:

Wolf paced in a little circle--it always helped the young Kiokote to stay in motion while they thought--and considered the facts before them. He stared for a long moment at the cage that, somehow, held the capture motes captive.

"Steals Fire, he said the motes would 'lead us' to find the sun's light. Every night, the sun gathers herself together and journeys across the lands of the sky, looking down at us and taking note of everything beneath. At the very edges of the world are the great waters, and after she rests for a time, the sun travels through and under the waters back to the eastern sky, to journey again and see what is made new the next day."

"I think....when the sun was taken, she didn't go without a fight. She didn't go willingly. Deep under the great waters, there was....a battle. A struggle of some kind. The sun, she fought. The sun, she bled."

"These are drops of sunblood, wandering, trying to rejoin her. The visions? Little pieces and parts of what Sun Herself has seen, in all her journeys across the sky. And these motes...you see it, don't you? They are alive, and when we collect enough of them together, they will pool, as drops of water pool together, as blood runs together. They run from us because they are such small and lost little pieces that they cannot understand friend and enemy. Maybe, with enough of them together...they will remember who, and what, they really are."

Three Wolf Moon made one more pace around the fire's light, staring into all of the eyes of the other listening kin.

"If not, we'll have to remember for them."
Last edited by Zuki on Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 315
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: Heat Glow
Preference List: Bat, Budgies, Frog 2, Frog 1
RP & Story:

Heat Glow listened intently to the other storytellers, softly tapping one hoof against a stone to listen to the soft tock sound it made.

"In the desolate and lonely places of the desert, and I think it must too be the same in the bleak and empty places of the swamp, the dead gather. Without bodies, they cannot be hurt by the harsh heat or bitter cold, but the wind? Breath is our wind, and the wind is the breath of the world. The shadows and echoes left behind with us after our dead pass are blown away and along by the great winds, to the still and hollow places."

Despite the heat of the fire, the doe shivered.

"Normally, we cannot see the souls and shadows--even the light of the moon and stars is too bright and would overwhelm them. But without those things here? We can all see them now. Lost souls whisper to each-other, but they cannot learn new stories, because they have lost the ability to learn new things. The shades cannot learn, but they cannot forget. They echo and echo, repeat their own tales and retrace their own steps. These motes of light are the lost souls of the swamp."

That is why they linger. And it is why they are drawn to our stories, because these little motes, remaining of our beloved dead, ache for the new stories and new experiences of us, the living. Enough stories and we will help them remember more and more of their former lives. The dead have been with us...a very long time. Some of them will remember how to find the light again."
Last edited by Zuki on Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 299
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Anhelisk »

Kin Name: Pride Parade
Preference List: Just glow, please!
RP & Story: The sprawling, indeterminate night had been going on for what Pride Parade now believed to be at least a week of time, based on the rot of a carcass she'd stowed in a cave. Kin had congregated, and the conversation was rich about the Helpers, the fight to lure back the sun... and the strange motes that had appeared only after the darkness had spread. She'd been enjoying listening to the stories of the kin around her, and eventually, the time came for her to give her own take on what the motes were.

Pride Parade huffed good-naturedly in the circle as a kin turned to her. "I've heard a story of something like these motes, but the world is vast, and I have no way of knowing if they're the same-- I'm not stalling, I just... fine, fine, I'll do my best. I'm no storyteller, I'll have you know. Now, it's been a very long time since I heard the story... let me try to do it justice."

"In the beginning, everything was white. Blindingly, painfully bright-- so bright that detail was washed out and even the MotherFather had a splitting, terrible headache. There was nothing for her to pound her head upon, no relief... so she set about butting her knee against her brow, until finally, with a crack, her skull split open, and the world began to spill from the MotherFather's head. As land stretched on and trees grew, as the horizon was born and caves crawled through the earth, there became a way to escape the light. The MotherFather gently herded most of the light into their head, to fill the space left empty by the world pouring out, leaving the world in darkness.

"Having been used to inescapable light on the surface, only the creatures of the caves and burrowing in the soil tolerated the night well, so the MotherFather created the sun-- and then, realizing that some creatures suffered at even the Sun's constant touch, made the Moon for them to trade places. The MotherFather also blessed some of their creations with the glow of light on their own-- the kimeti and the zikwa, of course, but also many types of mushrooms, many insects, and some creatures that live in the sea.

Once the world was created in its entirety, the MotherFather returned to the sky, enveloping us in her pelt to keep us warm and safe. The lights... some say they're her tears, escaped from the constant light of creation, coming to visit the world."

She paused awkwardly, shifting from one foot to another as the kin looked at her. "And... that's all I remember. Now, who's next?"
word count: 477
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: The Heart Shines With Light
Preference List: Spring Bat, Budgies, Frog 2, Frog 1
RP & Story:

Heartshine stumbled into the ring of storytellers and story-listeners, eyes feverish. He'd recently returned to his senses after a bout of mote-hunting and was filled a deep conviction at what the motes were.

"In my naming dream, each and every thing--each and every kin and creature, each and every stone and blade of grass, shone with the inner light of being itself. That shine was so very much like these motes."

"Light comes from life. Life...creates light. In the dark, the greatest, oldest, darkness, no-one could tell one thing from another, as in the darkness of the sleep before birth we cannot tell ourselves from the world and we are one with our naming dreams."

But what about Totoma and those born dreamless? Heartshine forced himself to ignore his inner critic and kept going.

"But the darkness of the world before the birth of light grew too crowded, too tightly packed and teeming with potential. Motherfather stretched out--and tore the sac of the old darkness open. With space, there was friction, and as any firekeeper will tell you, from friction comes sparks. Those little sparks of light caught, and grew, and became the little flames in the hearts of all things that yearned to be themselves. These motes are the wandering hearts of stars, separated and lost from their homes. They want to go home as much as we do. As the hearts of lost stars live in the sky...they will lead us back to the sun's home."
word count: 281
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by blue »

8 winners!
Also adding all these tickets to helper raffle.
  1. Anhelisk
  2. Anhelisk
  3. Anhelisk
  4. Appeal
  5. Appeal
  6. Appeal
  7. AstoriaFallen
  8. AstoriaFallen
  9. Astraea
  10. Astraea
  11. Baneful
  12. Dawns_Stars145
  13. Eevee
  14. fluo
  15. fluo
  16. fluo
  17. HuniPi
  18. HuniPi
  19. kuropeco
  20. kuropeco
  21. kuropeco
  22. lilacfishie
  23. lilacfishie
  24. lilacfishie
  25. Lirilei
  26. LOLLI qAq
  27. LOLLI qAq
  28. Lutz
  29. Lutz
  30. Lutz
  31. Owlsomniac
  32. Owlsomniac
  33. Ruriska
  34. Ruriska
  35. Ruriska
  36. Scaramouche Fandango
  37. Scaramouche Fandango
  38. Scaramouche Fandango
  39. SerinaNight
  40. SerinaNight
  41. SerinaNight
  42. subducting
  43. subducting
  44. subducting
  45. Toshiful
  46. Toshiful
  47. Toshiful
  48. Zuki
  49. Zuki
  50. Zuki
Dice rolls
[11, 16, 19, 2, 7, 37, 1, 49] = 142
8d50:  [
] = 142
word count: 66
(icorn by amitotic!)
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by blue »

Gotta reroll 2.
  1. Appeal
  2. Appeal
  3. Appeal
  4. Astraea
  5. Astraea
  6. Dawns_Stars145
  7. Eevee
  8. HuniPi
  9. HuniPi
  10. lilacfishie
  11. lilacfishie
  12. lilacfishie
  13. Lirilei
  14. LOLLI qAq
  15. LOLLI qAq
  16. Lutz
  17. Lutz
  18. Lutz
  19. Owlsomniac
  20. Owlsomniac
  21. Ruriska
  22. Ruriska
  23. Ruriska
  24. SerinaNight
  25. SerinaNight
  26. SerinaNight
  27. subducting
  28. subducting
  29. subducting
  30. Toshiful
  31. Toshiful
  32. Toshiful
Dice rolls
[18, 2] = 20
2d32:  [
] = 20
word count: 38
(icorn by amitotic!)
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by blue »

One more!
  1. Astraea
  2. Astraea
  3. Dawns_Stars145
  4. Eevee
  5. HuniPi
  6. HuniPi
  7. lilacfishie
  8. lilacfishie
  9. lilacfishie
  10. Lirilei
  11. LOLLI qAq
  12. LOLLI qAq
  13. Owlsomniac
  14. Owlsomniac
  15. Ruriska
  16. Ruriska
  17. Ruriska
  18. SerinaNight
  19. SerinaNight
  20. SerinaNight
  21. Toshiful
  22. Toshiful
  23. Toshiful
took ut all glow only people this time lol
Dice rolls
[9] = 9
1d23:  [
] = 9
word count: 37
(icorn by amitotic!)
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by blue »

Congrats all!
Baneful wrote:Image
fluo wrote:Image
kuropeco wrote:Image
AstoriaFallen wrote:Image
Scaramouche Fandango wrote:Image
Zuki wrote:Image
Appeal wrote:Image
lilacfishie wrote:Image Image
word count: 19
(icorn by amitotic!)